Lost Lovers

Chapter 306:

However, Tang Sihuang only had joy and relief in his heart. Regardless of whether this space will bring any trouble to Tang Miao, now he can be regarded as the half owner of the space. If there is anything, he can share it for Tang Miao.

Both of them are rational people. The two walked around the warehouse, took a hot bath and had a full meal, left the space in a hurry and continued on their way.

I met Zombie again, Tang Miao did not want to entangle with them, and took out a machine gun to fire. However, his body was really weak, so the two walked very slowly along the way.

Until the next morning, Tang Miao and Tang Sihuang finally returned to the base. At the time of the clearance, Tang Sihuang got out of the car with Tang Miao and walked into the inspection room. Tang Miao wasn\'t so weak that he couldn\'t even walk, but Tang Sihuang thought he was too slow.

Tang Miao felt that his skin was thicker, and even though everyone who came in and out looked at him, he was at ease, but then his attention was diverted by other things.

The people in the base seemed to be debilitated, and the base\'s defensive strength seemed to weaken. He also found that two of the soldiers guarding the city were powers. He doesn\'t know other powers, but those two powers happen to be the two he\'s ever seen.

He exchanged a look with Tang Sihuang. The two remained calm, checked, and immediately drove home. The old man used to stay near the entrance, but he didn\'t see him today. This situation is very rare.

Just after walking out, Tang Chun ran over face to face-they had already greeted the staff at the entrance. If they saw Tang Sihuang and Tang Miao appear, they would send someone to tell them.

It turned out that when Tang Xin returned, they immediately took a doctor to the neighboring city to see Tang Sihuang and Tang Miao, but after they found out that the two of them had left, they had no choice but to return to the base before making plans.

However, when they returned to the base, they discovered that something had happened at the base. A group of evolutionary zombies invaded the base from a relatively weak defensive force on the west side. The base suffered heavy casualties. In order to strengthen the defense, the upper level of the base sent powers to defend the city. Because treatment was raised again, many abilities who had concealed their abilities joined the army.

Entering the villa, Tang Miao saw an unfamiliar woman sitting in the living room, with pretty short hair and a white coat, rummaging for seeds while reading a magazine. When she heard the voice, she raised her head, and then revealed her face. It seemed very interesting to see Tang Sihuang holding Tang Miao. She smiled, stood up, and did not forget to grab a melon seed and put it in her pocket.

Tang Miao couldn\'t help but twitch her mouth.

"This is the person who needs to see a doctor? I am a doctor in the base, Yun Shen."

Tang Sihuang didn\'t say a word, put Tang Miao on the sofa, and signaled Yun to examine deeply. Yun Shen nodded deeply and didn\'t make nonsense, grabbing Tang Miao\'s wrist. This trick caused everyone to look at her unexpectedly, but did not expect this to be a Chinese medicine practitioner.

Tang Wen seemed to see Tang Sihuang\'s suspicions, saying: "Yun Shenshen is an apprentice of Academician Liu Zhongqiu of the Medical College of University B."

The head of Tang Sihuang, Liu Zhongqiu is a celebrity in the medical field. He has also seen it on television and newspapers many times, and his apprentice must not be worse.

Yun Shen is a personal matter. Tang Wen did not deliberately lower her voice. She understood that these people were skeptical of her level, and she still did not change her face. She let go of Tang Miao\'s wrist and said, "This little master is fine It\'s just that he\'s a little weak, so there\'s no need to prescribe medicine. If conditions permit, he should have more nutrition in his diet and sleep more. "

Tang Sihuang declined to comment, Wei Wei nodded his head and signaled Tang Wen to send off the guest.

不 There are not many doctors in the base, and there are fewer good doctors. Maybe they will be asked any time. This cannot be offended. These two days have been entertaining and delicious. Tang Wen also prepared her with ten pounds of rice and two bags of collected sanitation. For women in the last days, this health guard is a treasure. Yun Shen deepened his eyes, smiled at Tang Wen, and sent an air kiss.

Tang Wen took her to the door and asked Tang Yi and Tang San to **** her to the place of work.


"The Lost Lover" Volume III Evolutionary Crisis 202 Prelude to leave WH City

"Sir, young master, drink a glass of water first," Tang Wen poured two cups of tea for Tang Miao and Tang Sihuang. "The food will be ready soon."

"Thank you Uncle Wen." Tang Miao relaxed on the sofa, and habitually looked at Tang Sihuang.

Tang Sihuang sat down beside him and looked at his face carefully before asking: "How do you feel?"

Tang Miao first glanced at Tang Xin subconsciously before seeing that he had no unpleasant reaction before he said, "It\'s okay, but I have no strength."