Love Dependency Disease

962 962 Ghost Monk

Wang Long was cruel and wanted to kill Liu Yi!

He did not hesitate to put out all his mana for more than a thousand years of practice. Although this way, his body will receive some damage, but in order to get the world first, it is no harm to receive some damage!

After all, their ancient sword faction practiced sword qi, which entered the body, so it was inevitable to cause some damage.

Huh, this time it\'s a face to the kid!It is really a little worthless to pay so much for a sacred shrine in every district!

Wang Long was planning to move, but found that there was a bald monk in the Temple of Tu Tu.

The monk looked at him directly, and the two looked at each other face-to-face.

The monk was wearing a strange skull mask. You said that the monk should be six pure people, but now he is wearing a strange breath, which is really unpredictable.

"Who are you!"

Seeing this monk, Wang Long felt that the comer was not good, and immediately shouted, and his sword burst into anger!

"If you don\'t want to die, get out of my sight immediately! There is really anyone in this temple, but even the monk is here!"

"Jin Jie..."

Unexpectedly, the monk\'s laughter was even more creepy, and Wang Long was laughed a little hairy!

"Where did weird monk, die!"

Such people, just kill them directly!

Wang Long thought about it, and flicked his finger, and Jianqi shot at the monk with strange air all over him.

Liu Yi chased that Wang Long and flew towards the Tu Tu Shen Tower that was shot out of a hole.

That Tushen Pagoda was just built, and inside it placed the signs that Liu Yi killed those Qin imperial palace during the ten days.

These brands were originally intended to be carried by Liu Yi, but Chen Keqing believes that this is the evidence that Liu Yi defeated the Qin Palace and is a kind of glory. Therefore, this temple of Tu Tu is reduced to be used exclusively for those who were placed by Liu Yi. Beat the enemy cards!

Wooden signs were also placed there, protected by the array.

Liu Yi didn\'t want Wang Long to find that there were some unexpected gains there, so he accelerated the pace of the flight.

The distance of 100 meters, almost arrived in a blink of an eye!

But at this time, the tower suddenly shook violently!

Then, Wang Long\'s figure flew out of the tower in awkwardness, rubbing Liu Yi\'s body directly, and slammed into the square above!

The huge square was immediately burst into a deep hole with a diameter of more than ten meters!

Wang Long lay on the ground and passed out without a word!It can be seen how horrible the attack he has been!



The disciples of the ancient sword school were shocked, not knowing what happened to Wang Long.

Liu Yi also frowned, and his eyes fell on the Tu Shen Tower.Could it be that there are no other people on that tower?

A monk showed his figure from the gap, and glanced out.


There are outsiders in his own butchering tower!The defense of Nima Tu Temple is too bad!Give a bad review!How can this be!

"Jin Jie..."

The monk wearing a skull mask on the opposite side laughed strangely, "If you don\'t want to die... just get away."

"Mother, threaten Lao Tzu again!"

Liu Yi really had enough, how can I like to play this set!Do they all learn from a teacher?

"Invading my temple of slaughter, I think you are the one who wants to die!"

Liu Yi was welcome, he kicked two groups of spirits under his feet, and the whole person instantly appeared in the notch position of the Tutu Tower, and then prepared to attack the strange monk!


Liu Yi flew a palm and shot directly at the monk.

At this moment, a golden shield appeared suddenly, and flew off Liu Yi\'s palm!

"what\'s the situation!"

Liu Yi was a little surprised because he was really familiar with this shield!

It was the energy shield used by the nine-tailed turtle a few days ago!Why is there this big monk in front of me?

"Aren\'t you the partner of the Nine-tailed Turtle?"

Liu Yi asked.

"Go ask Yan Luo."

This person is no one else, but a ghost monk.

His purpose is for those wooden signs.If these wooden signs are left to Liu Yi, something big will happen in the future!

But the ghost monk is a man full of ambitions, especially a fighting madman. When he returned to this era, he was not actually trying to save the world. What he wanted to do more was to fight the masters of this era!

In his era, there was only one master.But that master is really terrible, no one can beat him!

Other masters were killed by him!

But I heard that there are still many masters of this era, and ghost monks are going to have a good time with them!

"Buddha handprint!"

He raised his palm and took a big handprint against Liu Yi!

The handprint is completely composed of data, and obviously is a super hunter\'s trick.

"Good to come!"

Liu Yi had long wanted to see more of this group of people\'s spell routines. When he saw the big fingerprint that flew down, he immediately used his own big sun to disillusion him.


His palm wind collided with the other\'s big fingerprint, and exploded in the air, turning into a dazzling Mars.

"Junior, so enjoyable, really enjoyable!" "

The ghost monk got happy and stood on the tower, facing the Liu Yi below, and shot the big fingerprints again and again.

Their data power is very powerful, contains a very strange ability, and restrains Liu Yi\'s mana.

So although the strength of these people is so serious, but they can restrain the immortals.

Otherwise, that day will not let the Nine-tail Turtle bully Ai Ling so miserably!What strength is Ai Ling, but he is a powerful crossover!

Fortunately, Liu Yi mastered the real usage of Fawu\'s true body, otherwise he would have no way to take these weirdos.

"So enjoyable! So cool!"

The ghost monk hit the skin and died, and his hands were shot with big handprints. The whole person was like a mortar, firing shells crazy!

Liu Yi directly popped the dharma body behind, waving six arms together, hitting the big Yaori palm together, smashing the attack of the ghost monk.

Those big fingerprints were so powerful, some didn\'t have time to counteract, and they smashed into the surrounding ground and buildings, and all of them suddenly exploded into deep holes and ruins!


"Who is that person?"

People around talked about it, they had never seen a ghost monk.

The people of the Ancient Sword School are a little dumbfounded. Such wonderful spells are so powerful, where can I see them on weekdays!

That strange monk gave them all their heads, but he hasn\'t regained consciousness yet!

But the young disciple in the Temple of Tu was able to make a big was amazing!

How did he practice and why is he so powerful?

A Buddhist door with super handprints urged by the power of Super Hunter, and another one is Fawu Zhen\'s radiant palm outside his body.The sparks that burst into the sky are the effects of the collision of two people!

"I... what\'s wrong with me..."

And when the two sides were deadlocked, the Wang Long, who had been stunned, suddenly woke up.


A disciple immediately said, "You were just passed out..."


Wang Long was taken aback and tried hard to recall what had happened just now, but found himself in the tower, saw the monk, and then prepared to start.

But in a trance, his attacks seemed to be all invalid, but the monk\'s big handprint blasted himself out of the Tower of the Tu Tu!

"Damn, there must be something weird in that tower!"

Unwilling in Wang Long\'s heart, he reunited his sword qi, and then grabbed two long swords composed of huge sword qi in his hand and flew directly into the air.

"Both of you, all die!"

He traversed the two big swords in his hand, and then swept left and right towards Liu Yi and the strange monk together!

This sword is really too long. With such a sweep, I am afraid that Liu Yi and the strange monk\'s body will be cut in half!

"Don\'t make trouble!"

The ghost monk did not put the head of the ancient sword school in his eyes at all. While blocking the huge long sword with an energy shield, he took another big handprint and smashed the long sword directly.

And Liu Yi was even more blunt. When he lifted his right hand, Yuemeng\'s heart method was launched, and he took the long sword from Wang Long\'s hand, then lifted it into the air, and pulled his hands outward!


The long sword suddenly shattered into several pieces, and it seemed to have been torn apart, and scattered down.

"What a power!"

At this moment Wang Long finally understood, how big is the difference between his mana and those two!

"who the hell are you……"

Wang Long stared blankly at Liu Yi, who tore his long sword.

Before waiting for Liu Yi to speak, the ghost monk suddenly started again.

He seemed to realize that the two sides continued to fight hard or could not get the result, so he raised his hand and made a big fingerprint in the direction of the crowd next to him!

Liu Yi was frightened, his body flashed to the front of the big fingerprint, and the dharma body behind him carried a six-faced emperor shield, combined together, and blocked this attack!


The power of the big handprint is not light. Black smoke erupted from the shield. Liu Yi\'s entire body was struck out of tens of meters, and finally landed on the ground. Two deep footprints were stepped on the ground.


"Master, are you okay?"

The disciples in the surrounding Tu Shen Temple came forward and asked with concern.

The ancient swordsman\'s eyes were wide-eyed, lying on the trough, and this guy was the head of the others!

No wonder he will beat Wang Long so badly... This time the Ancient Sword School is too unlucky!

"It turns out... he turned out to be the head of this temple..."

Wang Xinyi stared blankly at Liu Yi in the air, "I thought it was an old man with three heads and six arms... I didn\'t expect it to be such a young boy..."

Liu Yi couldn\'t care how Wang Xinyi evaluated him at this time, his physical condition was not good.

Even the Emperor\'s Shield could not fully bear the power of that big fingerprint!One of these forces hit Liu Yi\'s body, constantly destroying the vitality in his body!

This’s really inhumane!