Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 103: Civil war broke out

In fact, if the Weilun lord is willing, even if the people on the territory want to leave, he has a hundred ways to stop it, and even he can completely prevent these people from leaving their territory.

Because of the absolute power of the world's aristocratic lords in their territories, these people will not dare to violate his meaning unless they escape far, let alone go to the neighboring Xu Yi territory.

However, when Xu also made a negotiation with the weilong lord in this respect, the attitude of the lord Weilun was quite different from the last refusal. Xu said that since the people on their territory are willing to leave, as long as they are He will not pay any restraint if he pays a satisfactory compensation fee.

This expression is naturally a disguised consent.

After some bargaining, Xu also finally reached an agreement on behalf of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce and Weilun Lord.

According to the agreement, 5,000 people on the territory of Weilun will be “voluntarily” relocated to Xu’s territory.

According to the default rules on the mainland of Sainz, and the relevant provisions of the Principality of Constantine, Xu Yi, as the lord of the newly moved territory, must pay the corresponding relocation expenses to the Weilun lords for each of them, each of which is 150 gold coins.

In addition, in order to compensate the Weilun Lord who lost the people, Xu must pay an additional 700,000 gold coins for the Weilun lord.

The agreement totaled 2.2 million gold coins, and the new Feishang Association proposed to use some other items and measures as compensation, and obtained the consent of the Weilun lord.

It was finally determined that the new Feishang Company would pay 500,000 gold coins to the Weilun lords, and the remaining 1.78 million gold coins would be replaced by some household magic machines and various military magic machines that were supplied in four batches.

Other than that. The Weilun lord also proposed to have three opportunities for the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce to help him participate in the actual battle.

The last request. It reflects the current situation within the Principality of Constantine.

After defeating Count Fran. The Weilun lord has not thoroughly digested all the resources on the land of Count Fran, and then fought with the three lords around him, and all of them won the victory.

In just one month, he has completely defeated two of the lords, and the remaining lord is also retreating without any resistance.

I believe that it will not take long for the remaining lord to be completely defeated.

This situation has drawn the attention of all the people in Stantin.

If the Weilun lord completely defeated the three lords and swallowed their territory. Then the total area of ​​the territory of the Weilun lords will exceed the astonishing 10,000 square kilometers, becoming the largest lord of the territory of the northern kingdom of Stantin.

Even if it is placed throughout the territory of Constantine, this is one of the most powerful lords in addition to the Grand Duke of Constantine.

And because the population density of the northern part of the Principality of Constantine is higher than that of the South, once the Weilun lord succeeds in occupying these three territories, the people under his territorial name will probably exceed 500,000, only in the territory of Constantine. The number of people in the private territory of the Grand Duke of Constantine.

Taking into account his current military strength, the overall strength of the Weilun lord has even been able to compare with the great master of Stein.

This naturally caused the vigilance of other lords in Standin.

The power of the Weilun lord suddenly skyrocketed, and it was like a broken bamboo, including the four lords who had the original strength and his comparable lords. Then he would not stop. Will definitely point the military front to other lords in the country.

Even... he might challenge the Grand Duke Stein!

The division of power within Constantine is a naked strong, if the Weilun lord can defeat the great Duke. Then Weilun lord is very likely to become the next Grand Duke of Constantine, successfully mastering the entire power of the entire Stantine Principality.

For a time, the situation in the north of the Principality of Constantine became extremely tense.

Correspondingly, orders for various military magic machines flew to the new Flying Chamber of Commerce.

There may be several lords who have doubts about the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce before, but after seeing the power of the Weifang lord to obtain the military magic machinery provided by the new Feishang Association, and confirming this with the actual case, Standin All domestic lords no longer dare to have any doubts about this.

Because the capacity of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce is insufficient, there is no way to satisfy so many orders at the same time, so that the prices of many lords in Stadingen continue to actively increase.

Of course, these lords did not have enough gold coins to pay in cash. Before that, most of the lords used resources to exchange with the new franchise. Now all the lords have adopted this method.

The former iron mine of ordinary quality can be exchanged for ten magic flail or a magic rocket launcher. Now it needs three cars or even more high-quality iron ore to get it.

If you look down the entire Principality of Stading from the sky, you will find a strange phenomenon.

From all parts of the Principality of Constantine, there is a carriage like an ant, carrying a variety of ore to the northwest of the entire Principality, and finally concentrated in Xu’s private territory.

After sending all kinds of ore resources, these carriages will pull back the military magic machinery exchanged by the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce to their place of departure.

If you pay more attention to some time, you will also find that various hijackings often occur on the road of transportation and return.

The Xinfei Chamber of Commerce will only determine the transaction on its own site based on the various resources received, nor will it be responsible for the shipment.

Want to buy something? Yes, come by yourself.

Want to bring things back? Also, come by yourself.

If there is a chamber of commerce on earth that dares to take such irresponsible practices, then it will definitely be killed by all consumers.

But here, everyone takes it for granted, and no one has raised any objections.

Every time Xu also saw those who had worked hard to transport a large amount of ore resources to their own territory, only in exchange for a small number of military magic machinery fleet, the heart could not help but give birth to a sense of guilt.

Dear, we are not 包邮.

However, the team members sent by the lords changed from the hands of the new flyer to the military magic machinery needed. They are all very happy. No complaints.

As for the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce? They never thought about it.

It is different from the lords who are in Constantine. Xu’s attitude towards Servini is exactly the opposite.

When Severni was supported by various military magical machines, the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce not only took full responsibility for the transportation of these military magical machinery into the territory of the Kingdom of Lampari, but also allowed Servini to owe money.

It can be said that in the five years since the launch of the new Feishang Association, Sevigny was the first customer to be allowed to owe money by the new Feishang Association and to give priority to the products.

It is extremely popular to know which product the new Flyer will produce. It has always been in short supply.

Prior to this, only other people prepaid to the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, and then prayed for the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce to provide the goods as soon as possible, and some people owe the New Flying Chamber of Commerce.

However, for this decision of Xu Yi, no one in the entire Xinfei Chamber of Commerce raised any objection.

Everyone understands that this is Xu’s investment in Severini, and it is his gamble.

If Servini succeeds in controlling the power of the entire Lampari Kingdom, then the new Flyer will surely receive much greater returns in the Kingdom of Lampari than in the current phase of investment.

The only problem is that Her Royal Highness Servini... can she succeed?

In the fall and winter seasons of the 3784 continent, it took only three months. Sevigny used the iron facts to prove the precise judgment of Xu Yi to everyone. And the power of the support of the new Flyer Chamber of Commerce.

At the beginning of October, His Royal Highness Servini gave a speech on his private territory, once again clarifying the previous conviction of the Duke of Stark, and designated him as a traitor, and said that he would be the former king’s sister and the king’s wife. It is being negotiated.

Three days later, the Duke of Constantin issued a statement stating that His Royal Highness Servini was completely filthy. His fundamental idea was to deny the legal inheritance of Prince William's throne, to try to reach the throne, and to replace the Prince William with the will of the king to determine the king of Servini. His Royal Highness rebelled.

A week later, the two sides organized the army at the same time, and the civil war in the Kingdom of Lampari officially broke out.

At first, almost everyone thought that His Royal Highness Servini was simply hitting the stone.

Because during the year when King Eric was on the throne, the entire Lampari Kingdom was virtually under the control of the Duke of Stark.

During this time, the Duke of Stark used all means to suppress the majority of the voices against him in the kingdom, and the strength of his family was greatly enhanced.

His Royal Highness Servini was almost completely disappeared in the past year. Not only did many of the nobles who supported her be forced to change their character, but she even voluntarily disbanded a part of the private guard.

The contrast between the two sides is naturally far from heaven.

However, after the official outbreak of the civil war in the Kingdom of Lampari, the facts were beyond the expectations of all.

First, after the official declaration of the Declaration by His Royal Servini, almost half of the cities in the Kingdom of Lampari immediately expressed their support for His Royal Highness Servini.

And only a small number of cities have clearly expressed their support for King William and Duke of Stark, and most of the other cities have not clearly stated their position. Compared with the neutral attitude, the presidency of Princess Servini is even more powerful.

When the private guards of Servini and the Second Army of the Kingdom’s garrison troops sent by the Duke of Stark made their first confrontation, the result was even more shocking.

In the regular army of the Kingdom of Lampari, the second army of the kingdom garrison, which is second only to the First Army of the Kingdom garrison, has no power to fight back.

The number of soldiers in the Second Army of the Kingdom Guards is 15,000, and the number of private Guards in Servini is only 3,000.

This amazing result makes everyone feel incredible.

Why does Sevigny’s private guard have such amazing combat power?

Is it just because it is equipped with the military magic machinery provided by the new Feishang Association? (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!
