Love Dependency Disease

987 Chapter 987

Cold sweat was dripping from Liu Yi\'s forehead. Although such a rough statement, he really meant it.

The Dark Lord now fears himself, and announces his arrival first, which can certainly cause some psychological pressure on him.In this way, even if he is healed, I am afraid that he will not heal.

That means overwhelming the enemy first.But the most critical reason for this is that Liu Yi is strong enough to do so.If he doesn\'t have this strength, such a big fanfare will surely lead him to death.

This is the case in this world. Only when you have strength can you run wild.If you don\'t have strength, you can only be low-key and hold your tail.

Sure enough, Liu Yi\'s foot attracted a great response, and the Dark Lord Castle suddenly flew out densely flying creatures, each with a bat-like mouth and face, but the size of a big man, humanoid With wings, small red eyes stared at Liu Yi.

"Stone statue vampire."

Li Biyue frowned gently, "It is a variant of vampire, a species that is difficult to entangle."

"God... so many stone statue vampires... at least tens of thousands, we are really finished this time..."

Thunder Dragon\'s face was blue and he said dullly.

"Fear of nothing, with my dad here, no one can help us!"

Liu Yueli now has a blind worship of Liu Yi. She believes that as long as Liu Yi is there, then everything is not a problem!

Didn\'t he defeat the Dark Lord before?There is nothing to be afraid of the defeated site!

"These stone vampires are all sent out in groups, and one or two are very troublesome. These tens of thousands are indeed a bit tricky."

Li Biyue looked at the dense vampires in the air and couldn\'t help saying.

"Leave it to me."

Liu Yi didn\'t take these small fishes and shrimps in his eyes at all. Xiaohei really tasted so much. He even raised some disgusting creatures to see the nursing home.

"Vacuum cleaner, possessed."

He instructed the Turtle to swallow and made a beast change with himself!After the spirit beast changes, Liu Yi\'s spirit beast power can be exerted to the extreme.

The dark power kept flowing in Liu Yi\'s body, wandering in his internal organs.

Four black bases stretched out and were located in four directions of Liu Yi.A pair of gun barrels also extended from the base to Liu Yi\'s front, aiming at the sky.

With a click, the sight is also covered on Liu Yi\'s glasses, just like an exaggerated ground gun!

"The game started."

Liu Yi said, reaching out, holding the trigger, and then firing at the vampire bats in the air!


The red fire snake keeps breathing, where do the vampires withstand such attacks!

The shells formed by the dark forces exploded on their bodies, tearing their flesh and blood!


The vampires screamed and evaded Liu Yi\'s shells.

They were dissatisfied with their flying speed. Liu Yi pushed to sit on the ground gun and continued to fire without panic. It was really like shooting a game, slaughtering those stone vampires.

"What kind of ability is this... really perverted..."

Lei Long saw Liu Yi relaxed and took out a ground cannon. He didn\'t know what to say.

You can create an entity at will, can this guy be a creator?

"Let me play too!"

Liu Yuelian looked hot, and shouted.

"Okay, come on."

How could Liu Yi refused his daughter\'s request, he immediately jumped down to sit on the ground cannon and helped Liu Yueli sit up.

Liu Yueli Bingxue is clever, understands the principle of this thing in a few moments, and then starts shooting!

"Haha, have fun!"

Seeing that there were constantly vampires being beaten up by himself, Liu Yueli was so happy.

"Really a violent..."

Li Biyue couldn\'t help shaking his head, "What a dad and a daughter..."

And Thunder Dragon also felt a little crying, and the vampires raised by the Dark Lord were actually regarded as the object of the game by them!

Is this his...too ridiculous!

"They are going to run!"

Liu Yuelian found that the vampires turned to fly in the opposite direction, and exclaimed immediately.

"They can\'t run."

Liu Yi coldly snorted. Today, the Dark Lord, he did not intend to let go.

Liu Yi waved his hands at the corpses of the vampires in the distance. They suddenly twisted into a white bone sword in the blink of an eye, and then flew under the control of Liu Yi.


Liu Yi shook his hand and flicked out the flying sword.This bone sword is extremely fast, like lightning, flew into the vampire group in the blink of an eye, and directly penetrated the vampire\'s abdomen.

The vampire screamed, and then his body exploded and turned into a tens of thousands of small bone swords, spreading all over!

Any vampire hit by it will also become a bone sword rain and explode!Like a virus infection, wave after wave, it spread out in an instant!

In the sky, the vampires that were still dense before, in the blink of an eye, everything was clean, and there was no one left!


Thunder Dragon was finally shocked, and there was such a cruel spell...Liu Yi is worthy of the legendary demon!

Maybe...I should converge and not provoke him...If you don\'t do it, you will be killed...

"What a terrible trick..."

Even Ai Ling looked at it and had to wonder, "This kind of spell should be destroyed humanely and should not exist in the world."

"Actually, at some point, my views are the same."

Liu Yi blinked at Ai Ling, "but occasionally... this spell is still very useful."

He reached for a finger. Sure enough, there were many monsters in Devil City who were eager to try to rush over, but when they saw this scene, they were all scared away.

Who is the monster?Is that man too scary!

"Xiaohei, where are you, come out quickly!"

Liu Yi filled the sound with power, so that the sound flooded the entire Devil City.

"Don\'t play hide and seek with the owner!"

When the Dark Lord heard this sound, he couldn\'t concentrate on the healing. He felt cold in his heart and shivered while hiding on the throne.

"Liu Yi really is a ruthless character!"

Guitongtian snorted coldly, and then ordered to go down, "Shenlong, I\'ll leave it to you."


The man named Shen Long Shi sneered. "Waiting for him for a long time, I don\'t believe that Liu Yi in the past can beat me now!"

After he finished speaking, he went straight and flew out of the window.

"It seems that he is really scared."

After shouting for a long time, I didn\'t see anyone. Liu Yi already knew the truth and said to Ai Ling they.

The Dark Lord would be afraid, and Thunder Dragon didn\'t know what it was like.Who would believe this kind of thing?But it was this person from the past who did this thing!

"Liu Yi, you are going to be rampant! My king is just too lazy to ignore you, let me pass you on!"

A man\'s voice came from far away, and Liu Yi turned around and saw a man in a white robe slowly descending from the sky.

"Li Heqiang?"

This buddy Liu Yi recognized it at a glance. After all, he had met a few times and was very familiar with it.

"Ji Jie, not bad, Liu Yi, even remember me."

Li Heqiang has now surrendered to the Demon King City and has become a running dog of the Dark Lord.

"How can you from the past be my opponent."

Li Heqiang smiled strangely, "You come now, it\'s pure death!"

"Yes, some of our accounts should be settled."

Liu Yi took a breath. "When you were the only believer, you didn\'t bother me. But do you really think that you have beaten me?"

"I was afraid of you before, but now I\'m not!"

Li Heqiang shook his neck and shouted, "This Demon King City is your burial place! Come out, my dragon pet!"

After he roared, there was suddenly a dragon chant in the sky!Everyone looked into the air at the same time, and saw a white dragon more than ten meters long flying out of the depths of the castle, slowly flapping its wings.

"Western Dragon?"

Liu Yi couldn\'t help whispering when he saw the dragon.

"Although the appearance is similar, I still feel a touch of oriental fairy spirit from it."

Ai Ling reminded Liu Yi next to him, "You have to be careful, there may be something weird."


Liu Yi nodded, and at this time, the flying dragon in the air had already flown in front of him.

The huge western dragon flapped its wings, opened its big mouth, and spit out a dragon breath against the Liu Yi below them!

This is a frosty dragon\'s breath, coming with absolute cold!

The cold has not completely fallen, and the lake behind him has begun to freeze, which shows the terrible cold!

"Oops, run!"

Thunder Dragon wanted to dodge subconsciously, but found that the other women remained motionless.

Are they scared?

Standing at the spot, Liu Yi opened the mouth, opened his mouth, exerted force on his abdomen, and took a deep breath.

The falling Frost Dragon Breath was actually sucked into Liu Yi\'s mouth directly, and it sucked completely!

"What a terrible guy..."

Thunder Dragon is completely convinced, this is all right, ya this is a monster!

Above the sky, there is this on the ground, which is the dragon!

"Fuck, hell!"

Seeing that the dragon breath from his flying dragon was actually sucked into by Liu Yi, Li Heqiang was horrified.

Do you want to be so exaggerated? It\'s really abnormal!

"Back to you."

Liu Yi said, opening his mouth, spitting out this frost breath against Li Heqiang.

A white frost quickly flew towards Li Heqiang, making Li Heqiang tremble with fear, and subconsciously manipulated the dragon to spread its wings and block it in front of him.

One of the dragon\'s wings was completely frozen into frost, but it was a frost-like dragon, but it didn\'t do much harm.

"Sure enough, there are two brushes!"

Li Heqiang gritted his teeth and glared at Liu Yi. "However, that is the end, my god dragon, you can\'t overcome it! Go!"

He said, urging the dragon and rushing towards Liu Yi.

Liu Yi pinched Dayaori\'s palm, just waiting for the dragon to come down, and slapped it with one palm!

The dragon suddenly turned into a humanoid in the air and slowly became a woman.

Liu Yi was taken aback, and regained his power!