Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v3 Chapter 86: New agricultural base

Due to the special approval of Servini, the next day, Xu did not have to leave the Stars Manor early in the morning to start work. The chapter update is the fastest

However, he still got up at about six o'clock according to the usual biological clock. Then, before Stil was still up, he took the horrified Vivian, Lisi and Linda three people and made a personal one. After breakfast, I went to the bed of Steele who woke up just eight o'clock.

"Xu Yi, usually a person who has done something wrong, will deliberately be so diligent. Do you have anything to do with me, sorry?" Steele looked at Xu, who had a warm smile, could not help but laugh. I took a look at Lisi and Linda who followed Xu Yi. "Don't you finally regret it last night, when I was asleep, and Liz and Linda, they..."

"Good food, don't talk nonsense." Xu also directly put a spoon into Stil's mouth and blocked her mouth.

Stil smiled and, under the service of Xu Yi, slowly enjoyed the rare breakfast that Xu also made and hand-fed.

While doing a careful service for Steele, Xu also discussed with Steele what he thought about last night.

Because Steele’s move last night, Xu also felt that she must have been bored in the Stars Manor during this time, and that would be such a strange idea that she did not match her character completely.

Therefore, in order to solve this problem, after careful consideration, Xu also decided to agree to the request that Steele had proposed long ago to continue working.

Although Steve did not let Steele completely out of work before Stewart's tough attitude, but strictly controlled her workload. In fact, Stil is still doing almost nothing to do every day.

It is now found that doing so will cause Steele to think about it. And it may not be good for Steele’s body and mood. Xu also decided to relax this restriction, and discussed with Steyer how to allow her to participate more in the work, but also get enough rest time.

Steele has obviously considered this issue seriously, so when Xu made this idea, she was very sensible and Xu also seriously discussed it.

Both of them are smart people, and there is no contradiction in this respect. Natural discussion is very enjoyable. It didn't take long to decide.

According to Xu and Steele's agreement, after Steele's pregnancy for three months, she can return to her job and continue to be responsible for allocating different ethnic groups into the work of the Kingdom of Lampari.

As the influence of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce is growing, Bangta City is the Chamber of Commerce of many other cities and gradually began to accept the employment of other races into the Chamber of Commerce.

According to Steele's statistics, in addition to the new flying chambers in Bangta City, the number of orcs in other ethnic groups hired by other chambers of commerce has surpassed that of the dwarves, becoming the most, currently more than 1,000.

The dwarves are close behind. About three hundred people, most of whom are hired as mechanical engineers.

The least of course is the elves. There have been no more than 20 people so far.

For the attitude of these heterosexual workers, the Parliament of the Kingdom of Lampari was still the majority at the beginning.

But now, the Royal Parliament has begun to take a very positive attitude. When the New Moon Chamber of Commerce opened by Steele has imposed various restrictions on these different races, it has also relaxed the control and began to allow the labor to receive different races. In the Kingdom of Lampari, as normal as humans.

“Speaking, most of the other races in the entire Lampari Kingdom have now entered the work of various chambers of commerce?” Xu Yidao. "They can say that they have been initially integrated into our human society, but other countries on the mainland must be different from our Lampari Kingdom. Have you considered going to recruit some races from other countries?"

“Other countries?” Steele frowned slightly. "Is this afraid of people in those countries?"

"It doesn't matter, let other races currently working in the Chamber of Commerce contact us. We don't intervene. You see, Camby didn't contact a dwarf tribe in the Kingdom of Rulson some time ago, saying that he was going to convince the dwarf tribe. Moved to Bangta City, and then let me consider receiving them. The Dwarf tribe relocates itself, and the human country generally does not care, so we have to hurry to do this now. Otherwise, other countries will realize these other things. The value of the race, I am afraid it will be difficult to do so."

"Well... this worry is right." Steele nodded. "At least I know very well that if the new Feishang Association now lacks the dwarves, I am afraid most of the production will be stagnant."

"So, I can learn how much I can dig now. I know that human resources are often more important than any other resource."

While chatting with Steele, they enjoyed breakfast together, and when the breakfast was finished, the sun had already risen to the air.

When Xu arrived in Koror village, he found that a group of people had been waiting here for a long time.

"Hey, Xu Huichang, I heard that you stayed at home to accompany your wife, so is it late?" Seeing Xu, who was late, President Cruise laughed loudly.

There was a goodwill in the crowd, but it was still mixed with the sneer of the sly smile, so Xu couldn’t help but smile and then stunned Severini, who was surrounded by everyone.

Sevigny gently slammed his head and gave Xu a slightly smug smile. Then he glanced at the sky and announced: "Well, since President Xu has already arrived, then I am now announcing that Bonta The commencement ceremony of the New City Agricultural Base officially started!"

Under the leadership of Severini, a number of commercial representatives including Xu Yi symbolized everyone shoveling a few soils, and then the Amway Chamber of Commerce had already prepared a pile of engineering magic machinery. On, I was busy on this field planned in advance.

As a demonstration point representing the joint development of agriculture and commerce that Servini claims, the New Flying Chamber of Commerce canned fruit factory in Koror Village is the focus of the study and promotion of Sevigny as the city owner in the past few months.

Later, after a joint agreement with other major chambers of commerce in the city, Severni decided to create a new agricultural development base around the village of Koror on behalf of the city government.

The role of this new agricultural development base is to be like a canned fruit factory. Further integrate the agricultural development and commercial activities of Bangta City. Improve the commercial value of agricultural products. Thereby increasing the income of ordinary farmers.

This idea can also be regarded as a discussion and experiment of the future development of Bangna City by Servini.

If you put it in the entire Kingdom of Lampari, it is a bit too advanced.

Because all of the current food production in the entire Lampari Kingdom has been improving for two consecutive years, overall it is still slightly insufficient.

When other cities in Wang are suffering from how to solve the problem of food and clothing for the people, Bangta City has begun to consider how to change the agricultural structure and improve the income of farmers. It is really too much contrast.

Because of this move by Bangta City, there has been an argument in the Kingdom Council.

Many members of the parliament said. If there is such a leisure in Bangta City, why don’t you think about how to help other places in the kingdom to develop agriculture first?

For example, in Puta City, after practicing and using fertilizers that have proved to be effective, why not take more time to produce some?

This is always more reliable than doing anything. It sounds like the adjustment of the so-called agricultural industry structure is much stronger.

As for a few other members, since the development of Bangta City is good now, it should let Bangta City let go and develop in its own way, instead of letting Bangta do as the former Earl Stark served as the city owner. The city has come directly to a big retrogression.

Although the voices that endorse the practice of Servini and Bangta City are smaller, the impact of the opposition to the city of Bangka is too significant, so the voice of opposition is greater. But there is not much confidence.

Moreover, His Majesty clearly stated his attitude and said that Bangta City is a special economic zone. Then you should keep it in a special place.

As for the specific effect, the result is.

The final result of the discussion was to give Bangta City a goal.

Bangta City wants special? can.

But since you want to be special, you have to make a special grade.

According to the final deliberation of the Kingdom Council, by the end of this year, Bonta City must pay more than 30% of the food and tax revenues paid last year, otherwise the treatment of the special economic zone of Bangta City will be cancelled.

"Hey, should I say that the distinguished members of the parliament have no knowledge, or because their position has determined their practices, and they have even given up on their IQ?" Xu shook his head and made no mercy to the resolution of the Kingdom Council. evaluation of. "Three percent? Hey! The results of this autumn harvest have come out. Don't they know that this is more than half of the autumn harvest last year?"

"They don't care much about the grain harvest. The reason for asking this is just to limit my energy to commercial development." Servini shook his head and explained. “The focus is on tax revenue. They feel that if it is not possible to make a better result than the Earl of Stark as the city owner, then there is no problem.”

"Is this an excuse for the Earl of Stark?" Xu also snorted. "But they are too small to look at Bangta City? If it wasn't for the Earl of Stark, the tax revenue of Bangta City would be more than one million gold coins last year, and the part that was turned over could even be worth the previous year. The sum of the previous year. As for this year compared with last year? Ha ha..."

Sevigny looked at Xu Yi’s face and sneered, but he didn’t care much. Instead, he asked with some funny words: “So the self-confident Xu Hui, how much tax do you think we can pay in Bangta City this year?”

Xu also extended a slap and definitely said: "The minimum of 500,000 gold coins. Does not include our new flying business association."

Sevigny showed a strange look: "Although I am confident that I can easily meet the requirements of the Kingdom Council, but 500,000 gold coins ... and not including your new flying business association, this is a bit too exaggerated? Doesn't it mean that our Bangta City's annual tax revenue must exceed 1.5 million gold coins?"

Xu also smiled confidently and pointed to the new agricultural base that had just started construction: "His Royal Highness, we have a good gamble. You don't believe it, just the Cantona Chamber of Commerce, you can turn over 20 this year. Tax on the 10,000 gold coins?"

Severini shook his head slowly: "I don't know the exact number, but the total tax paid by the Cantona Chamber of Commerce so far this year should not exceed 100,000 gold coins. Now there are only four months left at the end of the year. How could it be more than twenty? What about 10,000 gold coins?"

"Do you not believe it?" Xu also extended his hand to Servini: "So the dear master of the city, let's play this bet?" (To be continued.)