Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v3 Chapter 96: The prince's banquet

On the northern border of the Kingdom of Lampari, temperatures are always falling faster than elsewhere.

It was only in the autumn, and the air in the morning clearly felt a few chills. Even the viscous Leslie, who had always been self-sufficient, had to pass the military uniform cotton coat and shrink his body.

Feeling the thinness of the cotton coat on his body did not bring much warmth to himself, and Leslie Lesley could not help but frown.

"Is the military not saying that we want to upgrade the military standards of our northern army? How can we get into the winter now, and the new cotton coat has not been sent yet?"

Walking next to him is the colleague Muller of the Zhenbei Military Logistics Department. He heard a bitter smile: "The military is saying this every year, but you have been in the northern army of our town for more than two years. Seeing implementation once?"

"Is this not right? Compared to the military magic machinery that was sent during the counterattack of the Murto Mountains at the beginning of the year, is the area cotton coat worth a few dollars?" Leslie was puzzled.

The smile of Muller’s face was a bit more intense.

"I said Leslie, you have been working in the Logistics Department for the past two years. It is impossible to know what is going on in the Beijing North Army. Those military magical machines are expensive, but the number of them sent is not much, the total is counted. It’s just a few hundred thousand gold coins. But if you want to improve all the armaments of our town’s Northern Army, you have to spend too much. Others, our town’s North Army currently has a total of almost 30,000 people, that is, each person. A brand new cotton coat, it must have at least 50,000 gold coins. Together with other messy living materials, do you think the military can afford it?"

"Three thousand cotton coats must exceed 50,000 gold coins? Isn't that the average one is close to two gold coins?" Leslie frowned. “I have only been responsible for the distribution of supplies in the Logistics Department in the past two years, but I have rarely asked the specific prices of these living materials. How could it be so expensive?”

Muller looked at Lesley deeply: "Lesley. You are leaving soon. I am bold enough to tell you today. To be honest, the cotton coat you wear is One gold coin is eighty silver coins, but the actual purchase price is only ninety silver coins."

Lesley narrowed his eyes and did not continue to ask where the ninety silver coins in the middle of Muller went.

After all, he was born in the big aristocratic family of the Stark family. The knowledge is far from the average person. In addition, he has touched some insiders in the work of the Zhenbei Military Logistics Department in the past two years. Now Muller reminded him, I can't guess the tricks that exist in this.

I have thought of myself for more than two years to see how many soldiers in the Zhenbei Army lost their lives in the battle or because of serious injuries. Viscount Lesley couldn't help but sneer and stop talking.

After the two walked silently along the same route, Muller probably felt that the atmosphere was too heavy, and smiled and smiled: "Lesley, your transfer order should have been down?"

Lesley nodded: "I approved it the day before yesterday. I was able to leave yesterday, but I want to stay for two more days and decide to start tomorrow."

Muller took a look at Lesley and thought about it: "You are transferred back to the headquarters of the military staff. I want to use the power of your family. I will definitely rise in the military in the future. You have not left the town." Army, I will tell you the truth. If you have the chance, you can help us with the help of the Northern Army. The town of Beijing has been so bitter for so many years..."

Lesley nodded slowly and looked solemn: "I will."

Muller patted Leslie's shoulder hard, hesitated, but sighed, after all, he still did not say the words behind.

Lesley shook his head and patted Muller's shoulder.

The two were silent again.

After a lap, Muller’s face finally returned to normal, and smiled at Leslie: “Since you are leaving tomorrow, how about getting a farewell party for me this evening?”

"That's not necessary." Lesley shook his head. "The first two days when you knew the news, you didn't have a farewell party. Once again, you just want to drink in this name. Of course, if you can, I hope to have a good meal with you, but It is a pity that I still have something to do today, and I may have to leave in a while."

"Is it?" Muller looked at Lesley for a moment, and suddenly reached out and hugged him. "Then I wish you a smooth rise in the future."

Lesley clasped Muller backhand and slammed it on his back. Shen Sheng said: "Keep it."

The two men's arms were forced at the same time, and then they separated. Muller raised his hand and left.

Looking at the back of Muller’s head and not leaving, Leslie thought that the soldiers who had experienced the **** fire were different, and there would never be any muddy water.

After turning around and looking at the north for a while, Lesley turned back to her single room at the garrison.

The Brunei housekeeper had already led two servants to pack all the items of Leslie. When Leslie came back, he said: "Master, let's go now? His Royal Highness has been waiting for a long time."

"His Royal Highness Prince..." Leslie’s mouth raised a slight scornful smile, and then quickly rushed and nodded to Brunei Steward: "Go."

The news that Lesley left the town’s northern army did not cause much reaction, because in the past two years, the town’s northern army had not many people except Muller. People know that he is from the Stark family.

He was transferred to the headquarters of the military staff by a military order and there were not many people.

For the more than 30,000 people in the Zhenbei Army, he is only one of the most inconspicuous ones.

Of course, the entire town of the Northern Army can be hosted by Prince Eric, who has personally hosted a banquet, except for him.

Leslie followed the Brunei butler to the town of the Northern Army in a small town in the nearest town of the Murto Mountains, and saw the Prince Eric, who came here for a visit to the Northern Army. .

Upon meeting, Prince Eric immediately gave Lesley a big hug and laughed loudly: "Haha, Leslie, I haven't seen you for more than two years. You are a lot darker than before. You look like this. Going to Anweimar, it won't be welcomed by the ladies."

Leslie smiled and touched her cheek: "No way, the border is particularly dry in winter, and the skin can't be maintained. Besides, after all, it is a soldier. It's too white to be decent?"

Prince Eric once again made a big laugh: "Haha, it seems that I have been mixing in the town of the Northern Army for more than two years. You really changed a lot more than before. Come and sit down, let us eat and talk." ""

Despite the rush of time, His Royal Highness Prince Eric invited Leslie to a banquet, but he still looked extremely rich.

In this small town near the border, he actually prepared a set of expensive bright silver cutlery, and also laid a beautifully patterned velvet fine blanket on the table, and then served with dozens of fragrant and delicate dishes on the table. Just looking at the past, I know that this meal is absolutely expensive.

Lesley glanced at the situation on the table, and quietly calculated the cost of the lunch that he and the elders of Prince Eric enjoyed, and flashed the military cotton that he had just worn on his body. Coat, can not help but frown slightly.

His Royal Highness Prince Eric has been paying attention to the look of Leslie's face. This tiny change of expression naturally escapes his eyes and quickly asks: "How? Leslie, are you dissatisfied with these dishes? That's good. I will let people withdraw and redo the redo. But I must wait a little longer, you are hungry for a while."

Lesley quickly wiped out the strange colors on his face and smiled and waved his hand: "It's not dissatisfied. It's just that all the food in the town's northern army has been eating rough food. It hasn't been enjoyed for a long time. I am afraid that my stomach will not stand."

His Royal Highness Prince Eric laughed: "It seems that you have been suffering in the Northern Army in the past two years. But it doesn't matter. After you return to the city of Anweimar, you will be able to re-adapt to your previous life. Come, sit down, today's meal, it is to celebrate that you finally got rid of the hardships in the army."

Leslie sat down silently and glanced at the rich and delicious dishes on the table. After all, he couldn’t help it. He shook his head and sighed softly: "I am not alone in the town of the Northern Army. The 30,000 soldiers, all of them are like me, and even a lot of them are suffering more than me."

"Of course, as a soldier, how can life be better? When you decided to go to the town of the Northern Army for more than two years ago, you should be mentally prepared?"

Seeing that His Royal Highness Prince Eric did not care what he meant in his own words, Leslie nodded and stopped the topic, and began to talk to him about the city of Anvilmar.

Halfway through the meal, Lesley suddenly asked like a casual look: "Right, His Royal Highness, I heard that you intend to rectify the Northern Army, and then counterattack the Sark Kingdom?"

"Yes." Prince Eric put down the tableware and said: "We have had disputes with the Sark Kingdom all the time, but the Sark Kingdom has always taken the initiative. Now we have control over the entire Murto Mountains. The situation took the initiative. If you don’t take advantage of this opportunity to counterattack the Sark Kingdom, that’s too much to say. Yes, Leslie, why are you calling my prince? This is too much. Is the relationship so useful? As before, the name that is called directly is."

"Now is different from before." Leslie smiled and shook his head, and for a moment, said: "From the perspective of the situation, we do have the conditions for counterattack. But your prince, you have thought about taking the initiative to attack the Sark kingdom. How much is it?"

“Funding?” Prince Eric’s brow wrinkled and looked at Lesley’s eyes, and then revealed a gentle smile. "Of course is to spend money. But I want to have the full support of your Stark family, this is not a problem."

Lesley turned his head to look at the Brunei butler, and the Brunei butler nodded to him.

"Since this is the case..." Lesley nodded and said that he would turn his head and lift his glass to His Royal Highness Prince Eric. "Then I wish the Zhenbei Army a great success in this counterattack."

His Royal Highness Prince Eric took it down, raised his glass and Leslie’s clink, and drank it.

Lesley's neck was poured, and the sneer that raised his mouth was just behind the glass. (To be continued...)