Love Is So Sweet

Chapter 71 - Change of pace

The following day Jun woke up in an unfamiliar place. The first thing he noticed was the ŀȧptop turned on and was in a specific game. When he saw the game running he remembered what happened.

Yesterday Lisa was freaked out because of an unknown visitor. So Jun decided to stay the night and the two played until early morning. As Jun was about to stand up he felt something holding his left hand.

Jun saw the sleeping Lisa holding his hand tightly. That\'s right the two of them fell asleep while playing the online game. Jun wanted to gently pull his hand away and start cooking for Lisa, but then he remembered Lisa\'s peculiarities.

\'I guess I have no choice but to wait.\'

Jun couldn\'t help but smile as he decided to continue holding Lisa\'s hand and waiting for her to wake up on her own.


Lisa slowly opened her eyes and the first thing she noticed was her computer that was still on. She then shifted her gaze to her side and saw Mia walking towards her. She then noticed that something was holding her hand and Lisa looked to her other side and saw a smiling Jun.

Lisa\'s eyes almost popped out of her eye sockets in surprise when she saw Jun right beside her. She then looked at her hand and saw that Jun was holding onto it.

"Good Morning." Jun greeted while chuckling at Lisa\'s chaotic reaction.

"Huh?..." After a short pause, Lisa finally recalled what happened yesterday from the weird encounter to the time she and Jun played all night. Seeing her calming down Jun lifted the hand he was holding.

"Finally remember what we did." Lisa nodded her head while Mia licked her free hand. It was time to feed Mia, but Lisa didn\'t want to let go of Jun\'s hand. Lisa then stood up without letting go of Jun\'s hand as she pulled him to the kitchen. Jun couldn\'t help himself as he smiled, this girl was truly embarrassingly cute.

While Lisa was pulling Jun to the kitchen to get the cat food, Jun\'s phone started ringing. He looked at it and saw it was another message from one of his doctors.

"Mr. Tang one of our doctors might have misread one of your test results. If you have time please return to the hospital for another test."

After reading the message Jun looked at Lisa who was holding his hand tightly. It was clear to him that he couldn\'t leave Lisa in this situation. He could go to the hospital anytime but Lisa needed him now.


After feeding the cat, Lisa wanted to cook her meal but then she looked at her hand holding Jun\'s hand. It was not possible to cook her meal while holding Jun\'s hand. She didn\'t want to let go but she couldn\'t allow Jun to help her make her meal. After a quiet deliberation, Lisa finally let go of Jun\'s hand.

"Are you okay with pancakes and eggs?"

"I\'m fine with anything you cook." Hearing Jun\'s response Lisa nodded her head and began preparing their meal.


While Jun was watching Lisa cook, he noticed her hands shaking every now and then. Clearly she wasn\'t over what happened yesterday.

\'It seems like that encounter rattled her too much...\' Jun started thinking of what he could do to make Lisa stop thinking about what happened yesterday. He then noticed that Mia was finished eating and was now snuggling on his feet. Jun knelt down and started playing with the cat.

Lisa who was cooking was also looking at Jun from time to time, making sure that he was still there. She then noticed that Jun was now playing with her cat Mia, she found it rather cute watching Jun playing with her cat.

She then felt her head hurt a bit, but she quickly got a hold of herself. She then looked at Jun and was glad he didn\'t notice. It was at that moment Lisa got confused. Why was she so concerned about Jun nowadays? Does this mean she really does like Jun that way?


After a few minutes, their meal was ready and the two ate. Jun started discussing the game they played last night, but it didn\'t seem like Lisa was listening. Seeing her like that Jun changed the topic.

"Hey, how\'s the next chapter for Love is So Sweet?" Lisa who was distracted by her thoughts looked at Jun a bit surprised.

"Huh?... Oh, yeah the next chapter is ready, I\'ll send it to you later." The conversation ended and the two became silent. Jun was trying to think of what else to talk about, anything would do.

"So what are we going to do today?"

"... I don\'t know..."

"How about we watch a movie?"

"What\'s there to watch?"

"Anything you want, just say it and I\'ll find the movie you want."

"I don\'t really feel like watching a movie."

"Then how about we go to an arcade?" This time Lisa looked a bit interested.

"Which arcade?"

"How about the one that opened up recently, the one near Matthew\'s place."

"I\'ve already been-" Before Lisa could finish her answer Jun suddenly shouted.

"HAAAAH, Enough this is impossible!" Jun then stood up from his seat and approached the surprised Lisa. He then took her hand and pulled her away.

"Huh? What?" Lisa was so confused her thoughts couldn\'t keep up in what was happening. Jun put some water in Mia\'s saucer and spoke to the meowing cat.

"Mia, I\'m taking your master out for a while." After saying that Jun took Lisa\'s coat and put it on her and the two left the apartment.

"What are you doing Jun?" Lisa was finally able to speak out her thoughts, as they reached Jun\'s bike outside. Jun didn\'t answer instead he gave Lisa a helmet to wear. Lisa unconsciously wore the helmet as Jun rode his bike.

"Get on, we\'re going somewhere," Jun spoke in a rather serious tone, so Lisa could only nod her head and ride his bike.


As they drove past a familiar scenery Lisa could finally figure out were they were going. As she expected it was the same place they went to on their first date. The two walked up the mountain path. Seeing the scenery for the second time Lisa could honestly say it was still as beautiful as ever.

Lisa looked at the blue sky, she wonder if anyone noticed how pretty the sky was today, how the blue was bright and soft all at once. She wondered if they saw the serenity of the clouds that sailed by, gently passing on toward anyplace the wind wishes them to reach.

"Why are we here Jun?"

"Don\'t you remember this is a place were you can relax, and open up your feelings. Seeing you smile like that, aren\'t you already feeling a little bit relaxed?" Jun smiled gently at Lisa who started touching her face. Her mouth was indeed slightly curved upwards.

"As long as you have worries, I\'m sure this spot will help you feel better. Like how it always made me feel better." Jun grabbed hold of Lisa\'s hands.

"... Thank you, Jun."

"No problem, I\'ll always be here for you Lisa." The two then sat on the grassy ground while looking at the bright blue sky.