Love Dependency Disease

719 Chapter 719 Overnight Become Cinderella

"Really? The blood emperor is not afraid?"

Liu Yi finally couldn\'t help but stepped forward and gave Chen Jianbo a cold look. He sneered and said, "You are so big, but it\'s a big tone."

"Who are you special?"

That Kuo Shao had been in front of Murong Die and Wang Lele, and suddenly killed such a cos who became a blood emperor. It was immediately very uncomfortable.

"Do you think you are dressed like this and you are the blood emperor? Ha ha, like you guys, is there YY left in my head?"

"Remember to speak when you speak."

Liu Yi put his hands in the trouser pocket of the suit, looked at Chen Jianbo, and said, "How do you know that I am not a blood emperor?"

He changed his voice on purpose, so even Murongdie and Wang Lele could not hear Liu Yi\'s true identity.

Chen Jianbo didn\'t even know about it, and yelled at Liu Yi.

"Fuck, what are you doing, pretending to be a hero? Have you watched more cartoons, tell you, this is the real world, and the real world pretends to be a hero, and it will be miserable! If you don’t have enough energy, you can use one hand Crush you, do you believe it?"

"My energy can kill you with one finger, do you believe it?"

Liu Yi couldn\'t help but laugh, and the width was so big that he was really crazy.

Who is going to fix the money right?In this world, Xiu Xian is above the power of money!I don’t know how many rich and powerful people, chasing those who cultivate immortals, I hope to spend all their wealth to live forever!Isn\'t that what happened to the ancient emperors?How many emperors did not hesitate to lose money and seek longevity?

"This don\'t have to start for us!"

Wang Lele was worried about Liu Yi\'s loss, and quickly persuaded, "We will solve it ourselves..."

"Yes, maybe you are kind, but I don\'t need outsiders to control Murongdie\'s affairs."

By the way, this girl is still so tough!What time is it, still angry hair!

Liu Yi snorted and changed his voice back, "I have control over the two of you!"


Wang Lele heard this voice and immediately covered her mouth, her eyes widened!

Murongdie stayed there directly, and then his eyes turned red, seeming to endure his tears.

Zhang Xin on the side was a little strange, and he said how did the two regiments react so much?

"Yes, your kid just owes lesson!"

Kuo Shao stepped forward, carrying Fang Tian Hua Ji, "Tell you, Ben Shao is a black belt of karate! Even if you are killed today, Ben Shao will not have anything to do with it! Your poor diao, even if you die Lot!"

With that said, Fangtian Huaji knocked on Liu Yi\'s head, attracting Zhang Xin\'s exclamation!

Although Fang Tianhuan was not sharpened, it was also polished with iron. It really needs to be knocked on the head, and it is estimated that the head will also be bleeding!

And Liu Yi just raised a finger and blocked the falling Fang Tianhua halberd with just his fingertips.

Then, his right hand was raised, and he didn\'t know when a tai chi sword appeared in his palm, spinning dizzily in front of his hand.

"Go, little Tai Chi!"

Liu Yi shook his hand, and the Taiji Sword flew out immediately, directly piercing the crown worn by the broad head, carrying the crown, and nailed it to the wall behind!


Kuai Shao sat down directly on his buttocks, feeling a wet crotch.

Nima... what, what is this... just now, just that sword... did you really fly yourself?

"If you want to continue to provoke me, I don\'t mind."

Liu Yi said, raising his hands up.

The dozens of Tai Chi swords hanging on the wall behind him suddenly came out of the sheath, and like the loyal soldiers, stood behind Liu Yi, waiting for his orders at any time!

"This, what is this!"

Kuan Shao was terrified directly. When did he ever see such a scene? He was screamed and ran away.

Zhang Xin, covering her mouth in surprise, looked at this scene in disbelief.

And Liu Yi waved his hands, and those Tai Chi swords were immediately and honestly sheathed.

"You, are you really the blood emperor?"

Zhang Xin was excited, looking at Liu Yi and asked.

"I\'m not a blood emperor, I just do a little magic."

Liu Yi sullenly said, "But I am indeed a fan of the Blood Emperor. I really don\'t like it, so I scared the width with my little magic."

After Liu Yi finished speaking, he pushed his mask over his head.

"Ah! It\'s you!"

Seeing Liu Yi\'s face, Zhang Xin suddenly understood!

No wonder they will come to the head... Isn\'t that the head of the scandal boyfriend?

I\'ve seen it in the previous video. He punches Tie Gangyi, and the post click rate of "Sorry" is a high...

"Woo, Xiao Yi, brother, you\'re back!"

Wang Lele politely stepped forward, hugged Liu Yi, and then burst into tears, rubbing her tears on Liu Yi\'s shoulder.

"Good Lele Good Lele, let you wait a long time..."

Liu Yi hugged Wang Lele tightly and asked about the unique milky fragrance on her body with emotion.

Having experienced her death once, it is so nice to be able to hold her in my arms...

Zhang Xin opened his eyes again in surprise. God, isn\'t he the head of the scandal boyfriend? How can he be so intimate with the deputy head?

Looking at the head of the group, it seems that... it doesn\'t seem to be jealous... what is the situation!

Liu Yi appeased Wang Lele, and then turned to look at Murong Die with full expression.

"Do you know to come back?"

Murongdie\'s eyes were red, but he stubbornly endured tears, rolled his eyes to Liu Yi, "I thought, you forgot me and Lele."

"How is it possible! I am busy too!"

Liu Yi hurriedly said, "If it is not an emergency, I will definitely come back to find you."

"Well, who knows where you have been for so long, where you have been so good, call you, they will never be in the service area."

Murongdie whispered, with a bit of grudge, said.

In the past two months, Liu Yi has been out of the service area.

He went one thousand three hundred years ago, and when he came back to Lower Kyoto, he went straight to the island country.In order not to be eavesdropped on the phone, the previous mobile phone number was temporarily invalidated and has only recently been restored.

Alas... this time when I left, I did experience a lot.

"Sister Xiaodie, brother Xiaoyi will come back, so don\'t blame him..."

Wang Lele stepped forward and took Xiaodie\'s hand, shaking it gently, and said.

"Fuck, you dead girl, with your elbows turned outward, you know to speak for him! You are more like his girlfriend than me!"

Wang Lele heard this and panicked, but then laughed again, saying, "Hee hee, yeah, both of you are my girlfriends! Not as good as our third batch tonight!"

"Go to death, and don\'t pay attention to the occasion! Let\'s die!"

Murongdie glared at her again.

Wang Lele continued to be coquettish, Liu Yi looked in his eyes, warm in his heart.

Lele, the girl, has been thinking about herself...

Although Murongdie and Wang Yuzheng knew that Liu Yi was more than one woman, Wang Lele had not exposed his identity, nor had he ever said that he liked himself.

There is no other reason, just because she is Murongdie\'s girlfriend.

A woman can allow her man to steal fish occasionally, but what he absolutely cannot allow is that he and his girlfriends get together!

This is definitely a restricted area!

Lele has been secretly following Liu Yi\'s side, secretly loving him.

How could Liu Yi not like such a beautiful girl?

"Right, since it\'s here, don\'t be idle, come and help us as a mascot!"

Murongdie said, walking to the front, pulling Liu Yi\'s mask down again, and then stuffing a Tai Chi sword into his hands, "From now on, you are the true blood emperor COSER! Give me Work hard!"

"Don\'t, the elder brother runs back from afar, isn\'t it for you to work hard?"

Liu Yi immediately complained.

"The complaint is invalid, do it well, and the sister will give you a red envelope!"

With Liu Yi beside him, Murong Die became happy, and all his previous frowns were gone, and he smiled and said to him.

"Red envelope? I don\'t lack money, change one!"

"Then what do you want? Miss Ben is poor can do it!"

"Well, how about kissing me?"

"Go to hell!"

In the face of so many acquaintances, Murong Die is not so bold!

Although she pursued Liu Yi\'s meeting, it was indeed bold and powerful... but now... isn\'t it...

It\'s not the same...

"Hey, hey... no matter, this reward, now when there are many people, give it when there are few people. I\'ll lose some money."

"Come on, do you suffer or Miss Ben!"

Murong Die laughed angrily, "If you want good things, give me a hard time! If you don\'t perform well, let Chen Jianbo come and kiss you!"

"You pit me!"

"Hahaha, just pit you! Work hard!"

Afterwards, Zhang Xin went around to distribute propaganda. Wang Lele and Murong Die were on the side of the booth, chatting while selling goods.

"Oh, how do you girl think of starting a fan group?"

Liu Yi put away the POSS, gave away the girl who had just taken a photo with him, and then turned to ask Murong Die strangely.

"Because Miss Ben worships..."

Murong Die blushed, and when she was about to speak, Wang Lele interjected with a smile.

"Of course it is because Xiaoyi\'s name can make a lot of money!"

There was no one else in these four weeks, so Wang Lele said, “After setting up a fan group and setting up a special website, if you want to join the fan group, you need a certain membership fee, hee hee...”


Liu Yi wiped cold sweat and said, "How much is a person\'s membership fee?"

"It\'s only ten dollars a month..."

"I depend, then don\'t you just spend millions in a month!"

Liu Yi exclaimed, "This is the rhythm of the local tyrant! Local tyrant, let\'s be **...... Ah no, friends!"

"Go to hell you!"

Murongdie glared at Liu Yi, then said sadly, "What do you think the maintenance of the website and the organization of activities do not cost money? And..."

"And Sister Fluttershy has to pay the debts for her family, otherwise Uncle will be in jail!"

Wang Lele intervened again, causing Murong Die\'s glare, so that Lele hurriedly hid behind Liu Yi.