Love Dependency Disease

895 895 Is the world invincible?

Payne thought it was very good. He ambushed himself in this place and didn\'t know how many gunmen he was waiting for.

"Why don\'t they come yet?"

Payne glanced at his watch and asked impatiently.

"Boss...maybe...may be in a traffic jam."

A younger brother replied carefully.

"Huh, what an excuse!"

Payne was very upset, and he was indeed anxious in his heart.

As long as the Red Turban is settled, Chinatown is its own territory!

I have already talked to the big boss of a group. The other party wants to buy the land in Chinatown, but the Red Scarf Army is there, and the surrounding shops are not willing to sell their land.

As long as the Red Scarf Army is destroyed by themselves, the owners of those shops must not obey themselves?

"Boss, it seems that they are here!"

A man suddenly put down the telescope and said to Payne.


Payne licked his tongue, "Are you finally here?"

These people are all in a rugby field, which is also Payne\'s territory, and used it for him while there was no ball game.

It is spacious and there are stands around it, which is very suitable for the ambush of the gunman.

The plan was seamless, and Payne was waiting for the Red Scarf to bite.

But at this time, a truck slowly drove in, with a familiar face sitting on the car, not Zhao Hui, but who?

A fierce light flashed in Penn\'s eyes, very good, let you have no return today!

The truck was unobstructed and finally creaked, stopping opposite Payne.

Zhao Hui jumped from the car and looked at themselves with hostility.

Speaking of these, these guys are very strong, I heard that they are all veterans.

But what\'s the use of it? The Washington underworld is not a place where their soldiers can be arrogant.

Here, naturally there are rules for their gangs.

"Penn, here we are, let\'s not let go!"

Zhao Hui said bluntly.

"Zhao, I remember that you Huaxia had a sentence called Junjie who knows the current affairs."

Payne was sitting on a chair, with two rows of younger brothers standing next to him. The aura was bigger than the Red Scarf.

However, there were no fears on the faces of the Red Scarves. Calm calmly admired. Penn admired himself secretly. He was worthy of being a professional soldier.

It is a pity that these professional soldiers will become lonely spirits and ghosts in a moment!

"It looks like this now, don\'t you understand?"

He said, clapping his hands.

The younger brothers pulled out their pistols from their arms and pointed them at Zhao Hui.

At the same time, more than a dozen gunmen appeared in the stands next to them, each holding a carbine and an infrared sight under the muzzle.

Zhao Hui suddenly showed many red dots on them.

"Payne, what do you mean?"

Zhao Hui\'s face sank immediately, "Want to yin at me?"

"Hahaha, Zhao, don\'t blame me, this is Washington!"

Payne laughed, "The gang, but not a few of you soldiers can understand!"

"Brother Zhao, let me talk to him."

At this moment, Liu Yi suddenly waved his hand and said.

"Brother Liu... I\'m sorry, I\'m tired of you..."

Zhao Hui apologized and said to Liu Yi, "You didn\'t have to accompany us to die..."

"It doesn\'t matter, I\'m not an outsider."

Liu Yi said with a wave.

The clothes on his body suddenly changed. It was originally a black suit, and in a blink of an eye turned into a crimson special warfare suit, with special combat boots on his feet, and a flame pattern of the guard on his arms.

Behind him, a dazzling red five-pointed star was printed on it.

"Ah! Chi Yiwei!"

Seeing this outfit, Zhao Hui was taken aback and looked at Liu Yi\'s eyes immediately.

Those Red Scarves also got excited!

Chi Yiwei is the dream identity of every Red Towel Army, these are the elites of the elite!

No wonder Brother Liu is so powerful, he is Chi Yiwei!All this makes sense!

Liu Yi put on Chi Weiwei\'s special uniform, but surprised the opposite Payne.

"Hey, where do you find the magician, good technology!"

"Not a magician."

Liu Yi smiled, "I am their chief."

"Sir? I have only heard Zhao from the Red Scarf Army, and no one else."

Payne frowned.

"That\'s your ignorance."

Liu Yi, holding his hands and feet apart, stood there, not arrogant.

"The Red Towels dominate the entire China, how could your little Washington gangster understand?"

"Stupid Chinese monkey."

Payne pouted, "Do you think our Washington is the same as your backward China? A few people in every district dare to be arrogant on my ground!"

"Where have you locked our people?"

Liu Yi didn\'t bother with Payne, but asked instead.

"Look over there."

Payne reached out his finger, and in the distant stand, a few sturdy big guys appeared immediately next to three gunmen.

"I will send you on the road soon!"

"Your name is Payne, right."

Liu Yi had already obtained some information about the Viper Gang and asked.

"Yes, do you want to report my name to Satan?"

"No, no, don\'t you say I am a magician, how about I change you a magic?"

"Oh? What magic?"

Payne was a little curious, and said that this is all about to die, and that his mind has become magic?

The Chinese monkey is really stupid.

"I said who died, who would die immediately, do you believe it or not?"

Liu Yi said lightly.

"Hahaha, do you think you are a grim reaper? Ridiculous Chinese monkey."

A member of the Viper Gang laughed immediately.

"Then start with you first."

Liu Yi narrowed his eyes and reached for the buddy.


There was a bang in the air.

The buddy\'s head exploded like a watermelon and scattered all over the place.

The headless body fell directly to the ground, and the people next to it scared and screamed.

A younger brother\'s voice was directly octave higher, catching up with Vitas\' dolphin sound.

"There are snipers!"

Payne was the first to respond and hurriedly shouted.

He hid directly behind the chair himself, and the other younger brothers rushed to flee to find bunkers.

"Gun, shoot, kill them!"

Payne shouted directly after hiding.

The gunmen in the stands immediately pulled the trigger.

The bullet was like a torrential rain, and they rushed to Liu Yi with their faces covered.

Liu Yiru Mu Chunfeng, suddenly wearing black dark energy armor.

Bullets hit his armor, sparks splashed, and jingled to the side.

Zhao Hui hid behind the car and took up their weapons to fight back.

The two sides were in a ball, and Liu Yi was like a demon, standing in the rain of bullets, and the bullets did not hurt him at all.

"Yes, who is this guy, and no bullets can move! Iron Man!"

Payne watched Liu Yi continue to explode Mars, just want to bite his tongue.

Even bullets can\'t get through!Where did the armor come from?

If he could get a set of such armor, would he be invincible?

As Liu Yi moved forward, he reached out and grabbed a tactical shotgun.

Every time Liu Yi took a step, he shot.

His bullets seemed to be endless, and every time a shot was fired, he directly sprayed a gunman from the viper gang.

I don\'t know whether it was intentional or unintentional. Instead of shooting Payne, he stepped into the stands and continued to take the lives of other gunmen with shotguns.

Liu Yi was like a demon in the blink of an eye, and all the gunmen were afraid of his arrival.

When they hit the back, these gunmen were immediately terrified.

When Liu Yi reached out and grabbed the head of a gunman, and then shot the gun and exploded his body, the gunmen finally screamed and scrambled towards the outside of the football field.

"A bunch of waste."

Liu Yi snorted. He ignored the people who wanted to escape, but walked directly to the front of a few red scarf soldiers who were tied up.

The three previous gunmen knelt on the ground and put the gun aside.

"Good, very obedient."

Liu Yi was very satisfied with their attitude. The gunman who surrendered did not kill him soon, but kept them alive.

As a result, more and more gunmen fled and surrendered.

They found that although there were many people, they had no chance of winning!

The man in black armor stood there, just like the invincible brave King Kong, it was really unbeatable!

"Thank you sir!"

After the Red Scarves were rescued, they saluted Liu Yi.

Liu Yi replied, "All comrades, don\'t be polite."

He turned around and saw the remaining gunmen on the football field kneel on the ground, raised his hands high, and smiled with satisfaction.

"Payne, how do you think I became this magic?"

A few people, a few guns, just beat Payne\'s people like this.

Payne shivered, he suddenly pulled out a remote control and growled.

"Don\'t be too proud! The bomb has been put here by me! As long as my hand clicks, it will turn to ashes!"


Liu Yi frowned, and Liu Hongxian in the distance heard this through the intercom and was startled and couldn\'t help saying.


Payne is indeed insane now, almost his entire venomous gang is wiped out!

There are just a few people in the Red Scarf Army, so they have ruined their foundations!

He is not reconciled!Not convinced!

In any case, he will get that armor!

"Give me your armor, otherwise, we will all die!"

Payne looked at Liu Yi straight and shouted.

"Okay, you want it, I\'ll give it to you, don\'t be impulsive."

Liu Yi smiled, and said that Payne was a good abacus, even wanting his dark energy armor.

He wanted, he would not be unwilling.

It\'s just that the price is not something he can afford.

When Liu Yi walked in front of him, Payne yelled when there was still two meters away.

"Stand there, don\'t move, take off the armor and give it to me!"

"it is good."

Liu Yi nodded, and stretched out his hand, the armor on his body was automatically separated, and then crackled and put on the opposite Payne.

Payne waved his arm and shouted in surprise.

"Hahaha, I am invincible!"