Love Dependency Disease

970 970 The month of January

"Love Saint, your sister! You are the best gift for attacking gays!"

Liu Yi was unable to punish Chen Cai, it seems that this buddy wanted to be crazy for his sister.

Chen Cai really was about to cry.

"Then what to do, boss, the book clearly says that these two years are the most popular!"

"You are the books that the rotten girls read!"

Liu Yi gave Chen Cai a hard look, "Dare you read some serious books?"

"What is a serious book boss?"

"My beautiful teacher or something!"

"Oh oh, the boss is so versatile, it really makes the younger brother admire!"

Chen Cai admires the five-body investment, deserves to be the boss, the title given is the high-end atmosphere.

"I\'m not kidding you!"

Liu Yi said very seriously, "The comment I read on the Internet, there was a buddy who was autistic before and had no girlfriend. But since reading this book, it has been better with several girls! Boy, your way It’s still a long time, so come on!"

"Observe, boss!"

Chen Cai nodded, "Since it is strongly recommended by the boss, I must take a good look and serve it as a god book!"

"That\'s right."

Liu Yi was very satisfied, "I have selected a good book for you, and you will do me a favor. Open the door to Shura Road for me. I will come back in a month."

"Boss... are you sure you want to do this?"

Chen Cai said with some anxiety, "I can only help you open the door, and I can\'t accompany you to practice together. Once you become Emperor Shura, once you leave Shura Road, you cannot go back. Otherwise, once you go back Never leave there, become a real indestructible Shura!"

"It doesn\'t matter, you just open the door for me, and then take me back to the human world at the appointed time."

Liu Yi patted Chen Cai\'s shoulder lightly. "The rest, just let me do it."


"Rest assured, nothing will happen."

Liu Yi said confidently, "Sura Road is just like my back garden. Could anyone else hurt it?"

"Okay, boss, it\'s limited to thirty days."

Chen Caixin said, 30 days, then 300 years in Shura Dao!It seems that the boss really regards Shura Dao as a backyard for cultivation!

Well, if the boss can\'t come out at that time, even if he is desperate, he will pull him out!

Chen Cai made up his mind, and then stretched out his hands.

A huge Shura Wushen rose from his back and rushed away the pouring rain.

The Shura Wushen reached out his hands and tore a crack in the air!Liu Yi saw that this was the method that Malone had performed on that day, and was specifically used to travel to Shura Road!

"Thank you!"

Liu Yi didn\'t hesitate, jumped straight into the gap along the gap!

"Boss, all the way down!"

Chen Cai waved his hand and watched the gate of Shura Road slowly close.

Liu Yi fell in, wearing a black and white robe with arrow sleeves, with a nostalgic smile on the corner of his mouth.

Finally came back here, with some emotion.I clearly lived here longer than in China!

If you want to be someone else, I\'m afraid you never want to go back to the place where the bird doesn\'t shit.

But Liu Yi is still back, for his martial arts, for those who guard him, and for those who he wants to guard.

"Undead, I\'m here."

Liu Yi strengthened his confidence.At this moment, a few Shura suddenly came over.


The asuras hit the ground and made several deep pits.

And a more powerful General Shura skipped over, carrying a big sword in his hand, roaring roaring.

"You all become my nourishment! Aohou!"

The big sword in his hand easily cut off a few Shura\'s heads, and then red eyes stared at the lively Liu Yi standing on the side.

"Jin Jie... seems to have something more delicious..."

After those Shura\'s powers were devoured, General Shura grinned.

"Sorry, I don\'t want to be your dinner."

Liu Yi shrugged his shoulders, "I will gnaw off your teeth when I eat it."

"Ji Jie, take your life!"

General Shura jumped over, and the big sword in his hand slashed to Liu Yi.Liu Yi shook his head, and he easily avoided the severed sword on the side of his body.

At the same time, he put out a finger and poked General Shura\'s forehead.


General Shura\'s head exploded, and the power in his body kept pouring into Liu Yi\'s body.

"Everyone said I had a bite for dinner."

Liu Yi threw the buddy\'s body aside, and said regretfully.

"Yes, yes, Liu Yi is back!"

"What, Liu Yi? That horrible King Shura?"

Some Shura was planning to come over to fight next to him, and suddenly saw Liu Yi\'s appearance.

Even Shura, seeing Liu Yi is just as scared to pee!

His fierce name in Shura Dao is too loud!Even King Shura, when he saw Liu Yi, dodged everywhere.

Liu Yi was also idle, he gave a command.

"Optimus Prime, washing machine, vacuum cleaner, Pikachu, a few of you came out to help me protect the law!"

Liu Yi finished speaking and sat cross-legged on the ground.

The four patron saints immediately flew out of Liu Yi\'s body and sat in the four directions of Liu Yi\'s southeast, northwest.

The huge water unicorn, the strong diamond ape, the mysterious swallowing turtle, and the slender black dragon!

These body protector beasts formed a guardian array, protecting Liu Yi in it.

"It\'s all up to you."

Liu Yi was very pleased to see these loyal beasts, and Mengxi and Lin Tong also jumped out to protect Liu Yi.

With so many masters, Liu Yi does have a sense of security.He entered his inner world, began to practice whole body, and then tempered his protoss immortality!

If you want to cultivate the Protoss undead, you must first temper the real fire to the extreme!The true fire within Liu Yi\'s body is not strong enough, especially the blood lotus that has fed Ai Ling several times before, it is very fragile.

Therefore, if you want to become a Protoss undead, the time required is indeed not short.

All the forces in Liu Yi\'s body were mobilized, and around the real fire of the God Race, the real fire was continuously tempered.

Just as Liu Yi was practicing, some Shura who didn\'t know life and death rushed towards Liu Yi, but were torn to pieces by the guardian gods and beasts.

"Big idiot...must succeed!"

Lin Tong grabbed a Shenhuo sword in his hand and cut an assaulted Shura in half, then looked at Liu Yi and said with some concern.

Liu Yi suddenly didn\'t know what was going on outside, and he dedicated himself to the cultivation of his god clan.

In three hundred years, we can definitely practice the undead of the Protoss to the extreme!

Three hundred years of Shura Road, the human world is only one month.

This month, the Temple of Tu has become deserted.What was once a monastery is now a monk.

But Yang Mianmian, the princess of her daughter\'s country, and even Ai Ling came back here to guard the Temple of Tu Tu.

"One month is coming."

Li Moli glanced at the phone and said with a heavy heart, "Our battle is coming."

"Can the head rush back?"

A disciple couldn\'t help but asked, "I haven\'t seen the boss in a long time..."

Although there are one hundred and twenty gods left, a rumor does not know who passed them on, shaking the self-confidence of these gods.

Rumors say that Liu Yi has run away fearing those mysterious people.

I have to say that this rumor is really terrible, and it really makes people feel terrified.

"Relax, the head will definitely come back."

Chen Keqing is full of confidence in Liu Yi, "we must believe what the heads say!"

"That\'s right."

Li Moli nodded and glanced at the disciples around him, "Trust our master, he will definitely come back!"

"I have always believed him!"

"Yes, the Holy King will not let us down."

Experts from other schools also said that Chen Keqing was pleased.

"someone is coming."

At this time, Ai Ling suddenly looked up and glanced at the sky.

"Is it here today?"

For a time, the people in the temple were a little nervous.

"All disciples in the Shrine, prepare!"

Li Moli immediately raised the fairy sword in his hand and shouted.


One hundred and twenty gods will raise their swords together and growl loudly.

The sound is very shocking, straight to the sky!

Yang Mianmian also took out their weapons, ready to fight!

Several figures appeared in the sky, these three people slaughtered the temple to know two!

Ghost Monk, Sky Sword Master, the only remaining one is the nine-tailed turtle.

"Jian Jie, it seems that they are ready to die!"

The ghost monk saw these disciples and was immediately excited, "It seems that today it is time to kill!"

"I will let you kill you today."

Sky Sword Master pinched a black sphere in his hands, "Anyway, we have babies in hand, and no one can beat us here."

"Hahaha, let\'s have fun at the home!"

The ghost monk licked his tongue and said excitedly.

"Leave it to me, let me come first."

The Nine-Tailed Turtle failed once, rushing to make up for it this time, and immediately flew towards the ground.

"You can\'t let Sajia come first!"

The ghost monk was annoyed, but he was disdainful of besieging his opponents with others, and he really lost face.

"Ready to meet the enemy!"

Yang Mianmian glanced at each other and they were ready to shoot.

"The first line of defense!"

Chen Keqing sat in the center and commanded the 120 gods who had already branched around.

"Slaughter of Gods!"

One hundred and twenty gods will reach out one after another, and giant giant swords will emerge from the back, and then wave the sword!

One hundred and twenty-eight swords all pointed to the nine-tailed turtle falling in the air, but the nine-tailed turtle laughed and waved his energy shield to protect himself!


Those swords were chopped on the energy shield, so that the value of the energy shield continued to weaken.

"It\'s a skill!"

The Nine-tailed Turtle didn\'t even think about it, "You can leave a name in Hell!"