Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 110: a hat that covers the head of the Principality of Stading

Earl Weilun could not raise any objection to the terms of negotiation proposed by Xu.

After the two sides started the war, the losses suffered by the new Feishang Chamber were completely affordable, and the difficulties encountered could indeed be solved by other means, but the losses suffered by him were simply irreparable.

Originally, he defeated the Count of Fran and several other lords, and the number of soldiers he could fight was more than 30,000. The number of soldiers alone is considered to be one of the few lords in Stading’s country after Stadt’s Grand Duke. .

And if it is about combat effectiveness, it may even exceed the Grand Duke Stein.

However, after the war with the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, he found that he had no way to do anything with the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce.

The private territory that can't be attacked by Xu Yi is no problem. Even he can't even completely block the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce. It is even more helpless to the destruction team sent by the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce.

The five hundred human guards led by Hart were invincible in the territory of the Earl of Wein, and in just half a month, the Earl of Weinen lost thousands of elite soldiers and many important supplies.

If the two sides continue to be so stagnant, the Earl of Weilun even believes that one day, one day, it will be guarded by the 500 new flying business associations in this district.

Moreover, the most important loss brought about by the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce is that he can no longer obtain any military magic machinery supply from the new Feishang Association.

At the same time as the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, the four lords who united in the South were still launching an offensive against the newly occupied territory of the Earl of Wein.

At first, the Earl of Weilun could easily block and even counterattack.

However, after several urgent instructions. The Earl of Weilon found a serious problem.

Because of the war with the new Feishang. Lost the supply of military magic machinery. In addition, the consumption in the battle is extremely high, and the military magic machinery that can be used for continuous combat in his subordinates has not been supported for a long time.

According to estimates, the materials in his hands can only support a maximum of only one week.

Unlike him, the four lords who fought with him had already hoarded a large amount of military magic machinery supplies.

Every time I think that I will lose the help of military magic machinery, and the four lords can still use it, the Earl of Weilun is immediately full of coolness.

He knows more about the horrible combat power that military magic machinery can bring to soldiers than any other lord in Stading. Once this happens, his subordinates can't stop the attack of the four lords.

And if you have not been able to supply military magic machinery. He can only retreat, not only the newly occupied territory can only be fully retired, and it is not good... No, the four lords will certainly not close their hands and will continue to attack until they are completely killed.

The Earl of Weilun saw this situation very clearly, so even if Xu did not come to him for negotiations, he also had the idea to go to Xu to negotiate.

Although the conditions proposed by Xu also were excessive, they were defeated by the four lords and occupied by all the territories. It is undoubtedly much easier to accept.

What's more, Xu is also making these requests. He also presented a surprise to the Earl of Weilun, and he was also a condition of assistance he had dreamed of.

As long as the Earl of Weilun fully agrees with other conditions proposed by Xu, then the new Feishang Association will give priority to the rank of Weilun as an important partner of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, giving him priority to provide various military magic machinery and open to him. The new type of military magic machinery newly developed by Xinfei Chamber of Commerce!

When I heard this condition, I was originally angry with the various demands of Xu, who was angry with the Earl of Weilun. Without any much consideration, I fully agreed with all the conditions that Xu also proposed.

Because this so-called "important partner" in this Xu Yikou means that Xu also gives priority to the Weilun Count when he supplies all kinds of military magical machinery to all the lords of Stantin, but puts other lords on Only after consideration.

This means that the Earl of Weilun will once again have the absolute advantage of equipment when facing other lords.

As long as there is an absolute advantage in the equipment of military magic machinery, how can other lords in Standin be his opponent.

As long as I can defeat all the other lords in the country, what are the conditions that I promised to make now?

So Weideng and Xu also had a pleasant conversation and initially determined the content of the armistice agreement.

According to the provisions of the Armistice Agreement, after a comprehensive ceasefire between the two sides, the Earl of Weilun will cede nearly 600 square kilometers of land in the existing territory to Xu Yi as compensation, and must also leave all the people on this territory. As a complete ceding.

After possessing this territory, Xu’s private territory became a very narrow strip, just across the north of the Principality of Stading.

This territory is connected to the endless sea in the west, and the kingdom of Staandin and the Kingdom of Rulson are bordered by the east. If you look at it from the map, it is like a hat on the top of the Principality of Stading, just taking the Principality of Constantine. The road to the north is completely covered.

However, the Earl of Weilun did not care much about this.

The Principality of Constantine has always been extremely blocked because of the terrain, and there is very little contact with other countries on the mainland of Sainz. Even if the road to the north is completely blocked, it has no effect on the Count of Weilun.

Moreover, this territory is only divided into Xu Yi, nominally still belongs to the Principality of Stading, if the Principality of Stading wants to enter the black rice wilderness through the North, Xu also has no reason to refuse.

Besides, the manpower of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce is limited. It is no problem to hold the previous territory. It is impossible to hold this long and narrow territory without scorpio as a defense.

So when the Weideng Earl signed the armistice agreement, it was very relaxed.

In his view, even if Xu also asked him to leave all the people on the territory, it is still impossible to create any threat. On the contrary, it may become a failure.

For the situation of the people on their own territory, the Earl of Weilun knows very well.

All the men in the territory who can be used for combat can now enter the army with his symptoms. Most of the rest are old, weak, sick, and sick, and they have no help in improving the combat strength of the new Flying Chamber of Commerce. Will become a drag.

Xu also left these useless people, but it will increase his burden.

When Xu also left, the Earl of Weilun even went to Xu Yizhen with a stern look and asked Xu to treat the people he left behind.

Xu also promised that the ear of Wei Lun kept snickering.

This Xu Yi, I really think that I have a big bargain? It’s ridiculous!


"I think the Earl of Weilun must think that he has taken advantage of it." Xu also handed the armistice agreement in his hand to Kennard. "The guy who only has a nap in his head is definitely not thinking. I want this territory and these people are not fighting at all."

"How could such a guy understand the idea of ​​the president?" Kennard laughed and took the armistice agreement and read it over and nodded. "Good, president, this way, Your private territory can be connected to the Black Rice Wilderness and the Moon Shadow tribe, and the easternmost can connect the Kingdom of Rulson. As long as the Slu Highway is completed, our Chamber of Commerce products can enter the Kingdom of Rulson very smoothly. And other places on the mainland."

"This is not the most important thing. Now the situation inside the Kingdom of Lampari has changed. The biggest obstacles encountered before our Chamber of Commerce are no longer there. The transportation on land is not a problem, but it is often through the Kingdom of Lampari. It is more convenient. The most important place to ask for such a territory is to link the black rice wasteland to our existing site, which is much easier for the overall development plan." Xu Yidao.

Hearing Xu also mentioned the situation inside the Kingdom of Lampari. Kennard’s expression was slightly strange and he gave a glance at him. He hesitated and asked: “Why will you refuse to participate in the coronation of His Majesty the Servini? Ceremony? Our Chamber of Commerce will definitely start more and deeper cooperation in the future, and this opportunity will deepen the connection with Her Majesty the Queen, but it is very helpful to us."

Xu also turned to look at the direction of the Kingdom of Lampari and slowly shook his head: "You should be my wayward."

Hearing the complicated emotions revealed by Xu Yizheng, Kennard looked at him and looked at Xu Yi and laughed.

"Well, the president will be very rare, I have nothing to say."

Xu also smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "Oh, I can be willful in this respect, but I can't be willful in your affairs. It's not too late, you can pack up and clean up Anweimar. Allen The count is definitely waiting for you to go home and reunite with him. If I stay with you, Count Allen will blame me."

Kennard shook his head: "My father has always supported me to stay with you. Even if he doesn't go back to accompany him for the New Year, he won't say anything. What really resent you to the president is Sofia..."

When I heard the name "Sofia", Xu also suddenly smiled.

"Sophia is not already engaged, you advise me for her, just treat me as her fantasy, and it is better to forget me completely in the future, so it is better for her."

"If you forget to forget, then things can be much simpler." Kennard sighed softly. "The president, Sofia's character, I know very well. She is much more concerned about what she really cares about than the average person. If she does something amazing, it is not a strange thing."

Xu also looked at Kennard with a sigh of relief: "What does she want to do?"

Kennard shook his head: "I can't guess. I just remind you that this may be."

Xu also thought about it, frowning and shaking his head.

The little girl’s mind doesn’t say him, most people in the world can’t guess.

But even if Sophia is so bold, what can he really do? (To be continued...)
