Love Dependency Disease

957 957 Grandma Liu enters the Grand View Garden

Wang Long\'s words fell, and the disciples of the ancient sword faction came forward one after another, and then controlled their respective fairy swords, which seemed a little unwilling.

Facing so many fairy swords filled with sword energy, Chen Keqing didn\'t look the same, but smiled instead.

"The visitor is a guest, you don’t have to be so murderous. Since you came to the Temple of the Slaughter, you are the guest of the Temple of the Slaughter, you may wish to taste two cups of tea in advance. You can also report slowly."

Liu Yi sighed inwardly that the master and sister really worked out in the Temple of Tu, and now they are speaking more and more well.That\'s right, that\'s right, it fully shows the style of my martial arts.

Sure enough, Chen Keqing said that many disciples of the Gujian School felt a little unreasonable.

They used swords and swords as soon as they came up, but they were greeted with smiles.

I feel... this gap is so big!

"Master... what should I do?"

Xiao Eleven also saw that the form seemed to be very unfavorable to them, so he lowered his voice and asked Wang Long, the master around him.

"People treat each other with courtesy, and we respond right."

Not waiting for Wang Long to speak, his baby daughter Wang Xinyi could not help speaking.

"Whoever gave the gift, we still shouted the reason of killing? Isn\'t our ancient sword faction a barbarian?"

"Sister, why are you so simple?"

Xiao Eleven sighed greatly, and seemed to be lamenting why Wang Xinyi was so stupid.

"The person is probably a suit of His Royal Highness, just waiting for us to get hooked!"

"Oh? Brother, are you afraid that you won\'t be able to come down?"

Wang Xinyi turned his eyes and smiled, "It seems that the master is also very afraid of this temple of slaughter. I said that I am not afraid, it is all fake!"

"Who said this!"

Upon hearing what his teacher said, Xiao Eleven was suddenly unhappy.

What is fear?Will Xiao Eleven be afraid?

"Xinyi, don\'t embarrass your brother."

Wang Long finally couldn’t hear it anymore and said, “He’s also worried that this is the trick of the Temple of the Slaughter. In case they deliberately like us, wait for us to relax our vigilance, and then strike us with a thunder strike Wonderful. So, we are still careful."

Liu Yi secretly said that the master of this ancient sword faction really used the heart of a villain to measure the belly of a gentleman.

No wonder such martial arts are not famous, it seems that it has nothing to do with strength.

How can you do if you don\'t have an open mind?

The Gu Jianpai\'s buddy is small-minded and resembles a needle nose. No wonder he can meet such a person as Xiao eleven.

Not all the way, don\'t go anywhere!

"You don\'t have to worry, there are countless world heroes in the temple where I slaughtered. It is impossible to do anything to frame the friends of the ancient sword faction."

Chen Keqing seemed to see the thoughts of the dozens of people on the ancient sword school, and immediately said with a smile, "If this is done, wouldn\'t it make the heroes of the world sneer?"

"What she said makes sense."

Wang Long nodded, "Okay, my ancient sword faction will come to meet you at the Temple of Slaughter today, to see what you really have, and dare to claim to be the first in the world!"

With a wave of his hand, he took the ancient swords and sent the crowd to lower the sword and fell into the Temple of Tu Tu.

"Wow... so many people here..."

"Yeah... It\'s totally different from the Ancient Sword School... so hilarious..."

This ancient sword sent his disciples into the Temple of Tu, just as Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden.

The scale of the Temple of Tu Tu is much larger than that of Yangxian Temple, especially next to the Tower of Tu Tu, where ambassadors from various martial arts are stationed.

Looking at the disciples going around, Wang Xinyi couldn\'t help but praise.

"How many people must there be in this temple of slaughter... It feels like people everywhere, did they even accept so many disciples? Didn\'t they say that the sect has just been established?"

"It is true, but Wang Xianzi does not know."

Liu Yi smiled and said, "This temple is not an ordinary martial art. In addition to the people in the temple itself, there are ambassadors of all sizes and martial arts stationed here."

"What a joke!"

Xiao Eleven shouted immediately, "The affairs of the martial arts belong to the privacy of each martial arts. How can other martial arts be inserted!"

In a way, Xiao Eleven is right.

There are many things in the sect that cannot be known by outsiders. On weekdays, these sects are afraid that other sects will come in and put in the eyeliners.What is this called, it seems that the people who slaughter the temple are idiots!

How did such a martial art become the first in the world?I really can\'t understand it!

Liu Yi sees through Xiao Xiao\'s thoughts, how to become the world\'s first, Tu Shendian depends not only on strength, but also on the temperament.

If you don’t even have the capacity for this, how can you achieve this position?

While everyone was thinking about it, some disciples of the Tutu Temple saw Liu Yi mixed in the ancient sword faction, and suddenly couldn\'t help but open their mouths.

Some disciples wanted to salute Liu Yi, but he was blocked by his voice.

Just kidding, but I want to see the fun.If these disciples have pierced their identities, what\'s so beautiful?

And he also wanted to see how, when he did not come forward, Chen Keqing solved these various schools of facts who came to pick things up.

As the saying goes, since the name of the Temple of Tu is so prosperous, it is inevitable that people will be jealous.

Martial arts such as the ancient sword faction who come to the museum to pick things up is probably not the first one.

The gun shot the head bird, these people thought to defeat the Temple of Tu Tu, and then stepped into the sky.

What they thought was easy. How could Liu Yi bring the Tu Tu Temple to this day, how much suffering he had suffered, and how many enemies had been defeated?

The reputation of the Temple of Butchery was really shot with a real sword!From the cabinet to the cabinet, almost all of them were beaten by Liu Yi!

A disciple of Tu Tu Temple led the crowd of the ancient sword faction and walked towards the Ying Ke Temple of Tu Tu Temple.

Along the way, all kinds of scenery and various human feelings, as well as those disciples who practiced swordsmanship, really opened the eyes of the people of the ancient sword school.

"I didn\'t expect that the construction inside this temple was so extravagant."

Wang Long whispered as he walked, "This kind of feng shui treasure is really a waste to the Temple of Tu Tu. It would be better to wait for me to defeat this place and take this place to become my cultivation treasure. ?"

This Wang Long thought is very good, but did not know that this idea almost caused him a big kill!

"A few here please."

The disciples of Tu Shen Temple were still very polite, and took these people into this large and welcoming guest hall.

In the hall stood a statue of a man, dressed in black armor, wearing a black helmet, carrying a sword in his left hand, and a large gun in his right, demanding awe-inspiring power.

"Which fairy is enshrined here? Could it be the god of war in heaven?"

Wang Long looked strange, so he asked.

"Haha, real people guessed wrong."

The disciples of the Tutu Temple laughed, "We don\'t worship the fairy, the gods, but only our master! This statue is the statue of our master!"

"Is the head of the person able to build an idol?"

Xiao eleven laughed suddenly, "Don\'t let me laugh off my teeth, okay?"

As soon as this word came out, all the disciples in the hall glared.

"Brother, pay attention."

Wang Xinyi frowned and glanced at his brother, "This is a place for others, how can you say such a thing?"

Liu Yi thinks so, but this is his own school. In his own school, he said that Liu Yi is not good. Isn\'t that just his own choice?

"That\'s what it is."

Xiao eleven said unconvincingly, "How can he be a master, who is qualified to have a god! My master, such a prestigious master, has not said to make a god! He is the master of the temple. sure?"

"The head of my slaughter temple, beat the invincible hand of the world, and also shoulder the responsibility of resisting the Qin Palace and saving the Six Realms!"

Although faced with a group of leaders, the young disciple did not give in and said aloud, "People with great mana and great merit like this, don’t erect a god, but who do you erect? What great merit did your masters have done, or something that shocked the whole world of Immortal Cultivation, say it and let us hear it!"

"This this……"

Xiao 11:11 really didn\'t know what to say.

The man who slaughtered the temple has a very powerful mouth, but he doesn\'t know how hard he is!

"I\'m sorry, my brother is just free and unwilling, and I also ask all the friends of the temple to blame."

Wang Xinyi was afraid that the scene would be too stiff, so he came out again to play the round.

Wang Long was a little unhappy, feeling that the momentum of this temple had far exceeded their ancient sword faction.

This will not work!It must be reversed!

"I\'m the head of the ancient sword faction, Wang Long! The intimate heads are here. Will you send a few disciples to meet me?"

His tone was not very good, so that the disciples of Tu Tu Temple looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

But at this moment, the figure of a woman came in.

Before people enter, the aroma comes first, and the sound floats along with the aroma.

"The king of the ancient sword faction is far away, and hopes not to blame."

Wang Long and the disciples of the ancient sword faction looked at the voice, and suddenly couldn\'t help but stunned.

I saw a beautiful woman with vivid colors and walked in like this. After entering, she brought a fragrant wind to the tip of everyone\'s nose, so that the men of the ancient sword school couldn\'t help but fascinate, the women Secretly jealous.

Wasn\'t this woman the same woman who used her sword to make it?

After the woman came in, she saw Liu Yi standing in the crowd, and she was also subconsciously surprised.

This guy, how did he get there!