Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 688

When the snow-white lion slowly stepped down from the shuttle, its existence attracted everyone's attention.

"This... This is a lion?!"

While the women behind Amida were surprised to shout, they could not control their panic because of the appearance of the snow-white lion.

"It... It can't eat people, can it?"

"I remember the book said that the lion is the most ferocious beast. One bite can kill an adult

Bursts of whispers came from behind, which made Amida frown greatly, and she couldn't open her mouth to stop her sisters.

Because the appearance of this snow-white lion exceeded Amida's expectations.

From the list given by Yuhuo, there is no information about the snow-white lion at all.

Yes, the girl who surprised Amida.

The name had once been a name for the mysterious maiden known as Princess highness.

Rax Klein.

"Please rest assured! Zero will not hurt anyone. It's just sent by kaipai to protect me. I'm very sorry to scare you!"

When the hem of the purple dress stopped swinging, the pink girl Amida had seen stepped down from the shuttle, stood beside the snow-white lion and apologized to Amida and others.

"No! No. we were just surprised at how the lion appeared here."

Amida waved her hand again and again, tried to explain, and then signaled that the surrounding sisters could dissolve and continue with what she was doing.

Leave the rest to Amida!

After a pause, Amida glanced at the two girls who followed lacs and stepped down from the shuttle one by one, gudelia Lana Bernstein and ATRA MIXTA, put away their faces and bowed to lacs.

"Welcome your royal highness to our ship, and our home, hammer! I am Ah Da Ma Lu. I am also one of the hostesses here. Let me show you your royal highness today."

Amida's sudden solemnity not only made lacs frown slightly, but also surprised gudilia and ATRA.

First, not to mention Leah, a great lady, was alone by Atlas, who was shouted by Armida's Royal Highness.

"Although we once had what we were before, we were very honored to know you!" Mrs. a. maidu ma'arca. Besides, you don't need to call me with such a solemn address. You can call me by name. After all, I am not a Royal Princess. I am the same as Leah and Atlas. They are just a mediocre girl.

Compared to the two people who were somewhat dizzy by the name of a princess in the District, lax was much more dignified and steady, and was not even touched by Armida's flattering words.

"An ordinary girl?"

Amida's face did not move, but her heart was surprised.

The previous one-sided relationship did not help Ameda understand the human nature of lacs. At most, the amazing exquisite appearance and temperament of lacs left a deep impression on Ameda.

Now, just a short time, Amida knew that the pink girl in front of her was not the rich girls she had seen.

"In that case, please call my name directly in exchange."

Amidaton was absorbed and followed lacs's words.

"Good! Then, please today! Amida."

Lacs readily agreed.

So, when the little sensation caused by the arrival of the snow-white lion spread all over the Warhammer, Minglai also received the relevant news.

It's just that he doesn't care much about these things.

Because among these messages, there is something that Amida specially notes.


The owner of the snow-white lion accompanying Lach Klein.

Can this beast, who knows the human nature and control the bloodthirsty desires, obediently follow the princess's highness, and finally the man who protects his royal highness finally uncovers his mask when deciding to go to the stars?

"Just, how can it be good? Although Ameda seems very relieved to let the big lion run around on our ship, it is always a beast that can kill adults!"

Sitting on the captain's seat, NAGase was holding his hat in distress.

To tell you the truth, even if I personally appeared in front of Lach Klein, I'm afraid I can't change much.

On the contrary, it may cause the beast to attack others because of its own appearance.

After all, there is only one man on this ship!

"Your Highness! How nice! Wherever you are, you can be guarded by the Cavalier!"

NAGase pinched his hat and stood up from his seat.

"Honey, let me know. I'm going to the fishing fire!"

As soon as he said this, there was a burst of laughter on the bridge.

"Honey, aren't you afraid of the big lion? I heard from lafda that the big lion didn't seem fierce, and even let lafda touch their hairy sideburns."

The girls on the bridge made fun of mingse's decision.

But Minglai was not ashamed of it at all.

On the contrary, he also said that he was really afraid of the big lion.

"How do you say that? Now it seems that only women can be a little safer on this ship. At the same time, I have something to talk to Olga. Well, that's it!"

With a thick skin like a city wall, Minglai was not afraid of the teasing of the bridge girls. On the contrary, in a few words, he gave up all the ideas of the bridge girls who wanted to see a good play and obediently arranged for him to go fishing and fire.

"Well, yes! Be sure to bypass the route of the big lion. I won't meet the big lion before I reach the star of the year!"

Mingse's "escape" soon reached Amida's ears.

In this regard, Amida could not help but look at the lion lying in the corner of the room, quietly watching lacs and goodelia.

"That's it!"

The visit of Lach's women to Warhammer is still in progress, and will not stop because Minglai runs to the fishing fire.

Led by Amida, lacs and his party came to a very special room in the middle of the whole Warhammer.

"This is the cradle of our babies. As long as the work is over on weekdays, we will come here to meet our babies. Of course. The sisters without work have to take care of the babies."

Standing in front of the French window, Amida's face showed a trace of maternal brilliance.

Along her line of sight, you can see that there are children crawling, sleeping, or playing with toys in the warm and childlike rooms.

Among them, some are only a few months, others are two or three years old.

In detail, there are at least seven or eight children in this room!

"Wow! Baby! How cute!"

Looking at those soft and lovely babies, ATRA couldn't help the flood of motherhood and lay on the French window to watch.

"Cluck. Do you want to go in and have a look? It's time for the babies to move! It won't disturb the babies' sleep."

Amida smiled and looked at the snow-white lion following lacs.

As everyone knows, when she looked at zero, zero had already fallen down, and her huge body almost blocked most of the whole French window.

"Zero, I don't seem to want to go in!"

Lux and zero looked at each other and nodded.

"Well, well, let's go in! Oh, yes. We have to take off our shoes."


The play time with the babies passed very quickly.

When goodelia realized that it was very late, some floating thoughts originally because of the lovely actions and expressions of the babies gradually returned to reality.

Moreover, at the moment when she woke up, she also noticed that a look was looking at her.

"What? Are you tired of it?"

Asked lacs, looking at goodelia as she teased the baby lying on her lap.

"No. I'm not tired. The babies are cute. It's just..."

Gudilia shook her head again and again. When she subconsciously wanted to explain, she found that Amida, who had stayed in the room, had left at some time.

"Amida just left. Don't worry. She'll be back later. Right! ATRA."

As soon as she heard lacs' words, ATRA, who was playing with the baby in her arms, nodded again and again, indicating that lacs was right.

"What's the matter? Are you tired, Claudia, or are you hungry?"

First she responded to Lach's question, then looked at goodelia suspiciously, and ATRA asked her own question.

"No. I'm not hungry. I just think what am I doing now? Originally, I was going to the earth. But now I'm sitting here playing with such a lovely baby."

Goodelia seemed a little depressed.

Perhaps it is because in the previous events, as the core figure of the event, he can only watch the development of the situation, but can do nothing.

"Are you worried about your weakness, Cydia?"

Lacs picked up the baby lying on her lap and put it on the other side. After the baby played with the building block toy, she looked at goodelia again.

However, this time, lacs's eyes were not as soft as before, but became serious.

Goodelia was shocked, but she nodded.

"Yes. Lacs. Since I arrived at the CGS, no, the iron blood group, I can only act as an audience and watch the leader of Olga. They work hard to protect me and take me to the earth."

When she was telling about her watching on the situation and her inability to do anything about the situation, gudilia's eyes were down and her thumb was stirring unconsciously.

Looking at gudilia, who was depressed by her powerlessness, lacs suddenly had an illusion.

From goodelia, I saw myself who could only act according to the plans of the adults.

"Gudilia Lana Bernstein. Since the" July meeting ", she has become a girl who has become the hope of various independent movement organizations on Mars and even the Martian people. She has been constantly negotiating with the Abreu government in the earth circle, trying to reverse the unequal economic development agreement signed between Abreu and the Mars independent city of krese since the pioneering era."

Lacs whispered out the identity information about gudilia, drew gudilia's attention back to reality and made her look at herself.

"To this end, based on the idea of wanting to understand the voice from the bottom of Mars, gudilia Lana Bernstein personally appointed the third team originally affiliated with the civil security company CGS, so that this team composed of Martian orphans and even desperate teenagers can become the escort of gudilia when she goes to earth."

"Lacs, you

Gudilia, who was coldly speaking out her series of actions, looked at lacs in surprise.

Instead of stopping, lux nodded at goodelia and continued:

"Originally, gudilia Lana Bernstein's original intention was to personally go to negotiate with Abramovich's representative Shi Miao for economic independence, but she didn't expect that such unexpected changes would take place. Therefore, gudilia Lana Bernstein could not help but doubt and hesitate when she calmed down. Right?"

When lux pointed out the purpose and idea of goodelia's action one by one, ATRA looked at lacs and goodelia indifferently and wanted to interrupt, but she didn't know how to speak.

"I... Miss laches. I..."

Gudilia moved her mouth, but she couldn't find any suitable language to describe her anxiety and confusion at the moment.

Looking at the little face that gradually became anxious, lacs suddenly smiled.

"Miss laches, you... Smiled. I, do I really look ridiculous?"

As soon as goodelia saw lacs's smile, she felt a little ashamed.

"No. I'm not making fun of you. Goodelia. It's just that I envy you!"

A trace of nostalgia flashed through Lux's eyes.

"Envy... Me?"

"Envy goodelia?"

Asked goodelia and ATRA in unison, puzzled.

However, lacs had no idea of continuing to entangle in this aspect.

"Shi Miao Donghu. The representative of Abreu resigned due to corruption rumors not long ago. Gudilia, what do you think the former representative of Abreu who was forced to resign will do under such circumstances?"

As soon as goodelia heard Lach's words, she was startled on the spot.

What shocked her was not what action Shi Miao donghuzhijie would take, but that the former representative had made an agreement with her not long ago. As long as gudilia Lana Bernstein arrives on earth in person and negotiates with him and Abreu, everything will come to a good conclusion.

"How could this happen? In that case, isn't my trip to earth..."

The reaction of goodelia made lacs sigh secretly.

Because she couldn't help thinking of Lei Mingkai's evaluation of goodelia.

That is a young girl who has a beautiful ideal, but lacks some knowledge and thinking, and is pushed onto the revolutionary stage by the world.

"Goodelia. Your actions will not be in vain."

Lux sighed in her heart that while goodelia was immature in some way, she could only try to follow the guidance.

"Shi Miao Donghu, the former representative of Abreu is not a person waiting to die. As long as you can successfully reach the earth, there will be an opportunity to complete what you want."

Before goodelia could hope again, lacs's next words fell on the spot like cold water, deeply hurting goodelia's heart.

"However, in this process, there will inevitably be a storm to contain many forces. This storm is not as simple as the street fighting and independent parade you see on Mars, but a terrible storm that will shed blood everywhere for individuals, groups, organizations and even the whole country."

"Gudilia Lana Bernstein. You are not a weak ordinary girl who successfully integrated many independent organizations on Mars at the" July meeting "and contacted Abreu to get a commitment."

"The key to this storm is in your hand."

"As long as you make up your mind, this storm will sweep the earth circle and even the human world in the outer circle. Of course, many forces who covet the key you have also appear in front of you one after another, or threaten, or lure, or kill you!"