Love Dependency Disease

1175 Chapter 1175: I Struck Back

A small three-story earth building with some damp and dark inside.Liu Yi followed Liu Jiayue and found that there was a reception desk on the first floor. An obese middle-aged woman was sitting there with a small black and white TV set in front of her, which was still playing Zhen Huan Chuan.

Because of the climate, the nights in this outer county are relatively hot. The comrade woman wore a large white blouse. Because of obesity and sweat, a pair of fat chests were set off under the blouse.Liu Yi was shocked to find that this comrade of women didn\'t even wear a bra. Nima... can\'t be called a beauty, it should be a nightmare!

Would you like to take the opportunity to promote your company\'s brand underwear?

It is estimated that this "broad-minded" comrade would not wear anything like underwear at all!

"Register your ID card."

Seeing that Liu Yi and Liu Jiayue walked in, the comrade women directly reached out and said, "Twenty yuan a day, don\'t get dirty sheets."

Liu Jiayue\'s face turned red when she heard it. While pulling out her ID card, she said, "You misunderstood, we are not couples."

"Hey, come to us, there are two people, I understand."

The comrade women said with a lip, "One dollar."

Speaking, take out a stack of condoms and put them on the counter.

Liu Yi glanced at Nima, the black shop, which was obviously a condom distributed free by family planning, she even took it out to sell money!

However, his focus seems to be a bit problematic, and Liu Jiayue on the side has been inexplicable.

"We really aren\'t... yes, we want two rooms!"

"No, just one."

The comrade women threw the key on the table and said, "Can\'t live without love."

Both Liu Yi and Liu Jiayue were embarrassed. In this room, there was no other place to live in a radius of ten miles.

"Or...I squat outside all night?"

Liu Yi suggested.

"Not eaten by mosquitoes yet."

Liu Jiayue sighed, "The mosquitoes in this county are very fierce. Forget it, let\'s stay in one room anyway. There are two beds in a room here."

"Come on, then blame Manager Liu."

Liu Yi doesn\'t want to squat outside to sleep, after all, he is an ordinary person now, it is estimated to be exhausted to squat outside for one night.

"The sound insulation is not good, don\'t make too much noise at night!"

The comrade women saw two people go upstairs and immediately reminded them.Liu Jiayue\'s face suddenly turned redder.

Damn...what is this...

Liu Jiayue murmured and said nothing more, and went directly to the second floor.

The room for two people is 205, and there are only 5 rooms on the first floor. No wonder it is full.

Liu Yi followed to the last room and opened the door with the old key.Liu Yi looked at the door of this plywood, and thought he would still use the key, he kicked it!

After opening, the room was a little damp.The room is not large, just three or four square meters, with two single beds in it, and the sheets are yellowed.

There is no toilet in the room, not even windows!

The whole room was a bit sultry, Liu Jiayue wiped a fragrant sweat and sat on a bed.

Both of them were camp beds, and they were indeed guest houses in the 1980s.

Between the two beds is a small bedside table with a thermos and two tea cups.

Liu Yi looked at it, and there were some black unknown objects on the teacup... It is really better to sleep here than to sleep on the bridge.

Fortunately, there are no windows, so there are no mosquitoes in the house.Even when it got hotter, Liu Yi also sweated a little.

Because he is a man, Liu Yi directly unbuttoned his clothes and exposed his belly.Fortunately, he does not have a small belly, otherwise Liu Jiayue will be laughed at.

"Run the business tomorrow, take a break early."

Liu Jiayue lay in bed, dared not take off her clothes, and said, "Please turn off the light... I can\'t sleep with the light on..."

The lights in this room are still pull-wire switches. Liu Yi can only say that this place is really retro, completely retro!

Liu Yi reached out his hand, pulled the switch, and suddenly remembered something, and said something.

"In other words, we are the last room on this floor."


"I remembered something, I don\'t know if I should tell you."

"You... say chant..."

"I heard that if it is the last room in the corridor, it is better to turn on the bathroom lights at night. But there is no bathroom in this room, only such a lamp, and no windows..."

"You... don\'t scare me... then don\'t turn off the lights..."

Liu Jiayue listened to Liu Yi\'s words, and her body shivered slightly.

"That\'s all right."

Liu Yi also deliberately scared the little girl, he laughed twice and lay on the bed.

But I lay down and regretted it. Nima\'s room was too bright to sleep!

Liu Jiayue also tossed and turned in the bed several times before finally speaking.

"Also, turn it off... so I can\'t sleep."

"it is good……"

Liu Yi was also relieved, and finally said that he didn\'t need to dig himself.He reached out and pulled out the lamp.

As soon as the lights went out, the room immediately fell into total darkness.Liu Yi has no mana and cannot see anything with his eyes.

In this darkness, people are prone to fear.

Fortunately, Liu Yi, after all, he has seen everything, and all monsters and demons have seen it.

And Liu Jiayue seemed to be a little unbearable, and Liu Yi could even hear her a little uneasy breathing.

Soon, the breath sounded a little heavy again.This girl seems to be because...too hot?

After a while, the sound of learning to undress came into Liu Yi\'s ear. It seemed that the girl was really too hot, taking off her clothes while she couldn\'t see anything.

Liu Yi was so hot that he didn\'t even cover the quilt.And there was a very strange smell on the quilt, which made him a little disgusted.

He learned Liu Jiayue and took off his coat, leaving only his pants.

Nima is much cooler now, but the room is still a little stuffy.

Liu Yi felt that he was hot after taking a breath, mother, don\'t you want to be so unhappy.

At this moment, there was a violent gasp next door.

Then, the moaning of the woman, the popping sound of the impact, directly into the ears of the two.

This time, Liu Jiayue and Liu Yi were a little embarrassed.Most of the night, can nightlife be so rich!

These two people seemed to be fighting vigorously, and after a while, Liu Yi was tickled.

And Liu Jiayue gripped the quilt with her legs and her lips clenched. come next door to get this time...this makes you and Liu to get along...

Especially the woman\'s cry... is it really so comfortable?

Doesn\'t my girlfriend say... will it hurt... like being pierced by someone... why is this cry not so similar...

That look... What exactly is it like... The woman\'s curiosity was a little mobilized.

In such an ambiguous environment, Liu Jiayue suddenly felt a pee.Her legs were getting closer and closer, but her urination didn\'t fade at all.

But in such a dark situation, she dared not go to the toilet...

"Liu...Liu Yi..."

Liu Jiayue\'s voice rang softly.Liu Yi hadn\'t fallen asleep at the beginning, and when he heard the voice again, he looked up and asked, "What\'s wrong?"

"I...I want to go to the toilet..."

Liu Jiayue said.

"Then go chant."

Liu Yi didn\'t think about it too much, "There is no room, you can only go outside."

"You... can you accompany me to..."

Liu Jiayue made a "non-divided" request.


Liu Yi was taken aback.

"Are you afraid of ghosts?"

"Me, I\'m not afraid of ghosts!"

Liu Jiayue said immediately.

"Then go by yourself, I\'m so sleepy."

Liu Yizhen is a little sleepy, and staying up late is really a very difficult thing for mortals.

"You don\'t go...I\'m afraid..."

Liu Jiayue\'s voice trembled a little, "Otherwise I would bedweet..."

"Oh, how old is it, and wetting the bed."

Liu Yi had no choice but to rub his eyes and sat up from the bed.

The room was so sultry that it was good to go out and get some fresh air.

Subconsciously, Liu Yi reached out his hand and turned on the lamp.


The room was brightly lit.

Liu Jiayue sat stunned opposite, only a small white shirt on his body, wearing nothing on his lower body, and long white legs with bare white.

Liu Yi couldn\'t help swallowing... Nima, this girl was not wearing clothes, how could you forget this stubborn!


Liu Jiayue finally screamed, and Liu Yi reached out again and pulled out the lamp.

"You you you, you are definitely intentional!"

Liu Jiayue shouted with a cry.

"I didn\'t mean it..."

Liu Yi was very wronged, "It\'s too hot, I\'m so sleepy and confused, I forgot that you don\'t wear clothes."

"The ghost believes! You did it on purpose!"

"Well, I did it on purpose, you bit me!"

Liu Yi knew that the explanation was unclear and simply broke the jar.Liu Jiayue gritted her teeth and wanted to bite Liu Yi into pieces!

"Do you think I dare?"

Liu Yi felt that someone came over, then Liu Jiayue\'s leg suddenly kicked on the bed in front of her. She was tripped all over, screamed, and then fell into Liu Yi\'s arms.

Liu Jiayue endured the pain and opened his mouth directly, biting hard on Liu Yi\'s shoulder.

"Lying trough, you are a dog!"

Liu Yi now has no mana, and his body is very fragile. He was bitten to death by this girl, and it must be broken!

"I am not a dog! I am a zombie!"

Liu Jiayue bite hard and squeezed these words out of her teeth.

"Hey, hey, let go of your mouth, you will bite people!"

Liu Yi hurt tears.

"Do not let go! Don\'t let go even if you die!"

"If you do this again, then I\'m welcome!"

Liu Yi is ready to open an R and put a big one!

"Bit you!"

Liu Jiayue is going to fight Liu Yi to the end.

As soon as Liu Yi gritted his teeth, he stretched out his hands directly and grabbed Liu Jiayue *****!

Liu Jiayue\'s body suddenly stiffened, and his brain fell into a blank!