Love Dependency Disease

1163 Chapter 1163 Haunted

Sitting in the company, Liu Yi looked at the box lunch with a bit of minced meat in front of him, and looked bitter.

"Manager, would you invite me to eat this?"

"Some foods are good!"

Liu Jiayue also holds a box of lunch, "This eggplant with minced meat is still pretty good. You try it, the eggplant still has a meaty taste."

Damn, it\'s free anyway, don\'t eat it in vain.

Liu Yi shed tears silently in her heart while eating lunch, and then asked, "Manager, you are so high-level, you earn a lot of salary a month, how can you still eat this?"

"It doesn\'t make much money."

Liu Jiayue said frankly, "The car loan hasn\'t been paid off yet. The day should be tight. By the way, eating meat is easy to get angry. Boys should not eat so much meat."

With that said, Liu Jiayue took away the few pieces of meat from Liu Yi\'s lunch.

"Hey, hello! Girls shouldn\'t eat so much meat!"

Liu Yi was terribly distressed, "Be careful when you eat and gain weight!"

"It doesn\'t matter, I don\'t get fat any way I eat."

Sitting there, Liu Jiayue was enchanting and graceful, but she had a beautiful view.

Her figure is uneven, the convex part is convex, the flat part is flat, and no fat is found.

God is really unfair, some people will get fat after drinking a cold drink, and this girl is not fat for dry eating, it is unreasonable.

"Don\'t be too envious, it\'s also very depressed if you don\'t eat fat."

Liu Jiayue said, "It\'s too thin and unhealthy. I still like being fat."

"Manager, you will be so angry!"

Liu Yi did not dare to be fierce to his boss, and tried to express his dissatisfaction in a gentle tone. "Besides, I am also dry and not fat. Give me the meat..."

"It\'s already eaten."

Liu Jiayue said, throwing the last piece of meat into his mouth.

"Manager, you are ruthless!"

Liu Yi couldn\'t help it, and felt that he couldn\'t fight against Liu Jiayue at all.After all, the identity is there, how to say that these sisters are their own managers!What\'s more, she asked for this meal... Well, when he paid his wages, he bought two boxes of minced pork and eggplant rice, eat one box, lose one box, and mad Liu Jiayue!

Liu Yi didn\'t know when he became so futile. He hurriedly ate up the rest of the rice, then stood up and walked out of the door.

"You... what are you doing?"

Liu Jiayue asked suddenly.

"Go to the toilet, leader, do you have to report this?"

Liu Yi looked at Liu Jiayue in amusement, and said that her beautiful manager is too wide.

"Then... that... you come back soon..."

Liu Jiayue\'s voice was a little trembling.

Suddenly Liu Yi came to understand it, lying down, it turned out that this girl was afraid of black ghosts!

It was already more than seven o\'clock, and most of the employees in the company were off duty.There are only two Liu Yi and Liu Jiayue in the office, and most of the lights around are off, only one light is on here.

Liu Jiayue was nervous, making Liu Yi want to make fun of it.

"Manager Liu, my stomach is uncomfortable..."

Liu Yi clutched his stomach and said, "Maybe the lunch is not very clean... oops, I might have a bigger one, it will take some time."

"Where is the lunch box not clean, you, you are not allowed to go big!"

Liu Jiayue suddenly became nervous, and said, "I also ate lunch box, it\'s okay, where is a big man like you so fragile!"

Liu Yi held back the smile and continued.

"Oh, Manager Liu, you don’t know, my stomach is not good since I was a kid, and I can’t take anything that’s not very clean... That’s right, our office... There’s no strange magical event, I I’m afraid of being alone in the toilet!"

"Spiritual events... yes, spiritual events!"

Liu Jiayue\'s eyes lit up suddenly, and then said, "Don\'t go to the toilet anymore, otherwise I\'m afraid you will cry."

"Ah? Really?"

Liu Yixin said, people who cry for a while do not know who it is, hehe hehe.

"Of course, it is said that in our company, there is a soul that cannot rest, wandering around."

"Strange, where is the soul in the big company?"

Liu Yi is puzzled.

"That\'s an old clerk..."

Liu Jiayue said slowly, "Before this building was bought by Red Star Group, it used to be the office building of another company. The company\'s rules and regulations were very impersonal, and many employees often stayed on duty. The employee simply worked a lot of overtime in a row and ended up overworking in the company. After hearing that he died, the injustice was gone, and he had been wandering in the company. I heard that some overtime colleagues sometimes heard The sound of keyboard knocking came from every office..."

"A ghost overtime!"

Liu Yi wanted to laugh, "It\'s not the ghost of the toilet, then I\'m going to the toilet, and you take care of the manager."

Liu Yi said, turned and left the office, Liu Jiayue stomped angrily.

"Liu Yi, you play me!"

Liu Jiayue is not a fool, and has understood Liu Yi\'s conspiracy.Her irritated teeth tickled Liu Yi!

This guy obviously came to work on the first day, how can he give himself up like this!No wonder he can get Director Zhang of Xinxin Mall.

Liu Jiayue sat in the office by himself, packed his lunch box and arranged the table, and began to design a new plan with a computer.

But Liu Jiayue always felt a little uneasy in her heart. When she worked overtime in the past, she would pull other people to work overtime together, so as to be at ease.But thinking that there is Liu Yi living in the office now, I thought it would be better, who knows that this guy actually ran to diarrhea!hate!

Liu Jiayue knocked on the keyboard and suddenly felt as if it was not just the sound of typing on the keyboard alone.

Liu Jiayue stopped and there was still a keyboard sound in his ear.

This makes Liu Jiayue feel horrified. Isn\'t he the only one in the office?

The sound of typing on the keyboard seemed to be coming from another office. Liu Jiayue turned his head to look and found that there was a comprehensive office.

The lights in the general office are dimmed, and it should be long gone!Why is there a keyboard knocking sound?

"Yes, anyone?"

Liu Jiayue\'s legs felt a little trembling. Who in the comprehensive office is working overtime? I don\'t know.

It should be like this... there must be no ghosts in this world...

Ghosts and the like... First, they must be deceiving...

"Who is working overtime, talk!"

With courage, Liu Jiayue walked to the door of the comprehensive office, reached out his hand, knocked on the door, "Are there anyone, open the door!"

The door of the office opened with a slight push, and Liu Jiayue glanced inside.

It was dark in the general office and nothing could be seen.

Liu Jiayue fumbled, touched the switch beside the door, and pressed it.

The light is not on, it seems to be broken.

Liu Jiayue was even more flustered. She asked twice, "Is there anyone in there?"

No one answered Liu Jiayue, but the sound of the keyboard was still ringing.

In the end, who was deliberately making trouble, Liu Jiayue was a little uneasy. She took out her phone and tried to illuminate it with the light of the phone.

At this time, someone behind her patted her shoulder.


Liu Jiayue turned around and screamed in shock.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Liu Yi also screamed, and Liu Jiayue\'s shouts were too harsh and really scary.

"Liu Yi, you are going to scare me!"

Liu Jiayue scolded, and then slapped hard on Liu Yi\'s chest.

Liu Yi has no mana right now, but this fist is quite painful.Fortunately, his physical quality is still there, but it does not have much impact.

"You are scaring me!"

Liu Jiayue\'s tears came out, "Are you so scary?"

"Please, when did I scare you!"

Liu Yi was very wronged, "I think you are looking around here, of course, come over and look."

"You walk without sound!"

"I am wearing a pair of running shoes..."

Liu Yi\'s body is ordinary sportswear plus a pair of running shoes, so there is no sound to walk.

"Hate, don\'t you know that scaring people will scare people to death!"

Liu Jiayue said with a cry, "I almost got scared!"

"I didn\'t do it on purpose, and I\'m afraid of anything."

Liu Yi asked puzzled, "Isn\'t it just an office?"

Liu Yi himself was also very depressed. Originally, he was just joking about diarrhea. I didn\'t expect to have diarrhea.After being a cultivator for too long, and turning back into a mortal, the internal organs are still a bit fragile.

Otherwise, he would have been back to the office long ago, and he wouldn\'t be so late.

"Here, someone knocks on the computer here."

Thinking of this, Liu Jiayue was a little scared.

"how can that be possible."

Liu Yi laughed, "Where are the other voices."

"Yes, you listen carefully."



Liu Jiayue made a silent gesture, and the two were silent at the same time.

Liu Yi listened carefully. In addition to Liu Jiayue\'s faint breathing, there was another sound.

"Pap Pap Pap..."

The keyboard sound was so clear that Liu Yi couldn\'t help but frown.

"Is it really haunted?"

"You, don\'t scare me..."

Liu Jiayue\'s guts are all frightened.

As Liu Yi said, he took out his mobile phone and shone brightly in front of it.

The computer in front was illuminated, and I saw a little mouse on the keyboard stepping on and off.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Liu Jiayue screamed more fiercely than before. She plunged her head into Liu Yi\'s arms and hugged Liu Yi tightly, hoping that the whole person hung on Liu Yi.

"Cold, calm down!"

Although there are beautiful women throwing their arms in the arms, the girl is too tight, and Liu Yi feels that she is about to be cut off.

While enjoying the gentle township, Liu Yi also wants to survive.

"You are going to strangle me."

"Old, old, mouse! Quickly kill it!"

Liu Jiayue was terrified. When she lowered her head, she found that the mouse had run to her feet.


Liu Jiayue screamed again, and then jumped directly into Liu Yi\'s arms!