Love Affairs in Chang'an

Chapter 521

The post-war treatment of Beiting is quite simple because there are precedents to follow. They were sent to Chang'an by mubai of Qin Dynasty. They imitated Zanpu and abandoned Zong of Tubo and became Taiping princes. From then on, they had no chance to return to the western regions.

Perhaps, it is because of such a precedent that yugushi and mushuichuo "dare" to surrender. The Tang Dynasty's kindness to prisoners of war obviously dispels their last worry. In the face of the invincible Kansai army, Beiting Turks chose the latter between the extinction of the ethnic minority country and the surrender of Andu to the Tang Dynasty for the rest of his life.

But for the desert, the mud is ripe. There was a high voice in the Kansai army that he should be "righted" to appease Qin Shubao. In addition, nishuchu also takes the initiative to ask Qin mubai to die. Bo Buqi and Yu Gushe plead with each other, which makes Qin mubai in a bit of a dilemma.

A strong dragon can't beat a local snake. But if there is a local snake to help, the situation will be very different. Qin mubai wanted to sip this man with mud, but his identity was so sensitive that he had to give up for a while. So Qin mubai arranged for him to go home for a while. And sent some people to protect him.

More than 200000 troops surrendered with yuguche and nishukou. This army is a mixture of good and bad. It is mostly the children of civilians from different tribes who are recruited by force. Qin mubai released half of them to their homes and reunited them with their families, which won a lot of applause and praise. Among the rest of the soldiers, Qin mubai selected 50000 excellent soldiers to join the cavalry team of the Kansai army, which further strengthened his team.

Although Qin mubai and others have tried their best to seize the time, they have taken over gongyue city and reorganized and demobilized troops for more than ten days. At this time, the messenger sent to Kang also went back and forth. Qin mubai got in touch with the Soviet Union and learned about the war situation of the Soviet Union in the SAM river.

As early as more than a month ago, the Soviet Union led troops to garrison in the SAM River to resist the invasion of cannibals at any time. Nulman, commander of Dashi, who has been waiting for information on the west side of the river bank, is famous for his fierce fighting style and decisive use of troops, but he is obviously more cautious in the face of the land of western regions that he has never set foot in. Until he learned of the large-scale increase of troops in the east coast of Kang, and didn't get reliable information from the insiders, nurman kept still and stationed troops on the West Bank to wait and see.

Sam river is a river in the north of Kang, which is a natural barrier for the whole western region to the West. The state of Kang garrisoned troops here all the year round and built many military ports for defense. Even though the army of Kang had always been a coward, it was not easy for nurman and a group of dry ducks to break through the waterway and enter the western regions. As a result, nurman worked hard to cultivate the inside line in the state of Kang, in order to cooperate with the outside world and set foot in the western regions.

Now there is no news from the inside, but the east bank has increased its troops by more than 100000. Nurman finds out that the situation has obviously changed. Now, he can only choose to retreat or break through the SAM River by force. However, he no longer knew the commander-in-chief, troops and defense deployment of the other side, which made him very hesitant.

As a result, nurman's troops hesitated to wait and see, and the Soviet side stood still to defend the line. The two sides had been deadlocked on both sides of the SAM river for more than a month, but they didn't launch an arrow or move a soldier, just like two fierce beasts waiting and watching before fighting. In order to get the result.

After learning of this situation, Qin mubai was a little more stable. Before that, he had been worried that the Soviet side, who had a huge military gap and had no idea of the depth of the other side, would not be able to resist nurman, the Arab God of war. What worried him even more was the safety of Wu Meiniang.

Now that Beiting has been eliminated, Qin mubai can go to Kangguo with confidence. But it doesn't mean that things on this side of gongyue city are over.

The South and North courts of the Western Turks are the two largest forces in the western regions. They compete with each other and operate in the western regions. Under their command, they recruited a large number of small countries and tribes in the western regions. Now, there is no doubt that Nanting has become a vassal of the Tang Dynasty. At the beginning of Beiting, Qin mubai must come up with a feasible plan to appease other small countries and tribes.

Qin mubai gave it to the Khan of Nanting.

Qin mubai invited him to gongyue city. He told him that he would go to the imperial court to express the "credit" of Nanting for helping the Tang Dynasty pacify Beiting and conquer the western regions. He asked the emperor of the Tang Dynasty to appoint Bobu Shiqin as the first "governor of Beiting".

That is to say. Qin mubai will not only place the capital of Anxi in Gongyue City, but also set up a "dudufu" to manage the aftermath of the north and South courts. In this way, Bo Bu, a native Han king, became a subordinate official of the Tang Dynasty. He became the "department manager" of Qin mubai.

It would be most appropriate for bobuqin, the Khan king of Turks, to deal with the affairs of Turks.

Bo Bu has always admired Datang by his diligence, and Nanting has always been friendly with Datang. It's too late for him to be happy that the "governor" of the Tang Dynasty may still be awarded a nobility for his meritorious service in the future. So he said yes.

Later, Qin mubai heard that the first thing that Bo Buqi did after he took office was to invite the mud cooked sip. Qin mubai didn't know exactly what method he used and didn't ask. In a word, the former desert owl has become a part-time worker under the "department manager".

According to Qin mubai's plan, he only waited for Zou Biao to arrive at the imperial court. In the next few years, the land of the western regions originally belonging to the north and south two courts will be divided into the States and counties of the Tang Dynasty. That means that there will be no more Turkic Khan and the northern and southern court in the western regions. There are only the feudal officials and prefectures in the Tang Dynasty.In the first battle of Gongyue City, Xue Rengui shocked the enemy's courage, and Qin mubai was bloodless in less than a month. Starting from Gaochang state, the Tang Dynasty went to the western regions for thousands of miles, and completely solved the Western Turks, the most powerful force in the western regions. According to Qin mubai, from then on. The Tang Dynasty will "cover the sky with one hand" in the western regions.

Qin mubai left more than 100000 troops of Bobu Shiqin to guard Gongyue City, and left Xue Rengui, the "God of war" in the eyes of Turks, to assist him in handling the aftermath. Then, Qin mubai personally led more than 200000 troops, took Yuwen Hongtai as the vanguard, and advanced at full speed to Kang juguo, the suzerain state with nine surnames of Zhaowu!

Historically speaking, the nine surnames of Zhaowu are descendants of Dayue. Later, he was mixed with Huns and Sogdians, never belonging to the Central Plains, also different from the Chinese nation. According to Qin mubai's idea, such countries and tribes as the South and North courts of Western Turks have always been enemies of the Tang Dynasty. It must be conquered and integrated. The descendants of Dayue and Sogdians, in terms of historical origin and regional race, are not suitable for conquest and integration, and can only be used as neighbors and auxiliary wings.

There is no question of military difficulty. It involves the international image and foreign policy of the Tang Dynasty. The Tang Dynasty was famous for attacking the West Turks, calming down the South and North courts and integrating the two nationalities. It was invited by the Nanting alliance to send troops. Finally, the Tang Dynasty helped Nanting unify the whole territory of the West Turks. Bo Bu is willing to take part in the Tang Dynasty. All of these make sense.

The nine states of Zhaowu, a descendant of the Dayue family, have always lived alone and had nothing to do with Datang su. If the nine states of Zhaowu were conquered and integrated, the Tang Dynasty would be referred to as the "aggressor". Now, in the name of sending troops, Qin mubai is also "invited" by King Kangju to help friendly neighbors fight against the invasion of Dashi country.

Although Qin mubai did not receive any so-called "invitation letter", there was Wu Meiniang, the first assistant minister in charge of the military and foreign affairs of Kang state. The relationship between Qin mubai and her was the invitation letter.

Li Shimin and Qin mubai talked about the western regions a long time ago. There are many races in the western regions. There are many religions and different beliefs. Therefore, to deal with the western region issue, military affairs are not the first priority, and diplomacy needs to be cautious. When they built the blueprint of the western regions, they agreed on a principle. Diplomatic appeasement is the first, military expedition is the second. Gaochangguo, a small country with a deep relationship with the Han nationality, can conquer, persuade and appease them boldly. It is necessary to strike a strong military attack on the old enemy like western Turks, and the treatment plan is similar to that of Tubo. For the nine countries like kangjuguo and Dawan, we can establish good neighborly and friendly diplomatic relations with them, respect and retain them Their national independence and national integrity made them the left arm and right arm of the Tang Dynasty in the western regions and the first barrier to the Western Arab world.

Qin mubai came from the 21st century, and his understanding of international diplomacy naturally surpassed that of the Tang Dynasty. But Li Shimin also had such a clear understanding, Qin mubai had to admire him very much. Li Shimin, he is brave and wise, but he doesn't like to make great achievements. He criticizes others with high self-esteem. He clearly knew the truth of "two fists are hard to beat four hands" and "contentment is always happiness". No matter how powerful the Tang Dynasty was, the Central Plains was a country based on inland farming in Kyushu. It's a good thing that he can expand his territory as much as possible in his lifetime. However, if we blindly carry out military expansion to the outside world, things will turn out to be the opposite. It is bound to answer the saying that "although a country is big, it will die if it is belligerent.".

Therefore, Li Shimin's blueprint for the western regions was based on the boundary of Congling mountain, which was separated from Dashi and other western countries. To the east of Congling, another country, as a friendly neighbor of the Tang Dynasty, must be needed to help fight against Dashi. In this way, there is not only a military buffer zone, but also a great commercial profit for the Tang Dynasty.

Count with one stone!

According to this calculation, the nine states of Zhaowu, which mainly engaged in business, were undoubtedly the best "partners" in the western regions of the Tang Dynasty.

This is the blueprint of the western regions drawn by Li Shimin and Qin mubai.

According to this blueprint, Qin mubai sketched it one by one.

Now, he has been standing in the capital of Kang juguo, before the city was built. Ready to start sketching, the last stroke of the whole blueprint.

"This is what later generations call Samarkand! ——What a gorgeous and beautiful city Even Qin mubai also exclaimed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!