Love Affairs in Chang'an

Chapter 252

In the early morning of the next day, Qin mubai arranged a warship to invite Xiao Yu and some of his accompanying officials and craftsmen on board to investigate the topography of the Xihe River.

When he arrived at the fork of the river port and wanted to change to the small edge boat, Xiao Zhen's legs trembled and he was afraid. If such a small boat falls into the river by accident, it will not be killed if someone escorts it, but it is too shameful. So he sat in the cabin carefully, holding his breath, and didn't dare to move his butt. It made the whole boat laugh.

Several shuttlecocks passed through the harbor road for an hour, turning the heads of Xiao Yu and others dizzy, and finally reached shizipo. Xiao Zhen had been silly for a long time. When he got off the ship, he kept wiping his forehead with cold sweat and murmured: "with such a complex terrain and vertical and horizontal harbor bend, how can the ships, chariots and horses carrying stone and building materials get in? Don't they all have to get lost? If you want to build a Royal Cemetery and palace here, it's just a dream! "

"Mr. Xiao, do you know that what you said is true?" Qin mubai stamped his foot and pointed to the ground. "The river is crisscross and the swamp is vast. It's just one of them. The ground here is full of hard stones. If you want to build a palace here, you can't even bury the foundation. How can you do it? Moreover, if you want to build a palace on the top, it will certainly collapse the underground palace below. Therefore, if it is not for the miraculous work that takes years, it will never be possible to do so. "

Xiao Zhen picked up a stone and knocked it hard on the ground. He shook his head in embarrassment: "it's really a hard stone. It must have been when Yang Guang built his mausoleum here. The top wall of the underground palace has been consolidated with large stones. Now it's really impossible to build a palace above it. "

"So we have to change the plan." Qin mubai said, "in fact, this used to be a Snake Island, where tens of thousands of snakes lived."

"What?" Xiao Yu was so shocked that he almost jumped up and yelled, "snake!"

"Don't panic, Mr. Xiaoge. Listen to your humble position and finish what you have to say." Qin mubai could not help laughing. "In the past half a month, I've sent nearly a thousand civilian men and soldiers who are good at catching snakes to drive away the snakes on the island. I've also sprinkled a lot of snake repellent powder on the whole island. Now, there are not many snakes on the island."

"Oh, I see, I see..." Xiao Zhen still some fear of wiping his forehead, murmured. "No wonder you haven't started construction. You are dealing with the snake trouble on the island."

"Exactly." Qin mubai said, "if you don't deal with these animals, in case you bite the prince or the king of Jiangxia, it's a bad thing, don't you think? ——We just talked about changing the plan. Old Xiao Ge, would you like to hear your humble opinion

"Well, you say." Xiao Xun nodded.

"Despicable duty means to clean up the island, plant grass, flowers and trees, lay carpets, and build temporary sacrificial platform for the festival. As for the river course, I can use the corvee to collect the civilian men and dig a river course that can pass through the big warships and go straight here. At that time, the prince and the king of Jiangxia will not be allowed to take the shuttle boat. What do you think? "

"Good is good But, after all, this is the mausoleum of emperor Yang, so it's arranged hastily? " Xiao Yu still has some indomitable ways.

Qin mubai moved his eyes, motioned him to one side, and said in a low voice: "Mr. Xiao, please forgive me for my humble duty. Although Yang Guang was the son of heaven, he was also the king of the former dynasty. The reason why his majesty is willing to offer sacrifices to him is that he is broad-minded and magnanimous, and also for the sake of passing on the imperial seal. Do you think your majesty really adores and likes Yang Guang? That's absolutely impossible! You are Yang Guang's brother-in-law. Your identity is sensitive. The emperor sent you to preside over the sacrifice ceremony to show his selflessness. However, if you are too serious and make this sacrifice grand, and its scale even exceeds that of the former Emperor Wude Gaozu, will your majesty be happy? At that time, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty still said that you, Xiao Ge, were always the adherents of the former Sui Dynasty, and that you would never forget Yang Guang who had conquered the country? That's not good! "

After listening to Qin mubai's words, Xiao's face didn't change much. After all, he is also an old man who has been in court for decades. Although he is straightforward and strong, it doesn't mean he is really stupid. He is very good at hiding his emotions when he encounters key problems.

"General Qin, I think you are worried too much." Xiao said, "it's true that Yang Guang is my brother-in-law, but isn't he also the cousin of the Emperor today? I have no other choice but to do what the emperor orders me to do. If someone really speculates and criticizes me for this, I will not be afraid, let alone take it to heart. "

Qin Mu Bai blinked his eyes and said in his heart: old fox, what a tough mouth!

"But then again, the plan made by the old minister in Chang'an did not know the terrain in advance. Moreover, three months is too hasty. However, if you don't do any of the three plans I have made - Qinghe Road, Jianming hall, and practice yuan, I will overthrow them all. It's too unreasonable. " Xiao Xuan twisted his eyebrows, stroked his long beard, and said, "well, I won't embarrass you. You also want me to explain to the emperor. Let's make a compromise. "

"What plan?" Qin mubai asked."It's not necessary to clean up all the river channels for the time being. As you said, it's enough to dig a river channel that can enter large warships. The prince and the king of Jiangxia can also be spared, but at that time, if the two of them ask questions... " Xiao Zhen stopped talking.

"Don't worry, I'm responsible." Qin mubai said coldly, "what else, go on."

"What's more, I don't mind setting up a temporary altar. But in the future, the Ming Palace will be built sooner or later. As for how to build it, it's the business of the craftsmen. You don't need to worry about it, general Qin. " Xiao Yu said, "what's more, you're just acting as an assassin, aren't you?"

Qin mubai can't help but feel a little annoyed. Xiao Zhen really wants to save face, regardless of other people's feelings. No wonder his popularity is so bad. But at the moment, it's really meaningless to quarrel with him. It's better to promise him.

"All right. That's all we have to do. " Qin Mu nodded and said, "when the king of Wu comes back, I will hand over the state affairs to him. For now, I'm just going to build a temporary altar. "

"Well, that's it!" Xiao Zhen corrected the color and said in a loud voice, "return!"

"Mr. Xiaoge, don't you want to go into the underground palace and worship emperor Yang?" Qin mubai asked deliberately.

Xiao Xun put on a face: "he was the king of the former Sui Dynasty, and I was the Minister of the Tang Dynasty. Do you have a private worship ceremony? ——Stop talking nonsense and go back! "

Qin mubai and the people beside him were both in tears and couldn't laugh. They all scolded in their hearts: if Yang Guang, your brother-in-law, heard this, he would have to jump up and tear your mouth! Xiao Yu is really a troublemaker. No wonder he is often demoted!

In the next two months, Xiangzhou was busy. The state government dispatched corvee and used more than 20000 civilian workers to dig rivers day and night. A large more than 20 mile long river connects the Hanjiang River directly to the Shek Po slope, and the former "Qi Feng Wutong Mountain" is directly razed to the ground. The

river was designed by Qin Mubai himself, and the Wutong Mountain was flatten.

At that time, the site of the mausoleum must have been chosen by the geomancy experts, and the mausoleum site must have been artificially reconstructed, which made it full of the spirit of heaven and man.

It is true that emperor Qi and Feng Shui did not take advantage of the stability of the Tang Dynasty. It's one thing to believe it or not, but since Li Ke knows about it, Qin mubai will explain it to him at that time. It makes sense for him to go to the emperor. In the final analysis, it was all for the emperor's relief.

In fact, Qin mubai did a good job for the Tang Dynasty.

But it's strange. After being flattened from Wutong Mountain, most of the waterbirds in the Xihe trough were gone. Is it true, as Li Ke said, that the snake is dragon shaped and the emperor's Qi is strong?

Work has also begun on the stone slope. Innumerable prismatic boats pass through the river day and night, transporting plants, flowers and building materials. Although it is only a "temporary altar", the scale is not small. On the stone slope, where there was no grass, ten thousand stones and soil were removed and replanted. The towering forest of Steles, the stone path made of white marble, and the murals of stone man's palace in Shima. It's all available.

Two months later, the small stone slope is almost "changed the world.". Once a barren and desolate area, now it almost becomes a secluded place like a paradise without losing its solemnity and magnificence.

In the past two months, Qin mubai was very busy. But he was not busy in vain. If he was not careful, he made a small fortune.

Xiangzhou such a big project, spent tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians, but a lot of money every day to eat and drink. Xiao Zhen brought a lot of money from Chang'an that the imperial court set aside for sacrifice. Of course, he had to be responsible for the basic necessities of life of the corvee men and the craftsmen. thus. The hundreds of thousands of stone grain and salt in Qin mubai's hands will have a market.

Instead of going to other states and counties to buy food, it's better to use what you have nearby! Nearly 20000 soldiers and civilians who participated in the project had to eat 400 stones a day, 12000 stones a month and 25000 stones in two months.

So Qin mubai took the money from Xiao Yu in his left hand, gave him the grain and salt in his right hand, and then put the money into his pocket.

The money is easy and comfortable, without paying taxes and worrying about bad debts. Even stores and manpower are saved. After two months, more than two million yuan can be easily obtained.

Although the money is not much, it is enough to set up shops and pay rent.

If you want to talk about the store, Qin mubai has already looked at it. Not elsewhere, they are the two most prosperous shops in the most bustling city of Xiangyang, namely, Zhengchang grain shop and Yongye salt shop, the two big shops that Duan Rongji and Ouyang Jun had previously run across the street!

After Duan Rongji, ouyangjun and Zhao Chong were arrested together, the two prosperous shops were sealed by the prefecture government, and the houses and shops were taken over by the government. These days, businessmen from far and near have to break through the threshold of the state capital. Looking for all kinds of ways to set up or rent these two stores, they failed.

The reason is very simple. Li Ke and Qin mubai had an agreement, but it was left for Wu Meiniang! Qin mubai had been waiting for Wu Meiniang to come to Xiangzhou, where she could open a shop again, but from then on she had to hang up the name of "Wu" family.These two shops are not small, especially in the extremely hot shops, the rent is quite expensive. Qin mubai, a poor official, couldn't afford to pay the rent, so the shop remained vacant.

Now it's all right. All the grain sold to Xiao Zhen is cash. When you get the money. Qin mubai didn't give it to Cao Zheng, the capital of Xiangzhou, and paid the rent for five years.

Of course, "discount" is a must.

Qinghe Road, built the altar, sold grain, and set up the storefront. In two months, Qin mubai was like playing the pipa, pushing his hand for the Pipa and guiding his hand for the pipa. He had a lot of fun.

Xiangzhou discovered the mausoleum of emperor Yang and held a grand ceremony. It soon spread all over the world. Many visitors and officials came to watch the event. It's like now we are going to hold a large-scale sports meeting or Expo in a certain city, which has attracted numerous business opportunities.

Xiangzhou is originally a port city with active commercial ports. There is an endless stream of business travelers all year round. At present, there are more and more boats berthing at the port day and night, or loaded with goods or pedestrians.

Two months later, the inns in the port city north of Xiangyang are full day by day. Even the old bustard and girls in YingYuan are restless at night. Pain and happiness.

When the officials of yincao came to show Qin mubai the tax account, their faces would be rotten with laughter. He said that since the founding of the Tang Dynasty, Xiangzhou has never been so busy or collected so many taxes.

"Compared with the previous year, the tax revenue of this month is more than three times that of that time!"

Qin mubai just laughed and said in secret: who would have thought that Zhao Chong had just given me some maps hidden in the night incense bucket, and now the whole Xiangzhou would be detonated? This should be Li Ke's achievements, right Well, the emperor sent me to assist Li Ke. That's my achievement. Yes, yes, the blind cat dragged the dead mouse!

A few days later.

Qin mubai went back to the military mansion to take care of some military affairs. Just sat down not long, two soldiers rushed to the military house to find Qin mubai, said that the king of Jiangxia had arrived in Xiangzhou!

Qin mubai was shocked: No, it's coming so soon. It's half a month before the sacrifice! Besides, shouldn't King Jiang Xia come with the prince at the same time? If they want to come, can they not call in advance and let us meet them?

"General Qin. Xiao Ge asked the villain to invite the general to the post house to meet his Royal Highness the king of Jiangxia! Please get ready and go ahead! " The sergeant said anxiously.

"Not bad." Qin mubai had to get on his horse and head for Xiangyang County.

When he arrived at the post, Qin mubai saw the car in the courtyard. But Qin mubai didn't think much about the common purple green car used by princes and princes. When you enter the post office, go through the three-way corridor and come to the outside of the hall, you happen to hear Xiao Yu say:

"Lord, you and the prince are all arranged. Please move later, and you will be more comfortable there."

"No harm." The voice of Li daozong, the king of Jiangxia, was as loud and heroic as ever. He laughed twice and said, "Mr. Xiaoge, you must have had a bad time in Xiangzhou. Is it hard that Qin mubai didn't treat you well? You look like this. Tut Tut, you're yellow and thin, and you're full of scabies. Aren't you bitten by mosquitoes? "

"Oh, don't mention it!" Xiao Yu gave a bitter smile and turned to talk. "I really have something to ask the Lord for."

"What's the matter?"

"That is The conflicts between the prince and the prince were all transformed by the expropriated houses. Moreover, these two houses were left by Duan Rongji and Ouyang Jun, the former criminals in the Xiangzhou case. " Xiao Yu's voice dropped a little, as if embarrassed. He whispered, "if there's something wrong, please forgive me."

"Let me and the prince live in the prisoner's old house?" In Li daozong's voice, there was some unhappiness.

Qin mubai twisted his brow a little annoyed. Standing by the window outside the door, I didn't go in. I just want to hear what Xiao Yu wants to say. Most of the soldiers outside the gate knew Qin mubai, so they didn't dare to publicize it.

"This In fact, this is not the intention of the old minister. " Xiao said, "before that, the old minister insisted on building the line between the prince and the prince. But Qin Mu Bai had to disagree, saying that it was too late for him to spend so much money. Qin mubai is a local official, holding power. The old minister is a man under the eaves and has to bow his head. So it's only up to him. "

"Oh, you are suing Qin mubai, old Xiao Ge!" Li daozong burst out laughing.

Qin mubai was able to hear a hint of teasing in his laughter, as if he was teasing Xiao.

"Well, this I don't mean it, I don't mean it! " Xiao Yu's performance was also very strange, and he suddenly turned back and begged for mercy.

"Old Xiao Ge, you are not ashamed!" ——All of a sudden, a clear and tactful female voice with a few domineering and charming voices rang out in the hall!

Qin mubai is too familiar with this voice. Hearing this, he trembled in his heart for a moment - "my darling, I said that the king of Jiangxia came ahead of time. He must have been fooled by this girl!"Who else? ——Of course, it's Princess Gaoyang and little devil ling'er!

"Er!..." Princess, why do you say this? Xiao Zhen was scolded by Princess Gaoyang, and some of them asked back.

"You are the prime minister, or the Shangguan appointed by your father to be in charge of the sacrificial ceremony. How can you say that" people have to bow their heads under the eaves "? Dare to love mubai? He's still arrogant and bullying you? Or are you too incompetent to control even the officials in Xiangzhou? " Princess Gaoyang said, "in other words, Xinjian Xingyuan is really a waste of money. Mubai is a parent official in Xiangzhou, so it's right to think about the local people. Do you think he did something wrong? Do you want him to plunder and torture all the people in Xiangzhou in order to please the prince's elder brother and uncle Jiangxia? Isn't it that cutting out the flesh is not worth the loss? In this way, even if the prince's brother and the king's uncle live in the new Xingyuan mansion, can they live at ease? Thanks to you, you are still a veteran of the three dynasties, and you often have the name of a minister of stocks. You don't understand this kind of truth. If you let your father know, do you think he praised mubai or refuted you? "

"Ha ha!" Li daozong, the king of Jiangxia, burst out laughing. "Gao Yang, your clever mouth is more and more fierce. I want to ask, "is there a difference between praising and refuting Mr. Xiao?"

"It is." Princess Gaoyang was so powerful that she didn't give Xiao any chance to speak. She chased after Xiao Sheng and said, "what's wrong with the prisoner's residence? After the investigation, it will be the official of the Tang Dynasty. We are the royal family. It's very suitable for us to live in an official house. I feel that there is nothing wrong with mubai. Old Xiao Ge. As soon as you enter the door, you are anxious to speak ill of mubai. Did he offend you somewhere? Or, when you see that he is too capable, you are afraid that he will be too eager to destroy his prestige because he will cover your limelight? WOW! Mr. Xiaoge, you were not the kind of person who was jealous of talents and abilities before. How did you become like this now? "

"Well Well This, this Xiao Zhen was so busy that she couldn't speak when Princess Gaoyang called. She was so worried that she could not speak.

"Well, Gaoyang, please forgive Xiao Ge!" Li daozong laughs. He came out and said, "he didn't say anything bad about Qin mubai. He just talked about the matter. Look at you. You haven't been married yet, so you're facing other people. If one day I accidentally scold Qin mubai and you don't stab me with a knife? "

"Hee hee, of course not!" Princess Gaoyang began to act coquettishly and said, "the king of Jiangxia is such a lovely little old man, where am I willing to stab him with a knife? At most Bite with your teeth

Qin mubai could not help laughing outside the door. Then he turned around and walked in. He said with a smile, "it seems that I've come at the right time. We have a good chat!"

"Wow, mubai, you're here at last!"

Princess Gaoyang immediately jumped up with excitement. Without hesitation, she threw away Li daozong's elbow and flew at Qin mubai!


On one side, Xiao RuRu was granted amnesty. He wiped a cold sweat on his forehead, grinned bitterly at Li daozong, and said in a low voice, "I'm not afraid of heaven or earth. Even the Dragon scales on the emperor's neck dare to reach out and uncover three pieces. Only I'm afraid of the girl

"How dare you slander Qin mubai in front of him? I don't know what to do Li daozong said in a low voice, "I advise you to be careful from now on. If you were the girl recorded on the revenge, it can be miserable! ——Don't look at me like that, and don't expect me to help you. In the world, only two people can deal with that girl. One is in Chang'an; the other is in this room. "

Xiao's old face trembled, and his heart began to feel up and down. , the fastest update of the webnovel!