Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v3 Chapter 168: No choice

Looking at the piles under the tarpaulin, it looked like a mess. I looked at the various steel parts that I didn’t know what I was doing for a long time. The complex look on the Anker’s face finally returned to calm, turning to the head and pointing to the Ha feature. "Captain Hart, please tell me my gratitude to President Xu. His great help to me, I will always be engraved in my heart.?"

Hart said with a blank expression: "The president will be accounted for before leaving. This is just a very ordinary transaction. Everyone needs it."

Anglo, a slight glimpse, paused, but frowned and pointed at the messy parts under the tarpaulin. "But I have a problem. Captain Hart, how do the parts of these magic trebuchets look so small?" If assembled, the specifications will be much smaller?"

"This is the second generation of magic trebuchets newly developed by our Chamber of Commerce. Although the size is much smaller than that of the first generation of magic trebuchets, the ejection power is not weak, but it is enhanced, so the power is actually reversed. It is stronger than the first generation of magic trebuchets. And because it is small, it is extremely convenient to carry. You see, only one cargo magic locomotive can be shipped," Hart explained.

"This way." Ankerlu glanced at the parts of the magic trebuchet, still having some doubts. "But how can this thing be assembled? We can have no one."

Hart took a thin booklet from his arms and handed it to Anglo.

"There is a schematic diagram of the assembly of the magic trebuchet. There are also maintenance points about the magical smashing and the armor of the weapons. After you ship these things back, you must study them. Otherwise, if it is because of your own Improper operation causes malfunction. Our Chamber of Commerce will not provide follow-up repair services."

Anglo accepts the booklet. I didn’t look at it, but continued to ask: “President Hart, why don’t you just provide a technician to help guide us? Isn’t it a lot easier?”

Hart shook his head: "The president said that our two sides are only normal transactions. If we send people in the past, it is to personally participate in the internal affairs of your Principality. He thinks Mr. Anker, you are afraid of yourself. Not willing."

The Anker was silent for a long while and nodded slightly.

"Mr. Xu was very thoughtful. But..." Anker looked at the ten cargo magic locomotives. A bitter smile filled with self-deprecating appeared in the corner of his mouth. "In fact, now you are already involved in the coming..."

Hart silently.

Anglo was a moment of excitement, took a breath and renewed his spirit.

"Well, Captain Hart, I have confirmed the receipt of these goods. Now let's harvest."

Ha feature nodded, took out the list of goods for Anglo, and after Ancong confirmed, took an agreement signed by Anglous from Anglo.

The content of the agreement is an agreement between Anglo to transfer an iron ore and a magic crystal mine on its territory to the New Flying Chamber of Commerce.

According to the agreement, Xinfei Chamber of Commerce will have the permanent mining rights of this iron ore and magic crystal mine.

in other words. Since then, the iron ore and magic crystal mines have been completely owned by the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, and there is no longer a relationship with the Anglo-Russell and the Principality of Constantine.

These two mines. Naturally, it was used by Anglous to pay for the purchase of these weapons and equipment to the New Flying Chamber of Commerce.

Although it is only the goods of ten magic locomotives, the total value has reached 200,000 gold coins.

Among them, the new magic trebuchet is worth 10,000 gold coins.

And a total of three hundred sets of magic flail on the two magic locomotives, together with the arrow, each set is sold for up to four hundred gold coins, three hundred sets of 120,000 gold coins.

As for the remaining 1,000 sets of weapons armor, they add up to only 70,000 gold coins.

In fact, the valuation of these two mines far exceeds 200,000 gold coins, and not less than 300,000 gold coins.

However, it is impossible for Anglo to use this cash. Of course, resources can only be used to exchange the necessary things from the new flyers.

If there is a choice, Ankerus does not want to take the resources of his own name, because he knows the importance of resources for the development of the Principality of Stading.

But he has no choice.

Because you want to achieve your goals, you have to spend money and spend a lot of money.

Under the command of Hart, his men carried all the goods on the 10 freight magic locomotives to the boat they brought. The Ankers looked complicated, their eyes were full of worries, and the smiles in their mouths were full of bitterness. .

"I hope that the sacrifices of the present will bring good results in the end. Otherwise, I may be the sinner of the Principality."


Anglo is worried about the uncertain future because of his choice. The people of Bangta City are filled with joy and excitement at the moment because of the bright future. They are welcoming the New Year with the greatest enthusiasm.

Another year has passed. Since the second half of the year, His Royal Highness Servini took over as the city of Bangta, the entire Bangta City seems to have regained its vitality and enthusiasm, and changed the kind of lifelessness when Earl Stark served as the city owner. .

In just half a year, the entire Bangta City not only fully restored the previous prosperity, but even more heated than before.

With the magic industry industry led by the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce gradually deepening people's hearts in Bangta City, and many people in Bangta City have been drawn into this industry, now Bangta City up and down, everyone can easily Find a satisfying job, enough to make you feel comfortable, and even enjoy a little extravagant life that you couldn’t even think about a few years ago.

For example, if you didn't buy anything because of shyness or various reasons, you will have to take this opportunity to make up for this important moment of the New Year.

So when the New Year was approaching, the sales of the new Flyer's home magic machinery department had a blowout.

Sales in just one week are enough to match the sales that were added in the previous two months.

According to statistics, in the last one week, the sales of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce on the home magic machinery reached an astonishing 500,000 gold coins.

And because the new Feishang will always have high profits. So in just one week. The new Feishang Chamber of Commerce is only on the home magic machinery. The net income will exceed 300,000 gold coins.

If it was three years ago, Xu also saw such profit statistics, and he would be happy to dance and dance.

However, after seeing this number, Xu also found that he did not feel at all. Instead, he tried to find out from the figures and the statistics that followed that there were any mistakes and omissions. .

No way, according to the statistics of the whole year. This year's total profit of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce has even exceeded the unusually amazing 10 million gold coins. How can Xu also be pleased with the 300,000 gold coins in the district?

Of course, I earned more and spent more.

The total annual profit of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce this year is extremely amazing, but the various input expenditures are equally amazing.

Aside from the salary of more than 3 million gold coins issued throughout the year, the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce began to invest in the construction of production bases in many cities in the second half of this year, plus the black rice wilderness, the Principality of Constantine. In the last two months, a large amount of investment in the city of Severs, the total amount of investment has exceeded 5 million gold coins.

This counts down to the end of the year. In fact, the balance of the current account of the new Feishang Chamber is only a million gold coins.

Compared to the current size of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce, this little money is actually nothing. So when the financial director Sebass made the year-end summary report, he complained to Xu Yi and kept reminding him. He hoped that he could pay attention to the balance of fiscal revenue and expenditure next year and avoid the first deficit of the chamber of commerce.

However, Xu also warned him that he only smiled and didn't care.

The reason why the expenditure of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce this year is so much is because of his determined development and expansion policy.

By the end of next year, the production bases in various places will be basically established, and after they are officially put into production, these investments will be turned into huge profits.

At that time, the profit of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce will be much higher than it is now, and it is not surprising that it is even several times more.

More importantly, the layout of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce can be basically established, and it will no longer be so easily affected by the changes of one city and one place. In any case, there will be a way to cope with it, and it will not be targeted by a nobleman. It becomes extremely passive.

"Ordinary nobles certainly don't dare to target you or the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, because the father has clearly stated his attitude through the last time the aristocratic parliament. No nobles will risk the anger of the father. thing."

Severni looked at the opposite side of Xu Yi, sitting in a chair, and shook his head gently.

"Xu Yi, to be honest, I really don't understand why you seem to be always confident on the surface. In fact, it is always full of sense of crisis? Tell me why you want to recruit so many people to enter the **** of your chamber of commerce. Team? Don't tell me that you are just to enrich the **** power of your chamber of commerce."

Xu also smiled slightly: "How much? Not much, just recruiting 500 people. Compared with the Falcon Chamber of Commerce and even more than 2,000 escorts, the number of our new **** escorts It’s still less than a thousand people, and it’s not too much.”

Severini glanced at him: "Don't pretend to be stupid! You will be the elf guards, the dwarf guards, and even the new orc guards you recruited on the black rice wasteland, yes, and you are recruited in the Principality of Constantine. The guards of the Principality are not counted among the number of your Chamber of Commerce Guards. If all of them are added up, I am afraid that there are more than 2,000 people already?"

Xu Yiyang played a haha, but did not answer anything.

Seeing his reaction, Servini was a little angry, patted the table lightly, picked up the eyebrows, and rarely raised his voice slightly, and said in an angry tone: "Xu also, those elves, dwarves, and orcs." The Guardian combat power of the tribe can be much higher than that of ordinary human guards. If it is combat strength, the escorts of your new Flying Chamber of Commerce can even compare with the army of 5,000 people. What do you want to do?"

Seeing the serious look of Servini, Xu also sighed and spread his hands: "His Royal Highness, I don't want to do anything, just want to protect myself. You just said that no nobles dare to target me and the new flying chamber, but you said these I am afraid that the aristocrat does not include His Royal Highness Prince Erik?"

Severini's eyebrows shook slightly, sighed and did not speak.

After paying the income of Servini, Xu also smiled and continued: "Well, my Royal Highness, we still don't discuss this kind of thing that everyone knows well, doesn't make any sense? Let's discuss the business. Your five thousand What kind of standard weapons and equipment do you want to equip with a private guard?" (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, and the novel is better updated faster!