Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 106: The ambition of the Earl of Weilun

The dividing line between the Weilong lord’s delivery to Xu’s private territory and his private territory is mainly a river that originates from the northern border of the Principality of Constantine and the black rice wilderness, and finally flows into the endless sea, called Abu Dante. River, meaning a rich river.

This Abu Dante River is not too wide, but after accepting this territory, Xu also copied the Rum River outside Bangta City, and also expanded the Abu Dante River and river embankment, and at the estuary. A dam was built nearby, making the narrowest part of the river more than 50 meters wide and even deeper than 20 meters deep.

At the beginning, many people at the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce did not understand Xu’s remarks on the Abu Dante River, because more than half a million gold coins were invested in the front and rear of the river.

For most people, this is simply not necessary.

Today, however, when the Count of Weilun led a 10,000-strongest elite army, he came to the Abu Dante River in a mighty way, looking at this river that was extremely wide and the water surface was deep. I found that this practice of Xu Yi is too far-sighted.

There is such a shackle, and his subordinates have no way to fly over the past. Naturally, it is impossible to attack the territory of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce.

Five days ago, the Earl of Weilun received a statement from Xu.

In the statement, Xu also sternly refused the request of Weilun’s lord to “no longer sell military magical machinery to other lords in Stading,” and said that since this territory is now owned by him, the Earl of Weilun has no The power to recover.

As for all the industries of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, the Earl of Weilun is even less qualified to obtain.

Xu’s words in the statement are very rude. The idea of ​​directly calling the Earl of Weilun is a delusion.

See this statement. The Earl of Weilun was furious. In just five days, he organized the most elite 10,000 soldiers under his command and made a big move into Xu’s private territory.

In his view, in fact, the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce only has less than 2,000 guards. Half of them are still in the black rice wilderness. Now the protective power in Xu’s private territory is just a thousand or so of the Chamber of Commerce. It is impossible to stop his army.

However, it is only the beginning. They have encountered such a huge obstacle to the Abu Dante River, and it is extremely difficult to enter Xu’s private territory.

Looking at the factory buildings and the beautiful and beautiful houses on the other side of the river, and the flat roads on the land, the Earl of Weilun snorted heavily, but his eyes showed a completely uncontrollable greed. The meaning.

In fact, he had already had the idea of ​​annexing all the industries of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce.

The great value of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce, he and the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce have long been neighbors, and the people who have worked together for a long time are most clear.

He is very clear that if he can fully incorporate the new Feishang Association into his own control, then he will be in the territory of Standin. He will certainly be the most powerful lord, even more powerful than Stein Dante.

Only the former Weilun Earl consciously is not enough. So even though the heart is infinitely coveted by the new Feishang, it can only be patient.

However, after defeating Count Fran and several other lords in succession, the strength of Earl of Weilun has expanded several times, and confidence has increased. Even he is convinced that he now has enough strength to defeat Franklin.

However, the previous four lords united against him, but he was soberly aware of a problem.

The reason why he was able to easily defeat Count Fran and several other lords relied entirely on his possession of the military magical machinery provided by the new Flying Chamber of Commerce, which made the soldiers' combat strength far beyond the other lords, and this was able to triumph.

The reason why the four lords who countered him gave him the first defeat was because their men were also equipped with the various military magic machines of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, which made both sides stand on the same starting line.

From easily defeating the opponent to the two sides are basically evenly matched, the difference is whether there is no military magic machinery.

Earl of Weilun knows this more than anyone else.

Therefore, after careful consideration, Earl Weilun made a completely unreasonable request to Xu Yi to "not allow the new Feishang Chamber to continue to sell military magic machinery to other lords in Stading."

Weilun’s Earl’s army did not expect Xu to agree, or he hoped that Xu would not agree, because in this way, he had enough excuses to launch an attack on the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce, and justifiably swallowed the new Feishang.

As long as he can completely control the new flying business association, he can continue to occupy the absolute equipment advantage, and it is absolutely easy to defeat all other lords in the public, and eventually occupy the entire Principality of Constantine and become the next Grand Duke of Constantine.

Even... He is confident to fight from the Principality of Constantine, defeat all the countries on this continent, and become the new hegemon of this continent!

But before you can achieve this ambitious and ambitious goal, you must first solve the problem ahead.

"What about the ship? Haven't you got it yet?" Earl of Weilun turned and asked impatiently to the cronies around him.

He and the full 10,000 men who had brought him had been on the Abu Dante River for a whole morning, waiting for enough boats to be transferred from other places to transport the soldiers through the **** river.

"There have been some ships collected, but the number is not much, I am afraid... I am afraid there is no way to transport so many of us at once." The confidant responded with embarrassment. "Lord Lord, do we just try to rush straight out of the bridge?"

Earl of Weilun looked in the direction of the confidant's fingers, and his eyes fell on a wide bridge across the Abu Dante River, which was not too far from here.

Just look at it, the Earl of Weilun immediately sinks his face, slaps heavily on the head of the confidant, and screams: "Are you an idiot? Didn't see a row of magic rockets and pieces of magic across the bridge. Even the smashing? It’s so hard to rush over, believe it or not, we can’t get rid of this bridge?”

The cronies touched their heads and muttered: "Isn't that exaggerated? The magical rockets and the magical flails are not used, and the power is not too big to cope."

"Crap, the magical rockets and magical shackles we use are all provided by the new Feishang Association. They will definitely not give us the best. I am sure that the magical rockets and magical shackles they use are more powerful than ours. Much larger.” Count Weilun continued to swear. "Moreover, the loss from the narrow bridge is too great. If you pass from the river, you can reduce the loss to a minimum. In the end, they are too few people? Do you understand?"

The cronies nodded again and again: "I understand that you are really wise."

The Earl of Weilun snorted and turned his head and continued to frown at the other side of the river.

Although he said it is light, he also knows that even if his number of people has an absolute advantage, but the loss of this Abu Dante River, the loss must be extremely heavy.

But as long as you can finally control the new Feishang Association, then how much heavy losses can be tolerated.

Anyway, these subordinates are civilians who have been forcibly recruited from the territories, and they will be recruited if they die.

As long as there is enough strength, you can lay a bigger territory and have more people.

There are only 10,000 people in the district. It is nothing.

"The lord of the Lord, someone flew over." The confidant on the side suddenly raised his finger against the sky in the distance.

“Fly over?” The Count of Weilun looked up and looked up. He saw a man flying high in the air from the opposite side. After a while, he had already leapt into the wide Abudante River and landed in front of the great army of the Weilun Count.

When the people came to the ground, the Earl of Weilun looked at it and saw it again.

This person is actually Xu Yi!

"The Lord Lord, can you come out and say a few words to me?" Xu Yi's gaze shot in the direction of the Count of Wei Lun until it fell on the face of Wei Lun.

Seeing the faint smile on Xu Yi’s face, Wei Lun’s heart suddenly jumped and his face changed dramatically.

He suddenly found himself ignoring a very important issue.

In calculating the combat power of the new Flying Chamber of Commerce, he only counted the **** of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, but completely ignored an important point and was able to play a decisive factor in the traditional war on the Cairns continent. The presence of a magician!

Because of the small size and the low average population quality of the Principality of Stading, there are not many magicians in the entire country, and there is no big magician.

Although Wei Lun’s lord now has many soldiers and his strength is far superior to that of the past, there is no magician in his army, because all the magicians in Constantine have been recruited by the Grand Duke of Constantine, and Steining Dagong also does not allow other lords to recruit their own magicians.

Now that Xu also flew over the river, Earl Weilun immediately thought of this serious problem.

Compared to the fact that there is no magician, the New Flying Chamber of Commerce has a large number of magicians.

Do not say anything else, just the New Flying Chamber of Commerce Magic Research Institute, currently has a total of 463 magicians, and the lowest is also a four-level magician, which has a total of one hundred and seventeen Both are senior magicians of level 6 and above.

Not to mention that the new Feishang Association also has a super heavyweight presence, that is, Camilla Grand Sorcerer!

I would like to think that there are even more than a thousand magicians in the new Feishang Association who are responsible for making the magical mechanical power core magic array of the third and third grades. It is completely convinced that the new Feishang will not only be far from the magician’s strength. Beyond the Count of Weilun, even far beyond the entire Principality of Stading!

Even, even in front of this face, with a smile on the face of the sun, it seems that the human and animal husbandry of the new flying business club president Xu Yi, is a powerful nine-level magician! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!
