Love Dependency Disease

1170 Chapter 1170 Disgusting

The car parked in front of a high-level club. Liu Yi noticed that many cars had been parked in the nearby parking lot.

And basically all are luxury cars, one next to another, like a high-end auto show.

BMW, Porsche, Mercedes-Benz, Lamborghini.

Anything Liu Yi can call his name is here.

"It really is where the rich come."

Liu Yi couldn\'t help feeling.

"This club is private and only members can enter."

Zhao Yali said, "I don\'t know how many local tyrants\' money is spent on it every year... it\'s a gold cave!"

"How could there be such a corrupt place! Too angry with the gods!"

Liu Yi Tucao, "What the hell is this company that will cover this vicious gold sales hole!"

"Red Star Company."


Liu Yi was embarrassed for a moment. He didn\'t expect that Red Star\'s business channels have been extended to the upper class.This idea must come from Lin Zhuoyi, this girl is simply a genius to make money!

"Is there anything else you want to say?"

"No, let\'s go in."

Liu Yi made a gentleman\'s gesture, Zhao Yali smiled, and then actively took Liu Yi\'s arm.

Originally, Liu Yi didn\'t like the reception of this upper class because it was full of hypocrisy and transactions.But now Liu Yi has let go a lot. The soldiers will block it, the water will cover it. No matter what they face, they can respond at will.

After entering, Liu Yi finally saw the luxurious appearance of his senior club.To Liu Yi\'s surprise, the interior style of this high-level club turned out to be similar to an ancient royal palace!Everywhere there are gold luang stacked up, and there are also golden dragons carved on the walls.

A lot of maids dressed in court palace ladies walked in the crowd, and even the vessels they used to drink wine used ancient luminous glasses.

Not only that, the fabrics and patterns of these people\'s clothes are very elegant.Sure enough, they all spent a lot of money, and Liu Yi felt that Lin Zhuoyi played this set really well.

"Zhao Zhao, it\'s been a long time."

At this time, a young man in a suit and suit came across from him. He was holding a wine glass in his hand and looked at Zhao Yali with an infatuation.

Zhao Yali looked a little unhappy, "Li Yun, why are you here, too."

"I am the heir of the Li family, and of course it will appear here. Why, does President Zhao welcome me?"

Li Yun smiled.

"This is not my chassis, what\'s the point of welcoming you or not."

Zhao Yali pouted, "Liu Yi, let\'s go to drink there."

Zhao Yali didn\'t seem to like Li Yun\'s appearance very much, and Liu Yi didn\'t ask why, and followed him.

"Zhao Zhao, isn\'t this good?"

Li Yun said, "How can we say that the two of us are also friends from the world, and that Mr. Zhao\'s company also has shares in our family. Isn\'t it a bit of a shame not to give face?"

"If you want to divest, just do it."

Zhao Yali really didn\'t give Li Yun a face, which made Li Yun very embarrassed, and there was a little bit of anger.

And Liu Yi did not look at the two at this time, he was looking at the side.

In the corner over there stood a woman wearing a cheongsam.Her long legs were wrapped under the cheongsam and her figure was uneven.

There was a charm in her eyes that made her unable to extricate herself.

This woman is Ma Yixuan.

The illusion appeared again?

Liu Yi couldn\'t help but frown. Isn\'t his state of mind already opened, why do he still see the illusion of Ma Yixuan?

And the illusion suddenly hooked his finger at himself, as if he was hooking himself.

Liu Yi frowned deeper, and at this moment, Li Yun turned his head suddenly, looked at Liu Yi, and asked coldly.

"General Zhao, I didn\'t find that you still have such a hobby."

Li Yun sneered, "Did you even support Xiaobai?"

When Liu Yiquan could not hear, Zhao Yali was not happy.

"Li Yun, speak with respect!"

"There is nothing disrespectful, don\'t think I don\'t know."

Li Yun looked at Liu Yi, "You are the underwear salesman of Red Star Company, when Xiaobai is indeed more promising than selling underwear."

Zhao Yali seemed to want to understand something, frowning, "Li Yun, you sent someone to follow me!"

"Don\'t say that, I\'m just worried about Mr. Zhao\'s safety."

Li Yun smiled and said, "Mr. Zhao, you said that this little white face is good, isn\'t it a person who sells underwear. What is my Li Yun not as good as him? To look, I look, I want money, I have money. If you follow me, your Zhao family\'s business will only be better in the future."

Liu Yi sighed, and said that who is not good at teasing this buddy, he had to tease Zhao Yali.

Who is Zhao Yali?Standard angel!Annoyed her, can Li Yun have good fruit to eat?

Sure enough, Zhao Yali suddenly laughed, but Liu Yi knew that this was definitely a bad smile!

"Li Yun, can you lift your pants first when saying this?"


Li Yun lowered his head subconsciously, and found that his pants did not know when to fall to the ground, exposing the pink ***.

"I really can\'t think of it. Young Master Li still has such a hobby, hey..."

Zhao Yali laughed, and the women next to Li Yun all screamed and avoided Li Yun like a rogue.

Li Yun blushed himself, put his pants on his head and ran into the bathroom.


Zhao Yali snorted.

"How did you solve these problems when you were not capable before?"

Liu Yi asked.

"It\'s simple, drink with them."

Zhao Yali sighed, "Did you forget that when you first met me, what was my status?"

Zhao Yali said this, and Liu Yi remembered it, then he was also on a cruise ship to get rid of this girl.

"Come on, let\'s go over there for a drink. There\'s a good window position over there."


Liu Yi turned his head and saw that Ma Yixuan\'s figure had disappeared.

But Liu Yi always felt something was wrong, he said to Zhao Yali, "You are waiting for me over there, I will go to the toilet first."

He turned into the bathroom, and Li Yun came out of it.

Li Yun had already lifted his pants. When he saw Liu Yi, he suddenly looked angry.

"You just came in, I have something to tell you!"

"I don\'t think there is much to say between us."

Liu Yi shrugged.

"Yes, how old are you!"

Li Yun walked over, grabbed Liu Yi\'s collar directly, and then growled, "Do you know who I am, I am the young master of the Li family! Like a little diaosi like you, I don\'t know how much I have seen! , How much money does it take to leave Zhao Yali! Don’t people like you just want money?"

"Do you want to give money?"

Liu Yi laughed, "My appetite is great."

"How much have you seen in a lifetime?"

Li Yun said disdainfully, "One hundred thousand and two hundred thousand will make you a kind of diao silk very happy! Get away with this money! Takazhi of the Zhao family is not something you can climb! Can such salesmen enter you in such a place? Do you know how much is the annual membership fee? It would scare you!

Liu Yi is very helpless. If he tells his identity, this man is probably not only scared to death, but also incontinent.

"Do you know the gap between us? Are you afraid? Then hurry and roll away! Otherwise, I have a hundred ways to kill you!"

At this moment, the lights in the entire bathroom suddenly dimmed.

Then, a cold breath filled the bathroom, and then a woman\'s figure appeared behind Li Yun.

"What\'s the fun, why not bring me?"

Said the woman.

Li Yun looked back and saw a beautiful woman standing behind him.

The woman wore a red cheongsam and was voluptuous.

When Li Yun saw her, her eyes lit up immediately.

"It is such an honor for me to have such a beauty."

Li Yun walked towards the woman, "Beautiful lady, do you want to have dinner with me?"


The beauty smiled, "But do you have that courage?"

"What don\'t I dare to do, Li Yun?"

"Is it?"

The beauty reached for a light touch on her lips, "Dare you dare to kiss me?"

"Why not dare?"

Li Yun walked past with a smile, and at this time Liu Yi reached out from behind, grabbed him by the collar, and then shook his hand and thrown it out.


Li Yun\'s body smashed into the single room beside him, and he fell into the same place!

"Oh, it really ruins people\'s taste."

The woman opposite held her arms, pursed her red lips, looked at Liu Yi with some dissatisfaction, and said.

"Ma Yixuan, are you not an illusion?"

Liu Yi frowned, looking at the woman opposite.


Ma Yixuan froze for a moment, then reflected it, couldn\'t help laughing, "So you love me so much, you can see me all the time."

"You are just my demon."

There is a smile on Liu Yi\'s mouth, his hands behind his back, "If I am not mistaken, I should be your flayer."

"No no guessed the wrong place in my heart."

Ma Yixuan shook his finger at Liu Yi, and then pointed to his own heart, "You are here with me."

"Isn\'t that the demon?"

"No no no, sweetheart!"

Ma Yixuan smiled softly, "You are my sweetheart, as if it were fake."

"Come on less! Ma Yixuan, who are you, I know very well."

Liu Yi regained his righteousness. "I have also experienced the Shurachang. Now I am different from before. Your temptations to me will not be effective anymore."

"I don\'t like you like this..."

Ma Yixuan put it on Liu Yi\'s body, stroking his chest gently, "I like... is another you."

"I\'m so sorry."

Liu Yi smiled, "There are more women who like this side, and each one is better than you. And you make me feel sick."

Ma Yixuan turned white, then stepped back, looking at Liu Yi with anger in his eyes.