Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v3 Chapter 98: installment

The bus magic locomotive stopped outside Bangta City, and Evita got out of the car and watched a beautifully-structured two-story building built by the Sandy River in the distance and the Elf design hired by the Amley Chamber of Commerce. The elegant and generous, quiet and clean environment specially designed by the division can not help but move the mind.

It would be nice if you could buy a house here for a long time.

However, when I thought of a house with a minimum price of 5,000 gold coins, Evita immediately smashed the idea.

After recognizing the road, Evita walked straight to the high-end new concept magic residential community on the banks of the Sandy River, which was newly built by the Amrit Chamber of Commerce.

Although the community has not yet been fully built, but looking around, it can be seen that many people have come in, and several people even took the initiative to say hello to her after seeing Evita.

Some of these people, Evita, know that the family members of the small chambers of the Chamber of Commerce who have cooperation with the new flyers in the rainy valley, and several of them do not know, but they also want to come to know Ivy because of the relationship of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce. tower.

After Ivita saw them, I asked the direction of my destination.

Under the guidance of two people who have lived here for a while, Evita is very successful in finding a river near the Sandy River. The environment is definitely one of the best houses around, and then I saw it early in the house. Alcari and her two assistants have already arrived.

"Hey, Evita, come see." As soon as I saw Evita, Akali immediately excitedly waved at her.

Evita walked over and stood with her standing in front of a large window in the living room, looking out in the direction she pointed.

"How? Is it beautiful?" Akali’s face showed an extremely happy smile. I am intoxicated. "Think about it. If you live here, you can wake up in the morning every morning, you can see the beautiful Sandy River in a blink of an eye, and you can row a boat to the river in your leisure time. It’s just too Bravo!"

Evita looked at the small building that was facing the Sandy River renovation project and became a neat and beautiful several times the Sandy River. For a moment, suddenly reached out and knocked Akali’s head and shouted. "Oh, don't do daydreaming. How is your work going? If it is over, let's go to the city and make a choice of gifts. Otherwise, we can't wait to visit Steele. It is."

Akali touched his head and muttered in a low voice: "What happened to dreaming? It is not necessarily a dream."

However, to say that, listening to Evita to mention the business, Akali still turned his attention back from the beautiful scenery outside the window, looked at a few assistants who were busy in the house, and said: "From the morning to the field visits Look, it should be no problem. Conservative estimates, as long as I give me a week, I will be able to get the home central remote control system in this room."

"A week?" Evita thought about it. Shaking his head: "I am afraid that Miss Sophia will not wait."

"I can't wait for it." Akali shrugged. “This system is very demanding, and it has to be customized according to the various home magic machines she bought. How can it be done so quickly?”

"This should not be a problem? I think that since Miss Sophia bought this house and want to settle here, then the selected home magic machinery will all be the new flying home magic machine produced by our Chamber of Commerce. You only need to tell her. All of the latest home magic machines launched by our Chamber of Commerce can be used to standardize. You will be much simpler when you modulate this central system."

"This is the case, but what if Miss Sophia wants to buy other home magic machines?" Akali retorted.

"There are not many other home magic machines that can be produced by other chambers of commerce. It is not difficult to change it?" Evita suddenly frowned slightly. After thinking about it, he continued: "Speaking of this, the president seems to have mentioned it some time ago. To fully open up the production technology of various household magic machines for other chambers of commerce, should he promote the standards we have developed together?"

"There is a uniform standard to use, of course, otherwise it will not be convenient in the future." Akari is of course.

"That's not necessarily there. There will always be some chambers of commerce that are self-righteous." Evita shook her head, remembering that a Chamber of Commerce in Bangta City wanted to produce and join the ranks of magic fans, but there were always technical problems. Through various relationships, she found her head up and asked her for advice.

However, after she ran to see it, she found that this chamber of commerce might want to pursue new ideas when it produced the magic fan, forcibly changing a lot of standard parameters about the magic fan, so that the magic fan finally produced has a lot of convenience and fit. Naturally, problems are prone to occur.

In addition to studying magical spacecraft, Evita recently studied the standardization of magic crystal magic output, which is very sensitive to standard unification. When even reluctantly reprimanded the so-called several technicians of the chamber of commerce, then The magic fans they reproduced were parameter-corrected and incorporated into the standard of the new Fly Magic Fan.

"Then I don't care anymore. Anyway, taking the modification requested by Miss Sophia is also an opportunity for us to practice for the research project of our group. How to do it, naturally, the request of Miss Sophia will prevail." Carly Road.

Evita nodded, no longer said, and concentrated on the work of Akali and the assistants.

This so-called home central remote control system actually uses the magical array resonance technology studied by Akali to exert corresponding influences on other magical arrays remotely, thus affecting these household magics by affecting the magic array in various household magical machines. Mechanical control.

On the new Municipal Square in Bangta City, Akali realized all the magic lights on the remote new municipal square through this technology.

Later, after further research, Akali can already use different magic frequencies to generate different frequencies to affect different magic arrays, thus controlling different kinds of magic machinery through a magic remote control system.

Because nowadays all households in Bangta City have more and more home magic machines, this system will have a lot of use space once it is successfully developed.

However, this is still Akali's practice of placing it in the real residents' home. If it is not for Miss Sophia's initiative, she may not be willing to actually use it. After all, this technology is not so mature in her view.

After Evita waited for a while, the three assistants brought by Akali set up the corresponding magic array in various marked and placed home magic machines, and then Akali took out the morning. Prepare the remote control box and start remote sensing of different magic arrays in batches.

It turns out that placing these magic arrays in the house is really different from the layout in the laboratory.

Although the remote control box can still affect every magic array, there will always be some reduction in the effect.

"How? Can you do it?" Seeing that the reaction of other magical arrays was not so normal, Evita asked with some concern.

"It seems to be a problem..." Akali frowned at the magic array in the remote control box and made minor modifications to continue testing. "But it's not a big problem. It's fine to modify it according to the actual situation. From the current point of view, the biggest problem is because there is a gap in the standard of the magic array of our new flying home magic machine."

"I think this question should be reported to the president. He also attaches great importance to the standardization. If he agrees, I would like to ask the Magic Institute to carry out all the magical array research in the future. Tower road.

"The president should agree. But now I have to solve the problem of Miss Sophia's house..." Akali thought: "So, Evita, we pick out the frequency from the home magic machinery department." The closest ones are to Miss Sophia. As for other issues, we will return to the Institute for further study."

"Well, meeting the needs of Miss Sophia is a priority." Evita nodded and agreed to Akali's proposal.

After the preliminary test, the rest of the work was only a few simple and simple data collection. Akali looked at the sky outside the window and took a few words to the three assistants. He left the small room with Evita. Building, walk to Bangta City.

Still not out of the community, a carriage that hangs the badge of the Amrit Chamber of Commerce slowly came over and stopped in front of the two.

The two presidents who have seen Paulus jumped from the carriage many times and made a greeting to the two men: "Evetta Dean, Miss Akali, think that the high-end residential community built by our chamber of commerce How? Is it very consistent with the concept of the modern magic house of your Chamber of Commerce?"

Akali squinted his nose and snorted: "Good is good, it is too expensive!"

President Cruise laughed happily: "This is a high-end residence. If it is not expensive, how can it appear to be upscale? Miss Akali, you think it is too expensive, is there an idea to buy a house? ?"

"I really want to..." Akali didn't breathe a sigh of President Cruise. "But your Amrit Chamber of Commerce has set the minimum price for these houses to five thousand gold coins. How can I afford it?"

"Can't afford it? Not necessarily." President Cruise narrowed his eyes, like an old fox who wanted to seduce the hen. "Miss Akali, I recently got a new idea from your president Xu, that is the installment payment. How? Are you interested?"

"Instalment?" Akali and Evita are amazed. (To be continued...)