Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v3 Chapter 101: Don't think about changing jobs

After knowing the true purpose of Xu Yi, Camilla's great magician did not continue to oppose it.

As a great magician, he certainly has the pride of a great magician.

Although the first time I heard the annual salary of 10,000 gold coins, I was shocked by the Camilla Great Magician.

But when I think about it, I can let the new Flyer give him such a high salary. It does not reflect the value of his great magician. It fully shows the difference between him and other magicians.

So Camilla's great magician didn't make much sense. When he thought about it, he agreed.

After all, the president of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce is Xu Yi, his granddaughter, who is a self-family, and the Camilla Magi is not embarrassed.

"Grandpa, you said... the annual salary of 10,000 gold coins is attractive to the great magician outside of you? If it is not enough, I can add a little more. As long as I can attract one or more big magic. The teacher is willing to work for our new flying business association. I think it is worthwhile to invest in this." Xu Yidao.

"Well... I think 10,000 gold coins are enough." Camilla Grand Sorcerer sighed after thinking about it: "Tell you the truth, although the magicians are usually very respectable, like me. The great magician is very high in status. But the status is high, in fact, there is no money, and there is not much connection between good and bad. You also know that my magic tower used to get only 2,000 gold coins per year. Funding, there is no income at all except this."

"That's you too... cough... too conservative. If you are like the Essenck Magi, you have learned to use your magical powers to keep up with the big chambers of the kingdom and the big nobility in the kingdom. I think Your income for a year has already exceeded 10,000 gold coins." Xu also laughed.

Camilla's magician snorted: "I don't want to be the running dog of those guys. This Eisenka. It just fell into the gold coin heap!"

Xu also smiled awkwardly. Remind: "Grandpa. Don't forget, you are working for our new club now..."

"How can it be the same?" Camilla's magician looked at her eyes. “The things I study are all good things that can improve people's lives! Now people in Bangta City can have a good life. The various magical machinery developed by our new Feishang Association is the biggest! Thanks to Essenka. Merchants and nobles are fighting for protection fees, I have been numerous times!"

Xu also has some helplessness and some funny things. He thought that although Camilla's great magician was stubborn before, but after entering the work of the Magic Research Institute, this concept turned into a real fast. Now I am really proud of my work.

Of course, this is a good thing. Xu also hopes that all the magicians in the kingdom can change this concept, and save him from trying to recruit more excellent magicians.

Xu Yizhi did not entangle on this issue, but smiled and nodded: "That's good, Grandpa, since you agreed, it is so happily decided. As for the subsequent advertising..."

Camilla Grand Sorcerer waved his hand: "I don't have any advice, whatever you want."

"Good." Xu also responded. He looked at the outdoor weather early, and continued: "Grandpa. It is better to stop the research in your hand and go back to the Star Manor with me. It should be able to catch the morning. Today Ivy They took a few of Stil's old classmates to see her, and stayed at the manor for lunch at noon."

"A group of little girls are there, I am going to make some fun. But your kid is not going back quickly? Steele is not convenient now, do you want her to entertain guests alone?" Camilla's great magician gave Xu a look .

"Well, then I will go back."

Xu Yigang took two steps and suddenly was stopped by the Camilla Magi.

"Right, kid, I am going to this year's magician qualification certification. Are you not going to participate today?" Camilla Grand Sorcerer asked.

"No, I am going to go to Anweimar City. There are a lot of things to deal with. By the way, I will take part in the qualification assessment of the magician." Xu also replied.

Upon hearing this answer, Camilla's magician eyes brightened.

"So to say... your kid feels that his level of magic has improved?"

Xu Yixiao smiled, but did not answer, just made a peace of mind gesture to Camilla's great magician, and turned away from the study room.


The professional skills assessment conducted by the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce was completed for a week and ended.

After a few days of intense statistics, the list of the first batch of assessments was finally released.

According to statistics, the total number of skilled workers who passed the vocational skills assessment this time was 3,914, the most of which was 1935, the second was milling, which was 716, and the remaining five major jobs were 1,459.

The reason for this is mainly because at present, apart from the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce, all kinds of chambers related to the production of magic machinery have a relatively simple product range, and there are few types of work that need to be used, which is what many workers have. There are not many professional skills.

Moreover, among these chambers of commerce, especially the small chambers of commerce that process parts and components, naturally, the most basic and most common type of work has been adopted.

Although the total number of people passing through is as many as 3,914, the pass rate is undoubtedly extremely low compared to the 20,000 people who signed up for the assessment within this week.

Therefore, after taking over the junior mechanics qualification certificate and the junior milling engineer qualification certificate from the receptionist of the new professional skills assessment center of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, Mick could not help but excitedly shake his hands.

As far as he knows, the number of people who can pass the vocational skills assessment is not too much, and it is extremely rare for him to be able to pass two types of work at the same time.

Looking at the two qualifications in his hands, Mick took a deep breath and fixed his mind and asked the receptionist: "Is it... I am now eligible to join your new Flying Chamber of Commerce?"

The receptionist revealed a sweet smile: "Sir, I want to be able to pass the examination of our Chamber of Commerce with your skill level. But I suggest that you first negotiate with the Remite Chamber of Commerce to avoid disputes."

"Ah? Oh... yes..." Mick stunned. Then reacted. He is still a full-time employee of the Remite Chamber of Commerce. If you don't say a word, you want to run the new Flyer Chamber of Commerce. Don't say that the Remite Chamber of Commerce will not do it, and even the new Flyer Chamber will not accept it.

"Well, I will go back first."

Thinking of this, Mick waved to the receptionist, ran out of the professional skills assessment center, and ran out of the rain valley. I came to the small factory workshop built by the Remite Chamber of Commerce on the outskirts of the Rainy Valley.

Mick took the lunch break to the assessment center to get the certificate. At this time, there was no one in the workshop. Mick went straight to the office and found the document of the Remite Chamber of Commerce, Enzori Remit.

Upon seeing Mick, President Remite showed a very bright smile in an instant, his eyes swept over the two qualifications held by Mick's hands, and Mick Hach smiled: "Mick, congratulations."

Mick stunned: "Congratulations to me?"

"Of course, congratulations, you have passed two professional skills qualifications at the same time." Remite will laugh and take a shot of Mick's shoulder. "We have a few qualifications for the Remite Chamber of Commerce, but if you can pass two items at the same time, there is only one! Good boy, I really didn't read you wrong!"

Mick scratched his head. Some embarrassed to say: "President, thank you for your compliment. But I am here to find you..."

"I know." Remite's chief smiled and interrupted Mick's words. "In fact, you don't have to say it, I know. You are so good, don't give you a salary, it's too much to say. I decided, from next month, your monthly salary will be ten from the previous ten. The hardware coins have been upgraded to twenty metal coins! I have upgraded ten gold coins directly to you? How? Satisfied? In addition, I also promoted you as the production technology leader of our chamber of commerce, specializing in the technical issues of the chamber of commerce. Do you have the confidence to do it? it is good?"

Mick was fainted by President Remite.

This time he came to the resignation of President Remit, and then went to the New Flying Chamber of Commerce to ask for employment.

However, I did not expect that President Remite would give him a salary increase, and he would raise the salary of ten gold coins!

Twenty-five gold coins a month!

Even in the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, how many workers can get so much?

What's more, President Remite also said that he wants to promote him as a production technology leader? What is this stuff?

Although Mick didn't understand much, he felt very good when he heard the name.

Seeing Mick’s stunned appearance, President Remite took another shot of Mick’s shoulder and said: “Mick, you are the worker I value the most. I have always been very important to you. Now let you be a technology. The leader is just to train you. As long as you do well, we will develop the Remite Chamber of Commerce in the future, and I promise that I will never treat you badly. Don’t say that one month, twenty coins, even twice as much. problem!"

Mick's eyes are brighter and more than double? Isn't that a 50-gold coin in a month?

Seeing Mick’s expression, President Remite knew that he finally said Mick, smiled and patted his shoulder again: “Well, you should go to rest first, I will ask you to sign tomorrow. The new employment contract, which is written to give you a salary increase."

Mick snorted and left the office with some help.

Seeing that Mick disappeared outside the door, Remite would take a long breath and pick up a document on the table and glance at it with a glance of gratitude.

"Mr. Xu is really a kind person. If it is not for him to remind people, I am afraid that the most important technical workers of the Remite Chamber of Commerce will be dug up. At that time, the Chamber of Commerce will be embarrassed."

There are several names on this document, but it is written that several workers in the Remite Chamber of Commerce have passed the vocational skills assessment.

In the first place is Mick, and there is a comment behind his name.

"The worker has a basic hard work and a certain foundation in theoretical knowledge. If it is cultivated, it will become an important technical backbone of the Chamber of Commerce. Please be kind."

"Hey, Mick, this kid has long wanted to go to the New Flying Chamber of Commerce. Fortunately, I responded quickly, blocking his mouth in advance, or he let him run, and the loss could not be found." President Mitt smiled smugly, and picked up another document from the table that was also the same as the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, frowning slightly. "Just these technologies... Which one should I choose?" (To be continued...)