Love Is So Sweet

Chapter 77 - The ever ticking clock

Lisa was sitting in the waiting room. It has been an hour now and she still hasn\'t heard any news about Jun. As she sat there waiting, she was also dealing with her own anxieties.

After a few more minutes one of the nurses approached her and told her that Jun was now awake and talking to the doctor. When she heard that Jun had woken up Lisa wanted to immediately go and meet him, but the nurses stopped her. She wasn\'t allowed to meet Jun, for now, so she needed to keep on waiting.

As her anxiety was getting the best of her, Lisa could hear her heart beating ever so loudly. Her body was shaking and fears were slowly devouring her mind, it was at that moment she heard her phone ringing.

Lisa fumbled about as she tried to pick up her phone. Lisa couldn\'t relax at all, but when she saw that it was Jennifer on the other end, she quickly answered the call.

"Lisa I received your message what the hell is happening?!" Jeniffer\'s voice sounded worried and her voice was trembling a bit. She was even panting heavily.

"Jeniffer, I don\'t know. I don\'t know what\'s happening. Jun, Jun he, Jun he," Lisa couldn\'t get the words out of her mouth. As she started sobbing again, her body trembling even more violently than before. One of the nurses saw what was happening and approach her.

"Ma\'am, are you okay?" Lisa who was still on the phone sobbing looked up and saw the nurse. Lisa\'s tears continue to flow as her words sounded like choking sounds. The nurse quickly moved and got a bottle of water which she gave to Lisa. As Lisa tried to reach out her hand to receive the bottled water, she felt lightheaded and fainted.

The nurse had reacted swiftly and caught Lisa. The people in the waiting room were surprised by the sudden turn of events. Some of the younger people started to film Lisa as the nurse called for support.


Jeniffer and Matthew were in the pick-up truck speeding through the highway. The moment Jeniffer read Lisa\'s texts that read help, Jeniffer and Matthew quickly went down the mountain. After calling Lisa the only thing Jeniffer could understand was that something had happened to Jun. Lisa wasn\'t able to explain much as she started sobbing during the call. As Jeniffer was trying to calm her down Lisa\'s sobbing stop. In fact, Jeniffer could no longer hear anything from the other side of the phone.

"Lisa! Are you still there, Lisa?!" Jeniffer was getting more anxious by the minute. With her frail Lisa was, there were a lot of things that could\'ve happened.


"Who are you?" Hearing the unfamiliar voice answering Lisa\'s phone, Jeniffer frowned.

"I\'m a nurse from Saint Joseph hospital. Can you please tell me what is your relationship with the person who owns this phone?"

"I\'m a friend, why did something happen to Lisa!" Once the nurse confirmed that Jeniffer was someone Lisa knew, she explained to Jeniffer how Lisa fainted and told her the location of the hospital they were in. After thanking the nurse, Jeniffer suddenly remembered to ask about Jun.

"Excuse me is a patient called Tang Jun also in that hospital?"

"I\'m sorry miss but if you\'re not a relative we aren\'t allowed to share any information about our patients." Once the nurse was done talking to Jeniffer she hanged up.

Jeniffer bit her thumb as she grew even more worried. She knew that Jun must be in some kind of danger to make Lisa act like that. Matthew who was driving frowned as he heard the whole conversation between Jenniffer and the nurse.

\'What could have happened to that guy? It isn\'t like him to make Lisa worry... That guy who always pretends that he\'s perfect... Damn it! What happened to you Jun?!\' Matthew gripped onto the steering wheel and drove even faster towards the hospital.

\'Should I call Edrea? She would never forgive me if I didn\'t tell her about this... Should I call Auntie as well, Jun is her son. No, I better not, for the time being, the last time I got in the middle of their family affairs Jun almost cut ties with me. This is getting more troublesome than it\'s supposed to be. Tsk, Jun you better stay safe...\'


After talking with the doctor Jun found out that the one who checked his EEG and CT scan results had misdiagnosed him. The true diagnosis wasn\'t something to be happy about. Yet even if he learned of his sickness in advance nothing would\'ve changed.

"Thank you doctor for telling it to me straight."

"I\'m sorry about all this."

"It\'s alright..."

"You should probably contact your relatives and plan for the next steps. We can apply for you to take some experimental drugs, or we could start with the-" The doctor couldn\'t finish what he was going to say as Jun raised his hand. Jun shook his head and smiled at the doctor.

"Let\'s stop talking about this, for now, I need to gather my thoughts." Hearing what Jun said the doctor sighed and nodded his head.

"Alright have a good night\'s rest. Oh, and about the lady with you, what should we do?"

"Please tell her to come back tomorrow."

"Alright." After saying a few more things the doctor left the room.

Now all alone in the room, Jun sat on the bed and thought about everything he just learned. He gritted his teeth and covered his face. Tears started to flow down his face.

"Damnt it! Why did this have to happen now of all times?..." The always calm and collected Jun, the person who seems to be able to do anything and everything was in disarray. His mind was in a mess as the news he received took him by surprise. His head was still hurting as he continued to sob.

"What am I supposed to do now?" Jun started to shiver as fear was encroaching him.