Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v3 Chapter 118: High salary**

The qualification examination of the magician trade union has been completed for ten days, and the assessment of the magicians of the fifth and fifth grades is completed.

According to the statistics of the Sorcerer's Union, in the ten days, the total number of magicians under the five and five levels passed the certification examination is actually more than seven thousand!

Among the seven thousand magicians, they are still mostly primary and secondary magicians, totaling close to five thousand.

The remaining two thousand magicians are the third to fifth magicians.

According to Xu’s standard, the magician who wants to enter the New Flying Chamber of Commerce’s Magic Research Institute must have the minimum level of a three-level magician. Otherwise, he has not understood some basic theory of magic. Naturally, he cannot talk about magic. The precision magic array required by the machine carries out various improvement studies.

However, the primary and secondary magicians are still qualified to complete the most basic work of the magic array. If you enter the new flying chamber, you can take charge of the magical power assembly work of each magic machine in each major factory. The salary is still much higher than the average worker, and it is more important.

Therefore, during these ten days, Xu has been advertising in the "Anweimar Daily" through Hainas, and comprehensively recruited the magicians in the city.

As far as the results are concerned, the effect is very good.

During these ten days, the number of magicians who have found the new Feishang Association to join the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce is more than a thousand.

For these ingenious magicians, the new Feishang will organize a group of two-day long-distance medium-sized magic passenger cars traveling to and from Bangta City and Anwarmare City to the Bangta City Rain Valley. The new Feishang Chamber of Commerce will conduct on-site visits.

Judging from the current feedback. More than 500 magicians have signed a employment contract with the New Flying Chamber of Commerce for the first time after visiting the Rain Valley. Officially became an employee of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce.

The only regret is that I can get Evita recognition. There are not many magicians who are eligible to enter the Magic Institute. At present, there are only twenty-four.

But even if it is only twenty-four, it has already greatly enhanced the strength of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, which makes Evita and Akali look very happy.

Akali even claimed that after returning to the Chamber of Commerce, he would pick a few assistants from these newly recruited magicians, and no one else would be allowed to grab her.

"If you don't allow others to grab it, you'd better go back earlier. Otherwise, do you believe that some other research groups have already robbed the new researchers?" Xu also waved a small fist and put a pair of dare. Akali laughed at the fight with who is desperate.

"Hey. They dare!" Akali wrinkled her small nose and looked at Xu. Her eyes turned and smiled and hugged Xu's arm. "Of course, compared to this, it is more important to see the president and you participate in the assessment. Yes, the president, are you sure you have passed the assessment of the nine-level magician?"

"I remember that I was only taking part in the assessment of the eight-level magician... Besides, before I did not participate in the assessment, how dare I say that I was sure." Xu also shrugged and pulled his arm out. Looking at the other side of Evita: "So, are you planning to wait for my assessment results to come out?"

"Yeah." Evita nodded gently. "You are our president. Since you have to participate in the assessment, of course, you hope to receive your good news and then go..."

"I can say that my pressure is great." Xu also laughed. "In case I have tested it, even the assessment of the eight-level magician has not passed. Is it not a shame?"

"Hey, the president is an adult, don't you want such a crow mouth?" Akali quickly stopped Xu Yi, set a certainty, serious face, and put on an impassioned look, loudly: "I can guarantee, You will definitely pass the assessment of the nine-level magician! Do you have confidence?"

Seeing her appearance, Xu also suddenly laughed, and then she slammed her palm with great cooperation, loudly: "very confident!"

"That's good, go!"

Xu Yizhen gave a tribute to Akali.

"Akari, the chief, this is going to the examination room!"

Evita smiled and laughed, and Akali couldn’t hold her face. Similarly, she couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

Xu Yi haha ​​smiled and turned around and walked into the examination room with the magicians who were looking at them with curious eyes.

Unlike Xu Yi’s participation in the qualification examination of the Magician’s trade union in the previous year, the magicians who participated in the senior magician’s assessment the previous year, plus Xu’s, were just a hundred names. However, this time Xu entered the examination room and found the examination room. It was crowded with people, and there were senior magicians wearing purple magic robes that were different from low-level magicians.

Moreover, although Xu did not participate in the assessment last year, he heard that Camilla Grand Sorcerer said that last year, the senior magician was only one of the presidents.

However, this year, as in the previous year, the five great magicians in the Kingdom of Lampari are all listed.

Xu Yiyi glanced at the middle of the meeting, the president of Allen, thinking that according to the common deliberation of the five great magicians, it should be a big magician responsible for the assessment of one year, but this year because of the magic of participating in the assessment The number of divisions increased, and the five great magicians were forced to go into battle.

Looking for this, did President Allen last year lose money?

Perhaps it was the strangeness in the eyes of Xu Yi, and the president of Allen looked over and saw Xu Yi, smiled and nodded to him, his eyes were friendly and friendly.

Xu also smiled and nodded, but he was thinking about one of the things Kenner told him.

In the name of his son Anke Allen, President Allen opened a magical machinery chamber outside Anwarmare, and through the relationship between President Allen and the New Flyer Chamber of Commerce.

This is not a problem, but the magic fan produced by this magical mechanical chamber has a small difference in quality and performance from the new flying magic fan, far beyond the magic fan produced by other chambers in the kingdom.

The Xinfei Chamber of Commerce has had similar cooperation with many chambers of commerce, but only the magic fan produced by their magical machinery chamber can have such excellent performance and quality. It cannot but cause Kenned’s suspicion and Xu’s vigilance.

The figure flashed through the eyes of Alice, and Xu also frowned slightly, and sighed in his heart.

Fortunately, Alex had only found him yesterday, and expressed his willingness to return to Bangta City to change jobs at the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce. Otherwise, if he continued his previous practice, Xu did not know what to do to be better. Ground to Heinze.

After a while, the time for the formal assessment arrived, and the staff members announced that the assessment began, and Xu also went straight to the Truch master who was responsible for the assessment of the eight-level magician.

Although there are thousands of magicians participating in the senior magician assessment, but they are eligible to participate in the eight-level magician assessment, but only more than 30 people.

Xu also seems to be somewhat different in this. One is that he is only 30 years old this year. He is too bright among a group of white-haired old magicians. Secondly, he does not see any magician characteristics, even There is no magic robes that should be put on when participating in the certification of the Sorcerer's Union.

However, Xu is not only famous among the merchants of the Kingdom of Lampari, but also famous in the circle of magicians.

Three years ago, Xu also participated in the qualification examination of the Magician Trade Union for the first time and passed the assessment of the five-level magician, which sensationalized the entire Kingdom of Lampari.

When Xu also participated in the assessment two years ago, he passed the assessment of the seven-level magician.

This amazing magical power boosts the speed and makes all the magicians in the kingdom marvel.

Although Xu did not participate in the assessment last year, but since he came this year, all the magicians who know him have been identified, he must have the confidence to pass the eight-level magician assessment, otherwise he will not come.

So although Xu is also a different kind of magician, it does not prevent all magicians from giving him a good smile.

Even if it is not directed at Xu's own strength, it is not directed at the face of Camilla's great magician. Just because of the identity of the president of the Xuyi Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, he has to wait for other magicians to smile at him.

You must know that the Anweimar Daily reported a big news a few days ago, that is, the annual salary of the Camilla Magician at the New Flying Chamber of Commerce has reached a shocking 10,000 gold coins!

Although Camilla's great magician is the grandfather of Xu's wife, there is such a relationship. This annual salary is mostly a gimmick, but the salary of the magicians in the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce Magic Research Institute is not falsified.

According to the situation reported by the Anweimar Daily, the junior researcher of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce’s Magic Research Institute can get a monthly salary of 20 hardware coins every month, and the chieftain Evita’s monthly salary has even reached 80 gold coins. !

Plus the bonus, Evita's income for a year is even close to two thousand gold coins!

Think about it, the special financial support for a great magician in the Lanpari Kingdom is only two thousand gold coins, and Evita is just a five-level magician. Get almost two thousand gold coins.

So what if it is a more advanced magician?

Faced with a kind smile from the surrounding magicians, Xu also returned with a more cordial and friendly smile.

Although more than 500 low-level magicians have been recruited into the chamber of commerce a few days ago, Xu has always attached the most importance to technical research, so he is more concerned about these advanced magicians of the sixth and sixth grades.

These advanced magicians are of course much better at understanding the magic than the lower-level magicians. If you can recruit more magical research institutes to enter the new flying chamber, then the research on the magical machinery of the new flying chamber will definitely play a significant role. .

There are countless kinds of magical machines that need to be studied in the future. Xu also feels that even if all the magicians of the entire Lampari Kingdom are recruited into the Chamber of Commerce, I am afraid that it may not be enough.

Since this two-way choice is established, then everyone is holding this mentality, and the scene is naturally harmonious.

However, at this time, a cold voice was heard in the crowd.

"This guy is obviously not a magician. How come he came here? Is the Lanpari Kingdom Wizards Union so careless?" (To be continued...)