Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v3 Chapter 73: You are responsible

"Although Hainas has told me in advance, I was really surprised when I saw you coming. ()" Xu also looked at the opposite of Sevigny for a moment, could not help but shook his head.

"How? Xu Huichang, don't you welcome me?" Servini smiled slightly, although the skin was slightly rougher because he had been in the northern part of the kingdom for a while, but the expression on his face was as gentle as ever. kind.

"How is it possible?" Xu also quickly denied. "I know that you are coming to take over the city owner of Bangta City. I am almost happy to jump up! Do not believe you ask Hainas."

Sevigny smiled and shook his head. "I don't need to ask this. I believe that you should welcome me very much. Otherwise, I would like to ask the father to come to Bangta City. Isn't it a passionate one?"

After that, Servini suddenly found that he had some words in his words. He quickly coughed and paused. He extended his hand to Xu: "In short, Xu Huichang, I am now the new city owner of Bangta City. As the most important business leader in Bangta City, I hope that we can cooperate in the future."

Xu also smiled and shook his head, reaching out and holding it with Servini's hand: "His Royal Highness, do you think that these words do not feel a little more? The cooperation between the two of us is not a day or two. You used to I said this time, if you are the city owner of Bangta City, we can work together more easily. Now that this dream has come true, I am very happy."

Sevigny smiled slightly: "The Earl of Stark may not have any opinion on this sentence, but you may not forget it, but the Earl of Satsuma knows that you used to have this idea when he was a city owner. I will be very dissatisfied with you."

Xu Yi haha ​​smiled: "How can the Earl of Satsuma be such a stingy person. Say it again. Even if he is, I am very happy to see this situation now?"

"Well, one and a half months ago, when I ended up in the northern part of the Kingdom and left the city of Sever, the Count of Satsuma had talked to me about the city of Bang Ta. He told me that he actually had some regrets, if he could In the position of the city owner of Bangta City, I will persist for a period of time. The development of Bangta City will not be hindered, and it will take so long. Now I will take over the city. I must be very happy to see it."

"Of course, if you talk about the development of Bangta City, the Earl of Satsuma is deeper than anyone else. After all, he has been the city owner for more than a decade. Even now, when I talk to many people in Bangta City, They still remembered the Earl of Satsuma and even praised him as the best city owner in the history of Bangta City. "Xu is definitely authentic."

"Oh? Let me put pressure on it." Servini smiled. "I can be really younger than the Count of Satsuma. Do you say that people in Bangta City will accept me?"

“Reassure, the people in Bangta City are very simple. Who can make their lives better and who they will support. Even if you are the identity of your Royal Highness. At the very least... you will not be better than Count Stark. More unpopular?"

He also mentioned the evaluation of Count Stark. Sevigny was silent for a while, and shook his head and sighed: "The Earl of Stark is actually not bad, but his position determines that he can only take the way he needs. And because he had no achievements in Bangta City this year, I am afraid that after this return, his future days will not be too good."

Xu also said a little: "Is it very difficult? He is not the city owner who has taken over the city of Loren. It is said that Loren City is so much bigger than Bangta City. He is a promotion, how can it be difficult?"

"It seems that the news you got is not comprehensive." Servini shook his head. "Since you know that I took over the city of Bangta City this time, I must know that my two brothers will also serve two." The city's city owner, and the city chosen by Eric Brothers, is the city of Loren."

Xu Yi suddenly became stunned: "What does Count Stark do?"

"Do you know that the news of Count Stark to take over the city of Loren is heard from Heinus?" asked Servini.

"Yes, just like the news that you will take over the city of Bangta City this time, I listened to Hainas and told me." Xu also nodded.

"No wonder you don't know the latest changes. In fact, the news that Earl Stark took over as the city owner of Loren was only a preliminary decision of the Royal Parliament, but it was not the final decision. And three days ago, Eric chose to go. The city of Loren was the city owner, and the Earl of Stark was temporarily idle, and arrangements will be made later."

Xu also frowned slightly: "Isn't Count Stark has no opinion?"

"He may have it personally, but this is actually the decision of the Stark family, so his personal opinion is meaningless. I think... you should understand why the Stark family wants to do this?" Servini asked Road.

Xu also smiled and nodded: "I certainly understand. It seems that the Stark family is ironic to announce to everyone, they are to support His Royal Highness Prince Eric. Then, the Royal Highness, the person who supports you? Isn't there such a firm as the Stark family?"

"Is this not you?" Serviny screamed and licked his eyes.

Xu Yiyi, then sneered and laughed: "You can be a joke under Your Royal Highness. I am just a small businessman, even if I firmly support you, what influence can I have? And the Stark family. It’s totally incomparable.

Severini grinned: "Mr. Xu, you don't want to look too small. Even when Count Stark and I did the handover, I would like to admire you, saying that if it is not a different position, he will definitely be with you. Very supportive. You can even admire the Earl of Stark in just one year. I am very admired for this ability."

"Oh? Count Stark also said this?" Xu also had some accidents. "I thought he would have hated me to death."

"You blame him." Sevigny shook his head slightly. "Actually, as far as I am concerned, I still appreciate the Earl of Stark. He is only for you because of the decision of the Stark family. At best, it is only a matter of position. When he talks to me, he I analyzed the situation in Bangta City in great detail, which shows that the development of Bangta City is now closely related to the development of your new Flying Chamber of Commerce and even every move. Even if I want Bangta City to achieve better development. Be sure to support your new Flying Chamber of Commerce."

"Is this not right?" Xu also frowned slightly. "Even if he is no longer the owner of Bangta City, but his position will not change? Why does he appreciate me and give you such advice? Do he want to change his position, betray the family, and turn around? Support you?"

"This is not something I can know." Servini shook his head. "In short, this is his original words."

Xu also bowed his head and thought for a while. He didn't have a bit of a clue. He had to lick his head and didn't think about it. He asked Servini: "Well, my dear King, now you have officially become our Bonta." The new city owner of the city, what are you going to do next?"

Sevigny smiled slightly and completely missed the expectation of Xu Yi. He even gave a tribute to Xu Yi, and smiled lightly: "The Honorable Excellency Xu Yi, how to govern the development of Bangta City, I hope you can not hesitate Give me the most support and advice."

Xu Yiyi said: "Hey, are you the owner of the city?"

Sevigny blinked at Xu Yi, and there was a trace of naughty in his smile.

"But both the father and the Earl of Satsuma and the Earl of Stark, the two former city owners, have solemnly explained to me. Regarding the development of Bangta City, we must listen carefully to the opinion of the president of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce. So Xu Hui, this responsibility, you must be burdened."

Seeing the joy of Servini's smile from the heart, Xu couldn't help but shook his head. For a time, he didn't know what to say.


The news that His Royal Highness Servini was the owner of the city of Bangta was first publicized by the Bangta Daily.

On the day of the announcement, people in Bangta City suddenly discovered that the city of Bangta seemed to be very lively overnight. It was a year of depression because of the policy of suppressing agriculture and promoting agriculture issued by Count Stark. The streets of Bangta City seem to have regained prosperity in the blink of an eye.

Numerous shops that were forced or actively closed before seemed to have agreed to re-open on the same day, and there were countless people in the streets.

Although it is not as good as the most prosperous scene of the previous two years, it is no longer as desolate as the city of Lord Stark.

Just changed to a city owner, the entire Bangta City seems to change a face in an instant, and become alive again.

Under such circumstances, naturally, few people noticed that the Bangta Daily announced the other news while announcing the news that the Princess of Sevigny took over as the new city owner of Bangta.

His Royal Highness Prince Eric served as the Lord of the City of Loren.

And almost everyone has naturally ignored some of the explanations and related analysis of the two appointments by Bangta Daily.

According to the news obtained by the Bangta Daily, the reason why His Majesty the King will unexpectedly let His Royal Highness Prince Erik and His Royal Highness Servini become the city owners of Loren City and Bangta City respectively, in order to test their ability to govern. Prepare to determine the heir to the throne.

If the two of them can do well in the position of the city, then naturally they will get the extra points in the mind of the King, and add to the ranks of the King who will ultimately decide who will take over the throne.

So from the perspective of the people of Bangta City, this is just a change to a city owner, but in the long run, this will most likely determine the next king of the Kingdom of Lampari.

As for another Highness Prince Mifam, which was not mentioned in the Bangta Daily, I don’t know why, it was directly ignored by everyone... (to be continued.)