Love Dependency Disease

965 Chapter 965

Chapter 965

As long as Liu Yi has a thought, this bone gun will instantly pierce the body of the ghost monk!

Even if the ghost monk is afraid, there is no use in fear, because Liu Yi has only one thought left at this time, that is, let him die!

If the ghost monk is not dead, Liu Yi will not give up!

But just when the ghost monk was about to be executed, a white sword light suddenly cut from Liu Yi\'s shoulder!


With a sharp cutting sound, Liu Yi\'s arm was cut off and fell to the ground.


"Protect the leader!"

The disciples of Tu Shen Temple saw Liu Yi injured, disappointed, disappointed, and flew up to protect Liu Yi around, so that no one would attack him again!

Liu Yi had broken his arm and lost consciousness.

The figure of a woman flew over directly, grabbed the ghost monk on the ground, and then glanced at Liu Yi.

"Leave him down!"

"Hugh came up with my temple of slaughter!"

The disciples in the Temple of Tu look at it, good fellow, you have attacked our head in secret, and you still want to run after seeing the posture?

"A month later, we will return to the Temple of Tu Tu."

This woman is no one else, it is the Sky Sword Master arranged by the Black Knight before.She floated a few silver-white lightsabers all over her body, and at the same time slenderly carried the ghost monk\'s somewhat large body. She said aloud, "Your sect only has one month left. Enjoy the last time."

After speaking, the Heavenly Sword Master stayed with the ghost monk, blinking into a huge sword light, rising into the sky, and disappearing without a trace.

"What the hell are they?"

"I don\'t know... Ah, the elder is awake!"

Everyone saw that Chen Keqing had woke up leisurely, and immediately, as if he had found the backbone of the main body, he stepped forward to surround Chen Keqing, scrambling and yelling.

"Elder, no good!"

"The head is hurt!"

"Someone wants to destroy our martial arts!"

These voices made Chen Keqing disturbingly terrible. You didn\'t know who to listen to if you said me!

"Don\'t be noisy! Say one by one!"

She had no choice but to roar and interrupt the quarrel of these disciples.

"Elder, it\'s like this..."

A smarter disciple on weekdays stepped forward immediately, respectfully greeted Chen Keqing first, and then talked about the passing of the matter and kept talking.

Chen Keqing\'s straight frowns listened, and his already unbeautiful mood suddenly increased.

I was originally very happy to hear that Liu Yi was so powerful that Xiao Eleven and Wang Long beat the falling flowers.

But I knew that a strange big monk appeared again, and it was so fierce. Neither Wang Long nor Liu Yi, fighting alone, were his opponents!

Things in Xiuxian Realm are really becoming more and more weird. Chen Keqing feels that he can\'t keep up with this era.

"Can we survive for one month?"

"Do you want to stay in the Temple of Slaughter..."

The disciples of Tu Tu Temple talked a lot and did not know what to do.

I have to say that the mysterious woman really scared these people.Even their heads cut off one arm directly. What are these fish and shrimp?

The battle between the great gods, which gently spread, is something these characters cannot afford.It is likely that they will really die in the Temple of Slaughter.

"Send the head back to heal first."

Chen Keqing had no other choice but to tell his disciples to take Liu Yi back to the house first.

"What about the ancient swordsman?"

A disciple pointed to several people from the Gujian School. Wang Xinyi suddenly felt a little nervous. Both Wang Long and Xiao Eleven passed out happily, and no one gave them control.

"We decided to stay in the Temple of Tu first."

At this time, Wang Xinyi stood up and said, "This time, there are also some of our responsibilities. We are willing to stay and help the reconstruction of the Temple of the Tomb, and dedicate our strength."

"Well, who wants you to help!"

A disciple of the Temple of Tutu sneered, "The cat is crying and the child is false and compassionate!"

"Yes, hurry up and go back, shameful!"

These disciples seem to have a lot of emotions. You said it to me, and the ancient swordsmen said that they had no place for themselves.But Chen Keqing glanced at Liu Yi in a coma and waved his hand to stop the discord of the disciples.

"Don\'t talk about it, I have the final say."

As soon as Chen Keqing spoke, the disciples stopped the noise and looked at her.

"The young master didn\'t come back, and the master was in a coma. I will take the lead this time."

Chen Keqing\'s eyes fell back to Wang Xinyi and they said, "Since the ancient sword faction is willing to help, we will naturally thank the slaughter temple. Then don\'t be too polite, stay here. Plus there are also wounded people in the faction who need to be recuperated. It’s not too late to leave."

The large number of adults in Chen Keqing made the disciples of the Gujian School even more ashamed.

Chen Keqing sent someone to place Wang Xinyi and they went, while he was always with Liu Yi, guarding him in a coma.

Liu Yi found himself sitting on a rickety small boat floating on the lake water, with no shore visible from front, back, left and right.

Why did you come here?Oh right... It seems that when fighting the weird monk, I accidentally encountered a sneak attack.

His arm seems to be broken...then it should be his inner world.

Liu Yi didn\'t worry about his arm being broken.I am a dragon body and a 50% energy body. As long as my head does not fall, any part of the body will grow again.So to speak, even if your jj is cut off, it will grow again!

The reason for entering the inner world is probably caused by the body\'s rapid healing.However, this small lake is really quiet... It would be nice if I could stay here all the time.Liu Yi took a deep breath and then lay in the boat, letting herself float freely on the lake.

He couldn\'t figure out who the strange monk was, and who was the one who helped him attack him?But one thing is certain, they must be together with the previous nine-tail turtle.

"Hey, so many questions, it\'s really annoying."

Liu Yi sighed, "If someone can tell me how good the answer is."

"Want to know the answer?"

Just then, a voice suddenly echoed in Liu Yi\'s ear, which surprised him.

He opened his eyes and found a beautiful woman lying on his body.

This woman is none other than Ma Yixuan.

Ma Yixuan was wearing a purple cheongsam, bulging in front of his chest, pressing Liu Yi\'s chest.

The neckline above the cheongsam was very low, and a deep alluring gully was completely exposed in Liu Yi\'s eyes, and Liu Yi looked a little fascinated.

Why is Ma Yixuan\'s image still so intriguing in his inner world?Could it be the reason for his three incorrect views?

Liu Yi, Liu Yi, you should read the Buddha.

He closed his eyes again and began to meditate on Amitabha, trying to calm his mind.

"Liu Yi, you can\'t fool yourself."

Ma Yixuan\'s voice rang gently in Liu Yi\'s ear, like a small hand, secretly scratching his heart.

Damn... this woman, has it become your own demon?

"You crave power, don\'t you? With power, nothing can hide your eyes."

"Strength does not mean wisdom, Ma Yixuan."

Liu Yi said, although he knew that Ma Yixuan was only his imaginary character, but it was not so simple. The imaginary woman carried part of Ma Yixuan’s real soul.

She can influence herself all the time and let herself fall into the demon way.

But that is not your own way!

"Little smart, in front of absolute power, it is not worth mentioning."

Ma Yixuan continued, she seemed to be licking Liu Yi\'s earlobe, making Liu Yi tickle.

"With power, you have everything... If you had power then, I would have been your person..."

She said, a hand suddenly reached Liu Yi\'s clothes, gently touching Liu Yi\'s chest.Like a woman, a man\'s chest is equally sensitive.Ma Yixuan did this, and Liu Yi couldn\'t help it.

Elementary school students can\'t hold it at all...but they are immortal cultivators and can\'t be deceived by this little temptation!

"It\'s useless even if you read the Heart Sutra."

Ma Yixuan continued to speak in Liu Yi\'s ear, while the slender hand moved towards Liu Yi\'s lower body a little bit.

"I am a part of you, why are you refusing a part of yourself? Let the two of us be one and use my ingenuity to match your strength. Who else is your opponent in this world?

"Stop dreaming, who wants to be with you!"

Liu Yi closed his eyes and scolded, "I don\'t have such a strong taste, okay?"

"Are you a bit too sad to say this?"

Ma Yixuan said coquettishly, "What people say... is also a girl... Don\'t forget, how much did you like me before?"

"That was before, I was blind."

Liu Yi said coldly, "It doesn\'t matter how confusing you are now, I have already seen through your essence."

"My essence? Don\'t forget, I am just a soul now."

Ma Yixuan laughed, "Now I am not the Ma Yixuan who has made many mistakes. I am the soul of that pure Ma Yixuan, without impurities and ambitions."

This made Liu Yi stunned for a while. It seemed right... But, is it really that simple?

Is Ma Yixuan really just an ordinary soul?Liu Yi always felt something was wrong.

"I am already a part of you, and I am in your soul. You can\'t live without me, and I can\'t live without you."

Ma Yixuan stuck to Liu Yi\'s ear, exhaling like blue, "As long as you are one with me, you will get supreme power..."

The supreme power... Liu Yi\'s eyes glowed slightly.

If you have the supreme power... Will everything become different?