Love Dependency Disease

991 Chapter 991

"Sister Fluttershy, look at Santa Claus upstairs."

Wang Yuzheng, Murong Die, and Wang Lele, three beautiful girls, wearing all kinds of cotton clothes, stood in the snow beautifully, looking at Santa Claus made with LED screens on a building next to them.

"Eh... Unfortunately, Brother Yi is not here, or how happy it is to spend Christmas together."

Wang Lele\'s expression was a bit lonely, and Wang Yuzheng wore big sunglasses, surrounded by a thick scarf, and comforted aside.

"It\'s okay, maybe we will be back next Christmas."

"But... clearly saying that he will be back soon..."

Wang Lele pouted, "I\'m not happy!"

"This is the first Christmas he left?"

Murongdie finally spoke. The young lady of Qianjin, still carrying a noble dignity, seemed to automatically form an aura on her body, so that the people next to her could not feel close.

"The third year, it\'s really, so annoying, oh K!"

Wang Lele has watched more Korean dramas recently, deliberately imitating the voice of the heroine in Korean dramas, shouting.

"Lele can\'t wait to be pleased by our Liu Yi."

Wang Yuzheng laughed, "It\'s been only three years since I wanted to be like this."

"Huh, Sister Yuzheng laughs at me!"

Wang Lele pursed her lips and said, "I don\'t know who was drinking too much and pulled my clothes last night and told me that I want to die brother Xiaoyi."

"Dead girl..."

Wang Yuzheng suddenly blushed, and stepped forward to pinch Wang Lele\'s small face.Wang Lele hid behind Murongdie with a smile and played a peek-a-boo game with Wang Yuzheng.

"You can\'t squeeze, you can\'t squeeze, la la la, you also said that you haven\'t been kissed by Brother Xiaoyi for a long time, and your mouth is dry!"

"Smelly girl, look at me not squeezing you!"

Wang Yuzheng was so embarrassed that Murong Die was gloating over.

"Lele, what did Yuzheng say, please talk about it!"

"No word, no word!"

"Hee hee, Sister Fluttershy, you have talked a lot!"

Suddenly, Wang Lele gave Murongdie a smile and said, "What Liu Yi, come and love me! I really miss you, please beg you to come up..."

"You are going to die! Stinky girl, how could I say such a thing!"

Murong Die was immediately annoyed, "Yuzheng, you tear her mouth, I\'ll catch her milk!"

The three girls laughed like this, and Li Biyue just stood in the crowd and saw this scene.

Li Biyue couldn\'t help feeling sad, or these young girls didn\'t know sorrow.

"Mom...Why didn\'t Dad come with us for Christmas..."

Only a few years old, little Loli Liu Yueli gently took her mother\'s hand and asked softly.

"Good boy, Dad is too busy. When he is not working, he will come to accompany us."

Li Biyue had to comfort her daughter like this, "Well, don\'t you want a big bear doll, how about your mother buying you a Christmas present?"


Liu Yueli became happy now. The streets of Christmas were very lively, and there was light snow in the sky. The festive atmosphere was very strong.

Li Biyue was about to take her daughter to the mall opposite, and at this time, the sky was suddenly overcast with clouds, which was originally a bright day, and it was like night in the blink of an eye!

Seeing this scene, the crowd panicked, not knowing what happened.Li Biyue and Murongdie also looked at the sky at the same time, and Liu Yueli directly reached out and pointed at the sky.

"Mom, there is a figure there!"

Li Biyue raised his head and looked at the man, looking dumbfounded.

"That person... looks like Liu Yi..."

As a water spirit, Wang Yuzheng has the best eyes among the three girls.She looked at the figure in the air and said with some surprise.

"Really? Is Brother Xiaoyi back?"

Wang Lele and Murong Die were happy at the same time. After so long, did Liu Yi finally come back!

But at this moment, the man in the sky suddenly roared loudly.

"From now on, I will be king!"

This voice is very hoarse, like a broken gong, very unpleasant.

Wang Lele suddenly looked at each other, this person is definitely not Liu Yi!Liu Yi\'s voice is a little bit magnetic, and it sounds important.

"From today, I want to build my kingdom!"

He said, reaching out and throwing a black shadow sword under him!

The shadow sword fell into the ground, and for a time a black storm was set off!The black storm instantly centered on the Shadow Sword, and then spread out, flooding the entire city in a blink of an eye!

No matter what kind of object, it was all twisted into dust by the storm!The pedestrians on the road were instantly impacted by a black storm into powder, and then vanished into smoke!

Li Biyue exclaimed, watching the people in front of him constantly turning into fly ash, including Murongdie and their three beautiful girls!

end!This is really the end!

She bent down subconsciously and hugged her daughter, trying to protect Liu Yueli with her own strength.

But at this moment, Liu Yueli automatically popped up a circle of golden light, blocking the black storm outside.

In the whole city, only Liu Yueli and Li Biyue left a little light here, and everything else turned into darkness that swept through the black storm!

Although the golden aperture is a little weak, it can still persist in the storm.

The storm lasted for more than a minute before finally dispersing.But when the storm cleared, everything was gone.The previous high-rise buildings, the bustling traffic, and the passers-by all turned into history.

Like a desert, Li Biyue and Liu Yueli had become a sandy land.

No one survived except their mother and daughter.

"Mom...I\'m afraid..."

Liu Yueli didn\'t know that she saved her mother\'s life. She was so scared by the surrounding scenes that she cried.

There are corpses everywhere, which is really scary.A little girl, when she sees this kind of scene, will definitely cry.

Li Biyue also stood there dumbly, forgot to persuade his daughter.The man in the sky did not know when he had left, leaving only such a terrible ruin.

Liu Yi retreated from Li Biyue\'s memory, cold sweat.

His face was pale, how ugly his face was.Ai Ling didn\'t know what was happening beside him, but felt that Liu Yi\'s mood must be very, very bad, just like having experienced a terrible disaster.

"Liu Yi... what\'s wrong with you?"

At that moment, Ai Ling subconsciously wanted to call Liu Yi "Uncle", but still did not shout.

Liu Yi waved his hand and did not want to speak.

He was so panicked in his heart that he didn\'t expect that this disaster would even cause Murongdie to be bothered by them.

For Liu Yi, there is nothing more important than Murongdie and other women in this world.

"I\'m going back to my time immediately."

A fierce light flashed in Liu Yi\'s eyes, "None of this can happen! Otherwise, I will regret it!"

"But history cannot be changed..."

Li Biyue said with some concern, "And Xiao Hei is your natal pet, as long as you live, he will not die."

"Go back and talk, and I will think of a way."

Liu Yi said, holding Ai Ling, the two entered the space-time tunnel together.

"Hope you can change everything."

Li Biyue waved his hand at Liu Yi, and his eyes were filled with an inscrutable emotion.

Liu Yi and Ai Ling joined hands and soon returned to their age.

Looking at the bustling metropolis, Liu Yi relaxed.

"Fortunately... everything was really good before the disaster."

"It looks like you died once."

Ai Ling sneered at Liu Yi gently, "Don\'t we have anything to be afraid of?"

"Yes, too much."

Liu Yixin had a lingering fear, "So I must prevent this from happening! Ghosts, I must kill this man first!"

"But where are you going to find him?"

Ai Ling raised a very sharp question, but Liu Yi waved his hand and said, "I don\'t need me to find him at all. He wants a container and will naturally come to me. When the time comes, naturally it is his death."

"So what do you want to do next?"

"I promised someone to save her first."

Liu Yi thought of the ice crystal glazed tower he would stay in the future, so he said.

"Then I will go with you."

Ai Ling took the initiative to invite her again. No matter what, she wanted to be with Liu Yi all the time.

For a moment, what she had in mind was.Even if I can\'t find my memory, it seems good to be with this man all my life... Eh, Ai Ling, how can you have such an idea?Do you really, love this man very much?If you love him, give me these memories back!

Ai Ling, no matter how many times she begged herself in her heart, no one would give her an answer.All she can do is wait.

"Okay, just go with me and teach the only thing."


Ai Ling was about to agree, and suddenly looked at the figure standing next to the phone booth, and suddenly looked stagnant.

"Oh... I suddenly remembered that an important thing hadn\'t been done yet! I had to finish it..."

"In this way, then you do it first. If you still want to find me after you have done it, please call me."

Liu Yi did not force, turned and mixed into the crowd.

When he left, Ai Ling was relieved, and then froze on his face, strode to the phone booth, and directly questioned the man with a hood standing beside him.

"You even followed me!"

"I\'m just curious."

Under the hood is a face composed entirely of flames.It looks vague, and I can\'t see who it is at all.But Ai Ling knew him, he was the god leader, the one who deceived himself.

"Are you sorry to come to me?"

Ai Ling didn\'t call him when he saw him angry, "You lied to me, are you glad to see me?"

The Great God Master avatar but smiled, "When did I deceive you?"