Love Dependency Disease

866 Chapter 866

Wang Yaru secretly pushed Liu Yi twice, but Liu Yi ignored his mother and continued to smile at the Chen Pozi.

"Just sit at your house!"

Chen Pozi vomited melon seed skin, crossed Liu Yi\'s door, walked into the living room, and sat down with a familiar door.

"When Yongyou comes back from our family, just let him come to your house."

Mrs. Chen said carelessly that Wang Yaru was about to die from a headache.

This dead old lady, let her enter her and enter, she really didn\'t consider herself an outsider!

"Hey, you said that the old horse\'s house is so neat, the two girls can\'t see each other now!"

After Chen Zizi came in, she was talking about gossip while nibbling the seeds.

Liu Yi\'s heart suddenly moved, and Ma Yuanyuan was missing, he had long heard of it.

At the same time, he also asked the Red Scarf to inquire, but there was no news at all.

Ma Yuanyuan is like the world has evaporated!Where did this girl go?

Liu Yixuan does not care where Ma Yixuan is now, but Liu Yuan is nervous and terrible for Ma Yuanyuan\'s whereabouts!

Not only the Red Scarf Army, Liu Yi even launched the power of the Dragon Team, but there was still no letter.

Is Ma Yuanyuan dead?

Liu Yi didn\'t believe it, he felt that Ma Yuanyuan Ji people had their own appearance, and it would be fine!

"I am still thinking about letting the two girls come to my house together for the New Year this year. I didn\'t expect that the two girls were gone, hey!"

Chen Zizi didn\'t know whether she was really worried or faked, and whispered while nibbling on the seeds.

"The two girls must be fine!"

Wang Yaru was really worried about the two girls. After all, he had been a neighbor for so many years.

"I hope it\'s okay, oh, this time, my kid should be back!"

Chen Pozi said, glancing at the time.

Coincidentally, as soon as her voice fell, there was a footstep in the corridor outside.

"Oh, really come back! Yongyou, Yongyou, here! Here it is!"

Shouted Chen Pozi.

"Mom, why are you here?"

A man in a suit and leather walked in, led by a beautiful woman.

The woman looks good, but with a little arrogance in her face.

"Yongyou, since your family visited the Chinese New Year in the first year of this year, how did you bring me here?"

As soon as the woman entered the door, she said unhappy.

"This, this... Mom, what the hell is going on?"

Ni Yongyou\'s eyes also fell on his mother, a little blame.

"Ah, I\'m so embarrassed, Qingqing, I don\'t think about the Chinese New Year. Come to the neighbor\'s house and sit..."

Mrs. Chen was afraid that her daughter-in-law was angry and hurried to explain.

"It\'s all my wife who is not good, come and come, then let\'s go home, go home!"

"I still work overtime during the day and I am hungry for a day, but now I am still hungry, hurry home and eat!"

The woman named Qingqing didn\'t look at Liu Yi and Wang Yaru, her eyes were higher than the top.

Liu Yi hated such a woman very much. He didn\'t say anything. He just hoped these people would get out quickly.

"Yaru, you see how good my eldest daughter-in-law is, good-looking, and a good job! Such a nice daughter-in-law is a blessing to my son!"

Mrs. Chen whispered as she lifted her ass and walked outside.

"Oh, when will the object of your Xiaoyi come? Is it impossible to come at all?"

When Chen Chenzi left, she did not forget to ask.

"Haha, when did Liu Yi have a girlfriend?"

Ni Yongyou also smiled, "I heard that he had chased Ma Yixuan before, but Ma Yixuan didn\'t like him."

"Ma Yixuan didn\'t know where she ran, hey..."

Chen Zizi sighed.

"You don\'t have any contact with that horse?"

Qing Qing suddenly stopped, raised her eyebrows and asked.

"No, no!"

Ni Yongyou was taken aback and quickly waved his hand, "Although we are neighbors, neither of us is in contact!"

"Really not?"

"Really not! I don\'t believe you ask Liu Yi, then Ma Yixuan is proud and has a boyfriend already!"

"So, if she didn\'t have a boyfriend, would you take advantage of it?"

"No, no... Qingqing, look at what you said..."

Ni Yongyou seemed to be very afraid of his wife. When he heard Qingqing\'s words, he was so scared that his face was pale.

Wang Yaru kept silent, although he was the owner of the house, he didn\'t know what to say.

The young couple is flirtatious, how can they intervene.

Instead, it looked very sad!Hey!

"Humph, just don\'t have it!"

Qingqing grunted, but it seemed that she had temporarily let go of her boyfriend.

After all, the Chinese New Year, no one wants to worry about such things.

"Well, why don\'t you all spend time together this year!"

Ni Yongyou seemed to show his condition basis and waved his hand, saying, "It seems that Uncle Liu will not come back this year, so, anyway, both of us are few people. How about a meal?"

"Oh, that would cost Yong You a lot."

Wang Yaru said a little embarrassedly.

"It\'s okay, it\'s hilarious to gather together!"

Chen Zizi also nodded, she just wanted to show off her son and daughter-in-law, which is just right.

"forget it."

Liu Yi also felt that the matter was inappropriate and refused.

"We just have to eat at home, how embarrassing to make you spend money."

"It\'s okay, there\'s not much money."

Qingqing spoke, with a little pride in his voice, "You are all neighbors of Yongyou, and it\'s nice to have a New Year\'s Eve dinner together."

"Oh, look at us, how generous! Come on, Yaru, let\'s eat together!"

"Okay, okay."

Wang Yaru couldn\'t bear the advice of Chen Zizi and had to agree.

"That...Small, Xiaoyi... Let\'s change places to eat today, let your little girlfriend... change, come again in another day!"

Wang Yaru tried to round Liu Yi\'s words.

"Change the day? No, just today, I will let her change the place."

Liu Yi said, took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to go out.

"Oh, it seems that I really found my girlfriend?"

Chen\'s family didn\'t believe it, and Qingqing didn\'t care about it at all. She thought it would be good for this kind of man to find an ordinary woman as a girlfriend.

"Let\'s go first. Are there many people in Longfeng Building?"

Mrs. Chen asked.

"There shouldn\'t be much time at this time, as long as you have money, you will naturally have a place."

Qingqing said and turned downstairs.

Mrs. Chen warmly greeted Liu Yi and they went downstairs together.

Downstairs is a Buick GL8, which belongs to the MPV model. The car is large enough to fit Liu Yi and their party.

"Look, this is a car bought by my daughter-in-law. How beautiful!"

After Chen Zizi got in the car, she was full of joy.

Liu Yi didn\'t say much and got on the car without saying a word.

He helped his mother to sit in the back row, and lying in the front row comfortably, Ni Yongyou was honestly responsible for driving.

The car started immediately. Chen Zi sat in the car and praised her son and daughter-in-law. Wang Yaru could only follow along.

Liu Yi watched the nose and watched the nose, pretending to hear nothing.

Let the old lady say go, sit by yourself, touch the mana in your body, and slowly consolidate his cultivation.

The next few Xuan Xuan want to open, but need opportunities.

In other words...I need sister paper...

"Hey, you see, it\'s fast to take a car. No, if you say a few words, we will arrive at Longfeng Building!"

When Chen Zizi saw the car stopped, she immediately took Wang Yaru\'s hand and said.

"Yaru, let\'s get off! This year\'s eve dinner is good enough!"

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Wang Yaru nodded, followed by getting off.

Parked the car, and a group of people came to the door of the Longfenglou Hotel.Two waiters stood in front of the hotel. When they saw someone coming, they immediately opened the door for them.

Entering the interior of the hotel, there are all antique architectural styles.

Carved wood with red walls, don\'t have a flavor.

"This dragon and phoenix tower is so good..."

Mrs. Chen and Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden. Yes, she looked around and was very fresh.

Qing Qing\'s eyes showed a bored look, Ni Yongyou looked at them, and quickly pulled his old lady.

Chen Pozi only reacted at this time and said with a red face.

"Then, that...wife I haven\'t seen anything...Don\'t be angry, Qingqing..."

"Forget it, find a place."

Qingqing waved his hand, and at this time, a waitress came over and wore a cheongsam with a flag on top of her head, just like a grid in the ancient palace.

"Several adults are lucky."

The woman in this physique suit gave a gift, and the old woman Chen Chen was ecstatic.

"Oh, look at the girl in Longfenglou, it looks quite interesting..."

Ni Yongyou coughed twice, and the old lady hurriedly closed the conversation.

Liu Yi glanced, and sure enough, that green face was disgruntled.

"How many can I make an appointment with?"

Grid maid asked.

"No, is there no place now?"

Qingqing asked.

"Sorry, it\'s full."

Grid\'s maid looked apologetic.

"It doesn\'t matter, it\'s expected."

Qingqing didn\'t take it seriously, and then took out a bronzing membership card from her wallet and took it out to measure it.

"I have a VIP card for Longfeng Building. I can eat in the VIP area. Go and arrange a seat for me."

"I\'m so sorry, the VIP area has no place."

Unexpectedly, the maid of Grid still didn\'t give face, "Today is a big day, there are more guests in Longfeng Building, so there is no room."

"Just kidding, I don\'t have a VIP card?"

Qing Qing was suddenly annoyed.

"I\'m so sorry."

Grid\'s maid can only apologize, but Qingqing was unreasonable and shouted in the lobby with her VIP card.

"Otherwise, let\'s change to another one..."

Mrs. Chen couldn\'t help saying.

"Change? Why change?"

Qingqing shouted loudly, "When I was doing the card, Longfeng Lou clearly promised that there would be a place at any time. Isn\'t that you cheating? I want to talk!

The maid looked embarrassed, this man was full... What can they do in the restaurant?

But this woman, why not let it go!