Love Dependency Disease

733 Chapter 733: For them

"Humph, human beings will do something useless."

Zhang Yunyun and Liu Yihe saw the changes in the sky Tengu, and Zhang Yunyun mocked with all eyes.

"I have seen too much in the past three hundred years. After learning how to use tools, humans have slowly started to degenerate and decay. They no longer enhance their own strength, but improve the ability of tools one by one. My Good brother, I really don’t understand, why do you want to protect these fallen human beings? And why don’t you deserve me?"

"Each species has its own way of evolution."

Liu Yi refuted Zhang Yunyun, "And not everyone can choose to cultivate, nor is every creature able to evolve into a monster. These people choose tools, they are also strengthening themselves. Look at humans, only lose Could be yourself."

"So, in your mind, human beings are above all, should we all die?"

"When did I say that?"

Liu Yi frowned, feeling that Zhang Yunyun became more and more extreme, "I was in the demon world, when did I take the initiative to kill the ring?"

"Did your brother commit fewer murders in the demon world?"

Zhang Yunyun sneered, "I\'m doing what I did now, isn\'t it what my brother taught me?"


Liu Yi remembered the first time he saw Zhang Yunyun, he mercilessly directly killed the two tiger assassins.

At that time, Zhang Yunyun was still a Tang monk-level girl who couldn\'t even step on the ants.

And seems to be the first female demon!

"I can be like this, it\'s all taught by my brother."

Zhang Yunyun carried the black sword again and pointed the other finger at herself, saying, "Brother, are you satisfied with your work?"

"If it\'s my work, just obey me."

Liu Yi took the first two steps, "Become a good boy from now on, I will send you to school... Well, it is better to start directly from university, come to my school, how about being my student?"

"Brother, there are only two possibilities between us."

Zhang Yunyun stretched out two fingers, and then said, "The first kind is that you and I return to the demon world. I am willing to have children for you. . The second kind is that you live and die. Only one of us can survive, then the war will stop!"

"So many years have passed... why didn\'t you eat any lesson?"

"I have my persistence!"

Zhang Yunyun\'s body was black, and it was inversely proportional to the golden light on Liu Yi\'s body. "It seems... there is only fighting between us..."

She said, reaching out and taking off a red stone around her neck.

This is Tianhuoshi, which was collected from Chiyan Mountain in order to help Zhang Yunyun, who is weak and sick, to improve his physique.

Throughout these 1,300 years, Zhang Yunyun has been wearing it on his body and has never taken it off.

At this time, Zhang Yunyun had already pinched Tianhuo Stone in his hands, and then squeezed his fist fiercely, directly pinching Tianhuo Stone into a red powder, and then let go of his hands to let the dust blow away with the night wind.

"Our past has dissipated with this dust. The demon emperor is now standing in front of you. A demon emperor who wants to conquer the human world! Master Sword Emperor, want to protect your human world? Then defeat I, or step over my body! Only death can stop me!"

During the talk, the building had already collapsed.

When the stones fell on the heads of the two people, they were shattered by the gas field they released!

It\'s too hard for these things to hurt them.

And Liu Yi was also slightly anxious in his heart. His time of changing the gods was not like that of Hualong IV, which could be the rhythm of days and nights.If it drags on further, the time limit of Tenjin\'s change will soon pass. By that time, I am thinking of defeating the demon emperor, which may be even more difficult.

"It seems that you have made a decision."

Liu Yi took a deep breath, "Then the time for reminiscence should pass."

He said, holding up his scorpion gun, and then layers of red flames came out of him, "Since you don\'t want to wake up, then let me wake you up."

"I want to kill you!"

Zhang Yunyun\'s body urged a little bit more, and the big black dragon swelled a lot, directly smashing Liu Yi\'s two divine fire dragons, and then bit him down.


Liu Yi is no longer polite, and the scorpion gun in his hand pierced the ground.

A huge flame giant figure came out from behind his back, carrying a golden-red musket in his hand, and then stabbed into the ground.


The flame spread out instantly, and the golden-red flames filled the whole building!


This building is falling apart!And the body of the Black Dragon was instantly blasted into ashes!

Ao Ri\'s eyes widened, his body could not control it at all, and was pushed out by the flame.

"Lying trough, boss, I\'m still there!"

Chen Cai was also taken off together. Fortunately, he was Shura\'s body with thick skin and no harm.

The Tengu fighter, which had been hovering in the air, was impacted by the air waves, and it rolled over several times in a row before finally stabilizing in the air.

"God... what kind of power is this..."

Xiaomi and Zhang Meixin were terrified in the plane, "Are the masters of Tianjie so powerful?"

Where did the two of them know that Liu Yi also took over a lot of strength.

If he releases all his power, a large area of ​​the entire Kyoto city will be instantly scorched and will not grow!

This is the so-called fairy fight, mortal suffering.

If both Liu Yi and Zhang Yunyun let go of the fight, everyone around them would die.

Liu Yi has always been reserved, and he feels that the demon emperor is about to let go of his rhythm.

"It was so embarrassing to make me..."

Some of the flames on Zhang Yunyun\'s body had not yet burned, and she stood up from the ground, her eyes full of angry flames.

The big black dragon immediately increased continuously, but it grew longer in the wind!

It continuously stretched its body toward the sky, almost a moment of kung fu, and its head had already penetrated the clouds and flew to a height of more than 10,000 meters!

"Bear the power of my anger! Sword Emperor, I want to see how you can stop this trick!"

The Black Dragon suddenly roared and shattered the clouds below him!

Zhang Meixin, they can clearly see the appearance of the black dragon, and at the same time find that the black dragon has opened a huge mouth, and a black ball of light in the mouth is constantly converging, and then becomes bigger!

"Ah! This moment is finally here!"

Ao Ri opened his arms and looked up at the black dragon in the air with excitement, "My emperor is finally about to release his power! Ignorant human, prepare to meet your end!"

Zhang Yunyun\'s full blow!

Liu Yi stared her eyes round and stared at the black nine-yin demon dragon in the sky!

This giant dragon with a body of 10,000 meters, if you hit it all, let alone a large area, I am afraid that half of the city of Kyoto will be wiped out!

Never let this trick come down!

If you want to block, it is not appropriate for Dayaori to hold his hand.This trick is only suitable for single defense, not for dealing with such large-scale attacks.

Liu Yi thought for a while, and finally began to condense all the divine power of Jiuyang.

At the same time, the imperial armor took off from him, turned into a huge shield, and then flew into the air.

The Nine Yang Divine Power also turned into a golden giant. The body of the giant was still expanding, turning into a hundred-meter body in the blink of an eye, and then holding the huge black emperor shield with both hands, holding it before him!


The light ball in the black dragon\'s mouth finally burst into a black beam of light, directly piercing the sky, with layers of air waves falling down.

"Stop it for me!"

Liu Yi controlled the golden giant and held up a shield to directly block the black light beam more than ten meters thick!

The giant\'s body was slightly bent, and it was obviously under considerable impact!

And a wave of air also spread out from the shield, directly flying Zhang Meixin\'s plane hundreds of meters away!

Ao Ri and Chen Cai are not much better. The two 20-star gods are at war. Their two guys with a strength of 19 stars can only be rushed far away, and then they can stop.

"I\'m going, the boss is so strong...and the demon king\'s terrible!"

"Unexpectedly, Jianhuang could actually stop this trick!"

After the two men stabilized, they dumbfounded.

"When can you last?"

Zhang Yunyun urged his own strength, trying to destroy Liu Yi\'s defense, "Your strength is still weaker than me, this is an indisputable fact!"

"Why is it weak?"

Liu Yi propped up his own strength, and made the giant stand upright again, and then shouted, "Here, there are people I want to protect! For them, even if I work hard for all my strength, then what? "

"Do you think you are the patron saint?"

Zhang Yunyun sneered sarcastically, "Do you still think you are the savior? Stop being funny, you are a selfish and self-interested ecstasy!"

With that, the black beam of light was much stronger, and then pressed the giant of Yi Liu, and bent down again.

"When you really know how to love someone, talk to me about it again!"

Liu Yi glanced at the struggling Chen Cai, and then saw the Tengu in the distance like a lone boat swaying in the giant waves.

For these people, how can Liu Yi lose!

After this trick fell, half of Kyoto was gone. The rest of the area may also be destroyed due to the earthquake.

His Murong Die and his Wang Lele are all in this place.

For these people, he must stop this trick!

"Nine Yang Divine Power, haven\'t you evolved with great integrity, then show me your infinite possibilities!"

Liu Yi roared, and the golden giant seemed to be somewhat inspired, and even stood up again, and at the same time, the black emperor shield slowly lit up the dazzling golden light!

Zhang Yunyun\'s face changed!