Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 856

The moment when Yanhong was submerged by beta army, it had already been clearly captured by battlefield monitoring.

That scene almost made everyone in the Huiye defense command center look pale.

Especially Simmons as a technical support.

About AUB's current situation,

She was very clear about the current situation of all AUB's existing equipment, and knew that AUB's remnant army could support so far.

In addition to the hatred for the destruction of their homes by the beta army, it is more supported by the pillar left in the hearts of many AUB soldiers after the efforts made by the young Prime Minister Carrie.

Now, will AUB's last pillar be swallowed by the damn monster?

"Woo woo!!"

Suddenly, an alarm sounded in the command hall.

It was not the alarm of the breakdown of the Huiye defense line, but the alarm sound from the rear.

"What happened?!"

Simmons, who was just waking up from a dream, asked quickly.

Unfortunately, no one answered her question.

Because that scene on the screen is enough to bring everyone's morale to the lowest point.

flash of light!

Several flashes suddenly burst into the sky from the front-line logistics support point established by Shuguang society behind the Huiye defense line.

In the harsh sound of the alarm, like a meteor, he rushed to the front line and the location of the bright red attack.

At this moment, no one knows the meaning of these flashes.

So did Carrie, who was saved by these flashes.

A pale figure,

Bright red figure,

In the cockpit surrounded by the smell of sulfur, Carrie desperately looked for the possibility of making herself and Yanhong attack again.

But the small beta, which has been full of purples attacking the whole body, does not allow even a chance of this possibility.

Even if the energy device of purplish assault is still running, it can also provide running energy for PS armor, enough to make these ugly monsters break all their teeth.

Those bright red monsters filled with sulfur smoke still opened their bloody mouth and bit down the armor attacked by Yanhong one by one.

"Ka ··················"

Enough to ignore the live fire attack, the PS armor finally fell into the valley of weak energy after collapsing the teeth of countless monsters.

That gnawing and biting all consumed the energy of purplish attack.

At the same time, it is also consuming Carrie's last life in the world.

There's no way.

Carrie's last efforts, after all, failed to make Yanhong attack and fight back.

I'm afraid the rest is the box under the driver's seat!

As Prime Minister AUB,

As the current owner of the ASHA family,

At the same time, it is also the last resort of mankind.

The screen in front of me kept shaking,

The ear heard the harsh noise of gnawing external equipment.


At the moment when the urgent alarm sounded, the energy of Yanhong's attack was exhausted.

Carrie's right hand unconsciously touched the box.

"That's it! Carrie Yura Asha will never be at the mercy of you ugly and disgusting monsters!!"


Carrie's right hand had not yet touched the cold handle inside the small box.

Changes have already taken place.

Several flashes of light fell from the sky at a speed that could not be captured by the naked eye, and plunged into the pile of monsters submerged by purples.

Then a bright red storm swept around.



The dull sound of the body cut by sharp tools became the accompaniment of the bright red storm.

In the blood fog that quickly diffused around, silver flashes loomed.

Each flashing silver flash must be able to cut one or several beta into piles of meat that has lost life.

But in just a few minutes, the monster pile that had previously submerged the Yanhong raid turned into a pile of meaningless meat.

Looking at the bright red raid on the monitoring screen, which was almost destroyed and now exhausted its energy, but miraculously escaped from danger,

Seeing that she had just climbed all over Yanhong, attacked her body, chewed her armor and almost dragged carrie out of the cockpit, but now she has strangely turned into a pile of meat monsters,

Simmons couldn't help taking a cold breath and asked subconsciously:

"What the hell happened?"

Suddenly, Simmons had a flash in his mind.

"Wait! Did something happen at the front-line logistics support point of Shuguang society just now?"

At this moment, all the talents in the command center responded.

"Yes... The weapons of unknown origin stored in the support point. Just now, they... Started! They started for no reason!"


Simmons's eyes changed and looked at the silver flash that was wandering around with the bright red attack as the center.

Mingming never responded to all the attempts of the dawn society after the OBU army discovered those things.

Let alone start and attack!

Just when Simmons was wondering, the alarm sounded again.

This time, it was an air defense alarm!

The only remaining air defense radar of the Huiye defense line has detected that several unknown targets are entering the sky of the Huiye defense line at an ultra-high speed.

According to the calculation, the destination is the Huiye defense line.

More prepared, it is the location of Yanhong's assault.

"Huiye defense line! Please don't conduct any air defense interception! That's reinforcements!"

Then, a message from the son of Danu made the command center boiling.

Reinforcements, are you coming?

The howls of the monsters receded,

The noise that once symbolized the countdown to death has disappeared.

Waiting for the last moment, Carrie loosened the cold handle, moved her fingers, and started the backup energy of purplish assault.

This does not allow Yanhong to gain action ability again.

Only started the ability of external monitoring and external communication.


Looking at the main screen lit up again, Carrie saw a mess.

A pile of stumps submerged in purplish liquid.


A white body standing in front of purples.

"What a mess! Carrie Yura Asha."

Familiar tone,

Familiar sounds,

And that,

A familiar and unfamiliar organism.


What a mess!

Carrie tugged at the corners of her mouth, trying to show a smile of self mockery.

But I can't laugh.

Not long ago, in order to save herself and Yanhong, a whole MS brigade accompanied by her attack was killed in the ambush of the monster.

"Why? Have you lost the courage to live? Or do you want me to shoot you and send you to the men who died for you?!"

The white body raised the muzzle of the gun and pointed to the cockpit attacked by purples.

But Carrie was not afraid.

"It's the same as before! Lund Mina sahak. If you come to see my joke, you can like it. But now, please be sure to support the Huiye defense!"

Carrie's response made the visitor frown.

But she finally controlled the body and put down the muzzle.

As Carrie said, she did not read Carrie's jokes.

Her goal here is to protect her motherland!

In the name of Lund Mina sahak!


Mina snorted coldly, but did not continue to tease Carrie.

Then she turned on the all channel communication and loudly announced her existence.

"Listen, all AUB soldiers! I'm Lund Mina sahak. Now join the battle to defend AUB with my allies!"

With the announcement, there was a purple and blue light column tearing the black clouds and breaking thousands of thunder.


In an instant, the world covered by killing and thunder ushered in a glorious destruction.

I saw that the destruction light passed by the Huiye defense line and went straight into the rear of beta army.

Then, a fierce fire came from right to left behind the beta army.



When the glory of destruction gradually disappeared, there was a silent world, and it was the huge roar after the silence!

The fire rising from the sky, with the sound of suppressing thousands of thunder, announced the coming of this great momentum!

The huge mushroom cloud rose slowly and rushed away from the thick thunder cloud, forcing it to no longer cover up the sun. The sun was allowed to fall from the gap between the mushroom cloud and the thunder cloud, scattered on the beta army swallowed by the flame, shining on the face of death erased by the glory of destruction.

"Yang... Electronic siege gun!!"

Carrie was not familiar with the purple and blue glow.

Because she once fought side by side with the warship with this glory.

Unfortunately, she didn't guess right!

A dark strange spaceship landed quickly from the broken clouds. Several light spots flew out of it and fell at a very fast speed towards the location where Yanhong attacked.

As the distance between the two sides approached, Carrie's eyes changed and became very surprised.

"Zagu?! Gundam?! ZAFT?!"

Stunned, Carrie did not forget to ask the identity of MS who fell next to Yanhong's attack.

"Yes! ZAFT."

Mina answered very simply.

Carrie could not find a reason to speak for a moment.

"You take the prime minister back to the rear! Leave it to me here..."

At random, Mina paused and then added.

"Just leave it to me and knight K to deal with it."

Therefore, the Yanhong assault was set up by two zagu planes, one of which was covered by GAODA, quickly left the front line and returned to the rear.

Looking at the white body of the monster standing in place and facing it independently, Carrie raised more questions in her heart.

"Wait! Knight? Knight K?!"

Suddenly Carrie realized the name that miner had just said.

In Carrie's memory, only one person would be so called.

"How could it be? He, obviously, has joined the command of speaker dilandal and become the core figure of ZAFT in the name of the holy lion knight? How could he appear here at this time?!"