Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 11: Lost the possibility of cooperation

The northern part of the kingdom is slightly different from the south. Bangna City is already the spring season. Loren City, which is less than 200 kilometers from the northern border, still does not completely fade the winter chill.

However, at this time, the heart of His Royal Highness Prince Eric is hot, not only easily surpasses this chill, but has even passed the spring, as hot as the hot summer.

It’s time to make a fortune!

Looking at the plains outside the city, the well-equipped, full-spirited, well-dressed 30,000-strong North Army soldiers, His Royal Highness Prince Eric only felt that his self-confidence has never been as abundant.

He even felt that with the 30,000-strong North Army soldiers, he could go all the way north, not only to break the gates of the Sark Kingdom, but even to the capital of the Sark Kingdom and surrender the entire Sark Kingdom to his own. Under the iron hoof.

At that time, who possessed such a great military power, who else is eligible to compete with him for the next king?

However, reason tells him that this is absolutely unrealistic.

Now the reason why the North Army of the 30,000 towns seems to be so combative is entirely because this time the various aristocrats who supported him in the kingdom have continuously brought in various materials, which has made the logistics problems that have been plaguing the Zhenbei Army A substantial relief, so that the spirit of the entire town of the Northern Army has been renewed, it seems that the fighting power has risen.

Even so, it is impossible to rely on the 30,000-strong Northern Army to defeat the Sark Kingdom.

At the time of the strategic goal of the Duke of Stark. The Duke of Stark warned Eric very clearly that he would not expect to be able to really defeat the Sark Kingdom.

This is something that the Kingdom of Lampari could not do for centuries before, and he has extremely strong support now. It is never possible to achieve.

The reason for launching this war was to fight for the victory of His Royal Highness Prince Eric, so that he could add a huge stack of chips for his throne.

So this time Eric's strategic goal is clear: that is, the army that can defeat the Sark kingdom is several times, and it is enough to take advantage of the Sark kingdom, without having to go too far into the Sark kingdom.

As long as you have the military power to defeat the Sark kingdom, it is enough to make him have a very strong chip.

Really want to completely defeat the Sark Kingdom. That is to ask for it.

The mind flashed over the embarrassment of the Duke of Stark, and Prince Eric couldn't help but frown slightly. Gently snorted.

"The reason why I couldn't defeat the Sark Kingdom before is not because you aristocrats are not willing to contribute their own strength. After inheriting the throne, I must take the whole kingdom in my own hands. At that time, the power of the whole kingdom will be launched. Do not believe that there is no way to defeat the Sark Kingdom!"

of course. The idea of ​​Prince Eric only dared to flash in his mind, but never revealed it.

Now he can rely on the support of the great aristocrats led by the Duke of Stark in the kingdom to gain an advantage in inheriting the throne.

Otherwise, with the power he controls now, don't say that trying to win military power from the Sark kingdom is conducive to his own struggle for the throne. I am afraid that even maintaining his own 5,000 private guards is extremely difficult.

Thinking of the 5,000 private guards, Prince Eric’s gaze passed over the town’s northern army and landed on the other side of the team. The brow wrinkled even deeper.

This square matrix is ​​staggered. Compared to the town of the North Army, the block is neat and uniform, as if the general standard square is drawn with a ruler.

Moreover, the soldiers in the phalanx are even more lazy, and they all reveal a decadent atmosphere. The morale of the Zhenbei Army is so high that the soldiers who look good are even worse.

In the past few months, Prince Eric spent most of his time in the military camp. It was no longer the former layman who knew nothing about the military.

Now, he can see at a glance if he let his five thousand private guards and the same number of Zhenbei troops face each other. He is sure that his 5,000 private guards will definitely be defeated and have no resistance.

But this is also a no-brainer. Although the father officially announced that he became one of the heirs and had the authority of 5,000 private guards, but because of his limited strength, he could not afford to support so many private guards.

Now these 5,000 people, or the aristocrats who support him, have been transferred from their own private army and the quality can be imagined.

Prince Eric does not trust the 5,000 people, and naturally he will not pay more attention to it.

Of course, he still hopes to cultivate five thousand cronies, because that can be his own strength.

But now his strength is too thin, the main reason is that there is no money, so he has not been able to consider these things.

Thinking of this, Prince Eric couldn't help but give birth to a hint of envy and jealousy of Servini.

According to the information he obtained, the 5,000 private guards of Servini have also been recruited.

Unlike his five thousand private squadrons, which have no fighting power, some of Servini’s 5,000 private guards are carefully selected by their nobles from their own private army, fighting power and complete waste from his men. different.

The other part is that Servini recruited himself.

Thanks to the good reputation of Servini in the kingdom, coupled with the good treatment provided by her private guard, the recruited private guards are very skilled and equally good at fighting.

More importantly, the 5,000 private guards of Sevigny are equipped with the standard individual combat military magic machinery provided by the new Flyer.

Purely in terms of combat effectiveness, a soldier in the private team of the Sevinis is enough to rival several soldiers in the town's northern army, not to mention the private guard soldiers of Prince Eric.

In addition to the single-armed military magical machinery, it is said that the new Feishang Association has also equipped several new magical trebuchets for the private Guards of Severini, as well as some military magical machines that do not know the specific use, but are certainly powerful.

This is combined. The same is 5,000 people, and the private guards of Servini and Eric’s private guards are a world of difference.

The most important reason for this huge gap lies in the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce.

Think of it here. Prince Eric passed a trace of regret in his heart.

Before the Viscount Leslie had met him in Loren City, he had advised him not to be completely opposed to the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, because Xu also supported the development of the Kingdom of Lampari, and he would not reject it and Irene. Prince Ke cooperated.

In order to reflect the clear distinction between himself and Servini, Prince Eric did not consider this proposal of Viscount Leslie.

Later, Earl of Michelle of Durhamton City also wrote a letter suggesting that it could consider cooperating with the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, and Prince Eric also directly rejected it.

And wait until the news passed a few days ago. At the product launch conference of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, Xu also clearly stated his position to everyone, and clearly stated that he would support His Royal Highness Servini. This means that Prince Eric has no longer the possibility to cooperate with Xu Yi and Xinfei Chamber of Commerce.

A few days ago, Prince Eric did not care much when he heard the news for the first time. He still laughed at Xu’s stupidity.

However, now I think of the combat gap between my private guard and the Sevigny Private Guard, and then think of the other aspects of the new support that the New Flyer can provide, he found. I am afraid I really missed something.

It’s just that this is the case, and Prince Eric is also very clear that he has no turning back, and regrets have no meaning.

Since Xu also fully expressed his support for Servini's attitude, then Prince Eric can only clearly define his boundaries, or it will cause the suspicion and dissatisfaction of the great aristocrats who support himself, but it is not good for him.

"Well, wait until my military skills are at hand and I will be on the throne in the future. The whole kingdom will be under my control. The new Feifei Chamber of Commerce is not for me."

Prince Eric pinched his fist and his face regained a confident smile.

"His Royal Highness. Time is almost up, you should be ready to start mobilizing before the war." Earl of Stark whispered.

Before the arrival of Prince Eric, the city owner of Loren was originally the Earl of Stark.

He was transferred to the city owner who had only served for one year in Bangta City. He thought that he would be able to transfer to other places in Loren City for a long time, but he did not expect to come to more than one. In the month, Prince Eric came airborne. He took the position of the city owner directly from his hand.

Although the Earl of Stark had already received the family's inspiration and obeyed the will of the family. During this time, he did his best to assist His Royal Highness Prince Eric according to the family's instructions, but as time went on, Count Stark found that he was increasingly suspicious of the decision of the family to support His Royal Highness Prince Erik. .

It should be said that Prince Eric himself is not a foolish guy. On the contrary, he is smart, and he is very atmospheric. He is also eager to learn. He came to Loren City for only half a year, and he gained a certain reputation here. It also laid a certain foundation, and it can be said that the performance is quite good.

But after spending a long time with Prince Eric, Earl Stark found that he had a very significant shortcoming, that is, he was too stubborn, and even arrogant.

As long as it is something he has determined, he will almost never adopt it regardless of any other person's comments.

Although he may seem to be tempered and considered on the surface, in the end, he will still stick to his own ideas without any wavering.

This point is particularly evident in the attitude towards the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce.

After serving as a city owner for a year in Bangta City, Earl Stark’s impression of Xu Yi was completely different.

When he left Bangta City, he actually changed his mind almost completely, and Xu was not as hostile as when he first went to Bangta City.

He not only fully realized the value of Xu Yihe and Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, but also seriously considered the possibility of cooperation between the Stark family and Xu.

Because of this idea, in fact, Count Stark has also proposed to Prince Eric to consider cooperating with the New Flyer Chamber of Commerce, rather than completely rejecting it.

However, Prince Eric explicitly rejected the proposal of Earl Stark, and even questioned the countdown of the Count of Stark in Bangta City for a year. Is it also tempted by Xu, so that this and Stark The proposal of the family side is contrary.

From that moment on, Count Stark knew that there was no possibility of any cooperation between Prince Eric and the New Flyer Chamber of Commerce, and that the Stark family was equally impossible.

Looking out of the city, the morale is high and full of spirits. It seems that the battle of the north of the army is extremely strong, and Count Stark sighed deeply in his heart.

"Even if you don't cooperate fully with the new Feishang Association, as long as you normally purchase the military magic machinery from the new Feishang Association, the combat force of the Zhenbei Army will definitely have a qualitative leap? This has definitely rejected the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce. Okay?" (To be continued)