Love Dependency Disease

1154 1154 Whose Doomsday

"Amos, you are such a lunatic!"

Queen Ruiwen looked at Amos with a terrified look in her eyes, "It\'s such a way to conquer the world. In this way, humans will definitely be annihilated! Maybe even other species will not survive! Fish species Horror, you know better than anyone!"

"Oh, this is also something that can\'t be helped, and sacrifice is inevitable."

Amos smiled and said, "And the tiny human beings will die when they die. What do you care about? My Majesty, you still have to sort your mood and wait to marry me, the future king of the universe! "

"I think you are a king."

Queen Ruiwen was anxious and even cursed.

"Ruiwen, don\'t make me angry!"

Amos looked sharply, "My patience has been exhausted! Tell you, when you are sleeping, I have placed fish species in all seas, as long as humans use our sea water, they will It is contaminated as a fingerling. Did you see, this little remote control in my hand, as soon as I press it, the fingerling plan will start immediately."

"Asshole! Put down that thing!"

Ruiwen waved the trident in her hand, but no effect appeared.

The trident is no longer valid.

"Damn it!"

Queen Ruiwen really sweated out in a hurry.

"Useless, Queen."

Amos smiled triumphantly, "This cage is not only very strong, but also shields your ability. You can only watch me start the fish seed plan."

At this moment, Liu Yi suddenly stepped forward two steps, grasping both hands on the railing of the cage.

With both hands, the two railings of the cage were suddenly bent.

Amos was taken aback, his eyes almost flew out.

Lying!What is the situation with Nima!

This is a deep-sea cold iron, but it was actually bent by someone\'s hand?

How damn it is!

Amos rubbed his eyes, the cage was still bent there, and Liu Yi came out of the cage.

"Your ambitions are over."

Liu Yi pinched his fist and said to Amos, "You can die quietly."

"who are you?"

Amos watched the fish gills under Liu Yi\'s cheeks slowly disappear, and exclaimed suddenly, "Human, you turned out to be human! Well, Ruiwen, you colluded with humans!"

"He is our creator."

Ruiwen looked at Liu Yi\'s eyes with admiration, "It\'s him who gave us new water and land."

"Damn, the queen is colluding with humans! Damn humans, how do you confuse the queen!"

Amos felt something was wrong, he shouted, "Guard! Guard!"

The door was knocked open, and dozens of elite Atlantis guards with tridents rushed in.

"General! What can I tell you!"

"This man is a human spy! He confused the queen and killed him immediately!"

Amos gave orders to his men.

The guards suddenly rushed over, and the trident in their hands, with the power to cut the space, attacked Liu Yi one after another.

"Get me down!"

Liu Yi yelled, and the palm of his hand suddenly pressed into the void.


The guards lie directly on the ground one by one, they can\'t stand up!

They felt like they had a huge palm pressed against them, so that they struggled anyway and could only stick to the ground.


Amos was taken aback, "What\'s the situation?"

Liu Yi stood there, one hand pressed against the ground and the other pointed at Amos, "I am afraid today is not the end of humanity, but yours."

"Damn humanity!"

Amos was furious, he felt the extraordinary strength of Liu Yi.

"This is in the sea, it\'s my Amos site!"

Amos said, taking two steps back, standing in front of the huge screen, and then the trident poked hard on it.


The screen shattered, and a wave of water poured in from the outside, sweeping across the room.

In an instant, this room became the ocean world, and the whole was filled with sea water!

Several octopus-like tentacles grew on Amos\' body, shaking back and forth.

Each tentacle held a trident, facing Liu Yi together.

"Hahaha, now in the ocean, what can you do to me!"

Amos laughed, and a bunch of small bubbles flew out of his mouth.

Liu Yi frowned and looked at him coldly.

"What if we get into the sea?"

"This is the deep sea. Both pressure and resistance are obstacles you cannot overcome!"

Amos triumphantly, "And you are human, you can\'t breathe freely in the water! Soon you will die in the sea, here is my home!"


Liu Yi snorted, and then closed his eyes, the breath on his body slowly changed.

A pair of dragon horns slowly grew from the top of his head.

Hualong IV.

This is a state that Liu Yi hasn\'t unfolded in a long time, but in this water, it is very easy to use.

At this moment, Liu Yi had a feeling of returning home.

"In the ocean is my home field! See my speed!"

Amos said, with a tentacle flick, the whole person swam freely in the water, "In the sea, I am faster than a shark!"

He instantly arrived in front of Liu Yi, and the trident in his hand pierced Liu Yi\'s chest.

"Go to hell hahaha!"

Suddenly he stabbed an empty space, with nothing in front of him, only the sea water.


Amos was surprised. Where did Liu Yi go?

"It\'s too slow."

Amos turned his head in amazement and found Liu Yi holding his arm and standing behind him.

"How, how is it possible!"

Amos was taken aback, when did the man go behind him, why did he not even realize it!

"Don\'t I just dazzle? Damn, this time I will kill you!"

Amos said that a tentacle grabbed the trident and threw it towards Liu Yi!

Above the trident, naturally with the power of space, it left a long space crack!

And Liu Yi\'s body suddenly flickered and disappeared in the sea water.

The trident flew past and rubbed it on a huge castle, and immediately split the castle in two.


Seeing the power of this trident, Queen Ruiwen couldn\'t help but change her face, "Amos\' strength is really great..."

Amos\'s strength is the highest among Atlantis.Because of this, he was qualified to be the head of the Royal Knights.

But this is the kind of Amos, but there is no way to take Liu Yi.

"too slow."

Liu Yi appeared behind Amos again and said.


Amos found that Liu Yi was faster than himself in the water, and he was shocked and angry.

"Water pressure!"

Amos glowed strangely on the trident in Amos\'s hand, and Liu Yi immediately felt a strange pressure locking himself.

"In the ocean, I can control the water pressure freely!"

Amos said proudly again, "I will use water pressure to suppress you first, and then the huge pressure will slowly squeeze you into a slime!"

With that said, the light above Amos\'s trident was more dazzling.

Liu Yi hugged his arm and floated in front of Amos, his mouth slightly raised, looking at him.

The light above the trident is getting brighter and brighter, and Amos is like holding a few lights in his hands!

"Turn me into puree! Let\'s become puree!"

Amos growled again and again.

The air pressure in the deep sea is like the palm of a giant, pressing Liu Yi\'s body hard, it seems that he really wants to squeeze him into minced meat.

But what is the structure of Liu Yi\'s body?Eighty percent of the energy body, and the Protoss are not dead, so they are not afraid of the deep sea water pressure at all.

"Why haven\'t you died yet?"

Amos frowned, looking at Liu Yi puzzled.

It stands to reason that Amos could even crush a truck into scrap iron, but Liu Yi stood there unharmed, no matter how Amos used his power, he didn\'t fart.

"Impossible! Did my water pressure fail?"

Amos was very puzzled. He controlled the water pressure and cast it against a ruined wall in the distance.


The wall directly turned into rubble, scattered everywhere.

"Obviously effective!"

Amos could not understand why his own water pressure had no effect on Liu Yi.

What went wrong?

Amos stepped up his water pressure, but Liu Yi still stood there, safe and sound, as if the water pressure did not threaten him at all.

"Can you ignore my water pressure?"

"No, your water pressure is too weak."

Liu Yi said bluntly, "Don\'t struggle with such a little strength, humanity is not something you can destroy."

"Don\'t underestimate me, but I am Amos, the most authoritative general of Atlantis!"

Amos growled, "I can even launch a great flood and flood the entire earth!"

"I won\'t let you live until this time, your life is over."

Liu Yi said, has appeared in front of Amos in an instant.

Amos was taken aback and subconsciously retreated.And Liu Yi took a deep breath and then roared!

Water power launches!Liu Yi drove the entire ocean in one gulp, forming a huge current, which impacted on Amos.

Amos was directly sent out by the current, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"No, impossible!"

Amos screamed, his body had been swept away hundreds of meters away in an instant.

Liu Yi pressed a finger on his forehead, almost in the blink of an eye, and chased Amos by his side.

"You, who are you!"

Amos shouted.

"I am your nemesis."

Liu Yi said, pointing at Amos.

A dragon-shaped sword suddenly whizzed out and pierced through Amos directly!

Dragon Sword!

The dragon sword of the dragon form is super powerful in the water!

Through this sword hole, Amos\' half body was torn.

As if being bitten by the dragon, Amos is now physically crippled.But the Atlantis people are tenacious and he is not dead yet.

His eyes were dull, and he looked at his torn body inconceivably.