Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v3 Chapter 106: Want to sell?

Akali jumped out of the first door opened by the first medium-sized magic bus. As soon as the foot reached the ground, he stretched out a long stretch. The chapter update is the fastest

"Great! It's finally arrived! Really, I have been sitting on the car for so long, and I am exhausted."

Claire jumped behind Akali and gave her a blank look: "You got it, we only sat in less than eight hours. Is it tidy? Don't forget, last year when we got in the carriage. But it took more than two days."

"That is, now that there is a magic locomotive, it is already very easy to come." Bella, who followed closely, also cast a contemptuous look at Akali. "I see you guys are enjoying the habit, and then completely forget what I had suffered before."

Akali sighed in disobedience: "Who said? Magic locomotive, I haven’t sat many times myself? Well, anyway, sitting eight hours in a row is very unbearable. When can I? As the president said, it will take only two or three hours to get here, then I will not say hard work."

"That's good, the president also said, I want to go in two or three hours, as long as you can develop the new power of the magic engine is no problem." Claire squeezed.

"It seems like no matter what you do!" Akali immediately retorted. "Claire, don't forget, the magical inner circulation system that your team is responsible for is also very important?"

Claire smiled: "Our project has been successfully developed, but the central control system of the magic locomotive that your team is responsible for? Is it half done?"

"Of course! We have now determined the magical vibration frequency uniform standard of the magic array, and then only need..."

Akali did not finish the sentence, but was squinted by Evita who got off the bus at this time. This is the reaction. I quickly closed my mouth.

I saw Evita's gaze sweeping. Claire and Bella also spit out their tongues and embarrassedly lowered their heads.

"Don't just discuss the technical details outside, how many times do I need to remind you?"

Evita reprimanded the three people and waved to the back. The researchers of the three Magic Research Institutes ran over.

"If you are optimistic about your group, don't lose it. In the days of Anweimar City, no matter what problems you have in your respective teams, I will come to investigate your responsibilities. Do you understand?"

The three researchers nodded and said that they were stunned.

"Well, let's go in now. Everyone is taking the car for too long. It must be tired. If you take a break earlier today, don't go out and sway."

Looking at Evita, I walked to the door of Shelton Hotel. The Akali behind me suddenly came to Claire and Bella. Mysteriously whispered: "Hey, do you think. Evita now More and more majestic? Sometimes I don’t even dare to talk back to her."

"Yeah yeah, it turns out that I don't think so." Bella nodded.

"I have long wanted to say it." Claire said: "Evita is really a leader of the majesty. I think she is a long-term hospital, and it will naturally become like this?"

Akali clicked on his chin: "I knew that I had to fight for the president to be the dean, and now I can be as prestige as Evita. How good."

Claire and Bellazi glanced at Akali: "You are the dean? Forget it, you are totally unsuitable."

Akali replied back: "It seems as if you are suitable."

"We have not said that." Bella quickly denied. "I want to say that if I really want to choose, I really only have Evita's best. I have to say that the president's eyes are really good, and people are very accurate."

Claire sighed: "It’s a pity that the grown-ups are so dull in their feelings? There are so many grievances in our Magic Research Institute..."

Seeing Claire's gaze, Akali was so upset and reached out and pulled Claire's waist away.

Claire sneaked away and ran to the Sheldon Inn.

Later, Akali and Bella screamed and chased the past. In a short while, the entire Shelton Hotel’s lobby was filled with researchers from the new Feifei Chamber of Commerce, and became very lively.

When Akali chased Claire into the hall, Evita was talking to a handsome young man who was strong and looks like a handsome man.

After seeing the face of this person, Akaliton forgot to continue to fight with Claire, stopped and thought for a while, and walked over.

"President Evita, the arrangement of these days is roughly like this. If you and other researchers have any dissatisfaction, you can always ask me, I can change it at any time." Alex smiled To Evita: "The president will remind me that I will receive you and arrange everything you have done in Anweimar City for a few days, so you don't need to be polite with me."

Evita nodded lightly: "Then it will work for you, Alex is in charge."

"It's nothing, it's my pleasure to serve you." Alex looked at Akali who came over and nodded to her, then looked at other researchers in the hall and continued: "Today is you." On the first day, it will take two days from the formal examination of the Wizards Union. Why don’t I have a welcome banquet for you this evening?

"Don't be so troublesome, we are already very..."

Akali had just opened her mouth, but she was robbed by Evita. "Well, then I have trouble with Alex. But today's dinner doesn't need to be too luxurious, just do it."

"That's good, that's it." Seeing Evita promised, Alex nodded immediately. "If there is no other command, I will go first, see you at night."

"it is good."

Watching Alex leave the door of Shelton Hotel, Akali looked a little surprised and asked Evita whispered: "Is it going to be done this time?"

Evita gave a glimpse of Akali and replied softly: "If you don't solve it early, do you have to wait until our loss is too big to accept? This is the president's meaning. It is also for Heinze's vice president. I think long."

"Heinzel Vice President..." Akali looked at the door. Slowly shake your head. Sigh a sigh: "Why didn't I have such a good uncle?"


When Alix walked out of the door of Shelton Hotel, Xu also just walked into the pub gate called Lin Yin Hut.

"Hey, Xu also, here."

In the corner of the pub, the sound of Hainas sounded.

Xu Yishun looked at the sound and saw that in the corner facing the pub door, Hainas sat with another person.

"Give me a cup of lemon and vanilla juice, thank you." After explaining the waiter to the waiter. Xu also turned to look at the young man sitting opposite Henas and extended his hand to him: "Hello, I am Xu."

This young man seems to be a little smaller than Henas. It is probably in his early twenties. However, regardless of his dress or facial expression, he looks very old. He feels like he is 30 years old this year. It is also as stable and mature.

After he looked up and looked at Xu Yi, he slowly stood up, reached out and Xu shook it and immediately took it back.

"Hello, President Xu, I am Murna? Lifao."

Xu also smiled slightly. Signal to the other party and sit down together.

"Mr. Lifao. Since you called me President Xu, then Hainas has already introduced you to my identity, and even... I also explained your intentions to you?" Xu asked.

Murna Lifao nodded. "Yes, Heiners did not hide my situation and purpose from me."

Xu also looked at Hainas, and Henas shrugged and made a pose.

Xu also would like to turn to Mulna Lifao: "Since this is the case, it is much simpler. I think I can give you my thoughts directly, Mr. Lifao, may I ask... your family is willing to sell Is the research record of the F'ao Magister in his lifetime a relevant research result?"

Mulna Lifao seems to have been so shocked by Xu’s inquiries. He accidentally looked at Xu Yi’s eyes. After a while, he smiled and shook his head: “The necklaces that the grandmother paid most attention to during his lifetime were sold. You think we still have something to sell?"

Xu couldn't help but show a smile.

If you are willing to sell it, you will be afraid to sell it.

"So, Mr. Lifao, can you represent your family this time? I mean... can I specifically discuss with you the purchase of those research records?" Xu also asked.

"It can be discussed, but I don't make the final decision." Murna Lifou replied.

Xu also nodded. "I understand. Well, Mr. Lifao, I know that in the later years of the Lifao Magister, he had studied the magic machinery for a while and left considerable research. Information. I am interested in the information he left behind. Does your family retain this information and are there any willingness to sell it?"

"These valuable materials are naturally preserved intact, but Xu Huichang, I am very surprised, haven't your new Feishang Association achieved very good results in the research of magic machinery? Why do you want to get the research of great-grandfather? What about the information?” asked Murna Lifao.

"In my hometown, there is a saying that three people are going together. There must be someone who can be my teacher. That means, no matter what, from other people, you can always find something worth learning. We are new. Although the Flying Chamber of Commerce has some achievements in the study of magical machinery, the Lifao Magister is a legendary magician at the level of the Great Magister. I think that if he studies the magical machinery, he will have himself. Unique insights for us to learn and progress." Xu also replied.

"I appreciate you very much." Murna Lifao nodded. "The new Feishang Association can have a president like you, no wonder it will develop so fast. Well, on behalf of my father, I will agree to sell these research materials to your new flying business association."

Xu Yi suddenly felt a shock: "Then ask Mr. Lifao to open the price. How many gold coins? I think if I am not particularly overly, I will accept it without reservation."

Murna Lifao showed the first smile after meeting, and there was a hint of shackles.

"Mr. Xu, I have never said that if you sell these research materials, you must use gold coins to pay for it?" (To be continued.)