Love Dependency Disease

706 706 Joining Hands

He has always been a big lady, and has been spoiled by his family since childhood.

But his father\'s way of cultivating himself was slightly different. His father was very sick. His favorite is not himself, but the emperor.

That\'s right, his father is actually gay, and his love for the emperor has surpassed the love for the emperor, but an obsession with men!

He is willing to give everything he has for the emperor!

Therefore, when the contradiction between the island nation and China became more and more acute, his father even contributed himself to the laboratory.

When his lover found himself, his father ordered himself to kill the man he loved the most...

The only reason is to let go of all feelings.

"Yin Qianxi, you are my baby daughter, you are a god! God does not need feelings, do you understand? You just have to be loyal to me and loyal to the emperor!"

Father stepped on the man\'s body and told himself that.

If you want to be a god... then be a completely ruthless god...

What father, what China, what emperor!Let\'s all die!

I am the supreme being, all others are ants!

But why, now the Huaxia people in front of him are beaten with no strength!

"I don\'t believe it, I am the God!"

The girl calls for the power inside her again!The golden worm swarms around her body, continually twirling, flying, and then gathered into a large cloud-like shape, and slammed into Liu Yi\'s brain.

Liu Yi glanced at the previous group of insects that formed the same golden cloud, but there was no fear, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"What are you laughing at, my swarm is enough to kill you!"

The girl didn\'t understand why Liu Yi smiled, so she questioned.

"Laughing you can\'t help it."

Liu Yi laughed, "Do you think the power from this plunder is really powerful?"

"Then you can try it with your body!"

The girl said that with a wave of his hand, those insect swarms directly rushed to Liu Yi.


Liu Yi smiled and reached for the sky!

Suddenly, the dark clouds in the sky changed, and the little Taiji spun around Liu Yi\'s body quickly, curling up his sword spirit, avoiding those insect swarms, and making them unable to approach Liu Yi by half a step.

At the same time, inside the dark clouds in the sky, a golden sword with a whole body suddenly dropped!

"Old friend, long time no see!"

Liu Yi looked at the giant sword in the sky that was more than ten meters long, with the word "Tongtian" engraved on the sword, and greeted with emotion.

Tongtianjian also excitedly uttered the sound of Longyin. Obviously, he had missed his master for so long and already missed it!

At the same time, Liu Haisheng stood in front of the Tongtian Hall of Yangxian Temple, looking at the Tongtian Hall with the roof pierced, not knowing what to say.

Tongtianjian... even broke through the hall, and flew away...

"It seems that he has finally begun to summon the power of the past."

Ai Ling was sitting in a remote hall of Yangxian Temple, hiding in the shadows and looking at the vast sky. "It seems that the Five Spirits Conference should also be grasped... Uncle, looking forward to meeting the chick? Chick... But I prepared a surprise for you..."

"What the hell is this?"

The girl looked at the giant sword floating in the air, and she began to panic slightly.


Liu Yinian gave a nagging sound, and the blade of the Tongtian Sword immediately began to shrink, turning into a three-meter-long Qingfeng sword in the blink of an eye and falling into Liu Yi\'s hands.

Liu Yi took the sword in his right hand and took out the wine fairy gourd in his left hand and took a sip.

Drinking spirits surged into Liu Yi\'s power.

"Don\'t ask Yunxiao Jiuzhongtian, one sword has broken through Kyushu!"

He slanted his sword for a while, and suddenly, a white sword gas was cut out directly, and instantly shattered the swarm in front of him!

Those insect swarms couldn\'t defend against Liu Yi\'s power at all.

"This... what the hell is this!"

The girl flew out a lot of meters, and some looked at Liu Yi in disbelief.

"If you are a god, then this is the power of God\'s slaughter!"

Liu Yi said that the Tongtian sword in his hand turned a sword flower, and then he was thrown into the air, and stood in front of him in parallel with the Taiji sword.

"Sister Fox Fairy, Yin Qianxi, Yu Zheng, come help me!"

Liu Yi said that they extracted their love swords from the three girls\' bodies!

In a few girls moaning silently, Liu Yi pulled out three love swords!

Sister Fox Fairy\'s Sword!Yin Qianxi had a white sword with no attributes, and Wang Yuzheng... turned out to be a water-blue long sword, which seemed to have some inexplicable power!

The three swords flew up, keeping parallel with the Taiji sword and the Tongtian sword, and stood in front of Liu Yi as if they were five strong and powerful patron saints!

"Get ready to say goodbye to your own strength..."

Liu Yi will not let go of the mother of this virus, otherwise it will infect other people, that is the end of the world!

The five swords began to spin up and down, and Liu Yi injected his mana!

As long as he has an idea, the five swords will immediately kill the girl on the opposite side!

The girl seemed to feel the horror of Liu Yi too. In a hurry, she collected all the bugs back into a golden shield and blocked it in front of her!

"Useless, your shield is as weak as paper before my love sword!"

As Liu Yi said, he was ready to launch the Fa.

But at this moment, the scalp suddenly burst out on the forehead!

Liu Yi suddenly raised his head, and in the sky, a white thunder burst at him!

"One of the imperial spells? Thunder!"


Liu Yi hastily put on the black armor condensed from the vacuum cleaner, temporarily blocking this white mine!

But Bai Lei, at this time, actually possessed about 15 stars of mana!

Liu Yi was directly dropped from the air by this lightning, and then smashed hard on the ground, smashing the steel ground of the artificial island into a pit!

"Hahaha, I finally found you!"

The red-haired boy was wearing a white armor and slowly flew down from the air, then smiled at Liu Yi, "Aren\'t you guys crazy? Have you tasted my strength?"

"Who are you?"

When the girl saw the red-haired boy, she asked immediately.

"The enemy of the enemy is a friend, you and him are the enemy, and me is the friend."

The red-haired boy said proudly, "I am the captain of the island nation\'s military unit, and the world is heavy! You can just watch it on your side, this man is mine!"

"It\'s you? Are you gay?"

Asked the girl.

The red-haired boy immediately had a black line on his forehead. "Hey, you think too much! I must defeat this person, don\'t disturb me!"

"Beat him? Is it you?"

The girl sneered. "Your strength is not much different from me at best. You just took the attack of the attack just now. If you want to defeat him, it is better for you and me to join forces."

"Joining together? Are you laughing at me?"

"I\'m just reminding you!"

"Don\'t quarrel with both, I think it\'s better to join us together."

Sakura didn\'t know when to appear in the field, which surprised the red-haired boy.

"Sakura, why are you here?"

"I\'m not Sakura, the soul of this body has ascended to heaven."

Sakura laughed, and the smile made everyone feel a chill.


An Qi hides her body and appears beside Liu Yi, exclaiming, "It\'s the breath of the Divine General...The Divine Realm Army...actually sent a Divine General!"

Liu Yi climbed up from the ground and looked at the masters around three fourteen or five stars gathered in the sky. There was no fear on his face.

"Finished, these three people all have the same strength as the gods... mortal, this time you are really in danger."

"Why do you always look down upon me?"

Liu Yi patted the dust on his body, "I can\'t even show half of my strength."

"How is it possible... where is your mortal confidence!"

An Qi exclaimed, "I\'ve followed you for several days, and your strongest power is almost the same as God! Now that the three God-ranked people join forces, how can you win? Or sign a contract with me immediately? Well, I will find more helpers to take you out of here!"

"Oh, I never thought about running away."

Liu Yi said, reaching out, letting the five swords fall down, and re-floating around him, "If they want to fight, then the battle is ready!"

As the words fell, the five swords shot at three people in the sky.

"Holy Shield!"

Sakura, who was possessed by the angel god, immediately reached out and condensed a silver shield in front of everyone, even blocking the attack of the five swords!

"Leave the attack to us!"

With the help of a strong hand, the girl was excited again.

This Chinese must be killed!

She waved a handful of insect mist, and swept to Liu Yi below!

And the red-haired boy reluctantly shot, he pinched a spell and pointed his finger at Liu Yi.

"Secrets of imperial magic technique? Lock soul!"

This lock-up technique actually locked Liu Yi!


Those insect mists immediately rolled on Liu Yi\'s body and buried his body instantly!

"Hahaha, this time he is dead!"

The girl clapped her hands and said excitedly, "My bug is enough to kill him!"


When Yin Qianxi saw Liu Yi engulfed by insect fog, the whole person\'s heartbeat almost stopped, and he was about to pounce, but was blocked by the sky.

"Ah... if you die, you\'re fine."

An Qi stared at the black crushed insects, "So... I\'m afraid that the Divine Realm Army can\'t borrow your power..."

"Did you actually kill him?"

Sakura seemed angry, "He is a very important piece! It seems that I can only find a way to resurrect his soul!"

"My insect fog can corrode everything, and his soul is probably unable to survive."

Said the girl proudly.

"Anyway, he was defeated in my hand..."

The red-haired boy looked at the insects below and said with regret.

Just when all three thought that Liu Yi was dead, the following golden lights suddenly appeared!