Chapter 363 00363 Short Plate Battle

North Continent Small City. Mule.

“They're like swarms of water. ”

Kim Gapsu, who was looking around the walls, saw a crowd coming like Tidal Wave, and soon expressed a brief appreciation.

“Isn't that right? ”

And as I turned my head to seek consent, the man in leather armor to the right replied.

“Flock of water.... Interesting expression.”

“Right? But why is your face so stiff? Smile if you're having fun.” Tr a n s l a ted b y Jp m tl .com

“I have no choice. If we stay here.... because if you do something wrong, you could get eaten by water ducks. ”

Although confident, Kim Gapsu burst out a low smile in his bony reply.

Although it was a metaphor for a water duck, in fact, a man's words were very accurate in describing the situation. Certain inferiority situation. No, not about thirteen. Compared to less than 200 people left in the city, the number of running ‘water ducks' was counting thousands of waters.

“Hehe…. Yeah, what's the status on the evacuation? ”

“The transfer to Barbara is almost complete…. Oh, they say it's the last minute. I think I can hit it right now. ”

“Is that so... Then we better get down there. Whatever you say, I can't just rip it off like that. ”

“Wise choice. Now that the gates are sealed, we should have plenty of time to use the Warp Gate if we're not too wolfy. ” Tr a ns l a ted by jp m tl .co m

“Okay, okay. We can go down there now. Geez, a whipping machine... ”

Kim Gapsu stroked his hand, and the man didn't ask if he felt shy anymore. Soon, a group of people who were watching him slowly began to climb down the wall. Despite the sighted screams coming from beyond the walls, their steps are very relaxed.

“I feel so good thinking they were chasing chickens... By the way, what did she do? ”

“Yes? What bitch? ”

“You know what? The bitch who bit my dick. ”

“Ahh. You mean that brown-haired cow? ”

Whether the man's words referring to 'that bitch' were inane, Kim Gaesu once again burst a small smile.

“Kick, kick. Yeah. Did you take the cow? ”

“Oh, yeah. Don't worry too much, we've brought you to Barbara. ”

“Be careful not to notice Mount Lee, Gangang. She's just his type, so if he finds out, it'll be taken away. ”

“I'll be as careful as I can.... No matter how powerful I am, I can't help it. And frankly. Already…."


It was then. By the time Kim Gapsu and his group of vagrants had just come down from the wall, the gates had been sealed tightly open with a thundering sound from heaven and earth. The man who was talking about how loud it was was, for a moment, he blocked his ears. His face was distorted by the pain of the noise.

“Mi, fuck you! You almost lost your liver! ”

“Yi, so soon? Boo, there must have been some distance left... ” Tra n s lat e d b y Jp mtl .c om

Did you use magic? The man who was talking about the 'cow' looked back at the gate with a questionable young face.


At that time, I heard a clear wave ripping through the air, and the loud sound of the gate was spreading back everywhere.

Boom, boom, boom! Boom!

“Huff! Huff... Tsk...! What the hell. Are you trying to break it? Is that reinforced? ”

“No, that's right. With the direction of the prefecture, the reinforcement work is clearly.... Oh, this is not the time! Let's evacuate...! ”

Bang, bang. Bang, bang.

But this time, when the earth shook, the face of the man turned pale like a sinner who had been sentenced to death. The strange noises that were heard earlier were shouting whenever he spoke that he would not tolerate opening his mouth in a similar manner.

Soon, the idle vagrants quickly regained their senses, and the earthquake subsided.

However, it was only the beginning.


Suddenly, the center of the gate begins to twist. Despite being a more reinforced gate than before, a gate made of thick steel was staggering around like a chimneys.

“Stop, is the gate getting dented...? ”

I saw it in front of my eyes, but I couldn't believe it. Someone muttered in a voice of frustration. And in the meantime, the gate still says, "Get back to work!”, “quack!” I was stumbling, making a sound. As if squeezing the laundry as hard as you could, the gate was becoming a lump of scrap metal.

Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze! T ra n sla t e d b y jp mt l .com

Then, along with the sound of the entire iron being torn apart, a huge hole was drilled through the gate. And it was a sudden burst of red and green arms through the hole.

Chuckle... Chuckle...

The hot purple wind blows hard through the cracked hole. The purple wind, with its clunky magical power, quickly dimmed around the gates.

And in that instant,

“Ugh, ahhhh! ”

“Monster, monster! Run away!”

With no exception, the vagrants start running screaming.


North Continent Center vs. City. Barbara.

Woof woof.

Barbara's warp gate is extremely complex. The light that had just been relentless faded, but the users coming through the Warp Gate were sneaking past hundreds. And one woman who was watching, she spoke to a man who was next to her.

“See? These are drifters coming in from Mule. ”

“Hmmm! I see. ”

“Hmmm? What else do you have to say? ”

Tr an sl a te d b y jpm t l.c o m “Well, I don't know. This is embarrassing. ”

Seeing the drifters flocking in from Barbara's Warp Gate, Simon looks truly disgraced.

“Hahaha. I heard you still caught a glimpse on our continent. It's going to be really embarrassing if we go back like this. Isn't that right, Yuri? ”

“I think it's more embarrassing now. Simon Grimes.”

Following Simon's nudity, a woman called Glass Country was struck with an obscene tone. Then he scratches his back head with a shy face and lets out a slight sigh.

“Ahh. Obviously, it's embarrassing. ”

“ ……. ”

“Mule is like that.... I can't believe Beth, Dorothy and Halo are trying to retake the attack at the same time.... I thought there were fewer people here for some reason, but I guess they did that trick. Haha! I didn't hear anything from the drifters. Somehow, all of a sudden information about movement... ”

“Even if they do, it's later on to blame them. Right now, I think we need to activate the Magic Block Gin and support Hailo. ”

Yurina suggested we move to the nearest city on the west continent and try to escape. And the opinion seemed reasonable. Despite all the other cities being wiped out, Hailo, who left a few men behind, was fiercely resisting the reclaim of the North Continent.

However, Simon chuckles with a smile that he absolutely cannot. Instead, he shakes his head.

“Ah. What nonsense. Are you really going to die? ”

“What's that supposed to mean? Why is it that moving to Halo is killing you? ”

“What Yurina said. On the premise that the monsters outside the castle remain silent while more than 10,000 people move here. So we're going to keep order, and we're going to move one by one, so in the meantime, we just have to ask them to please look at it with joy. ”

“We have a magic blocking gin…. ”

“Yurina. Against those monsters, how long do you think they'll last? ”

Simone cuts off the answer, and Yurina chews her lips as if the answer were a question. However, Simon, who still had a comfortable face, was frustrated and narrowed his eyes, sending a sharp glance.

“Simon, what are we going to do? Waiting for you to sit around and choke on your breath? ”

“Haha. Don't get too hot. Everyone in the North Continent is in a fun mood right now... Why is Yurina the only one so angry? ”

“Ha? Are you enjoying this? ”

“Eh…. Actually, rather than having fun, it's an anticipated situation. ”

At that moment, in Simon's sudden declaration, Yurina shuts up with a face that has nothing to say.

“Oh, not all of them, of course. It was unexpected that the Dragon Bress would return. Phew... I thought that was a great opportunity... ”

“Ps…. ”

Yurina sweeps her lips once to see if she has something to say. But in the end, he clenched his lips again. Simon's eyes still smiled and his expression seemed comfortable. It was like a pure young man who came out to drink.


Yurina, who had been "submissive" to Simon for a relatively long time, could intuitively feel it. It was good to think of it as Simon's unique personality. He never shows himself embarrassed in any situation. Even in the face of Jackie, the closest thing to defeating the Western continent, he has overcome countless crises, but has never lost his cool. Rather, he always managed to overcome the crisis in an unexpected and bizarre way. Simon, that's the guy.

Anyway, Simon said it was an expected situation. Then, about this situation, there was a solution for him. As Yuri-na realized that she never used to tell lies, Yuri-na turned to listen to the story.

“Okay, I think it's a little more authentic now. Haha. Ah. The journey to Hail that Yurina mentioned, it's simple. because I'm drawing a picture of the individual wave. And if you really want to live, you should never shake hands with it. ”

“ ……. ”

“I thought I'd get a little beaten up anyway. It just turned out to be the real deal. Ultimately, nothing has changed, so acknowledge the situation and accept it. If you want to live, and if you want to go back to standing on the continent. You just need to breathe on your own. ”

“You mean there's a way? ”

When Yurina asks if the prediction was real, Simon nods at once.

“Yes, for now, we need to activate the Magic Block Gin. It's too bad I didn't draw it. ”

“… and? ”

“Mmmm... As the situation is a situation, we should leave some conditions to chance. I wish I could interpret the gin on the North Continent... I have to hold on to Halo well... Anyway, even if we leave it to chance, we can increase our chances, right? We need to send some reinforcements to Halo right away. Of course, the most useless. ”

Yurina gives a curious look at Simon's words. I was giving instructions one by one to see if I had any ideas, but I didn't have any empathy at all. Her eyebrows twitched accordingly, but his words were not yet finished.

“Oh. And what else do I need...?" Right. Glass? I'm going to use him. Make sure you have all the power you need. ”

“Yes? That too?”

“Yes! It's a bit of a waste, but I don't think we can survive without power. And let's see... Aha. Nice day. Can you call me an animist for the last time? Then we're all set. ”

Simon turns his sulphite head and begins to twitch his index finger. However, I soon saw Yurina's face and smiled.

“What's with that face? ”

“... I have no idea what you're talking about. ”

“If you don't know, do as I say. because the timing, the speed, is life. Hahaha!”

Then, Simon suddenly raises his head and looks up at the cloudy sky. Then he spread his arms wide and opened his mouth in a bright voice.

“Look, the weather's helping us, right? ”


There are a lot of dark shadows in the sky, casting a blurry shadow onto the plain. And standing in the dark fog, I waited for one user. The identity of the user who was waiting was immediately personal.

I was sure I'd have packed my things and asked to meet you in my barracks this morning, but I haven't been snooping. Of course, the morning is not completely over yet. However, the promise was usually well kept, so even after the morning sun appeared, the invisible thing was something to tilt my head.

Why isn't he coming yet? '

Suddenly, I thought I was being too harsh this morning. What I told him was a story I didn't want to tell when I was talking about merit. Of course, the intention to disparage the new business was not too bright. Rather, it was a story that I loved, but when I think about it now, it was misleading.

'Anyway... I'll talk to you when I get back.'

After all, I lay in a cot in a barracks, taking advantage of my brief visit to the Nile.

Sudden Awakening of Conversation. News of the north and south. New. Cards.

Thoughts were so complicated in my head. For a moment, I was immersed in countless memories, and I rummaged through my pockets without even knowing it. Soon, a card was in my hand. And as I lifted it up in front of my eyes, I noticed an angel with tears in his expressionless face.


Why does the angel on the card keep reminding me of Seraph?

Ding, ding, ding, ding!

Suddenly, you hear the sound of a sudden march as you try to fall into Seraph's mind. I quickly stopped thinking and jumped out of the barracks.


I was not the only one responding to the signal, so I could see one or two users coming out of the barracks nearby. It seemed like there was no one who noticed the situation because everyone was full of a blank aura. Soon after, I hurriedly ran to the front of the camp.

I was able to get to the potential as soon as I tried my best, but the dense fog obstructs my vision. I can't see the city in detail. I immediately enhanced my eyesight with magical powers. Then, the landscape that appeared only to me began to come in a little more detail.

The walls were covered in black soot. It was created by me by returning the salt, but this was not the point. The only signs of an anomaly were on the floor surrounding Barbara. The 'Magic Protection Jean', which was painted around the city, was emitting an intermittent blue light.

This was one prelude to the awakening of the magic gin.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

We've sprinkled everything for Part Two. Thank you to the readers who have endured countless loaves of bread. There's no more bread crumbs, and there's only one war left to tie up the last chapter. Fortunately, I won't be able to complete it 400 times. Hahaha.:)

Anyway, I will do my best to achieve the beauty of the species. Best regards_(__)_

P.S. We'll get back to you by the end of the week.

Rifle (361 Times)

1. Dev: Congratulations on finishing first. Haha. I'm nervous because it's a test soon. Easily take the exam!: D

2. hohokoya1: I've told you before, but it's not for traitors. Haha.

3. Latino doll: Hmm. It's manly. That's my heartbeat. Thank you very much:)

4. Japheth: Japheth is a fool. Everyone shout, "Mr. Japheth, you're an idiot!" EE!)

5. Cheongmyun: I'm sorry. * Sobbing * - I've become a terrible writer! Hit me very hard!

Rifle (362 Times)

1. Dev: Wow. You came in first place again. It's been a long time since I've had two ripples at once. Congratulations again!

2. Smoked snail: Haha. Imagination is freedom of readers. I just want my ideas to be fun for my readers later.

3. Our Angel: I'm sorry. Moving forward, instead of cutting, we will try to find cool content.

4. Mr.Guy: Thank you for always reading._(__)_

5. Bloody Bloody Bloody Bloody Bloody Bloody Bloody Bloody Bloody Bloody Bloody Bloody Bloody Bloodshed. I'm only going to say this once. Help me. T

Thank you for always reading. We hope you'll always feel comfortable reading the article.