Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 680

The long-awaited journey to the universe finally began.

In Olga's arrangement, the partners assigned to the mission boarded the shuttle to the universe one after another.

"It's time to go at last, miss."

Fermitan, sitting in the door seat on the left side of first class, looked at goodelia sitting across the aisle.

Goodelia nodded slightly.

It's just that her mood doesn't seem too early.

It seems that it was influenced by the encounter on the farm a few days ago.

Fermitan's eyes flickered a few times, but he didn't say anything.

She knew that even if she spoke, the girl who was regarded as hope by the Martian people could not get out of the trap deliberately left by the other party in a short time.

Because fermitan was just a maid from beginning to end.

Compared with the two masters and servants with different thoughts, Olga sitting in front is a little nervous.

The insider has confirmed that it's todo milconan.

Moreover, Olga made a series of arrangements after prying out the information related to Orcus from the insider.

But even so, Olga still had no bottom.

Orcus is not a threat to the new Tiehua group.

The real threat to Tiehua group is the big mountain behind the Orcus chamber of Commerce - the galarhorn Mars branch.

While the shuttle is still some time away from launch, Olga reexamines his plan back and forth in his mind, trying to find a flaw in it.

Thinking, Olga couldn't help looking forward to the two empty seats.

That's Lei Mingkai and Lux's seat.

According to the arrangement, Lei Mingkai and lacs are on the list of taking the shuttle into space this time.

But on the eve of his departure, Lei Mingkai changed his divination.

He refused to take the shuttle to space with the people of Tiehua regiment, go to the ark and transfer to Yuhuo, the assault transport ship just included in the name of Tiehua regiment.

Olga tried to persuade, but he was rejected again by Lei Mingkai.

Especially when Olga showed that on Mars, only relying on the shuttle can enter space smoothly, Lei Mingkai's attitude is still firm, and even has an indisputable smell.

This made orr a headache, but there was nothing he could do.

After all, Lei Mingkai is not only the client, but also the investor of Tiehua group.

If it were not for Lei Mingkai's timely investment, Tiehua group would not even be able to board the shuttle.

"Olga, are you thinking about your excellency?"

Eugene, sitting behind Olga, poked his head out and looked at the contemplative leader.

"Well, there are some. I don't know how Lord Lei Mingkai meets us?"

Obviously, this question cannot be answered in a short time.

Because the shuttle was launched.

The burden of that instant acceleration immediately made the people of tiehuatuan close their mouths and concentrate on fighting the shuttle to get rid of the strong overload caused by gravity.

Until the shuttle crossed the sky, broke through the shackles of gravity and successfully entered space, the people were slowly relieved.

Some subtlety is that when getting rid of gravity, gudilia, who endured the physical burden brought by overload, felt a burst of relaxation after the shuttle successfully entered space.

It seems that the problems that have haunted her for several days disappear without a trace at the moment, and the rest is the boundless sense of emptiness when facing the vast space.

"Next, just enter the low orbit terminal and wait for the pilot spacecraft to come?"

Fermitan, who was getting better, asked biskate sitting in front of him.

"Well, yes."

Just as biscuit answered, Olga, who was sitting in front of him, stood up.

"No! Before that, we need to solve some problems! Orcus's ship appeared ahead of time."


With the exception of Eugene, the other teenagers looked out of the porthole along Olga's eyes.

Above the right side of the shuttle, a dark green armed transport ship was sailing at a constant speed.

"Is that Orcus' boat? It's so early!"

The teenagers marveled at the client's early attendance.

Olga sighed slightly.

"Everything is just as you guessed! Then, biscuit, go and inform the third month to be ready for attack! Eugene, come with me to the cab! The shuttle must speed up!"

"Ah! Yes!"

Because biskett was going to help on the farm, he happened to miss the opportunity to interrogate todo milconan, so he was confused by Olga's order.

But there was no hesitation in his action.

In the surprise just now, biskett clearly saw three light spots emerging from the back of Orcus's ship and speeding towards this side.

without doubt.

The three light spots are the light from the MS propeller.

"Come on! Eugene! We can't stop here!"


The wind is blowing.

From the early morning, the wind around the tiehuatuan base gradually became a little noisy.

Dexter Kurast, the financial accountant of Tiehua regiment, led the remaining teenagers left at the Tiehua regiment base, stood at the gate and quietly looked at the body standing on the Wasteland - freedom GAODA.

"It's almost time! Commander, they should have gone into space."

Dexter looked at the time and muttered to himself.

Dexter was there when Lei Mingkai refused to take the shuttle into space.

Like Olga, he couldn't understand or know why Lei Mingkai blocked taking the only shuttle on Mars that could enter space.

But Dexter knew that he was lucky to see the strength of Lei Mingkai's refusal to take the shuttle into space before Olga.

"Dexter. Did the boss meet the head?"

The teenagers standing next to Dexter looked very curious.

Free Gundam can fly, they all know.

However, teenagers know that no matter how MS flies, it can't get rid of the shackles of gravity without the help of external conditions.

Facing the problems of the teenagers, Dexter nodded silently, but could not say anything that could solve the doubts in the hearts of the teenagers.

You know, he was wondering himself.

Under the gaze of the confused teenagers and Dexter, the freedom standing on the wasteland has reached the final preparation before departure.

"The energy system drives normally and the connection is normal!"

"The nervous response system is normal, and the concentration is within the normal deviation!"

Lachs looked at the data displayed on the screen in front of her and reported the values of freedom up to the present time over and over again.

As for Lei Mingkai, he put his hands on the joystick and waited for the last moment.

"It's almost time."

With the sound of zero, a virtual shadow appeared behind freedom GAODA with the arrival of a strong wind sweeping the wilderness.

It was a beast with looming edges and corners, and its size was so large that it could almost keep up with the flat head of freedom.

However, in the increasingly fierce wind, Dexter and others could not see the emergence of the beast at all, but vaguely felt whether something appeared behind freedom GAODA.

"My side is ready."

As the virtual shadow of the beast completely appeared in the moment of freedom, zero raised his head and looked at the sky.

"It's starting over there, too. Kay, it's time for us to start!"


Lei Mingkai nodded.

"So, lacs, are you ready?"

Lacs, who was monitoring the data of freedom up to, smiled, relaxed and leaned against Lei Mingkai's arms.

"Well, I'm ready!"

The pink hair gently brushed Lei Mingkai's nose.

Rax's laughter rang out clearly.

"I believe it will be a good experience for a single machine to break through gravity!"

Leiming Kailang smiled.

"Maybe! Then, let's go! Zero!"

"I see!"

The wind suddenly became very noisy.

In the strong wind that rolled up gusts of sand, Dexter and others peeped through the gap of their arms against the sand, saw the freedom to break through the sand and fly high into the sky, and heard the sound from the sky.

"Dexter, and everyone of Tiehua regiment, for the sake of insurance, step back a distance!"

Lei Mingkai's voice was mixed with the wind, but it clearly spread to Dexter and others.

Without hesitation, Dexter immediately pulled the teenagers back into the facilities of the base.

"All right! The audience has gone far!"

Zero type urged again and again. It seemed that he couldn't wait for the battle in the void above his head.

"Light bearer, start!"

This is the second time that Freedom Gundam has been fully launched since it got the brilliance messenger.

The first time it was launched was when it resisted the attack of Genesis.

Now, Lei Mingkai is trying to break through the gravity of Mars and break through the gravity well in a stand-alone attitude by relying on the unparalleled acceleration of the brilliance transmitter.

With the launch of the light transmitter, the steel wings of freedom GAODA fell off one after another, and under some force, they gathered into a huge ring behind freedom GAODA again.

At the moment of the appearance of this ring, lines distributed according to a certain law suddenly appeared on the surface of the ring. Even with the appearance of these lines, the same but subtly different lines began to appear behind the free GAODA.

"Light transmitter, the start is complete! Zero, it's up to you!"

At the moment when the aura was fully unfolded, Lei Mingkai's voice reached zero's ear.

Then, there was a thunderous roar on the wasteland swept by the strong wind.


At the moment of roaring and shaking, the sandstorm was torn by a column of light filled with electric sparks.


The goal of this light column is not the sky overhead, but the freedom of the light transmitter.

The terrible light column burning the wind and sand all over the sky, at the moment of touching the light transmitter, a more dazzling light column, just like the dazzling brilliance of the arrival of stars, wantonly bloomed its own brilliance on the Martian sky.


Stars come,

Thunder rolling,

Among the torn wind and sand, there are endless leaping lightning, as if sending the blessing of a long journey to the free GAODA who broke through the gravity well.

Attracted by the roar of the thunder version, the people who rushed out of the bunker could only stare at the shining star, which broke through the blue sky at a speed they couldn't imagine.

Mars, space, low orbit.

A chase war is raging.

Under the influence of Lei Mingkai, Olga, who knew in advance that Orcus would betray his side, did not hesitate to make first-hand preparations. When he found gallalhorn's MS, he immediately let the third moon attack, accelerated the shuttle out of low orbit and flew directly to the landing mark where the fishing fire met.



The muskets in babatos's hand kept firing shells, attracting the gallalhorn MS chasing the shuttle as much as possible.

"It's easy to aim. Their movements are not free at all, as fast as they come!"

Looking at the accelerating MS in front of me, the God of the moon whispered calmly on the third day.

Perhaps, for other militia organizations, MS and pilots of gallalhorn are at least second-class or above.

However, after being personally trained by Lei Mingkai (rubbing on the ground), facing the siege of five Gretz from the Mars branch of galarhorn, the third moon didn't feel a trace of pressure and looked at ease.

Among the five Gretz, naturally, there is a Gretz commander personally piloted by Connor Conrad, the head of the Mars branch.

With all kinds of calculations in his mind, he will not miss the great opportunity to leave goodelia around Mars.

If it hadn't been for babatos' long-range attack, Connor would have been biting the shuttle.

"Damn! What's the matter with this body? Is this the body that killed kronk?"

The conspicuous small horn on commander Gretz's head made him pay special attention to its existence on the third day.

As a result, most of the bombardment of babatos was focused on it, which also annoyed Connor.

In desperation, Connor could only retreat and beg for second place, commanding his subordinates to launch a siege on babatos.

"Ain! Come on! This may be the murderer who killed lieutenant Cronk!"

At the command, the attacks of Gretz who besieged babatos became fierce, almost blocking all the retreat of babatos, as if they were immortal.

"Cut! Is it entangled?"

The third moon frowned slightly, subconsciously glanced at the radar and found that the shuttle had almost run out of the maximum range of the radar, but the armed transport ship of the Orcus chamber of Commerce was biting hard behind the shuttle.

"What? Olga."

In front of us are the Gretz forces besieging themselves and babatos, and in the distance are the armed transport ships biting the shuttle.

This is the dilemma faced by the Tiehua group at present!

Under the fire net woven by the Gretz, a light quietly appeared and went straight to the armed transport ship biting the shuttle.

At this moment, both Gretz and barbatos, their radars have neatly sent out harsh alarms for the discovery of ultra-high speed objects!!

It is a light that appears above the Martian atmosphere without warning.

It was also a light that surprised everyone, but caught up with the Orcus armed transport ship in the blink of an eye.

It was a terrible brilliance that made the Orcus armed transport ship unavoidable. It was directly hit in two and exploded!