Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 132

"What a gaffe! Xia ya."

As soon as this sentence appeared, it immediately aroused Xia Ya's memory.

"AMRO ray?! it's you?! what are you doing here?"

Looking at the equilateral triangular light mask that wrapped shazabi in it and the white body that landed in front of shazabi from above, Xia Ya asked in surprise.

"What are you doing here? If I said I came to see you make a fool of yourself, do you believe it?" AMRO smiled and made no secret of his contempt for Xia ya.


Xia Ya's mouth twitched slightly, but she couldn't explain her mistake with any words.

"It's rare! Xia ya, you still have a time when you can't speak. But now it's not time for us to" talk about the past. "After AMRO's head flickered on the screen in front of Xia ya, the white body in front of shazabi rushed down towards the dark meteorite crater not far below.

During the flight, AMRO's voice also sounded.

"You have the same voice as me. Come out! Use your body to compete with my Niu (nu) GAODA (PS: codeword software can't recognize Greek letters, can only be replaced by Chinese)!"


Even if Niu GAODA flew above the crater under the control of AMRO, there was still silence in the crater, without any trace of reaction.

"Can't you come out? Then I'll invite you out myself!"

AMRO connected his right hand, Niu GAODA grabbed his right hand on his shoulder and took off the super rocket launcher attached to the weapon rack on his back. After the hot nunnery, Niu GAODA quickly locked the super rocket launcher to the crater below and followed a certain direction guided by AMRO's powerful spiritual power.




One breath is three bursts of rocket propelled grenades.

Three rockets with long tail smoke almost disappeared into the crater in a pin shaped queue.


Three explosions sounded one after another.

In the flash caused by the three consecutive explosions, a silver gray body dyed red by the fire was also exposed in front of Niu GAODA.

"I got you!"

With a flash of light in AMRO's eyes, Niu GAODA threw away the super rocket launcher in his hand, raised his shield in his left hand, picked up the Beam Rifle replaced in his right hand, and shot at the silver gray body while accelerating towards the meteorite crater.


The silver gray body is naturally the inverse generation GAODA hidden here at the beginning, and its pilot livontz did not expect that when he repeatedly expressed his contempt for AMRO ray, AMRO ray himself would appear here, and even saved shazabi from the fatal blow of inverse generation GAODA.

Under the crisis, livontz controlled retrograde GAODA to retreat quickly without thinking, even if retrograde GAODA would escape from the dark protection of the crater at the next moment.

During Niu GAODA's attack just now, livontz had felt the darkness of the crater. Although it was a good cover, it was just a layer of redundant tissue paper for AMRO ray.

"AMRO ray! Do you have the same voice as me?" the voice of livontz also sounded in AMRO's ear when counter Sheng GAODA retreated rapidly.

"I should ask you this question! Why do you have the same voice as me?" AMRO snorted coldly, and his movements were not affected at all.

The fierce beams of attack continued to shoot out towards the inverse GAODA, forcing livontz to take irregular maneuvers and the surrounding terrain cover to avoid AMRO's series of attacks.

"I am the only pure species in the world! How can I have the same voice as you amorous stallion! This is undoubtedly a shame for me!"

Livontz let out a loud, angry cry.

It has been hit by Niu GAODA all the time, and the output of the counter born GAODA suddenly rose, rushed out from Niu GAODA's gun like lightning, and quickly broke away from Niu GAODA's locking range.

"So fast! The maneuverability of that plane is so fast!"

AMRO was surprised.

The next moment, a flash of lightning flashed through AMRO's mind.

"Over there!"

Niu GAODA's backhand shot a light beam to the left. When the light beam flickered, a tiny faint light flashed away.

"The next goal is

AMRO's eyes turned slightly, and Niu GAODA suddenly threw his right hand holding the beam rifle to the right.


Another beam of light came out.

Then, a faint light flew up unexpectedly.

"So fast! I'm afraid even Niu GAODA can barely keep up with this speed." through these two short exchanges, AMRO found that the speed of reverse GAODA exceeded his expectation.

Livontz was surprised that AMRO's spiritual power was so strong.

"My brain wavelet has been suppressed. Why? Why can the spirit of this amorous stallion be stronger than my only pure species?"

When livontz was shocked, he tried many attacks again and again, but AMRO easily solved them. As if, at the moment when livontz's offensive and offensive route were launched, AMRO saw through it.

Even if the cattle controlled by AMRO, GAODA never moved much distance, almost stayed in place, waiting for livontz's attack.

However, because of this, Li Fengzi, who was frustrated by many attacks, secretly bit his teeth. Obviously, he can't accept this fact.

"In that case, I will defeat you with faster and stronger power! AMRO ray!"

With a determination, livontz suddenly turned his left hand and pressed it slightly on the pop-up system bar.



In an instant, the silver gray appearance of counter Sheng GAODA was covered with a layer of red armor.

"This is me, the only pure power! AMRO ray!!!!!"

With a low roar, livontz put on the red armor, and the reverse GAODA immediately broke out faster and stronger than before, and even rushed towards niugaoda at more than three times the speed in the past.

This menacing momentum also made AMRO feel a cold murderous spirit.

"Here it is! There it is!"

As soon as Niu GAODA raised his hand, it was a beam of light.

However, there was no response.

"Missed? No, not even the faint fluorescence before. Is it to lure the enemy?"

AMRO's eyes changed, Niu GAODA suddenly turned around and quickly raised his shield.


It's a beam!

It was a beam of light from the rear that hit Niu GAODA's shield and triggered a violent explosion.

In the thick smoke, Niu GAODA threw away his broken shield, accelerated away from his original position and began to dodge.

"Where did the attack come from? I didn't feel the murderous spirit?" AMRO's eyes were more and more dignified. Suddenly, he found a clue.

"No. It's not that I didn't feel it! It's that the murderous spirit disappeared too fast!"

The next second, Niu GAODA suddenly moved his rifle down and aimed at the lower lunar surface to shoot a beam attack.



As soon as the light beam disappeared, an explosion ensued.


In AMRO's induction, Niu GAODA's beam attack did hit something, but AMRO was not sure whether it hit retrograde GAODA.

But at the next moment, AMRO was surprised.

"What's that?"

"Ha ha! Have you finally understood the gap between you and me? AMRO ray! Even if you have the same voice, how can you compare with me, the supreme being destined to lead human evolution?"

In the high voice of livontz, the trasn-am system was turned on, which put on the reverse generation of red armor. GAODA was quietly suspended in place, and AMRO couldn't find even a trace of scar from it.

"Look! AMRO! Your ridiculous attack can't cause a trace of damage to my retrograde GAODA! Just like the gap between you and me, you are destined to be a loser who only deserves to be a stallion!!"

Livontz's mockery pierced AMRO's heart like a bone spur.

Although more than ten years have passed since the era of up to Z, the days of being banned are still like nightmares, which appear in AMRO's mind from time to time, reminding AMRO that there is no different time from breeding stallions.

"Do you think I want to be like that?" AMRO's eyebrows jumped wildly, and his anger rose uncontrollably.

"Really? But I heard you enjoyed it at that time." livontz's voice was like burning oil on the fire, which made AMRO's anger even stronger.

"Shut up! Just stand at the highest point overlooking the existence of others, how can you lead human evolution! You are just a madman who talks empty words and daydreams! Floating cannon!" AMRO roared, and Niu gaodaton released all the floating cannon on his back.

Livontz snorted coldly at the sight of the rushing floating guns.

"With these toys, do you want to hit my reverse life GAODA? Delusion!!"

In the blink of an eye, at the moment when the floating gun just entered the attack position, the figure of inverse GAODA disappeared.

"What? Disappeared?"

AMRO shook his head and looked again.

"No! It's not disappearing! It's too fast! It's the Trans-Am system!!"

"Yes! Now that you've found out, let's just end it!"

Upon discovering that AMRO had discovered the truth of the secret weapon of retrograde Gundam, livontz immediately changed his strategy and decided to end the battle by the fastest and most effective means.

The afterglow flickers,

With the addition of the three red system, the retrograde Gundam easily broke through the blockade of the floating gun and detoured behind niugaoda.


The light of the beam sword lit up in the hands of counter Sheng GAODA.

"This blow! It's you! AMRO ray!!!!!"

"Don't try to succeed!"

In the face of the final blow of inverse health GAODA, AMRO tried his best to let Niu GAODA suddenly lift his right elbow and hit back. At the same time, with this castration, AMRO took the Beam Rifle of his right hand as a projectile towards the rear, that is, inverse health GAODA lost it.

"Small skills!"

With a cold smile, livontz flashed back into GAODA's body, but in the flickering shadow, he flew from niugaoda's back to niugaoda's front.

"This blow, you have nowhere to escape!"

Livontz issued a kill declaration, and inverse GAODA raised his beam sword and stabbed Niu GAODA fiercely in the chest and abdomen.

As soon as AMRO gritted his teeth and pulled his left hand, Niu GAODA waved his left arm and crossed in front of his chest and abdomen, trying to block the inverse GAODA's beam sword.

"It's no use! AMRO! Although your mental power is strong enough, you have lost in the performance of the body!" livontz smiled contemptuously.



An energy storm of particle collision broke out.


AMRO and livontz exclaimed in amazement.

This energy storm did not break out between niugaoda and retrograde GAODA, but between a sudden third party and retrograde GAODA.

That is to say, at the moment when the beam sword of inverse GAODA was about to pierce Niu GAODA's left arm, an unidentified third party suddenly blocked Niu GAODA's body and blocked the fatal blow for him.

"Yes! Since the body performance can't be compared, then change an opponent whose body performance can be compared!!!"

Between the flashes of energy lightning, a passionate blood voice sounded.


Once again, AMRO and livontz asked in unison.

"Who? Hehe?"

In front of AMRO and livontz, a large face blocked by Shura mask appeared in front of them.

"I'm not anyone! I'm just a passer-by who has a passion for steel PRA war! Moreover, if you drive a Gundam, then I'll be your opponent!!"

"Are you crazy? Since you broke into other people's fight without authorization!!"

"Must kill" was scolded angrily by the Yellow livontz.

"Break in without authorization?" the man smiled coldly and sneered, "when it comes to breaking in without authorization, don't you break into others to fight without authorization? Why is it reasonable now?"

"You are talking nonsense!"

With a flash of his body, he withdrew for a distance and locked the unidentified body in front of Niu GAODA with one stroke of his left hand.

The body has an outer armor similar to that of a traditional warrior, and there are two huge antennas extending upward around the helmet, as if it were like a pair of ox horns, announcing the powerful power symbolized by the body around.

"Whoever you are, fall to me!"

Livontz had a cold flash in his eyes, and reversed Gundam fired three bursts at the unidentified body.

However, he was accidentally dodged by the unidentified body.

In the moving room, the warm-blooded voice full of war sounded high.

"AMRO ray! Leave this opponent to me! You finish your destiny!"

Then, when the unidentified body rushed in front of the retrograde high up not far in front, he shouted like this.

"I haven't stood on the opposite side of gauda for a long time! Then, today I will be above Asura!! Trans-Am!!"

As like as two peas in the world, the warrior like body is covered with a red battle armor!