Love Affairs in Chang'an

Chapter 302

Late at night, the meeting hall was ablaze with lights. In front of the big sand table, Qin Shubao and other soldiers sat around to listen to Qin mubai analyze the situation of our enemies and discuss tactics.

"According to the detailed reports, within one and a half months, the Tibetan army increased five times in a row, with the number of soldiers ranging from 3000 to 7000." Pointing to the area of Qinghai Lake and dafichuan, Qin mubai said, "they are all stationed in the throat of dafichuan. They are close to Qinghai Lake to get water. They have lush grassland and abundant horse material. The total number of troops and horses has reached 60000. It's more than all the troops under the governor's office of Lanzhou. "

At this time, Qin Shubao said: "obviously, after the defeat in Songzhou, Tubo was still angry and wanted to open a breakthrough from Lanzhou, intending to attack quanhelong completely and deal with guhun. Over the past half year, the development and growth of Lanzhou has certainly made them very scared and panicked. They will not allow us to continue to grow. Warfare. It's hard to be quick. Even if we don't attack, the Tubo people will certainly come and harass us. "

"That's what the governor said." Xue Wanjun's voice was still weak. He said, "the end of spring and the beginning of summer have always been a good time for Tubo people to leave the plateau and plunder Datang Prefecture and county. They are not the same as the Turks before them. Turks usually rob only after autumn, because at that time we just harvested grain and fattened cattle and sheep. Tubo people are more barbaric than Turks. They prefer to destroy and destroy. The end of spring and the beginning of summer is the key time for the busy farming in the Central Plains. They like to invade at this time, in order to destroy our farming and grassland. Transportation on the plateau is not convenient, so they can't rob many things. So destruction became their favorite thing to do. Now that Tubo is constantly increasing its troops, it's time to start a war, as it used to be. In addition, recently they suffered a big defeat in Songzhou, and they were severely repaired by the major general in Shanzhou. Can you take revenge

When people heard Xue Wanjun's words, they understood them. He deliberately emphasized that "the major general was repairing the Tubo people in Shancheng". Obviously, he was courting the Qin family father and son. He didn't avoid mentioning embarrassing things. This number, also let him show some mind.

Qin Mu Bai nodded to him with kindness and said, "what general Xue said is true. Since the Tubo people are bound to invade, it's better for us to take the initiative. Attack is the best defense

"But our troops are inferior to those of Tubo, and now they are scattered in three places. The front line of Shancheng is less than 20000 people. How can we use our troops?" Some generals raised doubts.

"There are not many soldiers, but the essence. As long as it is used properly, it is not difficult to win more with less. " Qin mubai said, "this time, we will not only take the initiative to block the disaster of the war in Lanzhou and dafichuan, but also pull out the poisonous tooth embedded in us - to drive the Tubo people out of dafichuan!"

"Ah?" People can't help but be surprised, "it's impossible!"

Xue wanche immediately raised an objection: "young general, our army is few and the enemy is numerous. If we say that the field battle is strong against the enemy for a while, we will have confidence in this. If we want to stick to the city step by step, it is no less. However, it's not that the soldiers of Tubo have never been cowards

"Indeed." Xue Wanjun answered and said, "the governor is here. You must know the fighting power of Tubo as well. Historically, it would be nice for our cavalry to be equal to those of Tubo cavalry in terms of equal confrontation. If the two armies fight head-on, our cavalry is usually used to plunder the formation, but most of them are still used to fight it with the infantry formation of Modao. If we fight in this way, we will not be twice as good as the enemy. We dare not say that we have an absolute chance of winning. Today, the 60000 iron cavalry in Tubo are mostly elite soldiers. They have failed twice, burning with anger and eager for revenge, and their strength is appalling. All of our troops add up to less than 50000. How can we gather and annihilate these 60000 troops and seize dafeichuan? "

"The two generals deserve to be veteran generals on the battlefield. They have rich experience and know the enemy like the back of my hand." Qin mubai laughed. He wanted to satirize that he was so afraid of fighting when he calmed down Tuyuhun a few years ago. He just thought about it and left some face for him. Instead, he said, "but the two generals also said that such a comparison of combat power is under the general situation of equal fighting. Obviously, there is no need for us to fight it. Isn't it the art of war, the tactics, the strange weapons and the strange warfare that are used to deal with such a war in front of us

"Sanro, don't play the game. Talk about your tactics." Qin Shubao said.

"Yes, father Shuai." Qin mubai took a stick, pointed to the terrain of dafichuan and said, "please see, the terrain of dafichuan leading to Shancheng is plain grassland. It's extremely beneficial for the Tibetan cavalry to give full play to their advantages. Therefore, we can't fight head-on with them unless we have to. We have to find ways to limit their cavalry impact advantage. My idea is to lie in ambush on all sides and suspect the enemy's tactics, so that the Tubo people will not move forward and withdraw to dafichuan to defend their camp

"Ambush on all sides, suspecting the plan of the army?" All the generals were surprised.

"Not bad!" Qin mubai said, "it's not the throat of Sichuan. Although the terrain is flat, there are hills on both sides of the road, so we can ambush our troops. I plan to let Xue Rengui lead a group of elite cavalry to challenge the Tubo people and lay an ambush for us. Ten ambushes, without cavalry, were covered with infantry on both sides of the hill from dafichuan to Shancheng. Strong bows, hard crossbows, wooden stones and firegrass were often used. When our army is ready, we will send a message gun to Xue Rengui in front of him and let him return by feigning defeat. When the Tubo pursuers come, our army will neither attack nor shoot an arrow, but will beat the drums and think that the Tubo will retreat in horror. ""Just scared off? Why not ambush? " The general questioned.

"Our army is small, but Tubo is large. Due to the lack of vegetation, low hills, unfavorable fire attack and weak ambush, the terrain of dafeichuan is unable to carry out a devastating attack on the enemy. Moreover, as long as the war here is not good. The nearby Tubo army will pour out to rescue. This short distance is nothing to the impact of their cavalry. At that time, we will be passive. " Qin mubai said, "so we have to scare them off first. Then, let Xue Rengui challenge, if Tubo doesn't come out. It's best to cheat again and scare back again. If they see through our frightening tactics and continue to chase and fight hard, they will have ten ambushes and ten bluffs along the way. Who can stand it? Besides, I'll send another elite soldier to meet Xue Rengui at the end of the ambush, just in case something happens. "

"If the Tubo people get angry and go to kill the ambush on both sides?" The public will continue to question.

"Don't we have strong bows and crossbows, wood and stone? Not enough to be devastating. But self insurance is absolutely more than enough. And as long as they dare to take risks, Xue Rengui will be able to wave the army to cover up and kill them. At that time, it's hard to look after the beginning and the end. Can Tubo people really fly to heaven and become immortals? " Qin mubai said.

The generals couldn't help laughing. Qin Shubao said, "Tubo people can't attack our army's ambush. They are cavalry. It's a taboo for cavalry to attack from the bottom to the top of the slope. They will never do that. Moreover, they did not know how many people were lying in ambush on the mountain. Unless the general of Tubo is crazy. Otherwise, I would not do such a thing. "

"What the governor said is true! In this way, the arrangement of the young general is really ingenious. " All the generals nodded in praise.

"Ambush on all sides, scare off several times, I don't believe that Tubo people are so stupid, they will kill again and again." Qin mubai said, "at this time. It's time for a decisive battle. We were stuck in the narrow throat of dafichuan. We quickly built barracks and arrow towers. We gave full play to the advantages of our infantry and crossbow soldiers. We turned attack to defense and restricted the battlefield to dafichuan first. This is what the art of war says. We restricted the battlefield to dafichuan. In this way, our army will remain invincible and take the initiative. It's easy to use the meter again. "

"What's next?" All the generals asked curiously.

Qin mubai smiles a little, but it's a bit mysterious: "when the time comes, I will adjust measures to local conditions, and naturally I will have another clever plan to defeat the enemy. Call the Tubo army, lose their helmets and armor, lose their souls, and go back to the plateau

The general was stunned. But it's not easy to ask further. All along, such a key military deployment is a high-end military secret, and it is reasonable that the chief general does not make it clear to the deputy general in advance.

"How many men and horses will that take?" Xue Wanjun asked.

"There are more than 10000 people in ambush. Xue Rengui rode two thousand horses in Yifu and three thousand all the way. At most, thousands of miscellaneous and reserve troops will be used. The total number of troops is 20000. That's enough Qin mubai said with a smile, "not many, not many. It's just the total number of the front line of Shancheng plus the soldiers and horses of Yifu."

"Plus the hard work, the fire and the backup, a total of 20000?" All the generals looked at each other in disbelief.

Even Qin Shubao had to question: "if you want to strangle him and make him unable to enter, there will be 20000 people. I believe it can be done. However, if we want to expel and win the 60000 troops of Tubo and seize their barracks, is it impossible? "

"Certainly." Qin mubai nodded in affirmation, "father Shuai, please believe me!"

The generals' faces became serious together. They looked at Qin mubai and Qin Shubao, waiting for the father and son to make a decision.

"It seems that you are the only one in charge of this battle? Sanlang, you're in charge of the attack on dafeichuan, right Qin Shubao said.

"No, father. He can only talk on paper, command such a big campaign, and dispatch troops to dispatch generals. You can't use it unless you are a general. Let general Xue Wanjun be in charge Qin mubai said.

"What?" All of them were shocked, and Xue Wanjun was even more frightened. He said, "young general, Xue is a defeated general..."

Qin mubai interrupted him with a wave of his hand and said with a smile: "it is because he is a defeated general that he knows his shame and then he is brave. General Xue. With your talent, you can do it. Qin in zuoweiwei is just a general in Yi's mansion, who can't command the whole army. You are from the third grade general. It's appropriate for you to command. Father Shuai was the leader of Lanzhou, and had to stay at the governor's office to command the overall situation. Therefore, you are the only choice for the commander in chief of this war. "

"Xue Wanjun Thank you, general Xue Wanjun stood up excitedly. He bowed to Qin mubai.

People with a clear eye can see that Qin mubai intentionally took care of Xue Wanjun at this time, which is a great achievement. His strategy and tactics have been explained very clearly, and there is no very complicated place to implement them. As long as there are no big mistakes in the implementation, our army can be invincible - this is a great achievement!

As for how to win a decisive victory in the end, Qin mubai said that he "has his own clever plan". Can he not give it to Xue Wanjun at that time? This is to take care of him naked!

"Why did general Xue say that? We are all ministers in the same hall and generals in the same army. But if we want to work together for our country, how can we thank you? " Qin mubai replied with a smile and said, "father Shuai, general Xue Wanjun has not recovered from his serious injury. It's better to make general Xue wanche his deputy. It is enough to use the soldiers of Shancheng to lay an ambush. Finally, with Xue Rengui, Yuwen Hongtai and other generals, he led the elite cavalry of the Yi family to help. At that time, we will be able to win dafichuan sooner or later, if we can't reach ShanchengQin Shubao stood up, his sword eyebrows slightly locked, stroked his long beard, and solemnly said, "I'll just sit down and wait for your success!"

All the generals got up together and said in a deep voice: "please don't worry, governor!"

Late at night, father and son are still sleeping. Qin Shubao hesitated in his heart and couldn't sleep. He just got up and lit the lamp, and woke up Qin mubai.

"Why don't father go to bed early?"

"Sanro, it's not that I don't believe you. I'm still worried." Qin Shubao said, "if I do it myself. Not so worried. You said you When you ride with 20000 steps, you can really defeat the 60000 elite Tibetan cavalry and win dafeichuan? "

"Dad, if I didn't scare you and Xue Wanjun and others, I would only use 10000 people!" Qin mubai said half jokingly and half seriously, "you can sleep at ease. Sooner or later, I will let you get the good news in the governor's office! "

"Stinky boy, do you want to play tricks on your father? What's the plan? " Qin Shubao was a little angry.

"Hey, you'll know tomorrow, sleep first, sleep first!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!