Love Dependency Disease

1157 Chapter 1157 Personnel Manager

"Your sales philosophy is good."

The beautiful woman likes this.

Liu Yixin said that Nima is certainly good, thanks to her like to pay attention to Lin, confidant and so on in the high school at the beginning of the year.He has seen the story of the sale of the wooden comb to the monk!

With this little method, I still want to fool myself and hum.Although I have no strength, my Liu Yi is not a vegetarian!

Little girl, just follow me. Hey, hey...ah, it’s not right.

"However, working in our company, it is not enough to have such a beautiful sales concept, but also requires the willpower of Superman."

The beauty manager did not hire Liu Yi in this way, but went on to say, "There is a saying in our line that women are men and men are donkeys. Do you have the consciousness to be a donkey?"

Liu Yi patted his chest and said, "Look, I\'m still young, I can work hard, I can work hard! You can rest assured that as long as I get this job, I will never be lazy and will not let the leader disappoint me! I will work hard Sell ​​every product of ours!"

"Well, since that\'s the case, you have been hired by us."

The beauty manager made a final decision, "You can come to work tomorrow, and we will have products for you to sell at that time. The first week depends on your sales results. If you don\'t pass, unfortunately, you can only be eliminated."

"Okay, thank you for giving me this opportunity!"

Liu Yi naturally expressed a grateful expression, and said that Nima was really not easy.I heard that graduating from college is equivalent to being unemployed. It is really hard to find a suitable job.Units like Red Star Group are even more in.

It can be said that there is still some luck in entering this company.

Of course, most of them still rely on their own strength, hehe.

"Tomorrow morning at 9 o\'clock, report to the company\'s personnel department, when someone will help you with the onboarding procedures."

The beauty manager said, "Okay, next."

This beautiful manager is really popular!It was so simple that things were done.But this is fine. The Red Star Company does need such talents, so as not to drag on.

But Liu Yi didn\'t plan to finish like this. He gathered up and asked.

"That...leader, can you let me join the job today?"


The beautiful manager looked at Liu Yi puzzledly.

"That... my rent has expired, it is estimated that I can\'t go back... I have been interviewed for several positions at Red Star Company for more than a month, and I really have no money..."

Liu Yi held out his hand, and when he grabbed his pocket, the two pockets added up and left less than thirty yuan.

"That\'s all my property... I think since I\'m a salesman of the company, I should take the company as my home! Eating in the company and living in the company, so that I can have a kind of company and be my own Sense of belonging!"

The beautiful manager looked at Liu Yi with a disdainful look, "You said so much before, but you came here to apply for this job because you have no money?"

"Leader, you are insulting my personality!"

Liu Yiyi said eloquently, "Money is something outside of me, how can I have such an unbearable idea! I really want to be a salesman! Please believe me!"

"Just go, you go to the Personnel Department on the fifth floor, I will arrange someone to apply for you!"

"Then, can I live in the company?"

"The company has staff quarters, but there is no room now."

The beauty manager said, "But if you really don\'t have a place to live, the company can\'t look at you anyway. So, you just sleep in the office first."

What a good leader to post!

Liu Yi really wanted to cry at that moment. After sealing his mana, Liu Yi restored the physical needs of ordinary people, such as eating.

He hadn\'t been able to eat a full meal for several days, and he was really hungry.After all, the money was used to pay the rent, and there were 30 yuan left. I really don\'t know what to do.

If you can solve your accommodation problem, then you can buy a bunch of instant noodles for 30 yuan!

Liu Yi looked at the beautiful manager\'s eyes, full of gratitude.

"Living in the company can also facilitate overtime work."

Who knows the beauty manager\'s words, let Liu Yi directly into hell.

Damn... I have to work overtime when I come to the company.

"Okay, go to the fifth floor and go through the formalities. Once there, go directly to the reception desk on the fifth floor."

After finishing the talk, the beauty manager ignored Liu Yi and began to interview the next candidate.

Liu Yi is also unambiguous. Since things are so smooth, hurry up and get rid of it, so as to avoid long nights.

He went straight out to the fifth floor and out of the elevator, and immediately saw a dignified little girl sitting at the front desk on the fifth floor.

The little girl was in her early twenties, with a ponytail and a clean forehead.

Many beauties look good, but once they show their foreheads they will show their cowardice.But this little girl in front of her is not, her forehead is very beautiful.

The upper body of the girl was wearing a little black suit and a white shirt inside.The collar of the shirt was loosened a few, revealing a deep career line.

Sure enough, the front desk is the face of the company. A good front desk must have a good career line!

Even if it is a Red Star company, it is not exempt.

Liu Yi thought of a mess of things, and then walked towards the front desk.

The front desk nodded at Liu Yi, "Hello, sir, what do you do?"

Liu Yi hurriedly pointed to himself and said, "Hello, hello, I\'m here to go through the onboarding procedures. My name is Liu Yi!"

"Mr. Liu, right, please follow me."

Obviously this pretty little front desk already knew about Liu Yi, she nodded, then turned and led Liu Yi towards it.

Liu Yi glanced at the back, the figure at the front desk was really good, and the bumps were conspicuous.

Especially hips, very stylish, a little tempting under the uniform skirt.

Liu Yi secretly scored a point, how can it be regarded as a 5-point beauty.

Although there are a lot of pretty girls, they are not the majority.5 points of beauty is already very rare. Like Murongdie and Wang Lele, 7 or 8 points of beauty can be regarded as rare.And like Lin Tong, Ai Ling, the daughter of the country Princess Long He, should be considered a 9-point beauty.The legendary Tenjin Emperor should be 10 points of beauty!

The thought of Ai Ling, Liu Yi couldn\'t help but look sad.She, the chick, did not know where she ran, whether she thought of herself, or whether she fell in love with other men and forgot herself.Chick, chick, if you really like me, can you let me know your news?

Uncle, I really want to see you...

Although, at first, the two were attracted to each other only because of the relationship between the spirit veins.But now, the feelings of the two people are very solid, both of which are true feelings, and can\'t be faked.

"It\'s okay, rest assured, the sister Wang in our department is very good."

The front desk saw Liu Yi\'s face, thinking he was worried about getting on the job, so he smiled and comforted, "Not so terrible."

"Ah... thank you..."

Liu Yi did not say anything, but said, "This is the first job in my a little nervous..."

"Well, I know at a glance, you just graduated from college."

The girl at the front desk looked at Liu Yi with a smile and asked.

Although Liu Yi\'s real life is hundreds of years old, his face is still like a guy in his early twenties.

Therefore, the front-end beauty admits that his age is wrong, but Liu Yi will not break this kind of thing.

"Yeah... just\'s a spearhead!"

Liu Yi pretended to smile happily, and touched the back of his head, said, "Senior beauty can take care of me."

"What predecessors of beautiful women call people old!"

The beautiful woman at the front desk smiled and smiled at Liu Yi, "I have a name, OK."

"Dare to ask the name of the beauty!"

Liu Yi bowed his hands, pretending to be the appearance of the ancient heroes, greeting each other.

"Hee hee, look at your serious look. Remember, my name is Yusha."

Yusha\'s smile was a little infectious, which made Liu Yi put aside her defenses.

This woman really suits the front desk.Not only his appearance and figure are of superior quality, but also his mild personality, which is very good.

"Got it, Yusha!"

Liu Yi couldn\'t help but ridicule, "I don\'t know if Yusha has a boyfriend?"

"Whoever asks the girl this kind of question."

Yousha gave Liu Yi another glance, "You are really brave, but it seems that the salesman should have a cheeky face like you. Just think about it, your sister already has a boyfriend!"

"Oh, that\'s a pity!"

Liu Yi hurriedly said, "I also thought that if Yusha had no boyfriend, I would be able to pursue the offensive! It\'s a pity, it\'s a pity!"

"You\'re so slick, it\'s no wonder you came to interview for this job."

Yousha took a sip. "Okay, don\'t talk here, come with me."

Yousha said, reaching for the door of the personnel manager\'s office.

"Please come in."

There was a relatively mature female voice.

Yousha pushed the door and Liu Yi followed.

Sitting in the office is a mature woman, a typical fan sister.

She had gold-rimmed glasses on her face, wearing a little black suit, her hair in a bun, and she was looking down at some documents.

"Sister Wang, this is Liu Yi."

Yusha made an introduction after going in, "I\'ll help him with the onboarding procedures."

"Got it, sit down."

The sister Wang finally raised her head, and Liu Yi couldn\'t help being surprised. turned out to be a pretty young woman.

Unlike the pure beauty of Yusha, this sister Wang has a unique charm of a mature woman, that is, the taste of a young woman.

She had her hair in a bun, her face was beautiful, and her chest was fuller than Yusha.

The most rare thing is what kind of charm in her eyes seems to be a charm, so that men can\'t help being attracted to it.

"Sit down, I am the manager of the personnel department. My name is Wang Chunfang."