Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 254

The sun is bright and the sky is clear.

The imperial capital, pandoragon.

At this time, the flags are flying and the flowers are in full bloom.

On the main road leading to the palace, one by one was dressed in bright red cloaks, with sharp edges and corners, full prestige and gorgeous patterns on the armor. Vincent, the seventh generation KMF body used by the royal guards, stood straight on both sides of the road with a long Knight gun.


It was the day when the Brittany Empire ushered in the accession of a new emperor.

Although the preparation time for the new emperor's accession to the throne was only half a month, with the help of distinguished guests from the stars, the preparation plan that used to take half a year or even longer was completed.

Moreover, even in performing such a serious task, the Royal Knights who stayed in their own bodies could not help looking over the palace.


Two huge warships with roughly the same shape but obvious differences in length are quietly floating over the palace.

1、 It is the Space Battleship macro Fengling that helped her highness eufimia, the third Royal daughter, regain the throne from the rebels.

2、 It is said that she is a good friend of the third Royal daughter, his highness eufimia. She is a girl from the shining city of the cosmos City floating in the depths of the universe. She is the cosmos battleship macro demon owned by he Meimei.

Under the great pressure brought by these two huge space warships, even the nobles and nobles who are dissatisfied with the sudden victory of the third Royal daughter, eufemia Li Brittania, to the throne of the Brittany empire can only accept this fact in silence.

After all, even if these nobles are all linked together, I'm afraid they are not as powerful as a main gun.

The huge pit behind pandoragon, the imperial capital, still exudes a trace of energy response that was blasted by the wind chime.

As long as they witnessed the energy sparks jumping in the depths of the pit, no one would dare to put their dissatisfaction and dissent on their face.

The rest is the act of respectfully and obediently sending the third Royal daughter, Her Highness eufemia Li Brittania, to the throne of God.

"It's boring!"

The upper floor of the audience hall,

On the balcony overlooking the whole Royal Square,

A young girl looked at the submissive face, as if she was full of confidence and supreme loyalty to the new queen who was about to ascend the throne.

"There is no way. After all, no one will show a face of objection in front of absolute power, especially the nobles who know how to protect themselves."

The boy standing next to the boy shrugged his shoulders and said disapprovingly.

"Hey, hey! What do these people say? They are also your colleagues. We will deal with them in the future. Is that really no problem? Lei Mingkai." the girl looked at the boy in surprise and said in amazement.

"No. I'm just a knight. I don't need to deal with these nobles at all. What's more, when the situation here is stable, the inspector should have other tasks waiting for me."

Lei Mingkai shook his head.

When the new queen ascends the throne, his appointment will be issued accordingly.

As I said before, the only appointment Lei Mingkai can get is the post of chief Knight of the Queen's personal guard. As for other positions, Lei Mingkai is not rare, and he does not want to add several unnecessary positions in addition to the position of Knight Commander.

Because Lei Mingkai himself is also an inspector who needs to go to other time and space for tasks, and in the long run, he and white cat zero have the task of collecting debris scattered throughout the universe and restoring the home world.

"Isn't this too boring? Moreover, according to the current trend, I'm afraid Youfei can't work with you in a short time."

As soon as he Meimei turned around, she sat lightly on the railing, shook her legs and small head and said slowly:

"After all, it is a critical period for the new emperor to ascend the throne. Whether he can control the whole empire in his own hands depends on the efforts of this period."

Lei Mingkai knows and understands what he Meimei said.

As the saying goes, there is nothing new in the sun.

The situation that ufimia is about to face has been staged countless times in the thousands of years of history of Lei Mingkai's distant Oriental hometown.

Now, eufemia has come to this step.

Moreover, Lei Mingkai also contributed to this step.

"I know. I always know Youfei's wishes. All I can do is support her."

Lei Mingkai nodded and looked down at the nobles who gathered around Cornelia and showed a flattering smile.

If Lei Mingkai also appears in the square below, I'm afraid he will face the same dilemma as Cornelia.

You know, Cornelia, who is valiant and valiant on the battlefield, is not willing to quarrel with these big and small aristocrats who are good at talking.

"It's hard work, your highness Cornelia. I know the feeling that you can only endure when you want to get angry."

He Meimei watched Lei Mingkai. After looking at Cornelia, he also showed a look of lingering fear.

"Have you met him too?" Lei Mingkai was surprised.

But on second thought, Lei Mingkai didn't know he Meimei's identity, but he could draw a conclusion that he Meimei's identity was definitely not simple from other aspects.

Therefore, it is not surprising for Lei Mingkai that he Meimei will encounter the "siege" that Cornelia is facing now.

"Well, yes! A group of annoying flies." he Meimei muttered unhappily, and then pulled the topic back to the main topic.

"I also know Youfei's wishes. Youfei's decision is not wrong. If any world wants to continue to develop upward and always maintain a healthy fire development state, it needs to constantly broaden its horizons and explore more into the unknown world."

Then he Meimei pointed to Lei Mingkai and the palace behind him.

"The world is very lucky. Your presence has led to eufimia. The heir of the Empire has been brought to the city of Xingyao to see the larger and broader world with his own eyes. Therefore, the world has been broken."

He Meimei closed her hands in a circle and motioned to Lei Mingkai:

"Before you return to this world, the world is just wrapped in an invisible shell, spending your little days day after day, month after month, year after year. Even if I appear, it is the same."

Lei Mingkai looked at he Meimei's gesture and pondered.

"According to you, our return is equivalent to breaking the shell in which the world is wrapped?"

"Right." he Meimei unties her gesture and compares her thumb to Lei Mingkai.

"According to my father, everyone who breaks into the world will be a nail. But whether he can break the shell of the world depends on the ability of the nail itself."


Lei Mingkai was thoughtfully silent.

When you think about it carefully, it's really how Meimei's father said that his own self is like a nail accidentally inserted into the core of the world. As long as his ability is strong enough, this nail can break out the power enough to change the world and historical trend.




Just then the bell rang.

It's the bell that will begin the throne ceremony.

The critical moment has finally come.

"All right! Sir Knight, you'd better hurry back to your post! Your task has been completed, and I don't need your company."

As soon as he heard the bell, he Meimei jumped down from the railing, clapped her palm and waved to Lei Mingkai.

"Well, I'll go first. See you later."

"See you later!"

The bell rang,

The royal guards standing on the Royal Square straightened their backs and showed their best.

Next, the new emperor of the Brittany empire will cross the Royal Square and enter the audience hall. Under the eyes of all the nobles of the Empire, his sister Cornelia Li Brittany will crown him and become a new generation of Imperial Emperor.

However, this is not in line with the process of succession.

However, as mentioned above, in the face of absolute power, no matter how many objections are, they are just the weak meow of the little milk cat.

When the sun was about to rise to the middle of the sky, the flag appeared.

The flag symbolizing the new emperor's accession appeared in the Royal Square, which also shocked all the guards standing in the Royal Square and took out 200% to welcome the new emperor.

Under the flying flag, there is a lion with snow-white sideburns, huge body, powerful look, and a small crown on his head.

On his back, a young girl wearing a red robe and a royal robe embroidered with gorgeous patterns on a snow-white background sat on his side, eufimia Li Brittania, the third Royal daughter of the Brittany Empire, that is, her royal highness who is about to ascend the throne and become the new emperor of the Empire.

The huge lion carried the Royal daughter step by step, surrounded by many guards and watched by the nobility, across the Royal Square,

Stepping on the steps leading to the audience hall,

Through the door opened for them,

In the middle of the audience hall,

In front of the steps in front of the throne.

The snow-white lion slowly helped down his body,

Lei Mingkai, who had been waiting for a long time, took a few steps forward, bent down and stretched out his hand, and was ready to welcome ufimia to the ground.

Looking at Lei Mingkai's outstretched right hand, eufemia smiled, gently put her little hand on Lei Mingkai's hand, then jumped up and fell gently on the ground.

"Your Highness, please."

Lei Mingkai led ufimia to the front of the steps.

In front of the steps, eufemia looked up.

Standing on the steps was her royal sister, Cornelia Li Brittania.

At this time, the female warrior God of the Empire was condescending and looked down on ufimia with a very oppressive attitude.

"Who are you?"

Asked the imperial female warrior.

As soon as this remark was made, there was a slight riot among the many nobles watching, but under the influence of the so-called aristocratic etiquette, the riot was only fleeting.

Cornelia, even eufemia, was not affected by the riots.

"I am eufemia Li Brittania. The third daughter of the Empire."

Eufemia raised her head slightly and looked directly at her royal sister.


This is different from the throne exercise conducted by eufemia in the past half a month.

As a witness, Cornelia's speeches and actions were beyond everyone's expectations.

This is a complete violation of the accession process sheet issued to someone.

"Eufemia Li Brittania. Why are you here?"

Cornelia's eyes gradually became severe and cold.

"For the throne."

Answer again.

"The throne? Then, answer me! Eufemia Li Brittania! Among the heirs of the Empire, you are not the first heir. Why do you want to ascend the throne? What qualifications do you have to ascend the throne?"


Cornelia unexpectedly burst the discontent in the hearts of many nobles.

These questions have been brewing in the hearts of many nobles for a long time. Just forced by the absolute power of macro, I had to press it down.

Now, it has been exposed by an unexpected person.

Cornelia Li Brittania.

Among the previous impressions of many nobles, the second Royal daughter of the empire is undoubtedly the most protective of ufimia. Therefore, she is also regarded as one of the most powerful and firm adherents to promote ufimia's accession to the throne.


At this critical time, Cornelia made a move that was almost against the water.


Eufemia did not appear to be in disorder, but her face remained calm.

Under the gaze of many nobles, the third Royal daughter ufimia said:

"A year ago, I was on the verge of death. Under this opportunity, I saw a world I had never seen, heard or imagined before."

"There, I saw things and things that everyone present could not believe or imagine. The universe city was so huge that it was unimaginable. It had busy ports day and night. It rowed quietly through the stars. Thousands of warships gathered in groups on the orbit of the planet and embarked on a journey towards distant and unknown galaxies."

"Green skin, with crystal wings, small, burly, or unique shapes, alien races with different civilizations and different languages live together harmoniously under the leadership of the power called Xingyao City, blooming beautiful flowers of civilization."

With that, eufemia turned around and looked around at the aristocrats who showed doubts, meditation, contempt and even doubt.

"Do you believe everything I say?"

As soon as the red robe was raised, eufemia stretched out her right hand, and the scepter symbolizing imperial power was put into her hand by vireta, who was on one side.

As the scepter was held high, eufemia spoke out loudly what she wanted to say.

"I know you won't believe anything I say, and you won't believe it! But it has nothing to do with me! Because even if you don't believe it, you don't want to believe it. I, eufimia Li Brittania, will show you the real world in the name of the new queen of Brittania empire!"

"Those who don't want to see the new world and stubbornly live in their own world will be powerless and completely turned into the residue of history in the rotten coffin!!"