Love Dependency Disease

860 Chapter 860

Liu Yi flew out of her daughter country and went straight to Ru Yi Zong.

Liu Yi was standing next to a huge crater, looking into the crater.

Ru Yizong is hidden inside the volcano, Liu Yi opens the golden pupil, and sees the illusion of this periphery with his real eyes.

On the inner wall of the crater suddenly appeared a building embedded in it.

This is where Ruyi Sect is located. Unlike other martial arts, Ruyi Sect is a deity, hiding inside such a crater.

Ruyizong\'s houses surround the volcano, one by one.

The volcano seems to be erupting at any time, billowing black smoke continuously rising from the inside and rising into the air.

Liu Yiyi leaned forward and jumped from the mountain pass covered with smoke.

The volcano is very hot. If it is an ordinary immortal, it is estimated that it cannot withstand such high temperatures.

However, Liu Yi itself cultivated the Red Blood Code to its peak. This heat is nothing.

He kept falling down into the depths of the volcano, and thick smoke appeared around him.

Through this smoke, Liu Yi suddenly found that there was something in the sea of ​​magma under him!

Strange... Is there anything else that can survive in such magma?

Liu Yi was puzzled, and the Magma Sea quickly regained its calm. It seemed that what had just appeared was just an illusion.

He shook his head and said that he might be dazzled.

The entrance of Ruyi Sect was at the position closest to the magma. Liu Yi\'s body fell and fell at the gate of Ruyi Sect.

It seems that because of the Demon Sect, few outsiders came, so the gate of Ruyi Sect was relatively simple. Two pillars stood there, and a stone was erected next to it.

There are three large characters written on the stele, Ruyi Sect.

There are some small prints below. Liu Yi deepened his eyesight and took a closer look.

The small print is very clear, so a row.

"If you want to enter the Ruyi Sect, you must first pass the test of the ox, demon, spirit and fire beast."

Niu Mo Ling Huo Shou, what is that?

Liu Yi is puzzled and does not understand what Ruyi Zong means.

He lifted his foot directly to the depths of Ruyi Sect, and at this moment, the volcano suddenly shook up, and a roar filled the volcano, and the stones on it continuously fell into the magma.



Liu Yi was almost shaken. He quickly looked around and found that the magma under him was constantly rolling.

Then, a huge vortex appeared in the magma, and a huge creature slowly crawled out of the vortex.

The creature is over ten meters tall and very huge.

It has four arms on its upper body, each with yellow eyes.

But there was no eye on his head, only a huge mouth.

A pair of two-meter long horns are supported on both ends of the head, as sharp as a sword!

The guy grabbed his four arms on the surrounding walls and climbed up like this.

Nima...Is this the cow, the devil, and the fire beast?

Liu Yi immediately stretched out his hand, and seven Excaliburs appeared above his head.

Since waking up, Liu Yi found that all four of his Xixuan have been recovered, so he can summon four Shenhuo swords to use.

If you want to break through the fifth sun, you must absorb the fifth power!

All eyes of Niu Moling Fire Beast were fixed on Liu Yi\'s body, and then opened the big mouth of the blood basin, aimed at Liu Yi, and sprayed a small sun-like fireball!

This fireball is more than four meters in diameter and the temperature is extremely high. It seems to contain hot magma!

Good fellow, this buddy will also play with fire.

"But when it comes to playing with fire, you are too far away!"

Liu Yi said, with one hand raised, one finger bent gently.

Suddenly, a Shenhuo sword disintegrated directly in the air, then changed back to the golden-red Shenhuo dragon, roaring again and again, biting on the fireball.

The god fire dragon twisted a hundred meters long body, holding the fireball, and hit the head of the bull demon fire beast.


The body of the ox demon fire beast was suddenly hit hard, and then a dazzling explosion occurred.

The fire was blazing, and the ox, demon, fire and beast were directly hit to loosen the surrounding walls, and then fell back into the sea of ​​magma.

The magma splashed up, and some splashed on Liu Yi\'s body, but it was like water splashing up, and did not hurt him at all.

His black and white coat slowly tilted, and Liu Yi was standing next to the stele with his hands on his shoulders.


Just a moment ago, although it hit the Bull Demon Fire Beast, it did not cause any substantial damage.

After all, it is a spirit beast of fire, and its resistance to flame must also be very high.

The guy was irritated and crawled out of the sea of ​​magma again, then roared again and again, the stench went straight to the sky.

"This guy never brushed his teeth!"

Liu Yi covered his nose, and then his feet flew. The whole person jumped off the edge of the cliff, and fell straight down towards the huge cow demon fire beast below.


The ox demon fire beast immediately waved his palm, as if he wanted to shoot Liu Yi, a fly-like creature.

However, Liu Yi had a body stop, stopped in the air, and at the same time reached out a hand, using only one-handed power, he blocked the huge arm of Niu Mo Ling Huo Beast!

Niu Mo Ling Fire Beast has no cleverness, and unconsciously waved another arm, trying to make Liu Yi into a patty together.

And Liu Yi would not be willing to be treated as a fly, and his body continued to fall, as if it were a bullet, and then his feet stomped on the huge face of Niu Moling Fire Beast.


The ox, demon, fire, and beast took pains, blamed, and fell back into the sea of ​​magma.

Liu Yi fell into the magma with him, then raised a punch and hit the top of the bull demon fire beast fiercely.


Niu Moling Fire Beast immediately screamed again and again, and Liu Yi punched one punch after another and kept falling.

"You dare, dare to smoke me with a tone, see me not to teach you!"


Every time this punch is punched, the muffled sound of heavy blows will sound, and all eyes of Niu Mo Ling Huo Shou bleed, and the pain is desperate.

"What? You said you confessed?"

Liu Yi felt a wave of consciousness, which seemed to be the idea of ​​the bull, the devil, the fire and the beast.

Niu Mo Ling Huo Hu\'s huge head shook up and down, as if nodding.

"Really convinced?"

Liu Yi asked.

Niu Mo Ling Fire Beast\'s head is faster.

"Okay, I\'ll spare you this time. Dare to yell at me next time, but don\'t blame me for slapping you!"

After Liu Yi finished speaking, he only let go of the Niu Mo Ling Fire Beast, and then walked away from the sea of ​​magma and returned to the position of the gate of Ruyi Sect.

Feeling the vibration of the volcano, several disciples of Ruyi Sect had ran out of the depths and stood at the gate.

"Who are you? How dare you break into my wishful sect?"

A man wearing Ruyi Zong\'s black suit looked coldly at Liu Yi, and at the same time, he wore a purple gold gourd around his waist.

The same is true of several disciples of Ruyi Sect next to each other, each with a purple gold gourd hanging, as if this is a unique artifact of their martial arts.

"The friends of Ruyi Sect come from the Yangxian Palace."

Liu Yi pointed to his coat, "Here comes down to send invitations to Ruyi Sect for the Wuling Conference."

"I haven\'t heard of any Laoshizi Wuling Conference! I think your kid is a spy!"

"Yes, it must be a spy sent by the right way!"

Those disciples did not give way and treated Liu Yi very badly.

"You are really wrong."

Liu Yi waved his hand, "I had a relationship with Mo Yi of Ruyi Sect. If you don\'t believe in the next, you can ask Mr. Mo Wang."

"Mo Hufa?"

Several people looked at each other and then laughed.

"On your own, can you still know our Mohufa? Tell you, hurry up, or else you will blame us Ruyi Zong!"

With that said, the hands of several disciples touched the gourds around their waists.

What does this mean, going to war?

Liu Yi frowned slightly.

He came to Ruyi Zong, but he didn\'t mean to go to war.Fighting this kind of thing is too much trouble, just want to send the invitation letter quickly, and still be able to go home for a new year.

"Do you mean to do something?"

Liu Yi asked.

"Hahaha, it\'s up to you, and it\'s worth a few of us to do it? Wait, let our magical beast protect you!"

A disciple of Ruyi Sect laughed, took out a pig from the Xumi bag, and threw it into the sea of ​​magma below.

Suddenly, the sea of ​​magma rolled up, and the ox, demon, and fire beast crawled out of it, swallowing the pig in the mouth.

"Dharma protector, kill this spy!"

The disciple of Ruyi Zong pointed to Liu Yi and called out loudly.

This dharma guardian beast is very tight, these people are not opponents.

This guy has the strength of Heavenly Order, so powerful.

The disciples of Ruyi Sect waited for the spy to be killed.

At this time, Niu Moling\'s eyes fell on Liu Yi\'s body and shivered immediately, like a sieve.

The guy thumped and knelt in the middle of the magma sea, so he knelt down like this for Liu Yi.

"Dharma protector, what are you doing?"

The disciples of Ruyi Sect were shocked when they saw this.

"Go up, kill him, what do you get down on your knees?"


The law-giving beast roared impatiently, and the air wave hit the bodies of the few Ruyi Sect disciples, and immediately flew them out, hitting the surrounding walls.

"Hey, how is this possible?"

A disciple of Ruyi Sect fell seven and eight, and only got up half a day.

When he recovered his mind, the scene he saw didn\'t scare him to death.

Therefore, the majestic guardian beast of the past is now creeping in front of the spy, with a respectful look, as if this guy is not a bull, spirit, fire beast, but a husky!

Oh my god... how is this possible... that is a magic beast!

"What the hell...what is the origin..."

"Want to know who I am?"

Liu Yi turned around, looked at the man, and smiled, "Go ask your Mohufa!"