Love Struck

Chapter 221 - The Beginning

Was the man trying to give him hypertension?Or make all his hair white?Zhang Min stood in the room where the groom was supposed to be but which was empty. There was hardly an hour left for the wedding and Ah Hai was nowhere to be found. And the worst part was that no one was even bothered about looking for him.

Yang Mei had already called him and told him that Shi Ai was almost ready and would start off in the glass coach soon..

Just then, the food opened and the Long brothers walked in. Neil Long was the first one to notice him or rather acknowledge him as he said,"Are you still worried about Ah Hai?Stop worrying Min Min and come open this bottle of champagne. We must have a pre-wedding celebration."

Zhang Min felt as if he was about to combust.Frustratedly,he asked,we can only have a wedding if there is a groom.If there is no groom then we cannot have a wedding so there is no point in celebrating!"

That is when Ryu Long took pity on the younger man and said,"Ah Hai is already back.He messaged me in the morning when he returned!I am sure he must have already spoken to Shi Ai and will be here anytime soon."

Finally Zhang Min felt a whoosh of relief pass through him.He was back and would be here soon. However the man missed the glance between the older brothers who had actually received no such message.

Just then the security personnel escorted a few men inside the room.The men were in plain clothes but their aura was clearly police. The senior among the three men walked forward and said,"Mr Ryu Long.I am Chief Inspector Wu and we are here to talk to you about something." The mam looked around a bit uncomfortably and said,"We understand that you are celebrating and apologize for causing this inconvenience. May I ask where the groom is?"

Every man in the room knew that something was fishy but none of them said anything. Ryu Long was the one who finally answered once again,"What is it, officer?You can tell us."

The inspector was at a loss as he looked around and said,"We are not sure Mr Long.But we think your brother may be hurt or worse."

This caused a shocked silence in the room.Only Ryu Long asked calmly,"Inspector,there is no need to talk in riddles.Please tell us clearly."

The inspector nodded and answered,"There was a major accident on the Highway 4 intersection between a cab and a truch which lost controls. Your brother took a cab back on his way from the airport this morning. A truck had lost control on the way and would have plowed through oncoming traffic but a cab interfered and prevented the disaster by pushing the truck into a wall. After checking the surveillance we suspect that your brother who was in the car took over the controls. The smaller car is smashed and we were unable to find traces of your brother's body under the truck. The wall he used to stop the truck also collapsed and is being cleared even as we talk but there are chances that your brother may be crushed underneath the rubble. The person who investigated the inside found the front glass broken so maybe your brother was thrown out. We can't be sure if he has survived or not but for now we suggest that you stop the wedding..for now."

For a moment Ryu Long felt his world collapse.His little that was not possible.Everytime he went out to serve the country,Ryu worried but he always came back unscathed.And this time when he had gone back to bid a final goodbye after convincing the superiors that he would not be taking any more undercover missions,he would receive this it was not possible.Coldly,he ordered,"Show me the video."

The chief hesitated before nodding to the other officer to bring forward the phone to play the video.Silently all the men in the room gathered around the phone and watched as the entire scene was played out..

Utter Silence resonated in the room when the video was stopped.Not a single man dared to look at anyone else.They still could not believe that a man such as Ah Hai Long could have perished in the accident...They had disbelief in their hearts and on their faces.

The Chief, too, for the first time in his life felt bad to be the bearer of bad news. He had glimpsed the decoration on the way here and felt the loss was going to be great..but he had to say,"Sir, now you understand the reason why you need to adopt the wedding.."

Before anyone could answer the inspector a cold voice interrupted,"Would you like to tell me who you are and what makes you think that anyone or anything can stop me from marrying my Shi Ai?"

The first thought that flashed in Zhang Min's mind was,"Ghost!" When he saw Ah Hai standing there. And when he heard the words that he uttered, Zhang Min agreed,"Yes..nothing could stop Ah Hai from marrying Shi Ai. See he had even come back as a ghost..."

Meanwhile,a few hours ago:

Long Ah Hai stood in front of the mirror as he tried to apply the medicine on his lower back.What a place to be injured!He had to twist like a pretzel to apply medicine and that hurt like hell. His entire back was full of small scratched and skid marks.When he had hit the truck the final time he had jumped out of the moving can and under the truck to the other side.But this had given him many small injuries! Accidents were always a pain in the neck and this one was literally one of those.Having finished applying medicine,Ah Hai turend around and fell face first on the bed.He had an hour to catch up on sleep! This was the reason why he had not even stayed behing at the scene of the accident.If the police had been involved then he would not have been able to catch up on his sleep and maybe even been late for his own wedding! Now everything was fine and even the gift he had for Shi Ai was safe. With that thought in his mind, Ah Hai closed his eyes and slept. While the culprit slept, the victims had almost received a heart attack!