Love Dependency Disease

717 Chapter 717 COSPLAY

Winter in Kyoto is not so cold, at least compared with the Northeast, it is not a grade.

This season, I really wear everything.

However, most of the sisters are still a thin cotton suit, and the lower body is also tight pants, and some even wear skirts!

Sister papers are indeed anti-freezing creatures, Liu Yi looked at the young and beautiful female students, and could not help but howl.

I am back, Master, I am back!

However, there are a lot fewer people familiar with the school, especially Wang Yuzheng, who got together with Liu Yikao, is still studying in the island country.

Wang Yuzheng did not know that the big boss behind Red Star Entertainment was himself. If she let her know, it is estimated that this chick would be crazy!

Anyway, I don\'t have much involvement in the business of Red Star Group.

Liu Yi did not rush to inform Chen Cai. After returning to the University of Science and Technology, he glanced at the University of Science and Technology campus and turned his head towards the school opposite.

Qingbei University!

It\'s not time for the holiday right now. Murongdie and Wang Lele must be still in school.

But Liu Yi was shocked as soon as he entered this Qingbei campus.

I am trying to get some grass. Is it really Qingbei that I entered?

Why are there familiar characters everywhere?

Does that guy look like Naruto\'s clothes?The elder sister over there, let me go, is that the appearance of those captains in Death?

There are also two people who came by next to me, I wiped it, the attacking giant, the wings of freedom!

Am I... Have you crossed?

Liu Yi stepped back two steps and glanced at a doorpost standing at the door of the school. There were four antique characters written on it. Qingbei University!

"That... Comrade Naruto!"

Liu Yi grabbed a boy dressed up as a Naruto in fairy mode and asked, "Are you... a collective crossing?"

"Hey, buddy, are you from a foreign school?"

The man broke through and said, "Today is our anime festival! Today everyone is coming from COSPLAY! There is an event in the auditorium. If the COS is good, you can still get prizes, hahaha! If you can and If Murong Goddess took a photo, that would be the best!"

"Goddess Murong?"

Liu Yi raised his eyebrows. Isn\'t he talking about our little butterfly?

"Yeah, our school flowers in Qingbei!"

There was a longing in the boy’s eyes, but he was a little disappointed, “But I heard that the goddess Murong already has a boyfriend, and the boy is said to have been on two boats... Alas, really, in this world, good cabbage has made pigs arch What..."

I\'ll just wipe it, you are the pig!

Liu Yizhen wanted to kick this Uzumaki Naruto on the moon.

The buddy didn\'t seem to know that he had caused the Lord, and he said excitedly, "Even if I don\'t get the favor of Murong Goddess today, I will try to please Goddess Lele!"

Sure, is there really something about Wang Lele?

"To say this goddess Lele, her body is awesome... Hey, let me tell you an outsider what these are doing, you visit it yourself, I will hurry to the auditorium."

Having finished speaking, he ignored Liu Yi and hurried towards the direction of the auditorium.

Anime Festival, COSPLAY!

Suddenly, Liu Yi\'s mouth slightly raised. It seemed that he could do this.

As soon as he turned around, he walked behind a teaching building next to him.When he came out again, he had put on a black suit with a white shirt and a red tie around his neck.

A white mask covered his face, blocking his face.

"Wow! This buddy cos blood emperor!"

"Really, the clothes look really good, the workmanship is so good..."

Someone immediately exclaimed next to me. There was a girl dressed similar to Liu Yi, but obviously full of cottage taste, held Liu Yi, then pushed the mask to the top of the head, and said charmingly.

"Senior, where did you make this dress? It\'s really good. Can you introduce it to me? I am also a fan of the Blood Emperor!"

"Oh? Fan of the Blood Emperor?"

"Yeah, yeah, my name is Zhang Xin, and a member of the Blood Emperor Fan Group!"

"Ah? The blood emperor has a fan group?"

Liu Yi was a little surprised. Why haven\'t he heard of it?

"Of course, our leader is Murong Die! Wang Lele is our deputy leader, hee hee, now our online fan group has exceeded 100,000, and at Qingbei University, there are more than 1,000 People!"


Murongdie and Wang Lele, these two girls, have even made such a fan group!

Is it cute?

Could they still stand behind and kick their thighs to shout for help when the heat they fought against the enemy was skyward...

Really hurt...

"Hee hee, it\'s a pity that our fan group only accepts girls, otherwise crazy admirers like seniors must be very popular in the group! Especially the clothes of seniors are simply perfect copies! Tell me!"

The girl was thin and beautiful, and she took Liu Yi\'s arm coquettishly.

"Cough, that, I bought it online."

Liu Yi casually made an excuse, intending to shun the past.


Zhang Xin pinched her waist and said, "The quality of online shopping is very poor. This kind of COSPLAY professional clothes must be made by the tailor! Huh, senior, don\'t think I\'m lying, if you don\'t say anything, I won\'t let you go today!"

With that said, I really took Liu Yi\'s arm away.

Khan, what a haunting little guy...

Liu Yi was a little helpless, but his eyes turned and he smiled immediately.

"Well, I really didn\'t want to say it, but if you can promise me a condition, I will tell you, how?"

"What conditions?"

Zhang Xin looked at Liu Yi with some vigilance, and suddenly understood what it was like, clutching her chest and stepping back two steps.

"Senior, wouldn\'t you fight my idea? Is this not enough? I already have a boyfriend!"

"Khan...I don\'t mean that!"

Liu Yi quickly waved his hand and said, "I mean, if you want to know where to make this dress, take me to see your leader! After all, my friend who makes clothes doesn\'t like to be too publicized. There must be some big orders, I have to contact you and your head first."

"Hey, good guy, it turns out that you didn\'t hit me, but our head leader!"

"Uh...this..." said Liu Yixin, is it so obvious?

"Hee hee, it\'s no problem taking you to see our head, but let\'s talk about it first, our head also has a boyfriend, and you see it is also white!"

"That... always see it first!"

Liu Yi did not know where Murong Die was. He wanted to surprise the two girls. If he called and asked, there would be no surprise.

"Hee hee, then follow me!"

Zhang Xin covered her mouth and smiled, then led Liu Yi and walked towards the direction of the auditorium.

Liu Yi followed behind the girl, and both of them were dressed up by the Blood Emperor, attracting frequent attention from the people around them.

The blood emperor\'s popularity is very high on both the campuses of Qingbei and the University of Science and Technology, which can be seen now.

Many people, most of them are girls, even ran over and took a group photo of Liu Yi.

After walking for half an hour, Liu Yi took a group photo for five minutes!

The girls who took pictures with him are also in various dresses, including the size and size of Joe in Sanshuang, Zhao Ling\'er in the Legend of Fairy Swords, and various characters in the island anime.

However, he is still the most popular as the "Blood Emperor" and finds the most people taking photos with himself.

Others are boys who ran and took pictures with MM guys, but MM guys took the initiative to take pictures with him!Many boys couldn\'t help but hate their teeth, and they said why Nima didn\'t expect to play the blood emperor!

"Look, how popular the Blood Emperor is!"

Zhang Xin grinned, "I don\'t even know what you look like, there are so many girls looking for you for a photo, this is the credit of our blood emperor, you have to thank Dade for that!"

"Yes, yes, blood emperor domineering, blood emperor mighty, blood emperor drinking and playing tiger!"

Liu Yi raised his hands and said.

"Haha, you\'re so funny, let\'s go, it\'s almost time, the booth in front is our group!"

Zhang Xin covered her mouth and smiled, then reached for a finger.

I saw that there was an exhibition booth in front of the exhibition hall, all of which were surrounding exhibits of the Blood Emperor!

There are suits and masks for selling the blood emperor, and even hands for selling the blood emperor!

Holy crap!Murongdie, you girl is too particular, the copyright is still here, how can you secretly sell his things!

Um, at least score half of me!

Liu Yi glanced, and it seemed to sell quite well!

Especially the mask, there are some T-shirts with the blood emperor printed on them, and the wallets are selling well.

Liu Yi took a closer look, good fellow, there was even a small Tai Chi cottage next to it!

Nima, this one hundred piece of stuff sold on Taobao, actually sold here for two hundred and fifty!

Sure enough, it was all two hundred and fifty, and many people bought it!

Is this a... celebrity effect?Obviously, it is just some Tai Chi swords used by old ladies and old ladies for exercise. Now they can be sold like this!

Liu Yi saw that several people had bought one and brought it back, which really made him depressed.

And Murongdie and Wang Lele are standing beside the booth, attracting the attention of many people around!

These two girls are so beautiful, they are the intersection of sight everywhere!

Especially when they are dressed now, Murongdie is also dressed as the Blood Emperor, but her suit is embroidered with a red flame pattern on her forehead, and a small mask is placed on her forehead, without covering her face. Clipped to the side of the hair, the flame pattern also flows on the mask, which is very beautiful.

After Murongdie put on this body, it was really a bit heroic.

This appearance is exactly what she is running in the state of the Red Blood Code... Look at Wang Lele. Sure enough, her suit is covered with white snowflakes, but the biggest difference from Murong Die is that she did not lead the belt because she The neckline of the shirt could not be pulled at all, and a pair of ***s were half exposed...

Well, it\'s still the most interesting thing for our family!

Liu Yi was about to walk over to say hello, and suddenly saw a scene, froze in place.