Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v3 Chapter 109: Give me more years

"Is it?" Truch's great magician looked dim. . . See the latest and most complete novels

Seeing the appearance of Truch's great magician, the other four great magicians exchanged a look with each other and saw each other's doubts.

In the status of Truch's great magician, what difficulties have he encountered, causing him to speak out publicly on such occasions?

Camilla Grand Sorcerer frowned slightly: "Trucci, if you really need money, I think I can help you. It is not good, I will discuss with Xu, let him lend you no problem."

"No, this can only be solved for a while, there is no way to solve the problem completely. Besides, I am also very difficult to pay the money." Truch's great magician shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I am not as flexible as your brains." It’s not good at making money. Maybe you’re right, even if I open a magical machinery factory, I might only have a closure.”

Torres Grand Master, Eisenck Magi and President Allen look at each other and are silent.

Although there are only five great magicians in the Kingdom of Lampari, this does not mean that the relationship between the five great magicians will be very good.

On the contrary, except for the Camilla Magi, who has been low-key and has a normal relationship with the other four great wizards, the relationship between the other great wizards is not very harmonious.

Now, although the Truj Grand Sorcerer has encountered great difficulties, they are not willing to rush.

The Camilla Great Sorcerer frowned and thought of it to the Truj Magician: "If you need long-term stable income, I actually have a good proposal, Truch. Do you want to listen?"

"Oh? What proposal?" asked the Truch Grand Sorcerer.

Camilla's great magician pointed his finger at himself: "Do you know what salary I am currently paying at the New Flyer Chamber of Commerce?"

Truchi's great magician glanced: "Do you want me to join your new Flying Chamber of Commerce? How is this possible? Xu is not my granddaughter."

"It’s not too late to listen to me and then conclude." Camilla's great magician held out a finger. "Tell you. My current salary at the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce is 10,000 gold coins."

"Thousands of gold coins?" Not only is the Truch master, but even the most wealthy Essenck magician is equally surprised to open his eyes. "so much?"

Camilla Grandma smiled and said: "What do you think now?"

Truch's great magician was silent for a long while, then he made up his mind and nodded gently: "Camilla, can you arrange me and Xu to see one side?"


Rare early winter warmth, Lampari XIII came to the back garden of the palace in accordance with the habit of the sun rising in the air, half lying on a comfortable soft chair, a blanket on the leg. While basking in the sun, I looked at the various official documents in my hand.

Most of the time, the expression on the face of Lampari XIII was calm.

As a singer during the turmoil, most of the people in the Kingdom of Lampari praised the wise King, and Lampari XIII has built countless storms over the past ten years. Usually, it is impossible for him to let him go. The mood is a little bit fluctuating.

Only when he saw the official document sent by Loren City, he still frowned slightly and sighed softly.

"Where is His Majesty, is there any discomfort?" The bodyguards on the side asked with concern.

Lampari XIII turned his head and glanced at the guardian who grew up with himself and served himself for more than forty years. Shake his head and think for a moment. Asked: "Dema, how do you think Eric is this child?"

Dema glimpsed a little, and lowered his head and said softly: "I don't dare to talk about this."

"It doesn't matter. Today is just a chat between our old friends. You don't have to be too restrained. I just want to hear what you think of his old friend who grew up from a young age."

Dema looked up and saw the serious expression on the face of Lampari XIII. After thinking about it, he said: "I think... Eric is still very ambitious..."

"Aspirations?" Lampari XIII snorted. "It is good to have ambition, but if you don't have a mind, you might as well have no ambition! His so-called ambition, if you don't do well, will ruin the good situation in our kingdom!"

Dema was shocked: "Not so serious?"

"How is it not so serious?" Lampari thirteen suddenly angered, shaking the official document in his hand, Shen Sheng said: "Look at what this guy is doing? He actually reorganized the town of the Northern Army, want to counterattack Sak Kingdom! Does he want to send the entire town to the Northern Army?"

"Not at all..." Dema was puzzled. “Isn’t the town’s northern army still playing a beautiful glimpse at the beginning of the year? Even the Murto Mountains are back. The counterattack of the Sark Kingdom should be no problem?”

"How can it be okay? Do you know how much money the kingdom spent on the town of the Northern Army at the beginning of the year? Full of 500,000 gold coins! Last year, the kingdom’s fiscal revenue was close to one-third! Now it’s hard to recapture Mu. The Erto Mountains can stabilize the situation and let the kingdom have a peaceful development period. As a result, this guy actually wants to take the initiative to fight! He knows that the kingdom finance can not support a big battle! If it really fights with the Sark Kingdom It will only completely ruin the current situation! He is this..."

Lampari XIII suddenly stopped.

Dema, who kept his head down and listened to Lampari XIII, vented his anger and looked up. He was shocked to find that the face of Lampari XIII had already turned red, and even began to purple, his expression was painful. There is no way to speak.

Dema was shocked: "Your Majesty, what happened to you?"

Just coming forward, Lampari thirteen suddenly moved his mouth, and his mouth actually had a blood.

Looking at the drops of bright, but mixed with a few dark red blood slipped from the corner of Lampari XIII, DeMartons was scared.

After squatting for a while, he trembled and turned around and ran out.

At this time, I should be the first time to find the royal doctor.

But just after running out of no two steps, Lampari XIII shouted at him.

"Dema, clean up here. Don't let anyone know." Lampari thirteen screamed.

"But your Majesty. Your body should let the doctor look at it anyway..." Dema immediately objected.

"This is the order. Don't ask so much." Lampari XIII is the color.

"This... well." Dema reluctantly took a look, and confirmed that the back garden was the favorite resting place for His Majesty the King. Once he was strictly prevented from approaching here, he was relieved and turned to the side. The lounge is ready to take things to clean up here.

Watching Dema leave, Lampari XIII wiped the blood from his mouth with his hand. Staring at the hand for a while, the corner of his mouth raised a bitter smile.

“Why can’t I give me more time?”


"Hey, the president is an adult, I passed the five-level magician's assessment, and it's not very powerful?" Akali looked at the smug smile and raised a small hand to Xu.

The other magicians who participated in the assessment today also glanced at her. Some of the magicians snorted without conviction, and some showed a stunned look and bowed quickly.

Only Evita, who is next to Akali, clicked on Akali’s arm and didn’t feel good. “Well. Put your arm down and the sound is so loud. For fear that others don’t know?”

Akali raised her head high: "Hey, I just want to let others know. I am now a five-level magician. I still don't want to be proud of it?"

Evita shook her head and pointed to Xu Yidao who smiled and greeted him: "The president is going to participate in the assessment of the nine-level magician. Is there enough good in front of him?"

When I heard this sentence, Xu immediately waved his hand: "Not necessarily, I will first pass the assessment of eight levels of magic."

"That is, the president is older than me, and the eight-level magic and the five-level magician did not want to be so far away." Akali immediately said.

"Are you forgetting that the eight-level magic is not far from the five-level magician? Are you confident that you will become an eight-level magician at the age of the president?" Evita asked again.

"Why don't I have confidence. You see, I came to our Chamber of Commerce for more than two years, and I have become a five-level magician from a four-level magician. After a few more years... Yes, the president, you have already three this year. Ten years old?" Akali suddenly turned to ask Xu.

"Ah... it’s thirty, what?" Xu Yidao.

"I am only twenty-four years old this year, and I am still six years away from the age of thirty. Why can't I become a level 8 magician in six years?" Akali immediately said.

"Well, you will become a level 8 magician, but not now, so let's converge." Evita is too lazy to argue with Akali again. Turning head to Xu Yi asked: "The president, the researcher who participated in the assessment of the low-level magician has now completed the assessment, and the next senior magician assessment, you must lead the team."

"Well, there are not many researchers who are qualified to participate in the senior magician assessment. There is no difference in using the team." Xu also nodded. "Speaking, Evita, Akali has passed the assessment of a five-level magician, you should be no problem?"

"Hey, I will grow up, what do you mean by this? Is it because I am not as good as Evita?" Akali asked dissatisfiedly.

"What do you say?" Xu also smiled and asked.

"I..." Akali opened his mouth, but could not continue to say it.

She is not as talented or diligent as Evita, and her magical strength has always been worse than Evita. This is the fact that she has been so many years, she can't deny it.

Evita smiled and said: "Yes, I also passed the assessment of the five-level magician. But there is still a distance between the distance and the six-level magic estimate. I should not be able to go to the senior wizard's assessment with you this year."

"It doesn't matter, continue to work hard, and strive to enter the same examination room next year." Xu also smiled and encouraged a sentence, looked up at the sky, and waved to the two. "Let's go, the time is almost the same. Our new Feishang Chamber of Commerce held the first magical mechanical product technology exchange meeting in Anweimar City, but you can't miss the two most important people." (To be continued.)