Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 15

I have to sigh.

When Lloyd was frustrated by the port investigation that should not be in the charge of the special mission, god suddenly opened another door.

In the face of this sudden hostage kidnapping, Lloyd shouted excitedly that when Lancelot finally had the chance to play, Cecil had to pour cold water.

Because, in the order, it did not mention that the special mission should give up its investigation task and spare no effort to participate in the hostage kidnapping.

"Tut! Should such a troublesome task continue?" Lloyd smoked at the corners of his mouth and threw the investigation task at random. After others, he directly took sayhill and Lei Mingkai into the vehicle and drove towards Hekou lake.

It is estimated that after almost an hour's journey, the fully driven vehicle, driven by Lloyd, finally came to Hekou lake and passed the checkpoint arranged by Cornelia on the road to Hekou lake.

The news of the arrival of the special mission was also sent back to Cornelia's land mothership.

"Governor, your special mission has arrived, and I have arranged for them to be stationed on the right wing of the headquarters." adjutant Andreas Dalton bowed slightly to Cornelia sitting in the main seat.

"Hmm!" Cornelia nodded and asked, "Dalton, what's the result of your investigation?"

The serious looking middle-aged man bowed his head and said respectfully: "Yes! Governor. According to our investigation, the members of the special mission have no major problems. There are only two points that can draw the governor's attention. One is the special mission leader Lloyd aspender. He is not only a classmate of the second prince, seunezel EI Brittania, but also a subordinate researcher of the second prince. In addition, Lloyd aspender seems to be in contact with the emperor Your majesty has some connections. "

Cornelia nodded without any comment. Obviously, she was not interested in the existence of Lloyd aspender.

As an adjutant who has followed Cornelia for many years, Dalton naturally knows what Cornelia thinks. Therefore, he doesn't talk too much nonsense.

"The second is the unknown knight who wears a mask all day. After investigation, it is learned that nearly a month ago, the unknown knight was suddenly brought back to the mission by Lloyd and became the only Knight of the seventh generation knightmare Lancelot in the world."

Hearing this, Cornelia asked, "is that all? Dalton."

The adjutant, who remained serious from beginning to end, shook his head slightly.

"No, governor. This is only superficial intelligence. After some hard investigation, our intelligence personnel found that the unknown Knight called" K "by Lloyd was actually from the Royal Knight Academy."

"Oh? The Royal Knights' academy? Was it ordered by my father two years ago? Interesting. What else?" Cornelia's eyes gradually showed interest.

Unfortunately, the adjutant shook his head and bent lower.

"I'm very sorry, governor! Our intelligence personnel have reached the limit when they find out here. It seems that someone is secretly blocking our investigation."

"Stop?" Cornelia's eyes flashed cold as soon as she heard the word.

"Yes. During the investigation of the Royal Knight academy, our intelligence personnel were identified and secretly threatened more than once. In order to protect the life and safety of intelligence personnel, after many thoughts, I finally issued an order to stop the investigation."

The loyal adjutant apologized to Cornelia in fear and said, "if you fail to fulfill the governor's order, you really deserve to die! Please punish the governor!"

Cornelia shook her head, stood up from the main position, went to the adjutant, raised her hand and patted the adjutant on the shoulder, and said softly, "Dalton, look up. Both you and the intelligence personnel have done very well. It seems that Lloyd and his father are keeping a secret that they don't want others to know."

At this point, Cornelia chuckled.

"Well, let's put aside the special mission. What about the terrorists?"

"Yes! It's still in a stalemate. Before we arrived, we had tried to attack the rescue plan from the air and underwater, but all failed." the staff officer standing next to Dalton reported to Cornelia one by one.

"All failed? Hum! It seems that the terrorists are prepared." Cornelia's face was more and more fierce, but more worried.

Seeing this, the staff took a deep breath and said the final rescue plan.

"From the current situation, the only feasible rescue plan is to use the supply channel extending from the underground to the lower part of the Conference Center Hotel, assault the underground of the Conference Center Hotel, destroy the foundation and sink the hotel into the water. Finally, while the terrorists are in chaos, our army can send special forces into the hotel to rescue the hostages!"

The staff officer paused and continued: "since this supply channel is built for transporting materials, there is enough space for knightmare to pass through. According to the previous fighting records, the terrorists who kidnapped the hostages should not have too many heavy weapons against knightmare. Therefore, the probability of rescuing the hostages is very high."

Cornelia, who was worried that ufimia would be identified, did not think too much about the battle plan. After all, before, the highly capable staff committee had made various attempts. In the end, there was only the immediate plan to choose.

"Lloyd, can I speak to the governor?"

Lei Mingkai, who watched three Sunderlands put into the supply channel leading to the conference center by crane, looked back at Lloyd and asked.

"Yes, yes. But I have submitted my application before. But the governor doesn't seem to allow Lancelot to participate in the war." Lloyd is also a little helpless.

Since we can call them here with a piece of urgent order, we shouldn't hang them aside. As a result, I can only look at the conference center from a distance in a daze.

"Try again! I'm afraid the assault will fail." Lei Mingkai's face gradually showed dignity.

"Failure? Shouldn't it? According to the armed forces of terrorists, there don't seem to be too many heavy weapons against knightmare. Although Sunderland can't compare with Lancelot, but..."

Before Lloyd finished, a roar burst out of the supply channel.

Then, a gust of wind surged out of the channel used by Sunderland when entering the attack channel without warning, shaking the parked vehicles back and forth.


Lloyd was stunned and hurriedly asked sayhill to find out what had happened.

"The message from the mother ship is linearcannon! It seems to be a fort transformed from Glasgow! All three Sunderlands we sent were destroyed in an instant!!" saihill was surprised and quickly said the information from the mother ship.

"Linearcannon? Terrorists still have this thing?! that's terrible! Even if more Sunderland go together, it's just a shot."

As he spoke, the corners of Lloyd's mouth gradually rose.

He turned his eyes to Lei Mingkai and said confidently, "K, you're coming."

Lei Mingkai shook his head.

"Lloyd, can you talk to governor Cornelia? If you drag on like this, the existence of the third Royal daughter will be seen through by terrorists."

Although Lloyd realized from Lei Mingkai's tone that he was not joking, he felt he had to confirm with Cornelia.

It's just that it's Lloyd's own business how to confirm it.

"Governor, the Commissioner called. Request direct communication with the governor!"

While Cornelia was at a loss, Lloyd's communication appeared in time.

"Lloyd. What do you want?"

Cornelia's eyes were very sharp. It seemed that at the next moment, if Lloyd didn't give a satisfactory answer, Cornelia would order the special mission to be excluded from the operation.

"No, governor. I'm not the protagonist this time. He's the one who wants to communicate with the governor! Knight K!"

Lloyd bowed slightly to Cornelia, then withdrew from the picture and left the space for the man in white driving suit and silver mask.

"Unknown Knight K?!" Cornelia recognized his identity in a moment.

"Yes! Governor. I'm Knight K of the special test pilot!" Lei Mingkai said respectfully as he saluted.

"Come on! I don't have much time now." Cornelia pressed down her anxiety, r so that she could keep calm.

"Your Highness! Please let me undertake the assault mission!" Lei Mingkai said his request.

"Why?" Cornelia stood up and stared at Lei Mingkai. If it wasn't across the screen, Cornelia even wanted to take off the silver mask on Lei Mingkai's face and see through his heart directly through his eyes.

"Youfei!" Lei Mingkai said a name slowly.

As soon as the name came out, Cornelia was shocked.

Her heroic face became ferocious, and her voice became low and hoarse.

"How did you know?"

"Why should the governor ask clearly?" Lei Mingkai said blandly.

Cornelia clenched her fists tightly. She was about to close her eyes and think about whether she could trust the unknown knight.

"Governor! Things have changed!"

Under the exclamation of the staff, several figures appeared on the top floor of the conference center hotel.

It was several terrorists with guns and a hostage with his hands tied.

The next second, the hostage who kept begging for mercy was kicked off the top floor by the ruthless terrorists.

Hostage, dead.

Subsequently, the terrorist leader also issued a death threat.

"Governor, Lancelot and I are on standby!"

Cornelia raised her hand and stopped Lei Mingkai's words.

"Knight K. I allow you to attack! However, you must ensure the complete rescue of the third Royal daughter ufimia Li Brittania!!"

"Yes! In the name of a knight!"