Love Dependency Disease

1180 1180 Question of girlfriend

Zhao Yali wears a swimsuit, beautiful and elegant, and radiant.

Basically all men\'s eyes fell on him. Shi Zhanjun looked at her and almost drooled.Nima, who is this little lady, looks so beautiful.

When Zhao Yali spoke to her husband, Liu Yi, all the men\'s eyes flew out.

Lying trough, what is the situation?

"Husband, what are they doing around you?"

Zhao Yali hugged Liu Yi\'s arm and let Liu Yi\'s arm fully stick to his chest.

The size of Zhao Yali\'s chest is not small, Liu Yi\'s arm is pressed on it, but it is quite comfortable.

Liu Yi\'s arm undoubtedly made many people envious of the terrible death, and wished to become Liu Yi\'s arm.

The emergence of Zhao Yali has to be said to directly increase Liu Yi’s return rate.All eyes of the audience shifted to Liu Yi. Liu Jiayue also covered her mouth and looked at Liu Yi in surprise and puzzlement.

Liu Yi turned out to have a wife?

"Husband, what happened..."

Zhao Yali leaned softly and charmingly on Liu Yi, and everyone around him froze.

At this moment, Yang Yang\'s face was terribly ugly.

Just now Shi Zhanjun said that Liu Yi had never touched a woman, so she had some bad intentions for Yang Yang.But now the woman next to Liu Yi is terribly beautiful. Yang Yang can\'t compare with her!

Liu Yi has such a woman as a wife, how could she be interested in Yang Yang?Unless Liu Yi is blind!

"Nothing, these people are kidding me."

Liu Yi blocked Zhao Yali\'s waist with one hand and said with a smile, "We Miss Yang Yang like to joke with people the most, right?"


Yang Yang gritted his teeth, if possible, really wanted to kill Liu Yi this guy!Who the hell is he, he casually talked about a big deal, and such a beautiful wife!Simply a winner in life!

"Humph, forget it!"

Yang Yang curled his lips and walked with his chest in his arms, not paying attention to the eyes of those around him.

At this time, Zhao Yali looked cold.

"Go, who made you go?"

Liu Yi looked at Zhao Yali with a little surprise, wondering why Zhao Yali suddenly got angry.

"What do you want?"

Yang Yang stopped and looked at Zhao Yali as well.I don\'t know what Zhao Yali wants to do.

"What about me?"

Zhao Yali sneered, "Do you think you can walk away without incident after my husband has been wronged? Huh! Tell you, don\'t tell me today, you don\'t want to leave here!"

"Why don\'t you let me go?"

Yang Yang immediately asked.

"Just because I am your director of Red Star Fashion!"

Zhao Yali showed a courageous identity, "My name is Zhao Yali, I am an investor of Zhao\'s Investment Company, you are also a shareholder of Red Star Fashion, and one of the members of the Red Star Fashion Board!"

"Ah! It was Zhao Dong!"

President Chen suddenly realized that although he had always heard of a Zhao Dong, he still saw him for the first time today!

Sure enough, as in the legend, beautiful and flowery!

This guy, Liu Yi, has such a beautiful woman as his wife, so I really envy other people!

And his wife is so rich, how could he come to be a salesman?

Yang Yang and Shi Zhanjun both regretted their innocence at this moment, how could they cause such people!

Are you good enough to be your second generation of rich, what turbulent water came to our sales department?

Liu Jiayue also looked at Liu Yi in astonishment, just like looking at aliens.

This the end...who is could he have such a beautiful and rich wife...then he and himself...can only be friends...

Liu Jiayue is very unhappy, she doesn\'t like this.

She originally wanted to... and Liu Yi further developed.Because she admits that she has a good opinion of Liu Yi, and still has a lot of goodwill.

"Zhao, Zhao Dong..."

Yang Yang was also completely silly, and could only look at Zhao Yali awkwardly and said.

"Our company doesn\'t need people like you, you can leave."

"You, are you going to fire me?"

Yang Yang is so stupid, I didn\'t expect this Zhao Dong to fire himself!

"Of course."

Zhao Dong smiled, "When I am a fool, I don\'t know if you want to expel my husband several times? I advise you to consider changing your career. Your reputation in this industry is already stinky and can no longer be stinky."


Yang Yang shivered, but was helpless.I used to bully people with Shi Zhanjun, rampant in the company.Unexpectedly, today, I was turned over and bullied myself once!

Uncomfortable, uncomfortable, really uncomfortable!

"Shi Zhanjun! Help me!"

Yang Yang had to ask Shi Zhanjun for help.

"Yang Yang, I can\'t understand what you said. How can I help you?"

Shi Zhanjun said, "You did something to disappoint the company. As a company leader, I can only regret your personal behavior."

Liu Yi lipped his lips and said that Shi Zhanjun was really shameless enough, so he threw it clean so quickly.

"Shi Zhanjun!"

Yang Yang was really angry this time, "You didn\'t say that in bed!"

"What bed, we are just ordinary relations between superiors and subordinates!"

Shi Zhanjun pushed his glasses, saying one by one, "Don\'t slander me!"

"you you!"

Yang Yang almost vomited blood, standing by the water, holding his chest, looking at Shi Zhanjun, unable to say a word.

Shi Zhanjun ignored him and turned to please Zhao Yali.

"Mr. Zhao, I am the company\'s secretary-general and a senior cadre of this company. This Yang Yang, and Liu Yi may be a little personal contradiction. But it does not matter, we will quickly deal with the relationship between them, absolutely will not Disappoint President Zhao!"

"Okay, you can also pack things and get out of the company."

When Zhao Yali waved his hand, Shi Zhanjun was taken aback, "Zhao, President Zhao, what do you mean?"

"What else does it mean, of course, to expel you."

"Why, why fire me! That woman has nothing to do with me, I am innocent!"

"The reason is simple."

Zhao Yali smiled, "Because you are scum, our company does not need scum."

"well said."

Liu Yi couldn\'t help but applaud Zhao Yali. Zhao Yali smiled at Liu Yi charmingly, and envyed many others.

If they can win a smile, they will do whatever they want!

Zhao Yali is a beauty, or a great beauty!

The most important thing is still a rich beauty!

"You, how can you fire me, but I am the elder of the company!"

"The company does not have a veteran like you."

Mr. Chen stood next to him and said, "Shi Zhanjun, you will go back to the company and settle the financial statement tomorrow."

"Do not!"

Shi Zhanjun roared, "You can\'t fire me!"

He suddenly pulled a fruit knife from the table next to him and pointed at Liu Yi, "Whoever fires me, I will kill whoever!"

"Shi Zhanjun, you are crazy!"

President Chen saw that Shi Zhanjun had played this set, and he was shocked.

"I\'m not crazy, you are crazy!"

Shi Zhanjun roared, "I have worked for the company for so many years, conscientiously, why should you fire me! My mortgage has not been paid off, and the car loan has just been settled! I can\'t be fired, I can never be fired!"

Red Star is a well-known large company, both in terms of employee salary level and benefits, are among the best in the industry.

Shi Zhanjun relied on being an employee of Red Star, buying a house and a car, and raising a third child. The money was earned from Red Star!But if he is fired, he will not be able to find other jobs at this age. Mortgage loans and car loans must be finished!

In other words, if expelled, Shi Zhanjun would have nothing!

"Shi Zhanjun, please calm down and say something!"

Liu Jiayue on the side persuaded, "Don\'t do this, it will really hurt people!"

"Yes, stinky ladies, when is your turn to teach me!"

Shi Zhanjun cursed politely, "If the fuck is not you, Lao Tzu can become like this! Watch Lao Tzu make your face flower!"

With that said, Shi Zhanjun waved his dagger and approached Liu Jiayue.

Liu Jiayue was screamed in shock, and at this time, Zhao Yali, who had been standing next to him, suddenly stepped forward, and then a beautiful round kick kicked hard on Shi Zhanjun\'s wrist.


The dagger was kicked and flew out suddenly, and fell into the sand beside him.

"Wow, so handsome!"

"This woman will work hard!"

Everyone was surprised, clapping applauded for Zhao Yali!

Several policemen patrolling by the sea ran over and directly pressed Shi Zhanjun to the ground.

"Zhao Dong is a good man!"

Liu Yi gave a thumbs up to Zhao Yali, Zhao Yali rolled his eyes at Liu Yi, and said that he was burying himself!

Yang Yang was expelled and Shi Zhanjun was taken away by the police. This time the BBQ almost ended in farce.

Zhao Yali seemed to have her own affairs. After helping Liu Yi, she left in a hurry.

Everyone started to pack things on the beach, Liu Jiayue rubbed the table touchlessly beside him, and said nothing.

"Manager Liu, what\'s wrong with you?"

Zhou Ya stood aside and couldn\'t help asking.

Liu Yi also took the opportunity to raise his head and forgot Liu Jiayue\'s glance.

Liu Jiayue just turned around and looked at Liu Yi\'s eyes. Liu Jiayue immediately turned his head and deliberately ignored Liu Yi.

"Nothing, work."

Liu Jiayue said while continuing to wipe the table.

Zhou Ya, the girl with a simple mind, didn\'t think too much, and asked Liu Yi directly while working.

"Liu Yi, did not expect that you turned out to be Zhao Dong\'s boyfriend! How did you come to work for us! Is it the legendary rich second-generation experience life?"

"Yali is Yali, I am me."

Liu Yi said, "It doesn\'t matter how much she earns. As for her being my girlfriend..."

Liu Yi couldn\'t help but smile bitterly, he didn\'t know how to explain.Say no, I\'m a little sorry.Say yes, I think it\'s not the same thing!

Oops... this kind of problem is really sad.

"Do you like her?"

Liu Jiayue suddenly raised his head and asked.