Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 263

The white shadow fell from the sky. While blocking in front of the green spectacled dog, it rotated rapidly in place, setting off bursts of sand and dust to cover up all the things around.

Of course, this also includes the green spectacled dog.

"Da Da!"

Although the view is obscured by the dust, the black lightning brigade surrounded by the green spectacled dog driven by ziligu will not stop attacking.

The roar of machine guns,

The roar of anti tank guns,

The air in the desert, which began to become a little hot because the sun was about to rise, was pushed directly to the point of blazing.


The dust rolled up always falls.

Moreover, in the dust falling all over the sky, there are countless bullets and shells roaring to break through the dust and launch a fierce attack on the enemy hidden in the depths of the dust.

However, the dust did not sound the movement expected by all the members of the black lightning brigade.

In the sound of dust falling, the strange and familiar fluorescence appeared in front of them again.

Radiant energy shield.

Lancelot has strong defense ability since its birth. At this moment, it faithfully provides incomparable defense for Lancelot and the green spectacled dog standing behind Lancelot.

Even though there was a lot of gunfire outside, the radiant energy shield on Lancelot's arms was still strong and solid.

"Ziligu, are you ready?"

Lei Mingkai didn't look back to check the status of the spectacled dog driven by qiligu, but asked faintly.


The answer to Lei Mingkai was not ziligu, but the loading sound of the short tube heavy machine gun in the green spectacled dog's hand.

This is ziligu's answer.

In the process of cooperating with the attack just now, ziligu has recognized Lei Mingkai and Lancelot's ability. Therefore, the tacit understanding between the two was born.

For the black spectacled dogs, Lancelot, with an almost indestructible radiation energy shield and super maneuverability, has become a nightmare for all the black spectacled dogs of the black lightning brigade during this period of fighting.

Neither the gat-22 heavy machine gun in the hand of the black spectacled dog nor the 50mm anti tank gun named Dodd pioneer gun can cause any damage to Lancelot's radiant energy shield.

Even the black spectacled dogs of the black lightning brigade subconsciously concentrated their fire to attack Lancelot, but Lancelot was not a passive target standing in place.

Not to mention, in addition to lanslot, which integrates attack and defense and has super performance, there is a green spectacled dog driven by ziligu to launch a rapid and fatal attack on one side.

When Lancelot attracted most of the power of the black lightning brigade, ziligu sent nearly 50 black spectacled dogs to hell without saying a word.


The explosion exploded,

The flame rose into the sky,

Lancelot holding the radiation vibration sword seemed to put on a burst of golden brilliance under the light of fire, which made many black spectacled dogs subconsciously step back.

The next second, a gunshot sounded from Lancelot's right.

A crazy bullet storm swallowed three black spectacled dogs who summoned up their courage and tried to charge Lancelot again.


Almost at the same time, the three black spectacled dogs with a trace of courage turned into a huge fire rising in the air.


While the green spectacled dog driven by ziligu rushed out of the huge fire rising from the sky, he manipulated the plane to raise the mechanism in his hand and calmly fired deadly barrages.

The enemy's attack was repulsed again.

Lei Mingkai looked at the black spectacled dog who subconsciously stepped back for tens of meters and assumed a defensive posture, and sighed secretly.

It seems that there is no need to bother another person in this battle, right?


The reality is not like this.

In other words, no matter how Lei Mingkai affects the direction of this battle, on the other side of the planet, Lei Mingkai is far from being able to affect what happened there.

"Ziligu. Don't underestimate people! This is a black lightning brigade with 250 ATS."

The surrounding fire flickered in the dark smoke, and the surrounding atmosphere was still bleak, but when the sound sounded, qiligu's heart aroused a ripple.


On a rare occasion, ziligu said the name silently.

Lei Mingkai, who noticed the situation here, looked back and saw several small black spots in the growing white fish belly far away.

Between these small black spots, there seems to be a flickering fire.

"Titania? Ziligu, titania is being pursued and killed by killers sent by the matiaru church."

Lei Mingkai did not expect that when he was glad that this battle did not need the second-generation incentive, and titania came on stage, the reality gave him a slap in the back at the next moment.

It's really the speed of light.


There seemed to be a trace of doubt in ziligu's flat to almost cold voice.

"Yes! Because titania was defeated by you in the previous duel, it was chased and killed by the church. But now let's save titania! Ziligu, is it all right for you?"

Ziligu did not speak, but still used the sound of loaded bullets to replace his answer.

Although ziligu was confident that Lei Mingkai could save the transport plane driven by titania in the pursuit of several gunships carrying dozens of at, that is, the earth spider used by the church, ziligu would not ask this question.

After all, in this battle, he has recognized the strength of Lei Mingkai.

"Zirigu! Cover me!"

For the first time, Lei Mingkai made a request for ziligu's cover.

Ziligu did it immediately.

So, under the cover of the green spectacled dog driven by ziligu, a pair of supports were suddenly opened on both sides of lanslotta's back cockpit.

Then, similar to the radiant energy shield, no, the more dazzling fluorescence extends from under the support in an instant.

Just in the blink of an eye, a pair of bright and gorgeous wings of light stretched out behind Lancelot, which shocked qiligu who always paid attention to this side and the black spectacled dog who witnessed Lancelot unfolding his wings of light.

"Ziligu! Go first!"

As soon as the wings of light extended, Lance lotton soared into the sky like a loaded shell.

"No!! that strange body is going to run away!! stop him quickly!"




"Dada dada!"

In shock, most of the black glasses dogs who subconsciously thought Lancelot was going to escape raised their anti tank guns towards the sky, trying to lock Lancelot's figure.


Lancelot's full flight was too fast.

As soon as the black spectacled dog kept switching the adjustable camera, there was no way to capture Lancelot's figure.

What's more, there are people on the ground who won't watch the black lightning brigade stop Lancelot's action.

"Dada dada!"

The gunshot rang out again.

This is the roar of a green spectacled dog.

At the moment when the dust again lifted at the feet of the green spectacled dogs, the short tube machine gun equipped in his hand once again began the journey of harvesting the surrounding black spectacled dogs.

In the distant sky, under the guidance of three helicopters, three gunships bit behind the fleeing transport plane in front of them, without giving up.

"Dada dada!"

The speed of the transport plane is not very fast.

The helicopter wrapped behind the transport plane was able to bite the transport plane and shoot barrages at the transport plane in the process of pursuit.

Only because of the armor of the transport plane itself and the superb technology of the pilot, the barrage fired by the helicopter did not pose any threat to the transport plane.

At this moment, both the black lightning brigade and the gunboat formation chasing the transport aircraft have found each other's existence.

Back off,

Or keep fighting?

This question was answered in the hearts of commanders on both sides almost instantaneously.

The troops besieging the green spectacled dogs did not retreat. The black spectacled dogs chasing Lancelot turned their guns and muzzle, locking the gunship formation behind the transport plane from a distance.

The gunboat formation directly ordered the helicopter to accelerate, rushed to the front of the transport plane and tried its best to stop the transport plane.

However, no matter how perfect the plan is, it will encounter unexpected accidents.

When the helicopter belonging to the gunboat formation accelerated to the front of the transport plane, a flash of lightning suddenly appeared in the sky.


In the blink of an eye,

The helicopter that had accelerated to the front of the transport plane suddenly exploded.

It was not until the sparks from the helicopter were dispersed by the transport plane that the gunboat formation reacted.

"Attack?! we were attacked by kirugamis's troops?"

Besides, there seems to be no second possibility.

So the gunboats chasing the transport plane turned the main guns in unison and locked the black spectacled dog standing on the sand dune below.


The attack began.



The gunship is equipped with a much stronger gun than the 50mm anti tank gun equipped by the black spectacled dog.

Just a simple shot is enough to turn a team of black eyed dogs into fly ash.

Just two rounds of volley, the three gunships destroyed several black spectacled dog teams.

"Ma, at of the matiaru church, gunboats are attacking us! Attack! We can't wait to die!"

The black lightning brigade panicked and immediately began to fight back.

The two sides who originally had hatred for each other have forgotten who fired the gun at this moment. They only know that their own side has been attacked by the other side.

They are only for self-defense and to expel all enemies against them.

"Dada dada!"

"Dang! Dang! Da!"

Above the sand dunes were barrages of shells fired by the soil spider at forces used by the matiyaru church released from the gunboat formation.

Above the sand dunes are those black spectacled dogs with red eyes and in urgent need of vent channels.

In the previous battle, they were powerless.

Whether facing Lancelot or the green spectacled dog, in the past, the rare black lightning brigade finally tasted the irreparable gap in combat power and the taste of failure.

Over the battlefield, Lancelot raised his varis rifle again.

The attack that shot down the helicopter just now was what Lancelot did.

Strangely, the attacked gunboat formation did not lock Lancelot's position for the first time, but more closely pursued the transport aircraft driven by titania, and invested a considerable number of troops to fight with the black lightning brigade on the sand dune.

This surprised Lei Mingkai, but also felt puzzled.

According to Lei Mingkai's understanding of the next step, such a situation will not happen until the second generation incentive, that is, titania lands in her special plane.

"Distortion of history? Gee, forget it!"

As soon as the idea emerged, Lei Mingkai threw it aside.

Distortion is distortion!

As long as we can save the doomed titania and break the curse of the celestial ghost lone star that inspires brother, what about the distortion of history?

The alignment on the front screen is locked and the trigger is pulled down.

The helicopter chasing the transport ship was shot down again.

The next second, the last helicopter embarked on the same fate.

Then came the gunship that pursued the transport plane.

"Zero. It's coming!"


The white cat zero figure squatting firmly next to the driver's seat flashed and integrated into Lancelot's system again.

Immediately, Lancelot's electronic eyes lit up a terrible red light, and a trace of red light also extended out of the pair of light wings behind Lancelot, as if it was giving birth to a bright red mesh for the pair of light wings.


Lancelot's body flashed like lightning across the sky. Under the slightly surprised gaze of titania, Lancelot flew past the transport plane and rushed into the gunboat formation that had just released all the earth spiders.


The hand rises and the sword falls.

Lansloyer's radiant vibrating swords cut effortlessly from the bridge on the top in front of the first gunship. With sparks flying all the way, they dragged the invincible blade all the way to the rear of the gunship and stabbed it into the power furnace of the gunship.


As soon as the wings of light behind Lancelot stretched out, they rushed into the sky between the gunships' explosion and looked down at the remaining two gunships.

"Sorry! That's it!"

As soon as the blade of the sword changed, Lancelot dived down again, broke through the rolling smoke of the battlefield, and once again cut the radiation vibration sword in his hand into the residual gunboat body.

"Well, what kind of organism is that? At? Ziligu, where did you get help?"

Let the transport plane crash into the formation of the black lightning brigade according to the autopilot program. Titania in the deep was shocked and looked at Lancelot flying wantonly in the sky.