Love Dependency Disease

972 Chapter 972

Although the enchantment created by the Nine Heavens God\'s Fire Wand is powerful, it must exist under the power of the princess.

Princess Longhe is now seriously injured, unable to lift her strength, and offers little mana to the enchantment.

In a little while, this enchantment will be completely broken.Nine-tailed turtle is very excited, and the pace of attack is getting faster and faster!

"Damn... is this man a monster?"

Chen Keqing almost crushed her silver teeth, but unfortunately Princess Longhe\'s physique was a bit abnormal, and she could not accept the power given to her by others.Otherwise, the enchantment will definitely be able to last longer.Now the light above the enchantment is getting weaker and weaker, and it seems to be extinguished at any time.

"Hahaha, your end is coming soon!"

The Nine-tailed Turtle\'s excitement also reached its highest peak, it is estimated that if you are happier, you will have a climax.

He lifted those nine tails and then stabbed them together!


The enchantment was no longer overwhelmed, and finally it was slamming everywhere.

Pieces of red astral fluttering around, Princess Longhe spouted a sip of blood directly, then collapsed to the ground.

"Princess Dragon Lotus!"

"Oops, find a way to protect the Temple of Slaughter!"

Chen Keqing they quickly thought about emergency measures, but many of the disciples in the Tu Temple were desperate and stood there, as if waiting for death to come.

"Liu Yi...Where are you..."

Chen Keqing looked at the sky and murmured.

The Nine-tailed Turtle is very satisfied, and the next second is his shameful time!A faucet flew out behind him, spitting out a dragon gun, and towards Chen Keqing they stabbed in a flash.

Just as the Nine-tailed Turtle was about to kill, the sky suddenly dropped a black and golden light!

The light was directly nailed to the dragon\'s head, nailed it there, and it couldn\'t move!

The Nine-tailed Turtle was suddenly shocked. He gazed at him and found that it was a black-gold sword!

"what is this?"

At the same time, a man\'s figure also fell from the sky and stood in front of the disciples of the Temple of Butchery.


"Liu Yi!"

When everyone saw this figure, they exclaimed all at once, and then their faces were all happy.

"Sorry, I\'m late."

Liu Yi had a black and white robe with arrow sleeves and a pair of red eyes in her eyes, which was a little strange.

And his skin became fairer, and there was a round of black and golden sun above his forehead, which was striking.

Seeing Liu Yi\'s form, Ai Ling was surprised first.

This guy... isn\'t it the form of a demon way?Was he still unable to hold back and eventually fell into a demon?Is his reason still there?Listening is still very normal!

"It\'s not too late...but it\'s really hard to wait..."

Chen Keqing was a very stubborn woman, and now she can\'t help crying, "Princess Dragon Lotus has passed out in order to protect the Temple of Tu Tu, you have to decide for her!"

"No one can touch my guests who slaughter the temple."

Liu Yi did not know that Long He had a dew relationship with him, but he instinctively liked Long He.

Seeing Long He injured, Liu Yi was immediately annoyed.

"Nine-tailed tortoise, right? Remember to tell Lord Yan that you will be a good person in your next life."

Liu Yi said, suddenly stepped on the shadow step under his feet, and instantly appeared in front of the nine-tailed turtle.

"Huh, I thought you ran away as a scum! You are back, you are looking for death!"

The Nine-tailed Turtle said that a dragon head turned into a lightning bolt hit Liu Yi\'s chest with lightning.

And Liu Yi\'s body was still, still standing there.


The Nine-tailed Turtle was a little surprised, but did not expect that his attack would not work!

He quickly mobilized all the dragon heads and attacked Liu Yi together, making such an evil voice.

Liu Yi\'s body seems to be made of iron and steel, with copper skin and iron bones, even if the attack of the nine-tailed turtle keeps falling on his body, he does not care.

It seemed as though the nine-tailed turtle was not hitting him, but was massaging him.

"This, this is..."

The ghost monk and Tianjian master floated in the air, and when they saw Liu Yi standing still, the two men\'s faces changed.

"This is... Protoss is not dead!"

"Impossible! He can\'t train into a Protoss immortality!"

Sky Sword Master\'s face was frightened, "His Protoss true blood is not complete, so he has never been able to cultivate into Protoss undead! This, this is not scientific!"

"But... this is not the immortality of the Protoss, what is this?"

The ghost monk\'s face is also pale. It can be said that Liu Yi, who has mastered the true body of the Protoss, is equivalent to mastering the methods to deal with these super hunters.

However, it has been recorded in history that the real blood of the Protoss of Liu Yi is incomplete because it nourishes the blood lotus of Ai Ling.It is because he did not cultivate into a Protoss immortality, and finally made the Dark Lord bigger and brought the end of the world!

But... now Liu Yi has learned that the Protoss is not dead?This, it completely violates their plan!

Their plan is to get rid of Liu Yi, so that the source of power of the Dark Lord can be cut off!In this way, the end will not happen again.

But now Liu Yi has cultivated to become a Protoss immortal...then... will he still be killed?

This made the Sky Sword Master hesitate, and she had to report all the things she saw to the Black Knight through wisdom brain communication.

"He has become a Protoss immortal?"

The Black Knight\'s voice also seemed a little surprised.

"Yeah, sir, what should we do and continue to execute the plan?"

"carry on."

The Black Knight only hesitated a little, and quickly made a decision.

"There is no guarantee that the Dark Lord will not be born. Only removing the source of the Dark Lord is our priority task!"


Sky Sword Master felt a little cold in his heart. It seems that the Black Knight is very determined this time.

Alas, Lord Black Knight is also for the future...

"Nine-tailed turtle, kill him with all your strength!"

Sky Sword Master gave the order.

"I\'ve tried my best, okay?"

The sound of the Nine-tailed Turtle was anxiously corrupted, "How can this guy be reborn? It\'s more fierce than Liu Yi, who fought me a while ago! It\'s...not a person at a level!"

The Nine-tailed Turtle didn\'t know that after three hundred years of cultivation, Liu Yi not only filled up the power of the sixth helix, but even conquered the power of the demon!In the past, Liu Yi was passively controlled by the demon, but now Liu Yi is actively controlling the demon!

In this way, while controlling the demon, Liu Yi can ensure that his reason is not destroyed!

Now Liu Yi\'s strength, if he opened the gods and opened the power of the demon, plus other tricks, there are 28 stars Xuanxuan\'s strength!I don\'t know if the power of these 28 stars can compete with the crossovers.

Although Liu Yi is very strong, he has a big flaw.Although empty has power, his state of mind is still unstable.What is the cross-boundary, is to have 28 stars Xuanxuan, and the owner corresponds to the person of high realm!

Liu Yi only achieved strength.

Such a state of mind is not something that can be achieved by cultivation, it needs opportunity.

But it is enough to deal with these strange people.

In a blink of an eye, the Nine-tail Turtle didn\'t know how many attacks were launched, but Liu Yi didn\'t hurt at all.

The Protoss is very powerful without being dead. The Nine-Tailed Turtle feels that it is better to actually hit a piece of steel. This Liu Yi is harder than steel and cannot be touched at all!

"Are you happy?"

Liu Yi asked.

"Is it great to have a Protoss without dying? Go die!"

The nine-tailed turtle roared, and the nine tails spurted towards Liu Yi at the same time.

And Liu Yi just raised his palm slightly and aimed at the nine tails in the air.

The Moon Dream mentality was launched, and the nine tails of the nine-tailed turtle were directly controlled there, unable to move!


The Nine-tailed Turtle was shocked, and his face appeared fearful.

"You tails are really ugly."

Liu Yi smiled slowly, "I will do something good and help you get rid of them."

He said, pulling his palm back.


Nine tails were pulled down at the same time, and blood spewed a few meters high!

"Ah! My tail, my tail!"

The nine-tailed turtle screamed repeatedly, and Liu Yi appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye, with one hand clasped on his forehead.

"Help me bring a good deal with King Yan Luo."

Liu Yi said that he lifted the Nine-tailed Turtle directly with his right hand, and then grabbed the black-gold Shenhuo Sword in his other hand and stabbed into the Nine-tailed Turtle\'s heart.

The black and golden Shenhuo sword also has the power of a demon, and after penetrating the heart of the nine-tailed turtle, he directly devoured his soul.

Soon, the Nine-tailed Turtle was swallowed clean, leaving no residue.

"Artificial intelligence begins to evolve!"

At the same time, Xiao Xuan\'s voice also sounded, "The upgrade program is ready, package 1, it needs 2."

what\'s the situation?

Liu Yi was a little surprised. Can he allow Xiaoxuan to complete the upgrade after absorbing the power of these people?

But I have to kill two of them. There are just two people in the air. God is very kind to him.

"Nine-tailed turtle was killed!"

Ghost Monk and Sky Sword Master looked at each other awkwardly and saw the worry in the other person\'s eyes.

And the people who shook the temple shouted into a piece. The master who was bullying them just now was killed by the master so easily!The Temple of Tu Tu is indeed the first school in the world!The leader is indeed the first master of the Six Realms!

Long live the master!

"It seems he did it."

Ai Ling is also a little thankful that the Protoss is not dead. He has completed such a perverted spell. I really don\'t know how much suffering he has experienced in this short month.

Perhaps this guy is really a bit different.

"who is the next?"

Liu Yi, holding his hands, stood there and said slowly.

"It\'s only a month, even if you have finished the Protoss immortality, what can you do?"

The ghost monk is planning to take revenge. The last time he was defeated by Liu Yi, he was almost executed by the Black Knight!

This time he wants to let the Black Knight master know that he is the real killer!

Spilling home can save the future!