Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 258

The battle did not seem fierce, but it could be described as a straightforward battle scene in which qiligu killed three black spectacled dogs with flesh and blood.

Lei Mingkai turned his head slightly, looked at the hovercraft following behind and smiled.

When ziligu finished killing three black spectacled dogs with flesh and blood, Lei Mingkai drove his SUV to the center of the battlefield - next to the burning sand dunes.

As soon as Lei Mingkai appeared, the nerves of the red haired girl became more nervous.

Especially when watching the unconscious qiligu fly out of the thick smoke and fall powerlessly on the sand dune.

"Don't worry! I didn't mean any harm. On the contrary, I shot down the three helicopters just now."

Lei Mingkai, who poked out half of his body from the off-road vehicle, smiled friendly and patted the anti equipment weapon with a trace of residual temperature to prove that what he said was true.


The red haired girl was stunned. She really remembered that in the battle just now, the helicopter hovering overhead suddenly exploded for no reason in the blink of an eye.

"Is it really you?"

Facing the doubts of the red haired girl, Lei Mingkai resolutely reached out and picked up the white cat zero from the co driver's seat and motioned to the red haired girl.

"Look! How can a person with such a lovely kitten be a bad person?"

"Meow ~"

The white cat zero style showed a cute appearance on the surface, but at the bottom of his heart he scolded Lei Mingkai.

"Kai! You bastard! I'm a lion!! steel lion! I'm not a pet cat!"


The red haired girl was silent.

But when her eyes shifted from the unconscious qiligu to the hovercraft and then to the unlucky uncle who had lost the hovercraft and its goods in front, she silently accepted Lei Mingkai's explanation and invited Lei Mingkai to help move qiligu and the unlucky uncle back to the hovercraft.

"Thank you. Are you traveling now?"

After finishing everything, the red haired girl took a look at the anti equipment weapon in the off-road vehicle.

This is a tough guy who can break through at armor at a long distance.

It's not what ordinary people can have.

Therefore, in terms of words, the red haired girl subconsciously avoided meeting to stimulate Lei Mingkai's words.

"Well, almost! But my next stop is Delphi. Miss, your destination is also Delphi? Otherwise, it won't attract the attack of the group who blocked the area."

Although Lei Mingkai asked clearly, he still showed a pair of questions on the surface and tried to ask the red haired girl for the same look.

"Do you want to come with me?"

Red haired girls are very popular.

"If you can."

The red haired girl was silent again.

But she soon made a decision.

"Yes. In that case, I will drive the hovercraft to lead the way in front, and you can follow."

"Thank you very much. Besides, my name is Lei Mingkai. I don't know Miss's name?"

"Stevia, stevia Butler."

Therefore, the hovercraft, which had been attacked by the black dog, started again and sailed towards gelfei in the rolling dust.

The next road was not attacked, and even the shadow of the helicopter was not seen.

This made stilvia, who was driving the hovercraft in fear, slightly relieved, but when she saw Lei Mingkai's off-road vehicle rolling out of the dust and running in front of the hovercraft from time to time, she felt that it was far from time to relax.

Compared with the worried stevia, Lei Mingkai is in a hurry now.

There is no other reason.

In order to win Stevia's trust, she suddenly took the white cat zero and asked it to sell cute and please the girl.


This routine, which has great lethality for most girls, did not achieve the expected effect.

Moreover, it also triggered the dissatisfaction of white cat zero.

"Kay! You bastard!! let me please the human girl!!"

The white cat zero ejected its claws and rowed back and forth on the driver's seat, and there were terrible roars in its throat.

"It's just a strategy. Zero form. This has not been done before. Why, now it's disgusting?"

Lei Mingkai, who was steering the wheel, did not take the pride of white cat zero to heart.

It is estimated that the reason why this product is like this is because during the previous period, it was carefully served by the maids all day and spent every day comfortably in the life of the emperor.

"Zero. Have you forgotten what happened when we ran away?"

Lei Mingkai's words stunned the white cat.

"Kay, have you recovered your memory?"

The white cat was stunned for a while, obviously a little surprised.

"No. It's just a feeling."

Lei Mingkai shifted gear, accelerated and followed the hovercraft through the front door.

At this time, Lei Mingkai and white cat zero style have arrived at the destination of this trip - the free trade city of Delphi.


The SUV slowly stopped on the slightly broken wasteland. Lei Mingkai put the anti equipment weapon in the back seat and covered it with a canvas, and then left the SUV.

On his shoulder, a white cat squatted.

"Oh! Are you the young man who saved stilvia?"

As soon as he got off the bus, Lei Mingkai heard someone greeting him behind him.

When Lei Mingkai turned around, he found a middle-aged man with dark skin, light brown short hair and a big nose standing behind him with a smile on his face.

"Lei Mingkai. This is my name. As for miss stilvia, I just happened to meet her on the road. What's more, it was not me who defeated the enemy, but the man in a coma."

Lei Mingkai smiled, showing no trace of pride.

Hearing the speech, the man with a big nose was stunned. Then he came forward to pat Lei Mingkai on the shoulder to speak, but he was startled by the white cat's zero pop-up claws. Finally, he had to smile bitterly and put down his right hand.

"Ah ha ha! Yes! I've heard from Stevia about the details. But anyway, you're still the one who killed the helicopter. Your name is... Ray... Well, it's a little difficult to pronounce?"

Looking at the man with a big nose tangled with his name, Lei Mingkai shook his head slightly.

"Uncle, you can just call me Kai."

"Yes, yes! Kai. It's much easier to read!"

The man with a big nose smiled, stretched out his right hand and introduced himself: "I'm stilvia's father, barnella Butler. Thank you very much, Kay, for saving my daughter."

"No. It's just a small effort."

It seems that this man with a big nose, barnella Butler, sees himself and ziligu as stilvia's savior.

But if you want to come back, this is bound to happen.

After all, the man in front of him, barnella Butler, fought with ziligu 30 years ago and successfully survived the aura of the celestial ghost lone star. Finally, he married keona, the mother of stilvia and became a real winner in life.

Therefore, while the former comrades in arms reappeared, another promising young man also became the lifesaver of his daughter···

Cough, cough, cough···

It seems to deviate from the topic.

Lei Mingkai, who hurriedly stopped, saw the teasing color in the white cat's zero eyes.

Obviously, this product is also associated with Lei Mingkai.

If not, now there are make complaints about the white cats.


Lei Mingkai cleared his throat.

"Mr. Banira Butler, I wonder if I can go to the market in Delphi. I'm very interested in this city."

"Don't call me sir. Just call my name. Kay. If you want to walk around the street, you might as well wait until I finish my work!"

"Good. Then, I'll wait for you here! Banira."

"All right!"

While Banira was busy, the white cat jumped zero, jumped on the roof of the SUV and looked up at the other side of the canyon serving as the loading area.

"I don't know what to do."

The sudden cold sound of white cat zero makes Lei Mingkai look in the same direction, but he can't see any clue.

"Zero, what do you see?"

The white cat narrowed her eyes and opened her mouth slightly.

"No. It's just a feeling. Kai, open that disc and have a look."

Lei Mingkai did as he said.

With a flash of light, a light spot appeared on the screen of the disc.

This light spot is the source of the reaction detected by Lei Mingkai before.

At the moment, the position of this light spot is so close to Lei Mingkai's position that it can be almost described by touch.


Before Lei Mingkai could clearly distinguish the distance between the light spot and them, the light spot suddenly seemed to insert a pair of wings and suddenly accelerated away from its current position.

In the twinkling of an eye,

It rushed to the edge of the disc screen, as if it had been detected in the previous week.

"What happened? We were found?"

Lei Mingkai frowned and thought of a possibility.

"No. we haven't been found. Perhaps the enemy hasn't figured out the doorway."

The white cat zero wagged its tail. As soon as it was short, it jumped onto Lei Mingkai's shoulder.

"Let's go! We still need to go into the city to see the details."


Banira moves very fast.

Although the age is getting older and older, the technology of operating machines is not inferior to that of that year. This is also one of the elements to survive under the aura of Tiansha lone star.

"Kay! We have to go now! I'm in a hurry."

Banira's face was full of anxiety. After leaving a word in a hurry, she ran quickly ahead to lead the way.

of course.

This is caused by another identity of Banira.

After counting the time, this should be a routine meeting held by the mattiaru church, which has sheltered the free trade city of Delphi for thousands of years, on the central street of the city.

At the rally, the citizens of Delphi can tell their difficulties and depression, and even ask the church for help. These confidences will be comforted and helped by the elders.

This has been maintained since gelfi was sheltered by the matiyaru church thousands of years ago.

Therefore, as an important member, Banira naturally needs to attend.

"Is it the church again?"

Looking at joining the queue of elders, the white cat zero showed a trace of disdain when many citizens respectfully welcomed barnera to the center of the street.

"The matiaru church."

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Lei Mingkai's mind.

If the detected light spot is a fragment, it will covet the power contained in the fragment, or people, it is likely to come from the declining matthialu church.

I remember that thirty years ago, due to falling into a power struggle, the rising mattiaru religion forcibly awakened ziligu and fiana, who were desperate to seal themselves.

And the "sub era soldiers" composed of titania called the shield of order launched an attack on the "untouchable man" ziligu Chubi.

As a result, it was a complete failure and the church's prestige plummeted.

Now, at a time when the church is unable to provide shelter for Delphi, coupled with the newly appointed and ambitious ambition, it is not willing to fail in the selection of cardinals in the border area and come to Delphi's aspirant, besodu Garu gashman···


Another flash of light.

If we say who is the most eager for strength in this city, I'm afraid it's gashman who is unwilling to encounter failure!!

Resenting his failure and even secretly using some means to attack a higher position, I'm afraid he is now looking for a stronger force to pave the way for himself.

In the original work, as an important official of the mattiaru church, he even didn't hesitate to cooperate with the enemy black lightning brigade to try to control the free trade city and control the higher buildings of the church.

So, when he thought about it carefully, Lei Mingkai felt that it was necessary to find clues about gashman.

Now, there is an opportunity.

Banira Butler.

His son, saldeo Butler, may be the breakthrough.

"Zero form, have you ever heard of a church whose teachings are all fighting, fighting and fighting?"

"What's that? Idiot? If you only know the battle, it's just an endless destruction!"

The white cat zero pulled the corners of its mouth.

"Yes! But the emergence of this church is inevitable. After all, no matter at that time, the world will have some unspeakable results after a huge war that lasted for a hundred years and killed and injured countless people."

Lei Mingkai's eyes fell on the elders who were perhaps the last reason of the church.

"Next, I'm afraid we have to contact these madmen. No, maybe the poor people bewitched by gashman!"

Hearing the speech, the white cat sneered a few times, popped out its claws and waved.

"Bewitching? Hehe. No matter which world, there are always some young people who can be bewitched so easily. It's really funny!"