Love Dependency Disease

1161 1161 Sleeping in the car (1)

Liu Yi tuned with Yousha for a long time, and finally Yousha was worried about being hit by someone else, so she asked Liu Yi to go back to work quickly.

Liu Yi also worried about his performance. As soon as Yousha urged him, he went back obediently.

In the office, Yang Yang was talking to Zhou Ya with a high voice.At this time, when Liu Yi pushed the door into the door, she smiled smugly, "How do you come back to pack things?"

The next Zhou Ya hurriedly pushed her, but she continued.

"Zhou Ya, let me tell you, some people, you just have to learn! If you don’t teach them, they don’t know that the sky is thick!"

"Yeah, Sister Yang Yang is right!"

Liu Yi followed and said, "This world is really someone outside the world, there are heavens outside the world! I really don\'t know which day I will offend which villain!"

A big sister, Yang Yang\'s brows were already showing blue muscles.Later, Sang called Huai Di and shouted Yang Yang, which made her annoyed.But thinking of Liu Yi\'s expulsion, she became happy again.

"The dogs of the mourning family can only bark indiscriminately, and don\'t hurry to pack things and get out of the office, the office can not allow idlers to enter!

"Who said I was leaving?"

Liu Yi looked at Yang Yang strangely, "It\'s so strange..."

"Aren\'t you fired?"

Yang Yang frowned, "Why don\'t you get out of office after getting fired? What do you want to do in the office?"

"It\'s even weirder. When did I get fired? Why didn\'t I know?

"The Secretary-General did not expel you?"

Yang Yang asked.

"How could the Secretary-General fire me?"

Liu Yi laughed, "The Secretary-General treats me well, and I am particularly concerned about my work situation. I have to keep me for dinner. But I don\'t want the Secretary-General to spend money, I refused. Oops, the Secretary-General is really a good person !"


Yang Yang was furious after listening to it, but did not expect that he could not expel Liu Yi, but instead let Liu Yi praise the Secretary-General!

Didn’t the bastard say what he said when he went to bed?Mother, the old lady asked him to go!

Yang Yang did not care about Liu Yi and went straight out.

Liu Yi sat down on his chair and smiled at Zhou Ya.

"Really, did you expel you?"

Zhou Ya was also curious and asked.

"No, I\'m fine."

Liu Yi squeezed her eyes at Zhou Ya, "Miss Zhou, what flavor of instant noodles do you want to eat at night?"

"Going to you, I really eat instant noodles. I\'m going out to run the business this afternoon, so I won\'t come back. I will invite you to eat tomorrow."

Zhou Ya said, picked up his briefcase, and stood up, "You don\'t always sit in the house, go out and run to see, our Red Star underwear is still very popular, ten lists should not be difficult. "

"Okay, I will go out and see."

Liu Yi nodded, "Thank you for reminding me."

"Well, don\'t mess with Yang Yang anymore, she\'s not easy to mess with."

Zhou Ya seemed to rush to run the business and left after a quick goodbye to Liu Yi.

Liu Yi sat in the office by himself, and Yang Yang did not return during this period.Liu Yixin said, this girl will not stay in Shi Zhanjun\'s office.

That\'s not good, the office is cheating, it sounds like a very exciting look.

However, Liu Yi was too lazy to manage them. He turned on his office computer and began to search for nearby shopping malls.

He can only try Zhou Ya\'s way, think about it, a big master went to the mall to sell bras... he felt depressed.But all this is for life, be patient, Liu Yi.

Liu Yi cheered himself up and down, searching intently.

At this time, there was a fragrant wind behind him. Although Liu Yi lost his mana, his nose was still very useful.

He immediately turned his head in surprise and found that manager Liu Jiayue did not know when to stand behind him.

"Next search."

Liu Jiayue held her arm and whispered.

This Liu Jiayue looks quite pretty, heavyweight beauty, there is no sound how to walk, is it possible that cat demon becomes impossible?

"Manager Liu, when did you come?"

How to say this is also his boss, Liu Yi asked politely.

"Come and see, I thought you were looking at something unhealthy. I didn\'t expect you to be really working hard."

Liu Jiayue\'s voice was somewhat relieved, "Yes, continue to work hard, this state is very good."

"Thank you for your praise, I will definitely make persistent efforts!"

"Okay, come here less, this one is useless for me."

Liu Jiayue said, "I ask you, can you drive?"

"Ah, yes!"

"It would be nice, come with me. Master Wang took a leave today, and no one drove me."

Depressed in Liu Yi\'s heart, he said that Nima is still a part-time driver!

Come on, the driver is the driver, the person has to bow his head under the eaves!

Liu Yi had to pick up his coat and obediently followed Liu Jiayue behind.

The two went downstairs all the way to the parking lot outside.

Liu Jiayue ran directly to a BMW, and Liu Yixin said, ah, this girl is rich!

Who knows that Liu Jiayue passed directly over this BMW, and then opened the door of the next Bora.

Yes, that sentence was said in vain just now, it seems that Liu Jiayue is not white and beautiful!

"Manager, where are we going?"

Liu Yi asked in the cab.

"Xinxin Mall."

Liu Jiayue waved his hand and said, "Go there."

This Liu Jiayue looked tired.Liu Yi didn\'t dare to ask more, and directly started the car, heading in the direction of Xinxin Mall.

"I heard that you provoke Shi Zhanjun?"

While in the car, Liu Jiayue suddenly asked.

"Yeah...Is this spreading so fast?"

Liu Yi was a little surprised, the company\'s gossip speed is too fast.

"Not because I want to know, but because Shi Zhanjun is about to be expelled, it is my person, so I will definitely know."

"It turns out so..."

Liu Yi understood, "Let the manager bother me."

"It\'s nothing."

Liu Jiayue leaned on the car seat and said, "This kind of thing is inevitable, but you should be more careful in the company in the future, don\'t provoke people who should not provoke. Really, when I can\'t help it, I only I can watch you pack up and get out of here. But this time it was very interesting. Then Shi Zhanjun even wanted to expel me, did he really think he was in the sky?"

"Sounds... Manager Liu doesn\'t seem to have a cold for this secretary-general..."

"That old pervert."

Liu Jiayue whispered, "What he thinks in his head every day is how to take advantage of his female colleagues. Obviously he has married a beautiful woman, and he is thinking about squandering flowers, hum!"

It seems that the name of Shi Zhanjun\'s pervert is spread widely in the company...

Fortunately, I\'m not a sister, otherwise I have to stand by this old guy to go cheap?Even a company as big as Red Star would have such a person as its secretary-general, which is really unpleasant!

When you regain your status in the future, you must remove Shi Zhanjun, the pervert-wolf.

"You drive, I\'m so sleepy, sleep first."

As Liu Jiayue said, she closed her eyes and leaned back in the back seat to fall asleep.

Liu Yi glanced through the reversing mirror and found that Liu Jiayue was pretty when she was asleep.

Her legs were not closed, and the looming under the skirt made Liu Yi a little distracted.

Between the thighs of a woman is always the most fatal attraction for men. Even Liu Yi is inevitable.

He couldn\'t help but glanced inside, and he saw a trace of leopard between Liu Jiayue\'s legs... Could it be that the girl was wearing leopard underwear and panties?

Liu Yiben wanted to look twice, and suddenly glimpsed a truck in front of him!

It turned out that I unknowingly drove into the retrograde lane!

Nima!Tanima is scary!Liu Yi quickly drove the steering wheel and wiped the truck and drove past.

Lying trough, there is no mana now, and driving becomes dangerous!

Fortunately, Liu Jiayue slept soundly and did not wake up, otherwise she would not scold herself!

Liu Yi did not dare to peek anymore, and started driving honestly.In the past, how could you do this kind of thing yourself? Just throw it to Xiaoxuan for control.

Even if you are driving by yourself, if there is any wind and grass on the opposite side, you will immediately feel it.

Now that I am an ordinary person, I have to be careful all the time.

Liu Yi played the spirit of twelve points, not daring to be a little negligent, so as not to die on the road.If the people in heaven knew that the emperor Tang died in a car accident, he would have to laugh at each other.

Liu Yi drove to the second half of the car, and finally stopped steadily in the parking lot of Xinxin Shopping Mall.

And Liu Jiayue still leaned back, sleeping soundly.

Liu Yi turned around and said to Liu Jiayue, "Manager Liu, here you are."

Liu Jiayue still slept soundly, and seemed to not hear Liu Yi\'s voice.

Liu Yi had no choice but to get out of the car, then opened the back door and sat next to Liu Jiayue.

There was a burst of fragrance on Liu Jiayue, which made Liu Yi a little drunk.

Is this woman\'s fragrance stronger than wine?

Liu Yi stabilized his mind, and then continued to try to wake Liu Jiayue.

"Manager Liu, manager Liu?"

Liu Yi pushed two more times, and Liu Jiayue mumbled, "Don\'t bother me... let me sleep..."

Liu Yi sweated, Nima, what time is it, still thinking about sleeping?

"Hey hello, don\'t\'s somewhere!"

"I hate... I said... I\'m going to sleep..."

Liu Jiayue suddenly reached out and pulled Liu Yi directly, pulling Liu Yi into her arms.

Liu Yi now has no mana and no precautions. She was dragged down by a girl!

He was lying in Liu Jiayue\'s arms, and Liu Jiayue turned over and directly clamped Liu Yi in his own legs, with an arm around Liu Yi\'s neck, and twitched twice in his mouth.

"Um...sleeping like this...comfortable..."

Damn, has Lord changed to be a doll?

Liu Yiyu was crying without tears, and did not know what to do.

And Liu Jiayue\'s exquisite face is in front of herself, it is really...not tempting-confusing!

What should I do!Do you want to be a beast?